23 research outputs found


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    PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PRESCRIPTION BASED ON STRESS TEST EXAMINATION. KARD training program was developed for long-term training for competitive athletes, leisure time activities and also for patients. The training program has been based on results acquired from bicycle or treadmill ergometer. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing analysis allows to diagnose of training or rehabilitation effects. On the basis of testing results the program enables selecting alternatives of long-term physical activity that optimally suits each individual. The program is able to set the type, intensity, duration and frequency of the exercise units. The physician can modify the program which is important for patients especially. On the result of the stress test cardiopulmonary examination and physician recommendation the patient can do physical activity in home, without physician supervision, e.g. only heart rate measuring is used

    Simple method for measurement of feltability of rabbit hair

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    458-462In this work, a simple method for testing the felting propensity of carded top prepared from chemically treated, short and thick animal hairs, together with the necessary devices has been developed. Similar to the Aachen felting test, external force is applied to the wet sample of the fibres until felting occurs. The felting propensity is then determined from the dimensions of the resulting felted body. The main difference is that the sample is prevented from disintegration during the procedure that usually occurs, when a standard Aachen test is applied

    Optical observations of enhanced activity of the 2005 Draconid meteor shower

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    Context.The enhanced activity of the Draconid meteor shower was observed on October 8, 2005 using video and photographic cameras. Aims.The aim of this paper is to use a higher than usual number of recorded meteors to look at some physical properties of the Draconid meteoroids, to describe the activity profile, and to infer meteor orbits. Methods.Video data on meteors are used for the determination of the meteor shower activity. Double station data provide precise beginning heights of the meteors as well as their radiants and orbits. Beginning heights and light curves of all meteors are used for investigation of meteoroid properties. Results.Only the descending branch of the enhanced activity was observed between 17:30 and 19 UT. The mass distribution index is similar to the 1998 return. Beginning heights of the Draconid meteors are several kilometres higher in comparison with other meteors of similar velocity. Light curves are nearly symmetrical, with a slight preference of early maxima. Both results are consistent with the very fragile nature of Draconid meteoroids

    Properties of small meteoroids studied by meteor video observations

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    Aims. The complex study of millimetre-sized meteoroids can reveal more about the structure and origin of population of these meteoroids. Methods. Double-station video observations, paired with spectroscopic video observations, were used to study small meteoroids. In total 152 sporadic and shower meteors of maximum brightness between magnitude −5 and +3 were analysed. Spectral classification was based on time-integrated intensities of lines of Na, Mg, and Fe. Meteor light curves and deceleration were fitted by the grain erosion model. Heliocentric orbits of all meteors were computed. Monochromatic light curves were constructed in order to study differential ablation. The length of meteor wakes was evaluated as well. Results. The variety of properties among millimetre-sized meteoroids proved different sources and histories of this material. Meteoroids that contain small grains tend to release their sodium early. For given grain sizes, the sodium in Na-poor meteoroids is released earlier than in meteors without sodium depletion. Overall, meteoroids with sodium depletion are revealed to have different structures: they have stronger material without very small grains and they do not show very bright wakes. Two iron meteoroids on Halley-type orbits were observed, thereby supporting the idea of large-scale mixing of material in the early solar system. The distribution of grain sizes of Jupiter-family members was in good agreement with results from the COSIMA instrument on the ROSETTA probe

    Catalogue of representative meteor spectra

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    Aims. We present a library of low-resolution meteor spectra that includes sporadic meteors, members of minor meteor showers, and major meteor showers. These meteors are in the magnitude range from +2 to −3, corresponding to meteoroid sizes from 1 mm to 10 mm. Methods. Parallel double-station video observations allowed us to compute heliocentric orbits for all meteors. Most observations were performed during the periods of activity of major meteor showers in the years between 2006 and 2012. Spectra are classified according to relative intensities of the low-temperature emission lines of Mg, Na, and Fe. Results. Shower meteors were found to be of normal composition, except for Southern δ Aquariids and some members of the Geminid shower, neither of which have Na in the meteor spectra. Variations in Na content are typical for the Geminid shower. Three populations of Na-free mereoroids were identified. The first population are iron meteorites, which have an asteroidal-chondritic origin, but one meteoroid with low perihelion (0.11 AU) was found among the iron meteorites. The second population were Sun-approaching meteoroids in which sodium is depleted by thermal desorption. The third population were Na-free meteoroids of cometary origin. Long exposure to cosmic rays on the surface of comets in the Oort cloud and disintegration of this crust might be the origin of this population of meteoroids

    Odezva hráček házené na tréninkové a zápasové zatížení

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    Odezva hráček týmových sportů na tréninkovou a zápasovou zátěže je individuálně rozdílná. Ačkoliv při kolektivním tréninku a shodných tréninkových zátěžích lze očekávat obdobnou odezvu, korespondující se záměrem trenéra a charakterem zátěže, individuální rozdíly řady parametrů, charakterizujících reakci jednotlivých systémů na zátěž, se budou mezi jednotlivými hráčkami lišit. Rozdíly v odezvě na zátěž souvisejí nejenom s různou trénovaností hráček, různou délkou jejich hráčské kariéry, věkem, rozdílným somatotypem a dalších somatických parametrech, ale i na různém přístupu hráček k tréninkovým úkolům a na jejich rozdílných psychických a morálních vlastnostech. Pro trenéra je vítané, může-li se při hodnocení odezvy hráček na tréninkové či zápasové zatížení opřít o objektivně stanovené tzv. biomarkery, které mu pomohou při zpětnovazebním hodnocení účinnosti tréninkového procesu resp. poskytnou informaci o individuálních odlišnostech reakce jednotlivých hráček na zatížení. Cílem pilotního projektu sledování odezvy hráček na zátěž při házené bylo a) hodnocení odezvy na tréninkovou zátěž s různým herním zaměřením, b) hodnocení úrovně zotavení druhý den po tréninkové zátěži kondičního charakteru a c) hodnocení odezvy hráček na zápasovou zátěž

    Search for pairs and groups in the 2006 Geminid meteor shower

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    Context. The existence of pairs and groups of meteors during meteor showers has been an open question for a long time. The double-station video observation of the 2006 Geminid meteor shower, one of the most active annual showers, is used for the search of such events. Aims. The goal of the paper is to determine whether the observed pairs of Geminid meteors are real events or cases of random coincidence. Methods. The atmospheric trajectories of the observed meteors, photometric masses, and both time and spatial distances of meteoroids in the atmosphere were determined using a double-station video observation. The time gaps between them were analysed statistically. The Monte Carlo simulation was used for the determination of the probability of random pairings. Results. A higher than expected number of candidates for pairs was found among 2006 Geminids. An evaluation of the Poisson distribution shows that a significant fraction of them may be real cases. However, the Monte Carlo simulation did not confirm this result and provided a different view. Analysis of geometrical positions of candidate pairs also did not support the presence of real pairs and groups. Although we cannot exclude that some of them may be physically connected pairs, all the observed cases can be explained as the coincidental appearance of unrelated meteors