567 research outputs found

    Pojedine biljne vrste iz Biblije

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    Many plant species are mentioned in the Bible. This article presents some important plant species in the Bible: Olea sativa (Hoff mg. et Lk.) Fiori, Phoenix dactylifera L, Ficus carica L., Prunus amygdalus Stokes, Punica granatum L., Coriandrum sativum L., Linum usitatissimum L. and Ruta graveolens L. and its use in different church rituals

    Mechanisms of maintaining accuracy of protein biosynthesis on the ribosome

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    Da bi život bio moguć potreban je stalan protok genetičke informacije. Sintezu proteina na temelju informacije pohranjene u DNA omogućuju replikacija i transkripcija DNA te translacija mRNA. Točnost i brzina tih procesa bitni su za održavanje funkcionalnosti nekog organizma. Prilikom translacije može doći do ugradnje pogrešnih aminokiselina u polipeptidni lanac. No, postoji niz mehanizama na ribosomu koji omogućuju da učestalost ugradnje pogrešnih aminokiselina ne prelazi 1×10-3. Ovisno o sparivanju kodona mRNA i antikodona tRNA razlikujemo srodne, približno srodne i nesrodne aminoacilirane tRNA (aa-tRNA). Srodne aa-tRNA su one čije su baze antikodona potpuno komplementarne bazama kodona mRNA. Na ribosom aa-tRNA dolaze u obliku trojnog kompleksa s elongacijskim faktorom Tu (EF-Tu) i GTP-om. Ribosom odabire srodne aa-tRNA zahvaljujući mehanizmima kinetičke provjere i induciranog pristajanja. Ispravno sparene baze kodona i antikodona pokreću mehanizam induciranog pristajanja, koji dovodi do pravilne orijentacije aktivnih mjesta na ribosomu potrebnih za reakcije hidrolize GTP-a i akomodacije aa-tRNA u A mjestu. Konformacijske promjene odvijaju se u dekodirajućem centru male podjedinice ribosoma te se konformacijski signal prenosi do velike podjedinice koja je uključena u hidrolizu GTP-a i akomodaciju. Pokazano je da je komunikacija između male i velike podjedinice moguća zbog stvaranja ionskih mostova, koji nastaju nakon zatvaranja male podjedinice uslijed vezanja srodnog supstrata. Zahvaljujući GTP-aznoj aktivnosti EF-Tu, proces odabira srodne aa-tRNA rastavljen je na dva koraka: inicijalni odabir i kinetičku provjeru. Oni omogućuju ribosomu da u više navrata odbaci približno srodnu i nesrodnu aa-tRNA te na taj način višestruko povećavaju točnost translacijskog procesa.Constant flow of genetic information makes life possible. Protein biosynthesis based on information stored in DNA molecule is enabled by replication and transcription of DNA and translation of mRNA. Accuracy and speed of those processes are crucial for maintaining organism functionality. During translation, incorrect amino acids can be incorporated in a polypeptide chain. There are several mechanisms on the ribosome which prevent that incorporation frequency of incorrect amino acids rises above 1×10-3. Based on mRNA codon and tRNA anticodon pairing we can distinguish three types of aminoacylated tRNAs (aa-tRNA): cognate, near-cognate and non-cognate. Anticodon of cognate aa-tRNA is completely complementary with the codon of mRNA. Aa-tRNA is bound to the ribosome in the form of ternary complex together with the elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and GTP. Ribosome selects cognate aa-tRNA via mechanisms of kinetic proofreading and induced fit. Complementarity between codon and anticodon induces a conformational change that changes the orientation of active sites on the ribosome, required for reactions of GTP hydrolysis and accomodation of aa-tRNA in A site. Those conformational changes occur in the decoding center of small ribosomal subunit and conformational signal is transmitted to the large subunit which is involved in GTP hydrolysis and accomodation. It has been shown that communication between small and large ribosomal subunit is possible because of formation of intersubunit bridges. They are formed after small subunit closure, caused by cognate supstrate binding. Because of the GTPase activity of EF-Tu, process of cognate aa-tRNA selection has been separated in two stages: initial selection and kinetic proofreading. They enable ribosme to reject near-cognate and non-cognate aa-tRNA several times, and in that way they increase the accuracy of protein biosynthesis on the ribosome

    The influence of granulation on lightweight aggregate on early autogenous shrinkage of high strength concrete

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    Early autogenous shrinkage of high strength concretes is relatively large. It can be reduced by using internal water reservoirs. Lightweight aggregate was used for internal water reservoir. 12% of aggregate was replaced with pre-soaked lightweight aggregate in the concrete mixture. On the basis of experiments in the graduation thesis we studied the influence of granulation of lightweight aggregate on early autogenous shrinkage. The shrinkage was measured electronically during the first day. In the next few days it was measured with a mobile displacement transducer. Beside autogenous shrinkage we measured\ud the compressive strength of concrete. We concluded that content of pre-soaked lightweight aggregate have significant impact on autogenous shrinkage but relatively little impact on compressive strength

    Uloga Hrvatske revije u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova izbjeglih novinara, publicista i književnika u njezinom prvom emigrantskom desetljeću (1951. – 1961.)

