414 research outputs found

    Life and works of Jovan Andrejević Joles

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    The first Serbian anatomist Jovan Andrejević Joles was born in Novi Sad on October 6, 1833 to a priest father. The primary school and the first four grades of the grammar school he finished in Novi Sad, and the seventh and the eighth grades in Timisoara. After finishing grammar school, Andrejević moved to Pest where he started medical studies in 1853. He continued the studies in Prague and Vienna where he received the diploma of a doctor of medicine. During the studies of medicine, this remarkably educated and talented man demonstrated great interest in science. In his research he came to new findings he published through the report of the Vienna Academy of Sciences in the paper titled 'On the Fine Structure of the Liver' (Ueber den feineren Bau der Leber), making his mentor, professor Ernest von Brücke, proud. Apart from the scientific work, young Andrejević also translated literature from German and English. His interests also covered photography, art and aesthetics. He actively participated in the work of the United Serbian Youth, which brought him many problems with the ruling regime of the time. At a very early age, Andrejević fell down with tuberculosis and had to stop his scientific work and move back to Novi Sad in 1861 where he began working as a physician. Apart from the medical practice, Andrejević was still in the center of scientific, political, and cultural events. He continued regular correspondence with professor von Brücke who informed him on the success of his scientific results. Apart from a number of texts and critical writings, together with Jovan Đorđević, Andrejević worked hard on the foundation of the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad. During 1863, his illness aggravated and he died of tuberculosis on July 21, 1864. The memory of the first Serbian anatomist is kept by the Department of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad where the documentation on his life and works is stored. The ground floor hall of the Faculty of Medicine holds the bust of Jovan Andrejević

    Delays in Construction Projects: Causes and Mitigation

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    During execution of construction projects, the works proceed at a slower pace than planned, and delays frequently appear. Their appearance leads to additional cost generation, conflicts among project participants and, in worst-case scenario, litigation. The presented study uses online survey as the research tool in order to determine the current level of use of time management techniques and tools in Slovenian construction industry. The obtained results show that the construction companies could use the available contemporary time management tools in larger extent, as well as more efficiently in order to manage their projects more efficiently

    Yields of ZP sweet maize hybrids in dependence on sowing densities

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    Sweet maize differs from maize of standard grain quality by many important traits that affect the ear appearance, and especially by traits controlling taste. The ear appearance trait encompasses the kernel row number, configuration, row pattern (direction and arrangement), seed set, kernel width and depth, ear shape and size. The quality of immature kernels is controlled by genes by which sweet maize differs from common maize. In order to obtain high-ranking and high-quality yields, it is necessary to provide the most suitable cropping practices for sweet maize hybrids developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje. The adequate sowing density is one of more important elements of correct cropping practices. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of four sowing densities in four ZP sweet maize hybrids of different FAO maturity groups on ear qualitative traits and yields obtained on chernozem type of soil in Zemun Polje. The observed traits of sweet maize (ear length, kernel row number, number of kernels per row, yield and shelling percentage) significantly varied over years. The higher sowing density was the higher yield of sweet maize was, hence the highest ear yield of 9.67 t ha-1 , on the average for all four hybrids, was recorded at the highest sowing density of 70,000 plants ha-1. The highest yield was detected in the hybrid ZP 424su. The highest shelling percentage (67.81%) was found in the hybrid ZP 521su at the sowing density of 60,000 plants ha-1. Generally, it can be stated that sweet maize hybrids of a shorter growing season (FAO 400) could be cultivated up to 70,000 plants ha-1, while those of a longer growing season (FAO 500) could be grown up to 60,000 plants ha-1. In such a way, the most favorable parameters of yields and the highest yields can be obtained

    A predictive method for dc arc furnace current control without using a dc electric arc model

