8 research outputs found

    Apache CouchDB database server and CouchApp applications

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    The thesis subject is presentation of Apache CouchDB database and server, it's architecture and implementation details. The thesis also contains an example of CouchDB based self hosted web application. Apache CouchDB database is a member of schema less, document oriented database family. CouchDB doesn't use SQL language for database operation and querying. It's authors' primary goal was to create a system that will exhibit characteristics of fault tolerance, built-in replication mechanism and architecture built around web standards. Typical usage scenarios for database of this type are web applications, meta-data storage, data collection applications, fast application prototyping and distributed applications with sporadic absence of connection between nodes. This thesis contains overview of database server and database functions, it also discusses their role and usage in the system. Thesis also approaches the topic of possible architectural styles for systems that incorporate CouchDB server. To illustrate the special self-hosted application paradigm, an example of weblog web application implementation is thoroughly analysed and presented. We also developed a self hosted web application for collection, storage and analysis of Syslog formatted records

    Možnosti gnojenja z industrijskimi in komunalnimi odpadki v kmetijski proizvodnji

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    Možnosti gnojenja z industrijskimi in komunalnimi odpadki v kmetijski proizvodnji

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    Možnosti gnojenja z industrijskimi in komunalnimi odpadki v kmetijski proizvodnj

    Photoelectric effect with a twist

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    Photons have fixed spin and unbounded orbital angular momentum (OAM). While the former is manifested in the polarization of light, the latter corresponds to the spatial phase distribution of its wavefront1. The distinctive way in which the photon spin dictates the electron motion upon light– matter interaction is the basis for numerous well-established spectroscopies. By contrast, imprinting OAM on a mat- ter wave, specifically on a propagating electron, is gener- ally considered very challenging and the anticipated effect undetectable2. In refs. 3,4, the authors provided evidence of OAM-dependent absorption of light by a bound electron. Here, we seek to observe an OAM-dependent dichroic photo- electric effect, using a sample of He atoms. Surprisingly, we find that the OAM of an optical field can be imprinted coher- ently onto a propagating electron wave. Our results reveal new aspects of light–matter interaction and point to a new kind of single-photon electron spectroscopy