7 research outputs found

    Effect of rain-shield cultivation system on biological and production characteristics and fruit quality of blackberry cv. ʼČačanska bestrnaʼ (Rubus subg. Rubus Watson)

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je uticaj polutunelskog sistema gajenja na najznačajnije fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja i zrenja), parametre vegetativnog (broj izdanaka po žbunu, visina i prečnik izdanka) i generativnog (broj rodnih grančica, cvasti i plodova po izdanku, prinos) potencijala, pomološke osobine (morfometrija ploda, hemijski sastav i organoleptička ocena ploda), kao i na pojavu sive truleži ploda sorte kupine ‘Čačanska bestrna’. Analizirana je i korelacija između količine šećera u plodu i stepena depigmentacije tokom čuvanja zamrznutih plodova, uporednim proučavanjima sa sortama kupine ‘Loch Ness’ i ‘Chester Thornless’. Istraživanja su obavljena u proizvodnom zasadu kupine od 2011. do 2013. godine u ekološkim uslovima Čačka po standardnoj metodologiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najveći broj analiziranih parametara bio uslovljen sistemom gajenja i ekološkim uslovima u periodu ispitivanja, kao i njihovom interakcijom. Ispitivani sistem gajenja nije uticao na odstupanja u početku fenofaza cvetanja i zrenja dvogodišnjih izdanaka u odnosu na standardni sistem. U pogledu parametara vegetativnog potencijala, veći broj i dužina izdanaka utvrđeni su kod kupine gajene u polutunelskom, a veći prečnik izdanka u standardnom sistemu gajenja. Poređenjem dobijenih rezultata svih ispitivanih parametara generativnog potencijala kupine, veće vrednosti su dobijene kod polutunelskog sistema gajenja. Morfometrijske osobine ploda kupine, izuzev mase ploda, bile su uslovljene značajnim uticajem sistema gajenja i veće vrednosti svih pomenutih osobina utvrđene su u uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine. U uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine dobijene su veće vrednosti za sve parametre biohemijskog sastava ploda, izuzev za sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i sadržaj vanilinske kiseline. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili prisustvo flavonola kvercetina i dominantno prisustvo antocijana cijanidin-3-glukozida u plodu kupine. Među detektovanim fenolnim jedinjenjima, u plodu ispitivane sorte, utvrđena je visoka koncentracija galne i elaginske kiseline...This doctoral dissertation research examined the effect of rain-shield cultivation system on major phenological traits (flowering and ripening time), vegetative potential parameters (number of canes per bush, cane height, cane diameter), generative potential parameters (number of fruiting laterals, inflorescences and berries per cane, yield), pomological properties (fruit morphometry, chemical composition and organoleptic scores of the fruit) and the incidence of gray mold in blackberry cv. ‘Čačanska Bestrna’. Moreover, the correlation between the sugar content of the fruit and the rate of pigment degradation during frozen storage was analyzed and compared with the blackberry cvs. ‘Loch Ness’ and ‘Chester Thornless’. The research was conducted in a commercial blackberry planting during 2011-2013 under the environmental conditions of Čačak using the standard methodology. The results showed that most of the tested parameters were affected by production system and environmental conditions during the research, as well as by their interaction. The rain-shield system did not cause any deviation in the onset of flowering and ripening in floricanes compared to open-field cultivation. In terms of the vegetative potential parameters, number of canes and cane length were greater in blackberries under rain shields, whereas cane diameter was higher under open-field cultivation. When comparing the results obtained for the generative potential parameters, higher values were found under rain-shield cultivation. Pomological properties of blackberry, except fruit weight, were significantly affected by production system, with higher values for all pomological traits obtained under rain shields. The rain-shield system resulted in higher values for all parameters of the biochemical composition of the blackberry fruit, except the contents of total acids and vanillic acid. The results confirmed the presence of the flavonol quercetin and the dominant presence of the anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside. Among the phenolic compounds detected in the fruit of the tested cultivar, gallic acid and ellagic acid were found in high concentrations..

