58 research outputs found

    Realizacija daljinskog upravljanja roletom korištenjem Arduino razvojnog sustava

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    U ovom radu opisan je sustav za automatsko upravljanje rolo zavjesom pomoću Arduino UNO razvojne platforme. Sustav može raditi u tri moda odnosno može se upravljati zavjesom (motorom) ručno, pomoću fotooptičko osjetila i pomoću vremenskog modula tj. izvršavanje naredbi u zadanom realnom vremenu. Glavni elementi sustava su Arduino UNO razvojna pločica sa AT mega mikrokontrolerom, optičko osjetilo, koračni motor 28BYJ-48, infracrveni predajnik i prijemnik te Arduino razvojna pločica sa satom realnog vremena (RTC shield). Detaljno je opisan način spajanja elemenata i programski kod koji to sve objedinjuje u svrsishodan sustav koji na kraju rezultira boljom energetskom učinkovitošću kuće kao i lagodnijim životom u njoj

    Inhibicija korozije bakra primenom derivata tiazola

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    Determination of ionization constants of selected monocarbohydrazone derivatites

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    Poster presented at: 13th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials 2020, Banja Luka, 11th September, 2020Abstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3688]The paper: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4361

    Одређивање јонизационих константи одабраних деривата монокарбохидразона

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    Carbohydrazone derivatives represent a very significant class of compounds due to their wide biological activity. Ionization states of functional groups present in the molecule are of vital importance for understanding of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the newly synthesized compounds. One of the physicochemical parameters, the ionization constant (pKa), can be used as a molecular descriptor in order to relate structure and activity of a compound, which may indicate further potential application of newly synthesized derivatives. In this work, ionization constants of thirteen monocarbohydrazone derivatives were determined using potentiometric method, in order to obtain information about their ionization states under certain conditions.Деривати карбохидразона представљају веома значај- на једињења за проучавање с обзиром да многа од њих показују веома изражену биолошку активност. Познавање јонизационог стања функци- оналних група присутних у молекулу је од виталног значаја за разумева- ње фармакокинетичких и фармакодинамичких особина новосинтетиса- них једињења. Један од важнијих физичко-хемијских параметара, кисе- линска константа (pKa), може да послужи као молекулски дескриптор за повезивање односа стуктуре и активности једињења, што може укази- вати на даљу потенцијалну примену новосинтетисаних деривата. У овом раду, применом потенциометријске методе, одређене су киселин- ске константе за тринаест синтетисаних једињења из серије монокарбо- хидразона у циљу добијања информација о њиховим јонизационим ста- њима при одређеним условима.Abstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3688]Poster: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3689

    Determination of ionization constants of selected monocarbohydrazone derivatites

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    Carbohydrazone derivatives represent a very significant class of compounds due to their wide biological activity. Ionization states of functional groups present in the molecule are of vital importance for understanding of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the newly synthesized compounds. One of the physicochemical parameters, the ionization constant (pKa), can be used as a molecular descriptor in order to relate structure and activity of a compound, which may indicate further potential application of newly synthesized derivatives. In this work, ionization constants of twenty monocarbohydrazone derivatives were determined using potentiometric method, in order to obtain information about their ionization states under certain conditions.Poster: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3689]The paper: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4361

    Investigation of physicochemical properties and potential biological activity of 2-pyridine-(thio)carbohydrazone derivatives

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    Carbohydrazones and their thio analogs represent compounds obtained by condensation of carbohydrazide and thiocarbohydrazide with carbonyl compounds. Due to their structure, relatively simple synthesis, and high reactivity, mentioned derivatives have a wide range of applications in all fields. In this study, ionization constants of four newly synthesized mono(thio)carbohydrazones were determined by applying the potentiometric method. Also, the influence of specific and nonspecific intermolecular interactions on maxima shifting in UV-Vis absorption spectra was investigated and quantified using the linear solvation energy relationships method and Catalan’s model. Finally, by applying the DPPH assay, the antioxidant potential of the newly synthesized compounds was determined, and thiocarbohydrazone derivatives proved to be significantly more active when compared to carbohydrazones.XIV international scientific conference contemporary materials 2021 / XIV Међународни научни скуп савремени материјали 2021, Banja Luka, 9-10.9.202


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    The biological activity of compounds is mostly determined by its physical and structural characteristics. Among the many molecular descriptors that may indicate a potential biological activity of a compound, lipophilicity occupies the most important place. Since chloroacetamides show a variety of physiological activity, the task of this study was to investigate the potential biological activity of newly synthesized derivatives of selected N-substituted phenyl-2-chloroacetamides. Analysis was performed by thin layer chromatography on reversed phase (RP18 F254s TLC), and the mobile phase consisted of mixtures of water-acetic acid and water-dimethylformamide. By varying the volume fraction of organic modifier chromatographic retention constants, RM0, of the compounds were determined. Тhen RM0 were correlated with the software calculated partition coefficient, log P, as a standard measure of lipophilicity. Also, RM0 were correlated with selected pharmacokinetic parameters: intestinal absorption, HIA, the ability to bind to plasma proteins, PPB, and the distribution through the blood-brain barrier, BBB.The biological activity of compounds is mostly determined by its physical and structural characteristics. Among the many molecular descriptors that may indicate a potential biological activity of a compound, lipophilicity occupies the most important place. Since chloroacetamides show a variety of physiological activity, the task of this study was to investigate the potential biological activity of newly synthesized derivatives of selected N-substituted phenyl-2-chloroacetamides. Analysis was performed by thin layer chromatography on reversed phase (RP18 F254s TLC), and the mobile phase consisted of mixtures of water-acetic acid and water-dimethylformamide. By varying the volume fraction of organic modifier chromatographic retention constants, RM0, of the compounds were determined. Тhen RM0 were correlated with the software calculated partition coefficient, log P, as a standard measure of lipophilicity. Also, RM0 were correlated with selected pharmacokinetic parameters: intestinal absorption, HIA, the ability to bind to plasma proteins, PPB, and the distribution through the blood-brain barrier, BBB