165 research outputs found

    Regional factor of sustainable development of rural settlements of Kalna and Minićevo at the foot of the Stara Planina mountain

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    Developmental potential of rural settlements of Kalna and Minićevo should be reviewed in the wider context of the area in which they are located. The natural resources of Stara Planina mountain, as a special purpose area focused on tourism and agriculture, represent the basic components for sustainable development of the mentioned settlements. The heritage of autochthonus, traditional rural architecture and sacral buildings, together with natural resources potentials, represent attractors for the development of a specific form of rural tourism. This research paper presents an analysis of the options for the development of rural tourism in the territory of Knjaževac municipality, aimed at sustainable development of rural settlements of Kalna and Minićevo. The basic idea of the paper is for Kalna and Minićevo to become the centres towards which the population of smaller surrounding villages will gravitate: towards Kalna as a potential tourism centre and towards Minićevo as a transit tourist settlement with accompanying public and other services. The purpose of the paper is not to offer a solution that would completely eliminate economic and demographic changes, but to review different options for the development of rural settlements that could keep up with modern social needs

    Vizitorski centri - nove koordinate unapređenja ruralnih područja Srbije

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    Visitor centres are mandatorily info-promotional facilities, often focused on service and accommodation, and less often on research and education, and which should satisfy different needs of a specific natural or an artificially created area by means of a narrower or wider range of different activities. They are very important as special purpose points for development of a tourist offer in a specific wider area, but also as marketing and promotional markers for popularization and attractiveness, i.e. ‘new recognisability’ of individual locations in a narrower spatial sense. As modern benchmarks, they can use their functionality and design symbolism to become important generators of development and increase the number of visits to rural areas, where specific sites are most often located. This paper examines these specific functionally designed facilities from the viewpoint of potential typological divisions, empirical patterns, i.e. the overview of needs for their individual aspects in rural spaces and areas of Serbia, while taking into consideration the environment and experience they are to present to users.Vizitorski centri su obavezno informativno - promotivne, često uslužno - smeštajne, a ređe istraživačko - edukativne celine, koje svojim manjim ili većim skupom sadržaja treba da zadovolje različite potrebe određenog specifičnog prirodnog ili stvorenog područja. Veoma su bitni kao punktovi posebne namene, za razvoj mreže turističke ponude određenog šireg područja, ali i kao marketinško - promotivni markeri za popularizaciju i privlačnost, odnosno “novu prepoznatljivost” pojedinih lokaliteta u užem prostornom smislu. Kao moderni reperi, svojom funkcionalnošću i oblikovnom simbolikom mogu biti bitan generator razvoja i povećane posećenosti ruralnih područja, u kojima se specifični lokaliteti najčešće i nalaze. U radu se analiziraju ovi specifični funkcionalno - oblikovni sadržaji, sa gledišta mogućih tipoloških podela, iskustvenih obrazaca, odnosno sagledavanja potreba za pojedinim njihovim vidovima u ruralnim prostorima i arealima Srbije, a u zavisnosti od okruženja i doživljaja koje treba da predstave korisnicima

    Influence of current reuse LNA circuit parameters on its noise figure

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    A 2.4 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) with a bias current reuse technique is proposed in this work. To obtain the optimum noise figure (NF) value, dependence of NF on its most influential LNA parameters has been analyzed. Taking into account the LNA design requirements for other figures of merit, values of the circuit parameters are given for the optimum noise figure