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    Електролучне пећи су потрошачи веома велике инсталисане снаге, при чему тренутна снага пећи може да варира у времену са великим амплитудама. Као посљедица ових великих флуктуација активне и реактивне снаге, електролучне пећи великих инсталисаних снага могу да изазову поремећаје у функционисању преносне и дистрибутивне мреже, поготово у случају слабијих мрежа када су ови поремећаји израженији. Најизраженији поремећаји који се појављују у мрежи као посљедица рада електролучних пећи су појава фликера (Flicker) и појава нежељених виших хармоника и интерхармоника који се уносе у преносну мрежу. У предметној дисертацији је анализиран утицај предложеног предиктивног регулатора струје електричног лука на поремећаје који доводе до појаве фликера. С обзиром на то да се електролучне пећи све чешће примјењују у индустрији, њихови негативни утицаји на функционисање преносних мрежа, на које су прикључене, постају све израженији. Због тога је неопходно управљати радом пећи тако да се поменути негативни утицаји потисну у што већој мjери, а да се при томе обезбиједи стабилно и поуздано функционисање пећи. Електролучне пећи за једносмјерну струју данас се најчешће напајају тиристорским исправљачима, при чему се струја електричног лука регулише искључиво PI регулатором којим се регулише вриједност угла управљања тиристорима. Напон лука регулише се подешавањем растојања између катоде и шарже електромеханичким путем или помоћу хидрауличких цилиндара управљаних сервохидрауличким вентилима.Са друге стране, регулација струје и напона електричног лука код пећи за наизмјеничну струју врши се електромеханички: промјеном преносног односа трансформатора и подешавањем растојања између катоде и шарже. Посебан проблем код електролучних пећи за наизмјеничну струју представљају транзијенти до којих долази приликом укључења трансформатора (након пуњења пећи), који су посљедица магнећења Регулација струје електролучне пећи за једносмерну струју предиктивном методом без коришћења модела електричног лука трансформатора. Као и у случају пећи за наизмјеничну струју, и код пећи за једносмјерну струју постоји механичка регулација позиције електроде (код пећи за једносмјерну стрју углавном постоји једна покретна електрода–катода). С обзиром на то да механичка регулација позиције електроде не може да се врши довољно брзо, једини начин за смањење поменутих негативних утицаја електролучних пећи за једносмјерну струју је имплементација брзог, поузданог и робусног регулатора струје електричног лука...Electric arc furnace (EAF) is a high-power electric load, whose active and reactive power varies significantly during the normal furnace operation. Due to the large active and reactive power variations, electric arc furnace can induce significant unwanted disturbances into the power system network in the form of voltage flicker and the high-order voltage and current harmonics and interharmonics. An influence of the proposed predictive arc current controller on the generated flicker is analyzed in this dissertation. Considering the increasing number of the dc arc furnaces installed, their negative influence on the power system networks becomes an important problem that needs to be addressed. In order to mitigate the unwanted disturbances caused by large electric arc furnaces, the control of the furnace operation needs to be improved. Currently, most of the dc arc furnaces are supplied through high-power thyristor rectifiers, and the arc current control is performed by adjusting the thyristor delay angle. The arc voltage is controlled electromechanically (or with the hydraulic valves) by means of electrode position control. In the case of the ac arc furnaces, both the arc current and the arc voltage are controlled by means of electrode position control, and by changing (online or offline) the furnace transformer tap number. Since the arc furnace voltage control is significantly slower than the current control, the only way to improve the control of the furnace operation is to improve the arc current control by implementing a fast, reliable and robust arc current controller. Since the filtering of the feedback current signal (in order to obtain the dc component of the arc current) produces a time-lag of the feedback signal, the classical PI current controller cannot compensate fast enough for the current overshoots occurring after frequent electrode short-circuits during the bore-in and the melting periods in the furnace cycle. On the other hand, the implementation of the fast modelbased predictive current controller is not feasible, because a precise electric arc model, which at the same time has to be suitable for circuit simulations, is not yet developed. The inability to prevent the current overshoots fast enough and to reduce its amplitudes is the main reason why the electric arc furnaces are still the major source of disturbances leading to the generation of flicker. Therefore, there is a need for the fast current controller which would enable the reduction or the complete elimination of the induced disturbances. The thorough survey of the available literature shows that such a controller is not yet developed. A basic idea behind the predictive arc current controller presented in this dissertation is that the arc current can be controlled by knowing the dc-side inductor voltage-time product, and the instantaneous arc current..

