12 research outputs found

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Haploinsufficiency for steroidogenic factor 1 affects maternal behavior in mice

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    Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1), officially designated NR5A1, is essential for gonadal and adrenal development and for the normal structure of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), as demonstrated by SF-1 knockout mice (SF-1 KO), but much less is known about the possible effects of haploinsufficiency of the SF-1 gene. In the present study, maternal behavior in SF-1 KO heterozygous mice was evaluated. Behavioral tests revealed that SF-1 KO heterozygous females have impaired maternal behavior. In comparison to wild-type (WT) females, SF-1 KO heterozygous females retrieved significantly fewer pups into their nests, latency to retrieve and crouch over the pups was longer, and their nests were lower quality. As suggested by previous studies full dosage of SF-1 gene is needed for appropriate stress response and expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the brain, and this might present a mechanism through which maternal behavior in SF-1 KO heterozygous females is impaired

    Vloga organizacij bolnic

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    Telemedicine in radiation oncology post-COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose We aimed to assess patients’ and physicians’ perspectives on wider implementation of telemedicine in radiation oncology practice, disrupted by the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods Quantitative questionnaires were prepared and distributed between May 27 and June 11, 2020. A 29-question survey targeting patients with cancer was distributed electronically via cancer support organizations. Cross-sectional data from a selected weekday at a radiation oncology department were also analyzed. In addition, a 25-question survey was distributed to 168 physicians employed by a comprehensive cancer center. Results In total, we have analyzed 468 patients’ and 101 physicians’ responses. Among responding patients, 310 were undergoing active treatment and 158 were in follow-up care. Both patients and physicians reported no experiences with video consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic, but 15% of patients stated that they missed telemedicine services that would include a video call. Overall, 30.6% of patients expressed interest in more frequent usage of telemedicine and 23.3% would start using it. Sixty-seven percent of radiation oncologists expressed interest in more frequent usage of telemedicine, and 14% would use it similarly as in the past. For patients treated with radiation therapy (RT), 59.9% and 63.4% of the responding patients acknowledged that video consultations would be an important addition to medical care during RT course or after the completion of RT, respectively. Comparably, 61.1% and 63.9% of radiation oncologists believed video consultations would be useful or extremely useful for patients undergoing RT or for patients in the follow-up setting, respectively. Conclusions The post–COVID-19 era represents a unique chance to improve and guarantee continuity of cancer care via telemedicine solutions, when appropriate

    Pogledi bolnikov in onkologov na uvajanje telemedicine v času epidemije COVID-19

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    Introduction: Due to epidemiologic measures, especially physical distancing, the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has accelerated the implementation of telemedicine into clinical practice. Therefore, we aimed to gather oncology patients’ and oncologists’ perspectives on the value of telemedicine in oncology care.Methods: Between May 27 and June 11 2020, we have invited oncology patients to respond to our online quantitative questionnaire with the help of patients’ organization ONKO NET. Oncologists were invited via email to respond to a separate questionnaire. Additionally, a cross-sectional day has been selected to include patients, currently undergoing radiotherapy at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana.Results: We have gathered responses from 475 patients, out of which 310 (65,3%) were undergoing active oncology treatment and 132 (27,8%) were in follow-up care. Almost half of the patients (48,4 %) were patients with breast cancer. One tenth of the patients (11,3 %) were thinking of skipping their doctor's appointment due to pandemic situation. Approximately three thirds of patients (72,4%) reported owning smartphone or tablet and 30% would be willing to use telemedicine more often. Out of 168 invited oncologists, 101 responded (60%) and estimated that tlemedicine would be suitable for 21% of their services (0–80 %). More than half of them would be willing to use telemedicine if they would be patients themselves (54,5%).Conclusion: Acknowledging the limitations, wider implementation of telemedicine into oncology care would be acceptable to an important part of oncology patients and oncologists.Izhodišča: Pandemija koronavirusne bolezni 2019 (COVID-19) je zaradi epidemioloških ukrepov, zlasti spodbujanja fizičnega distanciranja, marsikje po svetu spodbudila uvajanje telemedicine v klinično prakso, zato smo želeli pridobiti stališča onkoloških bolnikov in zdravnikov do tovrstne obravnave v onkologiji.Metode: K izpolnjevanju dveh ločenih kvantitativnih vprašalnikov smo v obdobju med 27. majem in 11. junijem 2020 prek elektronske pošte ter s pomočjo Slovenskega združenja organizacij bolnikov z rakom (ONKO NET) povabili bolnike z rakom, ki so bili bodisi na aktivnem zdravljenju, bodisi na sledenju po zaključenem zdravljenju in zdravnike onkologe. Dodatno je bil v Sektorju radioterapije Onkološkega inštituta Ljubljana izveden presečni dan za bolnike med obsevanjem.Rezultati: Na spletni ali natisnjen vprašalnik za bolnike je odgovorilo 475 bolnikov, od tega 310 (65,3 %) na aktivnem onkološkem zdravljenju in 132 (27,8 %) v fazi sledenja. Skoraj polovica bolnikov (48,4 %) je kot svojo primarno diagnozo opredelilo rak dojk. Več kot desetina vseh (11,3 %) je zaradi pandemije želelo opustiti zdravniški pregled. V zasebnem življenju jih pametni telefon ali tablico uporablja 72,4 % in vsaj 30 % bolnikov bi bilo pripravljenih v bodoče pogosteje uporabljati telemedicinske storitve. Od 168 povabljenih zdravnikov jih je na vprašalnik odgovorilo 101 (60 %) in ocenilo, da bi s pomočjo telemedicine lahko opravili 21 % (0–80 %) vseh svojih storitev. Če bi se sami znašli v vlogi bolnika, bi se bila pripravljena telemedicine poslužiti dobra polovica sodelujočih (54,5 %).Zaključki: Uporaba telemedicine v onkologiji bi bila ob upoštevanju nekaterih omejitev sprejemljiva za pomemben del bolnikov in zdravnikov