    Unfolding the assessment process in a whole class mathematics setting

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    Aktivnosti ocenjivanja na času predstavljaju važan aspekt prakse u učionici. U isto vreme, debata o prednostima i značaju formativnog ocenjivanja spram sumativnog i dalje se nastavlja. Ocenjivanje se ne odvija izvan okvira svakodnevne prakse u učionici, pa se, samim tim, na ocenjivanje gleda kao veoma kompleksan proces. U ovom radu želimo da istražimo način na koji se ocenjivanje stavlja u službu učenja učenika i da li se informacije koje nastavnik kroz ocenjivanje prikuplja koriste (ili ne) kako bi se svakodnevna praksa nastavnika u nastavi matematike prilagodila raznovrsnim potrebama učenika. Za potrebe ovog rada autori su pratili nastavnu praksu iskusnog nastavnika matematike u jednoj gimnaziji u Beogradu. Prakse ocenjivanja nastavnika posmatrane su u periodu od tri nedelje. Analiza pokazuje da nastavnik poseduje kompleksnu predstavu o tome kako ocenjivanje u učionici treba da izgleda, ali je percepcija toga u velikoj meri odvojena od nastave, što je u skladu s prethodnim nalazima. Međutim, elementi formativnog ocenjivanja se pojavljuju, pa doprinose tome da se ocenjivanje nađe u službi učenja. Uprkos tome, kada se pobliže posmatra način na koji nastavnik prati napredak učenika, evidentiran je ograničen skup praksi. Uočen je i nesklad između percepcija učenika i nastavnika u vezi s procesom ocenjivanja i primenjenim praksama. Takođe, nastavnik se suočava s teškoćama kada treba da verbalizuje neke od aspekata sopstvene prakse, naročito ako se oni vezuju za formativne karakteristike procene postgnuća učenika. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179034 i br. 179018. .Assessment activities in the class are an important aspect of classroom practice, while there is much debate with respect to the formative vs. summative assessment routines and the outcomes that each of them provides for students' learning. As classroom assessment does not occur in seclusion of other aspects of classroom life, the process is seen as rather complex. In this study we wished to explore how assessment serves the function of supporting students' learning and whether this evidence is used to adapt teacher's practices in meeting different learning needs in the mathematics classroom. The authors observed assessment practices of an experienced math teacher in a grammar school in Belgrade. Teacher's assessment practices were observed during a three week period. The analysis has shown the teacher to hold a somewhat complex perception of assessment, yet the perception is largely detached from teaching, which is in line with the previously reported results. However, the elements of formative assessment do emerge, thus contributing to the assessment being in service of learning. In spite of this, a narrow set of practices are visible when observing how the teacher keeps track of students' progress. A mismatch is visible between students' and teacher's perceptions of the assessment as a whole and some of the practices exercised in the process. The teacher struggled to verbalize some aspects of own assessment practices, especially those related to more formative aspects

    Actuality of Vuk-Pavlović\u27s Philosophy of History

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    Cjelokupno djelo Pavla Vuk-Pavlovića ukazuje na jedan svjetonazor koji se s pravom može smatrati filosofijom kulture. Kultura je smisaoni i vrijednosni sustav koji teži ostvarivanju ljudskog. Kulturni proces se očituje u labilnosti i može se predstaviti modelom dvostrukog klatna, njihala događanja. Na osnovu svojih temeljnih spoznajnoteorijskih postavki – konzekventno ustanovljenog pluraliteta svjetova i njihove međusobne tolerancije – Vuk-Pavlović objašnjava povijesna gibanja, ali i povijest filosofije. Istim postupkom on sagledava i onu situaciju koja se nazvala postmodernom: paradoksalno (?) djelovanje fragmentacije i globalizacije – traženje kulturne cjelovitosti bez suštinskog smisaonog središta.The entire work of Pavao Vuk-Pavlović indicates a point of view that can rightfully be considered as philosophy of culture. Culture is a system of meaning and values that aspires to actualizing the essentially human. The cultural process manifests itself in instability and can be represented by a model of a twofold pendulum of events. Based on his fundamental epistemological stances, and consequently established plurality of worlds and their mutual tolerance, Vuk-Pavlović provides an account of historical movements, and of a history of philosophy. In the same way, he also takes into account the situation that was known as postmodern: paradoxical (?) action of fragmentation and globalization – the search for cultural totality without an essential center of meaning