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    The Hrvatska revija and its role in the preservation and promotion of Christian-inspired texts by some selected journalists, publicists and writers who fled communist Yugoslavia after World War II is the subject of this paper, which provides an overview of the first decade (1951 - 1961) of this literary and cultural magazine, which was published in emigration. In Croatia, the first issue appeared on March 9, 1951 in Buenos Aires, edited by Vinko Nikolić and Antun Bonifačić. The study focused on the names of journalists, publicists and writers who appeared in the Croatian cultural, literary and media scene before 1945 and were forced to emigrate and become refugees after the war. Namely, since 1945 Croatia became partially communist ex-Yugoslavia and many journalists, publicists and writers were forbidden to work and many fled in fear of communist terror.The mention of their names as well as valuable journalistic, journalistic and literary texts was forbidden in ex-Yugoslavia. In his book Destroyed Generation - the Tragic Fate of NDH Journalists, Josip Grbelja explainsthat after World War II, the communists registered 330 journalists whowere active between 1930 and‘40. They were active at the beginning of the twentieth century. 330 of them, 38 of them were killed, 101 were permanently banned from writing and publishing, and even 131 fled abroad, but they did not stop acting intellectually and culturally. In this research, we first try to show whether and to what extent the names of some of the intellectuals mentioned by Grbelja, who fled from May 6 to 8, 1945, appeared in the Croatian Review, and elsewhere - on the basis of their publications - to investigate whether Christian themes were preserved and promoted in the Croatian Review ideas and values that were censored in communist Yugoslavia after World War II and were not allowed to be written about in a positive context.Hrvatska revija i njezina uloga u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova nekih odabranih novinara, publicista i književnika izbjeglih iz komunističke Jugoslavije nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata tema je ovoga rada koji obuhvaća pregled prvoga desetljeća (1951. – 1961.) toga književno-kulturnoga časopisa koji se u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj prvim brojem pojavio 9. ožujka 1951. godine u Buenos Airesu, a uređivali su ga Vinko Nikolić i Antun Bonifačić. U središtu su istraživanja odabrana imena novinara, publicista i književnika koji su se prije 1945. pojavljivali na hrvatskoj kulturnoj, književnoj i medijskoj sceni, a nakon rata su bili prisiljeni na iseljavanje i izbjeglištvo. Naime, kako je Hrvatska od 1945. postala dijelom komunističke ex-Jugoslavije mnogim je novinarima među kojima je bilo i publicista i književnika bilo zabranjeno djelovanje, a mnogi su izbjegli zbog straha od komunističke strahovlade. Spominjanje njihovih imena, kao i vrijednih novinarskih, publicističkih i književnih tekstova u ex-Jugoslaviji bilo je proskribirano. U svojoj knjizi Uništeni naraštaj – tragična sudbina novinara NDH Josip Grbelja objašnjava da su komunisti nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata evidentirali 330 novinara koji su bili aktivni između ’30. i ’40. godina XX. stoljeća. Od njih 330 ubijeno je njih 38, 101 je dobio trajnu zabranu pisanja i objavljivanja, a čak 131 pobjegao je u inozemstvo, ali nisu prestali intelektualno i kulturno djelovati. U ovome se istraživanju prije svega nastoji pokazati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji i u kojoj mjeri javljala imena nekih od tih intelektualaca koje navodi Grbelja, a koji su izbjegli od 6. do 8. svibnja 1945., te na drugome mjestu – na temelju njihovih objava – ispitati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji očuvale i promicale kršćanske ideje i vrjednote koje su u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bile cenzurirane i o kojima se nije smjelo pisati u pozitivnom kontekstu

    Kvantitativna analiza fenolnih spojeva ljepljivog omana – Inula viscosa (L.) Ait.

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    The quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds (phenolic acids, flavonoids, total polyphenols, nontannic polyphenols and tannins) was carried out in the samples of stems, leaves and flowers of Inula viscosa. The content of all investigated compounds was determined using spectrophotometric methods. The quantity of phenolic acids ranged from 1.71 to 5.92%, while the content of flavonoids varied between 0.157 and 0.498%. The leaves contained the highest quantity of phenolic acids. The content of total polyphenols ranged from 4.56 to 11.30%. The quantity of polyphenols unadsorbed on hide powder (nontannic polyphenols) was between 2.65 and 7.37% while the quantity of tannins ranged from 1.91 to 3.93%. Statistical analysis was assessed by Student's t- -test. The content of all investigated compounds depended on the plant organ and climatic factors

    Gutaperka - obilježja i primjena u dentalnoj medicini

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    Gutta-percha is the rigid natural latex produced from the plant species Palaquium gutta (Hook.) Burck (Sapotaceae). It is a polyterpene, a polymer of isoprene, or polyisoprene, specifi cally trans-polyisoprene. Gutta-percha remains to be the main core material used for root canal fillings in dentistry. It has unique property of inertness, better sealing ability and the ability to do retreatment in case of failure, makes it an indispensable obturating material currently

    Uloga Hrvatske revije u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova izbjeglih novinara, publicista i književnika u njezinom prvom emigrantskom desetljeću (1951. – 1961.)