    Properties of some Late Season Plum Hybrids from Fruit Research Institute Čačak

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    Since 1979 to 2012 fifteen plum cultivars were named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak. Some of these cultivars, such as Čačanska Lepotica, Čačanska Rodna and Čačanska Najbolja are grown in most important plum growing countries in Europe. Also, these cultivars are used as parent cultivars in many plum breeding programs. In addition to the cultivars, large number of promising hybrids are created in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak and some of them, in this moment, are candidates for new cultivars. Therefore, in 2014 and 2015, we investigated the most important properties of four promising late season hybrids and standard cultivar ‘Stanley’. All four hybrids were harvested since beginning of September (34/41/87) until the beginning of the third decade of September (10/23/87). The earliest flowering time was recorded in hybrid 34/41/87 and the latest in standard cultivar ‘Stanley’. Hybrids 10/23/87 and 26/54/87 generally had the highest fruit weight and all three fruit dimensions. Also these hybrids had the highest content of total sugars and sucrose and highest pH value, but poorest total acids content. The highest content of invert sugars and total acids was recorded in hybrid 22/17/87. This hybrid also, had the highest yield per tree and per hectare while the hybrid 34/41/87 had the lowest these values. Standard cultivar ‘Stanley’ had the largest stone weight and the highest amount of soluble solids

    Effect of rain-shield cultivation system on biological and production characteristics and fruit quality of blackberry cv. ʼČačanska bestrnaʼ (Rubus subg. Rubus Watson)

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je uticaj polutunelskog sistema gajenja na najznačajnije fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja i zrenja), parametre vegetativnog (broj izdanaka po žbunu, visina i prečnik izdanka) i generativnog (broj rodnih grančica, cvasti i plodova po izdanku, prinos) potencijala, pomološke osobine (morfometrija ploda, hemijski sastav i organoleptička ocena ploda), kao i na pojavu sive truleži ploda sorte kupine ‘Čačanska bestrna’. Analizirana je i korelacija između količine šećera u plodu i stepena depigmentacije tokom čuvanja zamrznutih plodova, uporednim proučavanjima sa sortama kupine ‘Loch Ness’ i ‘Chester Thornless’. Istraživanja su obavljena u proizvodnom zasadu kupine od 2011. do 2013. godine u ekološkim uslovima Čačka po standardnoj metodologiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najveći broj analiziranih parametara bio uslovljen sistemom gajenja i ekološkim uslovima u periodu ispitivanja, kao i njihovom interakcijom. Ispitivani sistem gajenja nije uticao na odstupanja u početku fenofaza cvetanja i zrenja dvogodišnjih izdanaka u odnosu na standardni sistem. U pogledu parametara vegetativnog potencijala, veći broj i dužina izdanaka utvrđeni su kod kupine gajene u polutunelskom, a veći prečnik izdanka u standardnom sistemu gajenja. Poređenjem dobijenih rezultata svih ispitivanih parametara generativnog potencijala kupine, veće vrednosti su dobijene kod polutunelskog sistema gajenja. Morfometrijske osobine ploda kupine, izuzev mase ploda, bile su uslovljene značajnim uticajem sistema gajenja i veće vrednosti svih pomenutih osobina utvrđene su u uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine. U uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine dobijene su veće vrednosti za sve parametre biohemijskog sastava ploda, izuzev za sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i sadržaj vanilinske kiseline. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili prisustvo flavonola kvercetina i dominantno prisustvo antocijana cijanidin-3-glukozida u plodu kupine. Među detektovanim fenolnim jedinjenjima, u plodu ispitivane sorte, utvrđena je visoka koncentracija galne i elaginske kiseline...This doctoral dissertation research examined the effect of rain-shield cultivation system on major phenological traits (flowering and ripening time), vegetative potential parameters (number of canes per bush, cane height, cane diameter), generative potential parameters (number of fruiting laterals, inflorescences and berries per cane, yield), pomological properties (fruit morphometry, chemical composition and organoleptic scores of the fruit) and the incidence of gray mold in blackberry cv. ‘Čačanska Bestrna’. Moreover, the correlation between the sugar content of the fruit and the rate of pigment degradation during frozen storage was analyzed and compared with the blackberry cvs. ‘Loch Ness’ and ‘Chester Thornless’. The research was conducted in a commercial blackberry planting during 2011-2013 under the environmental conditions of Čačak using the standard methodology. The results showed that most of the tested parameters were affected by production system and environmental conditions during the research, as well as by their interaction. The rain-shield system did not cause any deviation in the onset of flowering and ripening in floricanes compared to open-field cultivation. In terms of the vegetative potential parameters, number of canes and cane length were greater in blackberries under rain shields, whereas cane diameter was higher under open-field cultivation. When comparing the results obtained for the generative potential parameters, higher values were found under rain-shield cultivation. Pomological properties of blackberry, except fruit weight, were significantly affected by production system, with higher values for all pomological traits obtained under rain shields. The rain-shield system resulted in higher values for all parameters of the biochemical composition of the blackberry fruit, except the contents of total acids and vanillic acid. The results confirmed the presence of the flavonol quercetin and the dominant presence of the anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside. Among the phenolic compounds detected in the fruit of the tested cultivar, gallic acid and ellagic acid were found in high concentrations..