    Revitalization of the village centres in mountain areas of Eastern Serbia

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    Подручја попут брдско - планинског истока Србије су, у условима радикалних измена друштвених концепција током протекла два века, доживљавала честе развојне дисконтинуитете, у логици поступања и дешавања у простору, односно у формирању културе обликовања животне средине. Мотиви за истраживање могућности ревитализације центара у селима и специфичним руралним подручјима, налазе се у покушају проналажења исправног развојног кода. Исти би укључивао, са једне стране, њихове постојеће природне и створене ресурсе и потенцијале, а са друге стране, матрицу исправног просторног интервенисања у њима. Истраживање представља испитивање могућности очувања наслеђених амбијенталних вредности и традиционалних појавности и обичаја у сеоским срединама, кроз уважавање и правилно усмеравање уплива савремених урбанистичких, социолошких, економских, демографских и других феномена, потреба и појава у друштву. У виду предмета – модела истраживања, третирано је осам сеоских насеља у источној Србији, од којих је опсежна анализа извршена на једном од њих - примарном, док су преостала насеља као секундарни модели, третирани са основним карактеристикама и потенцијалима у компаративном поступку и свођењу релевантних резултата. Примарни модел, анализиран је као репрезентативан представник истовремено типичног и у многим аспектима посебног насеља. Друштвено – економске и просторне условности, представљале су контекст за анализу просторних промена, кроз низ дефинисаних временских периода од аграрног, преко занатског до индустијског друштва и данашњег времена транзиције. Уочене су појавности у стамбеној, а посебно јавној архитектури центара, као и њихов положај у ширем контексту, односно у светлу формирања квалитетних туристичких кластера. Исти би се осмишљавали на основама постојећих природних и антропогених ресурса и потенцијала у окружењу, али и на бази предпоставке новог хијерархијског умрежавања насеља, са новим центрима у руралним подручјима, независно од постојећих административних подела и нелогичних територијалних припадности...Due to radical shifts of society concepts during the last two centuries, areas such as the mountain region of Eastern Serbia have frequently experienced developmental discontinuity from the aspect of logic of spatial action and events, i.e. the formation of the culture of environment shaping. The motivation for research into the possibility of revitalization of centres in villages and specific rural areas can be found in the attempts at identifying the correct development code. The said code would include, on one hand, their existing natural and artificial resources, and on the other hand, the matrix of correct spatial intervention. This research represents the examination of the possibility for preservation of inherited ambient values and traditional manifestations of customs in rural communities through respect and correct channelling of the influences of contemporary urban, sociological, economic, demographic and other phenomena, needs, and occurrences in the society. Within the scope of this paper- research model, we have reviewed eight rural settlements in Eastern Serbia, with a comprehensive analysis of one of them – the primary settlement, while the remaining ones were treated as secondary models, and their basic characteristics and potentials were used for comparison purposes, as well as for the purposes of calculating relevant results. The primary model was analysed as a characteristic representative of the both typical and by many aspects specific settlement. The social, economic and spatial circumstances provided a context for the analysis of spatial changes during a sequence of defined historical periods, from the agrarian, through craft-oriented, to industrial society and the current transition era. We have highlighted the characteristic phenomena in the architecture of centres as apartment buildings, and especially as public facilities, as well as their position in the wider context, i.e. in the light of formation of top-quality tourism clusters. They would be based on the existing natural and anthropogenic resources and potentials in the community, as well as on the new supposed hierarchical settlement network, with new centres in rural areas, independent of the existing administrative organization and illogical territorial affiliations..

    A Sketch of One Ethics from Death: On the Poetry of Pavao Vuk-Pavlović

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    Zbirke pjesama i aforizama Pavla Vuk-Pavlovića (Zov, Razvaline i Usplahireni stihovi) poetski su sažetak Vuk-Pavlovićeve filosofije – nekada presjek dotadašnjih radova, ali i anticipacija (tada) budućih ili nedovršenih djela. Težište je na etičkoj i antropološkoj problematici, kao i na filosofiji povijesti. Pavao Vuk-Pavlović pokazuje se kao samosvojni i izvorni filosof, ali i veliki znalac klasične filosofije (ne samo zapadne eurocentričke), filosof koji živi svoj život i svoj svijet, ali okrenut vječnim pitanjima svijeta i čovjeka i zato uvijek u određenom kontekstu aktualan, kao i prijemčiv za nova čitanja i nova tumačenja.The collection of poems and aphorisms by Pavao Vuk-Pavlović (Zov [Call], Razvaline [Ruins] and Usplahireni stihovi [Flustered Verses]) represent a poetic summary of his philosophy – sometimes as an overview of his to date philosophical work or as an anticipation of (then) upcoming or unfinished works. The emphasis is on ethical and anthropological problems, as well as on philosophy of history. Pavao Vuk-Pavlović reveals himself as an authentic and genuine philosopher, but also as a great expert in classic philosophy (not limited to Western Eurocentric one), the philosopher who lives his life and his world, nevertheless being at the same time open to the eternal questions of world and man. The legacy of Pavao Vuk-Pavlović is therefore always in a certain way modern and receptive for both new readings and new interpretations