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    The Hrvatska revija and its role in the preservation and promotion of Christian-inspired texts by some selected journalists, publicists and writers who fled communist Yugoslavia after World War II is the subject of this paper, which provides an overview of the first decade (1951 - 1961) of this literary and cultural magazine, which was published in emigration. In Croatia, the first issue appeared on March 9, 1951 in Buenos Aires, edited by Vinko Nikolić and Antun Bonifačić. The study focused on the names of journalists, publicists and writers who appeared in the Croatian cultural, literary and media scene before 1945 and were forced to emigrate and become refugees after the war. Namely, since 1945 Croatia became partially communist ex-Yugoslavia and many journalists, publicists and writers were forbidden to work and many fled in fear of communist terror.The mention of their names as well as valuable journalistic, journalistic and literary texts was forbidden in ex-Yugoslavia. In his book Destroyed Generation - the Tragic Fate of NDH Journalists, Josip Grbelja explainsthat after World War II, the communists registered 330 journalists whowere active between 1930 and‘40. They were active at the beginning of the twentieth century. 330 of them, 38 of them were killed, 101 were permanently banned from writing and publishing, and even 131 fled abroad, but they did not stop acting intellectually and culturally. In this research, we first try to show whether and to what extent the names of some of the intellectuals mentioned by Grbelja, who fled from May 6 to 8, 1945, appeared in the Croatian Review, and elsewhere - on the basis of their publications - to investigate whether Christian themes were preserved and promoted in the Croatian Review ideas and values that were censored in communist Yugoslavia after World War II and were not allowed to be written about in a positive context.Hrvatska revija i njezina uloga u očuvanju i promicanju kršćanstvom nadahnutih tekstova nekih odabranih novinara, publicista i književnika izbjeglih iz komunističke Jugoslavije nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata tema je ovoga rada koji obuhvaća pregled prvoga desetljeća (1951. – 1961.) toga književno-kulturnoga časopisa koji se u iseljenoj Hrvatskoj prvim brojem pojavio 9. ožujka 1951. godine u Buenos Airesu, a uređivali su ga Vinko Nikolić i Antun Bonifačić. U središtu su istraživanja odabrana imena novinara, publicista i književnika koji su se prije 1945. pojavljivali na hrvatskoj kulturnoj, književnoj i medijskoj sceni, a nakon rata su bili prisiljeni na iseljavanje i izbjeglištvo. Naime, kako je Hrvatska od 1945. postala dijelom komunističke ex-Jugoslavije mnogim je novinarima među kojima je bilo i publicista i književnika bilo zabranjeno djelovanje, a mnogi su izbjegli zbog straha od komunističke strahovlade. Spominjanje njihovih imena, kao i vrijednih novinarskih, publicističkih i književnih tekstova u ex-Jugoslaviji bilo je proskribirano. U svojoj knjizi Uništeni naraštaj – tragična sudbina novinara NDH Josip Grbelja objašnjava da su komunisti nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata evidentirali 330 novinara koji su bili aktivni između ’30. i ’40. godina XX. stoljeća. Od njih 330 ubijeno je njih 38, 101 je dobio trajnu zabranu pisanja i objavljivanja, a čak 131 pobjegao je u inozemstvo, ali nisu prestali intelektualno i kulturno djelovati. U ovome se istraživanju prije svega nastoji pokazati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji i u kojoj mjeri javljala imena nekih od tih intelektualaca koje navodi Grbelja, a koji su izbjegli od 6. do 8. svibnja 1945., te na drugome mjestu – na temelju njihovih objava – ispitati jesu li se u Hrvatskoj reviji očuvale i promicale kršćanske ideje i vrjednote koje su u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji nakon Drugoga svjetskoga rata bile cenzurirane i o kojima se nije smjelo pisati u pozitivnom kontekstu

    Divlja šparoga (Asparagus acutifolius L.) – botanički podaci, kemijski sastav i uporaba

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    Botanical data, chemical composition and use of the wild asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius L.) are presented in this paper. Wild asparagus is rich in various minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C and folic acid, as well as many flavonoids, making it suitable for many types of usage. Its fresh sprouts are among the richest sources of glutathione, one of the strongest natural antioxidants, while dried flowers contain high content of flavonoids rutin and quercetin, making wild asparagus beneficial to blood vessel protection. It is commonly used among pregnant women due to its positive effect on lactation and the important role of folic acid in the proper fetal development. Furthermore, wild asparagus is regarded as a strong diuretic, making it appropriate for toxin elimination and detoxification