    Tumorska kaheksija kao predskazatelj kemoterapijske toksičnosti i vremena do tumorske progresije u bolesnika s proširenim karcinomom pluća [Cancer cachexia as a predictor of chemotherapy toxicity and time-to-tumor progression in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer]

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    Background. Cancer cachexia and sarcopenia are frequently observed in cancer patients and associated with poor survival. The majority of studies of cancer cachexia and sarcopenia have been done in patients with solid tumors of different origin, and there are currently no good predictors of the benefit of chemotherapy or factors that predict survival in advanced cancer. The purpose of our prospective study was to evaluate prevalence of cachexia and sarcopenia using international consensus definition and criteria for diagnosis in patients with diagnosed advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) stage IIIB and IV and their relation to chemotherapy toxicity and survival prediction. A secondary aim was to compare several biochemical and haematological markers (CRP, IL-6, protein and albumin) with time to tumor progression in order to assess prognostic value or to guide a treatment. Patients and Methods. Between December 2013 and April 2015, the prospective cohort study of one hundred Caucasian patients with advanced NSCLC stage IIIB or IV, who were referred consecutively to Department for Respiratory Diseases “Jordanovac” was evaluated. Anthropometric measurements and biochemical / haematological data (CRP, albumin, protein, IL-6, haemoglobin) together with body composition measurements (total muscle cross sectional area, lumbar skeletal muscle index) were obtained for each patient before starting with platinum-doublet therapy. Skeletal muscle cross-sectional area at the third lumbar vertebra was measured by computerized tomography, and sarcopenia was defined using a previously published cut-off point. Toxicity was assessed after cycle 1 of treatment and time-to-tumor progression was determined prospectively. Results. One hundred patients with advanced lung cancer were recruited: 67 were male, median age was 64 years. The median time to disease progression was 187 days. The prevalence of cachexia and sarcopenia in study cohort was 69 %, and 47 %, respectively. CRP, IL-6 and albumin concentration in cachectic, compared to non-cachectic patients demonstrated statistically significant difference (p = 0,020, p = 0,040, p = 0,003). Cachexia and sarcopenia were not found to be predictors of chemotoxicity nor time to tumor progression. On the contrary, albumin concentration with established cut-off point of 37.5 g/L was clearly proved as the predictive factor of both chemotoxicity (OR (95% CI) = 0.85; p < 0.001) and survival (HR (95% CI) = 0,55). Conclusion. Albumin level has shown to be more important predictive marker of chemotherapy toxicity and survival than cachexia and sarcopenia. This approach in clinical settings can be used to guide the choice of oncologic treatment

    Evaluation of lutein and zeaxanthin intake among students

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    Razdoblje studiranja predstavlja prekretnicu u ţivotu većine studenata i često rezultira promjenama ţivotnih navika, što se odraţava i na kvalitetu prehrane. Redovita konzumacija voća i povrća temelj je pravilne prehrane i prevencije razvoja kroničnih bolesti što se pripisuje i prisutnim fitokemikalijama. Lutein i zeaksantin glavni su karotenoidi u ljudskom organizmu. Njihova prisutnost u ljudskom organizmu u cijelosti je posljedica konzumacije namirnica biljnog porijekla. Cilj rada bio je procijeniti dnevni unos luteina i zeaksantina u studentskoj populaciji. U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo 149 ispitanika, a podaci su prikupljeni putem upitnika o učestalosti konzumacije hrane (FFQ). Veći unos luteina i zeaksantina meĎu ispitanicima ostvaren je konzumacijom povrća (95%) nego voća (5%). UtvrĎen prosječan unos luteina i zeaksantina meĎu studentima od 3088,3 2487,2 g/dan nije dostatan za ostvarenje povoljnog učinka ovih fitokemikalija na zdravlje koji se ostvaruje unosom od 6000 g/dan, stoga je potrebno je povećati unos voća i povrća bogatih luteinom i zeaksantinom.The study period represents a milestone in the lives of most students and often results in changes in life habits, which is reflected in the quality of nutrition. Regular consumption of fruit and vegetables is the foundation for proper nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases, which is attributed also to the present phytochemicals. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the main carotenoids in the human body. Their presence in the human body is entirely a consequence of the consumption of foods of plant origin. The aim of the study was to evaluate the daily intake of lutein and zeaxanthin among students. In the reasearch, 149 students participated, and data were collected through a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Greater intake of lutein and zeaxanthin among the students was achieved by eating vegetables (95%) than fruits (5%). The average intake of lutein and zeaxanthin among students of 3088.3 2487.2 g/day is not sufficient to achieve the beneficial effect of these phytochemicals on health, which is achieved by the intake of 6000 g/day, therefore it is necessary to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables which is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin

    CRO cards and comparisons of similar models in other countries

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    Socijalni se turizam ne javlja kao novina suvremenoga doba i društva. On postoji već duže razdoblje, no u današnjici se sagleda na širi način od nekadašnjeg. Nekada je on bio namijenjen zaposlenima i njihovim obiteljima, a danas biva pravo svih građana neke države. Pri tome se identificiraju nove skupine korisnika, kao što su osobe s invaliditetom, oboljele osobe, mlade obitelji s djecom ili nezaposleni. Ova problematika osobito je zastupljena na razini Europske unije, a time i Republike Hrvatske. U svrhu značajnijeg razvoja ovoga turizma, sve države Europske unije uspostavile su i razvijaju sustav potpora ovoga karaktera, a u tu svrhu provode i konkretne projekte. Jedan od takvih je i projekt CRO kartica u Hrvatskoj s kojim se namjerava započeti iduće godine. Riječ je o turističkim vaučerima koji će se dodijeljivati zaposlenim osobama u svrhu putovanja. Socijalni turizam polučuje brojne pozitivne učinke, a oni se mogu razmatrati s različitih aspekata. Pri tome se misli na ekonomske učinke, unapređenje zadovoljstva zaposlenika i ostalih skupina, poticanje motivacije te veće učinkovitosti rada, unapređenje pitanja socijalnog uključivanja, promicanje jednakosti među ljudima i slično.Social tourism is not a novelty of contemporary times and society. It has existed for a long time, but today is seen in some wider sense than before. It the past, it was intended for employees and their families, but today is the right of all citizens of some state. Due that, today is important to identify some new groups of users, such as persons with disabilities, ill persons, young families with children or unemployed are identified. This issue is particularly represented at the level of the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Croatia. For the purpose of the significant development of this tourism, all the countries of the EU have established and developed a support system of this nature. Although, in this purpose all of them are implementing specific projects. One of them is the CRO card project in Croatia which should start next year. It is a tourist voucher that will be assigned to employees for travel purposes. Social tourism has many positive effects and they can be considered from different aspects. This involves thinking about the economic effects, improving employee satisfaction and other groups, encouraging motivation and greater efficiency of work, promoting social inclusion issues, promoting equality among people and the like

    Evaluation of lutein and zeaxanthin intake among students

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    Razdoblje studiranja predstavlja prekretnicu u ţivotu većine studenata i često rezultira promjenama ţivotnih navika, što se odraţava i na kvalitetu prehrane. Redovita konzumacija voća i povrća temelj je pravilne prehrane i prevencije razvoja kroničnih bolesti što se pripisuje i prisutnim fitokemikalijama. Lutein i zeaksantin glavni su karotenoidi u ljudskom organizmu. Njihova prisutnost u ljudskom organizmu u cijelosti je posljedica konzumacije namirnica biljnog porijekla. Cilj rada bio je procijeniti dnevni unos luteina i zeaksantina u studentskoj populaciji. U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo 149 ispitanika, a podaci su prikupljeni putem upitnika o učestalosti konzumacije hrane (FFQ). Veći unos luteina i zeaksantina meĎu ispitanicima ostvaren je konzumacijom povrća (95%) nego voća (5%). UtvrĎen prosječan unos luteina i zeaksantina meĎu studentima od 3088,3 2487,2 g/dan nije dostatan za ostvarenje povoljnog učinka ovih fitokemikalija na zdravlje koji se ostvaruje unosom od 6000 g/dan, stoga je potrebno je povećati unos voća i povrća bogatih luteinom i zeaksantinom.The study period represents a milestone in the lives of most students and often results in changes in life habits, which is reflected in the quality of nutrition. Regular consumption of fruit and vegetables is the foundation for proper nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases, which is attributed also to the present phytochemicals. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the main carotenoids in the human body. Their presence in the human body is entirely a consequence of the consumption of foods of plant origin. The aim of the study was to evaluate the daily intake of lutein and zeaxanthin among students. In the reasearch, 149 students participated, and data were collected through a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Greater intake of lutein and zeaxanthin among the students was achieved by eating vegetables (95%) than fruits (5%). The average intake of lutein and zeaxanthin among students of 3088.3 2487.2 g/day is not sufficient to achieve the beneficial effect of these phytochemicals on health, which is achieved by the intake of 6000 g/day, therefore it is necessary to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables which is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin

    CRO cards and comparisons of similar models in other countries

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    Socijalni se turizam ne javlja kao novina suvremenoga doba i društva. On postoji već duže razdoblje, no u današnjici se sagleda na širi način od nekadašnjeg. Nekada je on bio namijenjen zaposlenima i njihovim obiteljima, a danas biva pravo svih građana neke države. Pri tome se identificiraju nove skupine korisnika, kao što su osobe s invaliditetom, oboljele osobe, mlade obitelji s djecom ili nezaposleni. Ova problematika osobito je zastupljena na razini Europske unije, a time i Republike Hrvatske. U svrhu značajnijeg razvoja ovoga turizma, sve države Europske unije uspostavile su i razvijaju sustav potpora ovoga karaktera, a u tu svrhu provode i konkretne projekte. Jedan od takvih je i projekt CRO kartica u Hrvatskoj s kojim se namjerava započeti iduće godine. Riječ je o turističkim vaučerima koji će se dodijeljivati zaposlenim osobama u svrhu putovanja. Socijalni turizam polučuje brojne pozitivne učinke, a oni se mogu razmatrati s različitih aspekata. Pri tome se misli na ekonomske učinke, unapređenje zadovoljstva zaposlenika i ostalih skupina, poticanje motivacije te veće učinkovitosti rada, unapređenje pitanja socijalnog uključivanja, promicanje jednakosti među ljudima i slično.Social tourism is not a novelty of contemporary times and society. It has existed for a long time, but today is seen in some wider sense than before. It the past, it was intended for employees and their families, but today is the right of all citizens of some state. Due that, today is important to identify some new groups of users, such as persons with disabilities, ill persons, young families with children or unemployed are identified. This issue is particularly represented at the level of the European Union, as well as in the Republic of Croatia. For the purpose of the significant development of this tourism, all the countries of the EU have established and developed a support system of this nature. Although, in this purpose all of them are implementing specific projects. One of them is the CRO card project in Croatia which should start next year. It is a tourist voucher that will be assigned to employees for travel purposes. Social tourism has many positive effects and they can be considered from different aspects. This involves thinking about the economic effects, improving employee satisfaction and other groups, encouraging motivation and greater efficiency of work, promoting social inclusion issues, promoting equality among people and the like

    Immobilization of β-glucosidase onto mesoporous silica support: Physical adsorption and covalent binding of enzyme

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    This paper investigates β-glucosidase immobilization onto mesoporous silica support by physical adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilization was carried out onto micro-size silica aggregates with the average pore size of 29 nm. During physical adsorption the highest yield of immobilized β-glucosidase was obtained at initial protein concentration of 0.9 mg ml-1. Addition of NaCl increased 1.7-fold, while Triton X-100 addition decreased 6-fold yield of adsorption in comparison to the one obtained without any addition. Covalently bonded β-glucosidase, via glutaraldehyde previously bonded to silanized silica, had higher yield of immobilized enzyme as well as higher activity and substrate affinity in comparison to the one physically adsorbed. Covalent binding did not considerably changed pH and temperature stability of obtained biocatalyst in range of values that are commonly used in reactions in comparison to unbounded enzyme. Furthermore, covalent binding provided biocatalyst which retained over 70% of its activity after 10 cycles of reuse. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 45021