    Effect of rain-shield cultivation system on biological and production characteristics and fruit quality of blackberry cv. ʼČačanska bestrnaʼ (Rubus subg. Rubus Watson)

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je uticaj polutunelskog sistema gajenja na najznačajnije fenološke osobine (vreme cvetanja i zrenja), parametre vegetativnog (broj izdanaka po žbunu, visina i prečnik izdanka) i generativnog (broj rodnih grančica, cvasti i plodova po izdanku, prinos) potencijala, pomološke osobine (morfometrija ploda, hemijski sastav i organoleptička ocena ploda), kao i na pojavu sive truleži ploda sorte kupine ‘Čačanska bestrna’. Analizirana je i korelacija između količine šećera u plodu i stepena depigmentacije tokom čuvanja zamrznutih plodova, uporednim proučavanjima sa sortama kupine ‘Loch Ness’ i ‘Chester Thornless’. Istraživanja su obavljena u proizvodnom zasadu kupine od 2011. do 2013. godine u ekološkim uslovima Čačka po standardnoj metodologiji. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najveći broj analiziranih parametara bio uslovljen sistemom gajenja i ekološkim uslovima u periodu ispitivanja, kao i njihovom interakcijom. Ispitivani sistem gajenja nije uticao na odstupanja u početku fenofaza cvetanja i zrenja dvogodišnjih izdanaka u odnosu na standardni sistem. U pogledu parametara vegetativnog potencijala, veći broj i dužina izdanaka utvrđeni su kod kupine gajene u polutunelskom, a veći prečnik izdanka u standardnom sistemu gajenja. Poređenjem dobijenih rezultata svih ispitivanih parametara generativnog potencijala kupine, veće vrednosti su dobijene kod polutunelskog sistema gajenja. Morfometrijske osobine ploda kupine, izuzev mase ploda, bile su uslovljene značajnim uticajem sistema gajenja i veće vrednosti svih pomenutih osobina utvrđene su u uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine. U uslovima polutunelskog sistema gajenja kupine dobijene su veće vrednosti za sve parametre biohemijskog sastava ploda, izuzev za sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i sadržaj vanilinske kiseline. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili prisustvo flavonola kvercetina i dominantno prisustvo antocijana cijanidin-3-glukozida u plodu kupine. Među detektovanim fenolnim jedinjenjima, u plodu ispitivane sorte, utvrđena je visoka koncentracija galne i elaginske kiseline...This doctoral dissertation research examined the effect of rain-shield cultivation system on major phenological traits (flowering and ripening time), vegetative potential parameters (number of canes per bush, cane height, cane diameter), generative potential parameters (number of fruiting laterals, inflorescences and berries per cane, yield), pomological properties (fruit morphometry, chemical composition and organoleptic scores of the fruit) and the incidence of gray mold in blackberry cv. ‘Čačanska Bestrna’. Moreover, the correlation between the sugar content of the fruit and the rate of pigment degradation during frozen storage was analyzed and compared with the blackberry cvs. ‘Loch Ness’ and ‘Chester Thornless’. The research was conducted in a commercial blackberry planting during 2011-2013 under the environmental conditions of Čačak using the standard methodology. The results showed that most of the tested parameters were affected by production system and environmental conditions during the research, as well as by their interaction. The rain-shield system did not cause any deviation in the onset of flowering and ripening in floricanes compared to open-field cultivation. In terms of the vegetative potential parameters, number of canes and cane length were greater in blackberries under rain shields, whereas cane diameter was higher under open-field cultivation. When comparing the results obtained for the generative potential parameters, higher values were found under rain-shield cultivation. Pomological properties of blackberry, except fruit weight, were significantly affected by production system, with higher values for all pomological traits obtained under rain shields. The rain-shield system resulted in higher values for all parameters of the biochemical composition of the blackberry fruit, except the contents of total acids and vanillic acid. The results confirmed the presence of the flavonol quercetin and the dominant presence of the anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside. Among the phenolic compounds detected in the fruit of the tested cultivar, gallic acid and ellagic acid were found in high concentrations..

