15 research outputs found

    The measurement of cardiovascular parameters

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    Tato práce shrnuje problematiku fyziologie kardiovaskulárního systému, se zaměřením na kardiovaskulární měření při fyzické zátěži. Popisuje diagnostické přístroje Cardiovit AT-104 (Schiller, Švýcarsko) a PowerCube (Ganshorn, Německo), sloužící ke spiro-ergometrickému měření. Uvádí možnosti exportu dat a práci s nimi. Navrhuje protokol měření pro menší skupinu dobrovolníků, podle kterého měříme základní diagnostické parametry před, během a po fyzické zátěži. V programovém prostředí MATLAB je vytvořena aplikace, umožňující přehlednou analýzu jednotlivých záznamů měření. Závěrečná část obsahuje statistické vyhodnocení vlivu zátěže na měřené parametry a srovnání výsledků s dostupnou literaturou.This paper summarizes the problems of physiology of the cardiovascular system, with a focus on cardiovascular measurements during physical activity. It describes the diagnostic tools Cardiovit AT-104 (Schiller, Switzerland) and PowerCube (Ganshorn, Germany), used to spiro-ergometry measurements. It provides options to export data and work with them. It proposed protocol for the measurement of a small group of volunteers, by which we measure basic diagnostic parameters before, during and after physical activity. The MATLAB application is created, allowing clear analysis of measurement records. The final part contains a statistical assessment affected by physical activity on the measured parameters and a comparison of results with the available literature.

    Thermal comfort and its estimation

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    Tato práce shrnuje problematiku termoregulace u člověka a jejího měření se zaměřením na metodu nepřímé kalorimetrie v klidových podmínkách při rozdílných okolních teplotách a při fyzické zátěži. Dále seznamuje s problematikou tepelného komfortu u člověka a s metodikou jeho sledování pomocí tepelné figuríny. Popisuje PowerCube Ergo (Ganshorn, Německo) a Cardiovit AT-104 (Schiller, Švýcarsko), což jsou diagnostické přístroje, sloužící ke spiro-ergometrickému měření. Seznamuje s možnostmi exportu dat. Navrhuje protokol měření parametrů termoregulace pro menší skupinu dobrovolníků, podle kterého je realizována praktická část. Dle stejného protokolu je sledován tepelný komfort tepelného manekýna na spolupracujícím pracovišti. Pro získaná data je vytvořena aplikace v programovém prostředí MATLAB, umožňující přehlednou analýzu záznamů měření. V závěru jsou získaná data vyhodnocena a diskutována.This paper summarizes the problems of human thermoregulation and its measurement, with a focus on the method of indirect calorimetry in resting conditions at different ambient temperatures and during physical activity. It also introduces the issue of human thermal comfort and the methodology of its monitoring using thermal manikin. It describes PowerCube Ergo (Ganshorn, Germany) and Cardiovit AT-104 (Schiller, Switzerland), the diagnostic devices used to spiro-ergometry measurements. It introduces the options to export data. The work proposes the protocol for measuring the thermoregulation of the small group of volunteers, which is realized by the practical part. According to the same protocol is monitored thermal comfort of the thermal manikin. In MATLAB is created the application, allowing clear analysis of measurement records. The data are evaluated and discussed.

    Genetické faktory ovlivňující ukládání intramuskulárního tuku u masných plemen skotu

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    Intramuscular fat is very important element in meat quality assessment. This mainly affects consumer's perceptions of taste. I deal with genetic factors influencing the storage of intramuscular fat in beef cattle in my bachelor thesis. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to describe intramuscular fat, factors that influencing storage of intramuscular fat in meat, then I describe the main candidate genes that were analyzed in cattle. Another important part is the description of genotyping and detection of polymorphisms of candidate genes and the description of the importance of studying these genes for the subsequent animal selection

    Porovnání získaných informací o množství nadojeného mléka z kontroly užitkovosti a z dojírenských systémů

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    The aim of this thesis was to compare milking data from farm productivity control and milking systems. Data collection using a PDA was used here as part of a performance check when milk from each dairy cow was recorded manually from a currently calibrated measuring system. The data from the milking system was downloaded from the Farmsoft program, which is used on farms to manage the herd. The comparison took place in 90 dairy cows when 3 lactations were evaluated from each. The difference between the data from the milking parlour system and the KU was confirmed on one of the three farms with more than a 5% probability. The average difference between milk yield was 4.2 kg and the maximum deviation reached 54.1 kg. Several possibilities have been identified as reasons for the difference. The first option is an inappropriate identification device in the form of responders on collars, when there is greater damage and the impossibility of loading dairy cows at the milking parlour. Subsequently, it is possible to point to the different techniques of the milking parlours, where the technology from the BouMatic farm appears to be less reliable. Another possible cause is a misconfiguration of the milking technology with the computer system. Further research into the possible causes of poor identification of dairy cows and the acquisition of innovative technologies for animal identification is recommended