    Ревитализација центара у селима брдско-планинских подручја источне Србије

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    Due to radical shifts of society concepts during the last two centuries, areas such as the mountain region of Eastern Serbia have frequently experienced developmental discontinuity from the aspect of logic of spatial action and events, i.e. the formation of the culture of environment shaping. The motivation for research into the possibility of revitalization of centres in villages and specific rural areas can be found in the attempts at identifying the correct development code. The said code would include, on one hand, their existing natural and artificial resources, and on the other hand, the matrix of correct spatial intervention. This research represents the examination of the possibility for preservation of inherited ambient values and traditional manifestations of customs in rural communities through respect and correct channelling of the influences of contemporary urban, sociological, economic, demographic and other phenomena, needs, and occurrences in the society. Within the scope of this paper- research model, we have reviewed eight rural settlements in Eastern Serbia, with a comprehensive analysis of one of them – the primary settlement, while the remaining ones were treated as secondary models, and their basic characteristics and potentials were used for comparison purposes, as well as for the purposes of calculating relevant results. The primary model was analysed as a characteristic representative of the both typical and by many aspects specific settlement. The social, economic and spatial circumstances provided a context for the analysis of spatial changes during a sequence of defined historical periods, from the agrarian, through craft-oriented, to industrial society and the current transition era. We have highlighted the characteristic phenomena in the architecture of centres as apartment buildings, and especially as public facilities, as well as their position in the wider context, i.e. in the light of formation of top-quality tourism clusters. They would be based on the existing natural and anthropogenic resources and potentials in the community, as well as on the new supposed hierarchical settlement network, with new centres in rural areas, independent of the existing administrative organization and illogical territorial affiliations...Подручја попут брдско - планинског истока Србије су, у условима радикалних измена друштвених концепција током протекла два века, доживљавала честе развојне дисконтинуитете, у логици поступања и дешавања у простору, односно у формирању културе обликовања животне средине. Мотиви за истраживање могућности ревитализације центара у селима и специфичним руралним подручјима, налазе се у покушају проналажења исправног развојног кода. Исти би укључивао, са једне стране, њихове постојеће природне и створене ресурсе и потенцијале, а са друге стране, матрицу исправног просторног интервенисања у њима. Истраживање представља испитивање могућности очувања наслеђених амбијенталних вредности и традиционалних појавности и обичаја у сеоским срединама, кроз уважавање и правилно усмеравање уплива савремених урбанистичких, социолошких, економских, демографских и других феномена, потреба и појава у друштву. У виду предмета – модела истраживања, третирано је осам сеоских насеља у источној Србији, од којих је опсежна анализа извршена на једном од њих - примарном, док су преостала насеља као секундарни модели, третирани са основним карактеристикама и потенцијалима у компаративном поступку и свођењу релевантних резултата. Примарни модел, анализиран је као репрезентативан представник истовремено типичног и у многим аспектима посебног насеља. Друштвено – економске и просторне условности, представљале су контекст за анализу просторних промена, кроз низ дефинисаних временских периода од аграрног, преко занатског до индустијског друштва и данашњег времена транзиције. Уочене су појавности у стамбеној, а посебно јавној архитектури центара, као и њихов положај у ширем контексту, односно у светлу формирања квалитетних туристичких кластера. Исти би се осмишљавали на основама постојећих природних и антропогених ресурса и потенцијала у окружењу, али и на бази предпоставке новог хијерархијског умрежавања насеља, са новим центрима у руралним подручјима, независно од постојећих административних подела и нелогичних територијалних припадности..