    Changes in anthocyanins and total phenols in fruit of three strawberry cultivars during five harvests

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    The paper presents the results of the impact made by genotype ('Clery', 'Joly' and 'Dely'), fertiliser and harvests on the content of anthocyanins (ACY) and total phenols (TPC) in the fruit of strawberry in 2014. Two types of fertiliser were applied - mineral NPK fertiliser and microbiological fertiliser. Fruit samples for analysis were collected in five harvests, in the full maturity phase. The obtained results have shown that the content of ACY and TPC was under a significant impact of the genotype, fertiliser, harvests and the interaction of these factors as well. Fruit of cultivar 'Joly' had the highest ACY and TPC. In addition to this, significantly higher values of ACY and TPC were recorded with the use of the microbiological fertiliser, compared to the mineral fertiliser. Strawberry fruits harvested in the second half of the harvesting season had a significantly higher total phenols content compared to the fruits harvested at the earlier stages of the season. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the biggest advantages related to both tested parameters (ACY and TPC) were recorded in the interaction between the 'Joly' cultivar, microbiological fertiliser and fourth harvest. In addition to this, certain amounts of mineral fertiliser can be replaced with microbiological fertiliser in order to obtain healthy and environmentally-safe products

    Utilizing vermicompost extract as a promising biofertilizer to enhance the phytochemical composition of berry fruits

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    The aim of this research was to compare the effect of chemical fertilization (CF) and its combination with biofertilization-liquid fertilizer based on vermicompost enriched with selected strains of beneficial microorganisms (CF+VP) on the phytochemical profile of three berry species: strawberry (‘Senga Sengana’), blackberry (‘Čačanska Bestrna’) and blueberry (‘Aurora’). The results showed that the combination of CF and VP (CF+VP) positively affected fruit weight (8.8 g), soluble solids content (8.9°Bx), sugars (65.6 g kg1^{-1} FW) and all identified phenolic groups (phenolic acids, flavanols, flavonols and anthocyanins) in blackberry fruits. Significantly higher fruit weight (15.5 g), total sugars and organic acids content (62.4 and 9.6 g kg1^{-1} FW, respectively) and flavanones content (20.1 mg 100 g1^{-1} FW) in strawberry fruits were confirmed in the combined treatment (CF+VP), also. In addition, the same treatment (CF+VP) exhibited the highest effectiveness in terms of the organic acid (21.0 g kg1^{-1} FW) and anthocyanins (153.3 mg 100 g1^{-1} FW) in blueberry fruits, too. Taking into account the stimulating effects on both the sensory and nutritional value of the fruit from the studied berry species, the usage of VP as a supplement to CF can be regarded as a sustainable practice for enhancing the current berry growing technology, aimed at obtaining biologically valuable fruits

    Black queens of fruits

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    Black fruits, especially blackberries and black currants, are highly appreciated by consumers due to their nutraceutical properties, which have reported health benefits. This study aimed to assess the fruit quality of the blackberry (cv. Čačanska Bestrna) and black currant (cv. Čačanska Crna) created at the Fruit Research Institute, Čačak (Republic of Serbia) by evaluating basic quality parameters (fruit weight, soluble solids), and content of primary (sugars and organic acids) and secondary (phenolic compounds) metabolites. Additionally, the study examined the quality of frozen and long-term frozen storage (6, 9, and 12 months). The results showed that Čačanska Crna contained a high level of total soluble solids (15.23°Bx), sugars (93.06 mg g1^{-1}), and a high index of sweetness (159.48) as well as a high content of acids (34.35 mg g1^{-1}) in the fruit. Both species were found to contain forty-seven phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids, flavanols, and anthocyanins, analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). C acanska Bestrna had the highest amounts of phenolic acids (66.85 mg 100 g1^{-1}) and flavanols (53.99 mg 100 g1^{-1}), whereas Čačanska Crna showed the highest levels of flavonols (8.57 mg 100 g1^{-1}) and anthocyanins (139.11 mg 100 g1^{-1}). Furthermore, the study revealed that anthocyanins were the most abundant phenolic group in both blackberries and black currants, and their levels remained constant during frozen storage. The sugar content in both species remained unchanged, while the acid concentration increased over time in blackberries but remained consistent in black currants. Overall, the findings highlight the superior phenolic content, particularly anthocyanins, of the cultivars with black fruits selected in Serbia. These cultivars have great commercial potential for the fresh market and processing. Moreover, the study suggests that frozen storage is an effective method for preserving their quality and beneficial properties