    Nevětná časová adverbia ve fikci

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    This bachelor paper focuses on non-clausal temporal adverbials in fiction. The theoretical part characterizes their semantic categories, syntactic realization and the most frequent positions in the clause. Furthermore, it deals with the relationship between temporal adjuncts and verbs in term of the category of tense and aspect. In the practical part, there is introduced and described the style of fiction and further, the findings from the theoretical part are applied to analysis of chosen text in the fiction style in order to state the results of research.Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na nevětná příslovečná určení času v umělecké literatuře. Teoretická část charakterizuje jejich sémantické kategorie, formální realizace a nejčastější pozice ve větě. Dále se zabývá vztahem mezi časovým určením a slovesem v závislosti na kategorii času a vidu. V praktické části je představen a popsán umělecký styl a dále poznatky z teorie jsou aplikovány v analýze vybraného textu uměleckého stylu za účelem stanovení výsledků výzkumu.Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistik

    Influence of steered rear axle on vehicle stability by the instrumentality of side wind

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vliv řízené zadní nápravy na stabilitu vozidla při působení bočního větru. Teoretická část práce popisuje stabilitu vozidel, systémy řízení zadní nápravy a řízení po drátech (tzv. Steer by wire). Praktická část je věnována analýze vlivu řízené zadní nápravy na stabilitu vozidla při bočním větru. Cílem práce je rozbor vlivu působení bočního větru na vozidlo a jeho následné chování a dále způsob zamezení aerodynamické nestability vozidla s řízenou zadní nápravou při tomto rušivém vlivu.The subject of this diploma thesis is the influence of steered rear axle on vehicle stability by the instrumentality of side wind. The theoretical part of thesis describes the stability of vehicle management systems and management of the rear axle by wire. The practical part is devoted to analyzing the influence of steered rear axle on the stability of the vehicle during a side wind. The aim of this work is to analyze the impact of action of side wind on the vehicle and its subsequent behavior and the way to avoid the aerodynamic instability vehicle steered rear axle in this interference.Katedra dopravních prostředků a diagnostikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Spatial Market Integration: A Case Study of the Polish–Czech Milk Market

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    Analyses of spatial market integration contributes to the knowledge about market efficiency and provides information to policymakers, as the spatial integration of markets contributes to competitiveness and economic development. Although the integration of agri-food markets is widely discussed in the economic literature, research on the dairy sector is relatively limited. This paper fulfils the research gap with an in-depth investigation of spatial milk and dairy product market integration between two neighboring countries—Poland and Czechia—using regional data, and including both production and processing levels. The econometric analysis of time series covering the period 2001–2021 reveals that only long-run milk and skimmed milk powder (SMP) price relationships are between the Czech Republic and Poland. The results of the study confirm that the factors influencing spatial price relationships between the Czech Republic and Poland are: strong trade ties, the common moment of accession to the EU, a close distance between markets, and region specialization

    Is Market Power or Efficiency behind Economic Performance? The Case of the Czech Food Processing Industry

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    This article attempts to identify the main reason for the profitability of Czech food processing companies. For this purpose, an analysis of the profitability of the food industry was carried out in the framework of the Structure–Conduct–Performance (SCP) paradigm; specifically, the relative market power (RMP) hypothesis versus the efficiency hypothesis was tested. The analysis used data at the micro-economic level of six Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE) sub-sectors of the Czech food processing industry in the period 2016–2020. The final dataset consisted of 2639 observations of 623 companies. The data came from the database of Bisnode Albertina and the Czech Statistical Office. Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and a regression model were used in the study. Based on the research carried out, performance does not seem to be explained by a greater market power represented by a firm’s market share. Only one sub-sector was proven to have a higher marginal effect of market power on profitability than technical efficiency. Thus, it can be concluded that companies with relatively larger market shares do not have greater market power and thus do not achieve higher profitability

    Is Market Power or Efficiency behind Economic Performance? The Case of the Czech Food Processing Industry

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    This article attempts to identify the main reason for the profitability of Czech food processing companies. For this purpose, an analysis of the profitability of the food industry was carried out in the framework of the Structure–Conduct–Performance (SCP) paradigm; specifically, the relative market power (RMP) hypothesis versus the efficiency hypothesis was tested. The analysis used data at the micro-economic level of six Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE) sub-sectors of the Czech food processing industry in the period 2016–2020. The final dataset consisted of 2639 observations of 623 companies. The data came from the database of Bisnode Albertina and the Czech Statistical Office. Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and a regression model were used in the study. Based on the research carried out, performance does not seem to be explained by a greater market power represented by a firm’s market share. Only one sub-sector was proven to have a higher marginal effect of market power on profitability than technical efficiency. Thus, it can be concluded that companies with relatively larger market shares do not have greater market power and thus do not achieve higher profitability