67 research outputs found

    Supercell Altermagnets

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    Altermagnets are compensated magnets with unconvetional dd, gg and ii-wave spin-channel order in reciprocal space. So far the search for new altermagnetic candidates has been focused on materials in which the magnetic unit cell is identical to the non-magnetic one, i.e. magnetic structures with zero propagation vector. Here, we substantially broaden the family of altermagnetic candidates by predicting supercell altermagnets. Their magnetic unit cell is constructed by enlarging the paramagnetic primitive unit cell, resulting in a non-zero propagation vector for the magnetic structure. This connection of the magnetic configuration to the ordering of sublattices gives an extra degree of freedom to supercell altermagnets, which can allow for the control over the order parameter spatial orientation. We identify realistic candidates MnSe2_2 with a dd-wave order, and RbCoBr3_3, CsCoCr3_3, and BaMnO3_3 with gg-wave order. We demonstrate the reorientation of the order parameter in MnSe2_2, which has two different magnetic configurations, whose energy difference is only 5 meV, opening the possibility of controlling the orientation of the altermagnetic order parameter by external perturbations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Writing and Reading antiferromagnetic Mn2_2Au: N\'eel spin-orbit torques and large anisotropic magnetoresistance

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    Antiferromagnets are magnetically ordered materials which exhibit no net moment and thus are insensitive to magnetic fields. Antiferromagnetic spintronics aims to take advantage of this insensitivity for enhanced stability, while at the same time active manipulation up to the natural THz dynamic speeds of antiferromagnets is possible, thus combining exceptional storage density and ultra-fast switching. However, the active manipulation and read-out of the N\'eel vector (staggered moment) orientation is challenging. Recent predictions have opened up a path based on a new spin-orbit torque, which couples directly to the N\'eel order parameter. This N\'eel spin-orbit torque was first experimentally demonstrated in a pioneering work using semimetallic CuMnAs. Here we demonstrate for Mn2_2Au, a good conductor with a high ordering temperature suitable for applications, reliable and reproducible switching using current pulses and readout by magnetoresistance measurements. The symmetry of the torques agrees with theoretical predictions and a large read-out magnetoresistance effect of more than 6\simeq 6~%\% is reproduced by ab initio transport calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Strain control of band topology and surface states in antiferromagnetic EuCd2_2As2_2

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    Topological semimetal antiferromagnets provide a rich source of exotic topological states which can be controlled by manipulating the orientation of the N\'eel vector, or by modulating the lattice parameters through strain. We investigate via ab initio{ab\ initio} density functional theory calculations, the effects of shear strain on the bulk and surface states n two antiferromagnetic EuCd2_2As2_2 phases with out-of-plane and in-plane spin configurations. When magnetic moments are along the c\textit{c}-axis, a 3%3\% longitudinal or diagonal shear strain can tune the Dirac semimetal phase to an axion insulator phase, characterized by the parity-based invariant η4I=2\eta_{4I} = 2. For an in-plane magnetic order, the axion insulator phase remains robust under all shear strains. We further find that for both magnetic orders, the bulk gap increases and a surface gap opens on the (001) surface up to 16 meV. Because of a nonzero η4I\eta_{4I} index and gapped states on the (001) surface, hinge modes are expected to happen on the side surface states between those gapped surface states. This result can provide a valuable insight in the realization of the long-sought axion states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropic magnetotransport realized in doped hematite

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    Conventional antiferromagnetic materials have long been recognized for their time-reversal symmetry, resulting in a zero anomalous Hall coefficient. However, a paradigm shift occurs when examining easy-axis antiferromagnets and their spin-flop transition. This transition introduces a magnetic canted moment, leading to the emergence of a non-zero anomalous Hall signal and the generation of a non-dissipative transversal current. While high symmetry systems typically manifest an isotropic Hall effect, our study unveils the extraordinary behavior exhibited by hematite that becomes conductive due to small Ti doping. We investigate the magnetotransport in Titanium-doped hematite, uncovering a highly pronounced and unconventional symmetry. Notably, this effect displays a remarkable dependence on the crystal orientation of the material. We establish a compelling correlation between our experimental observations and the predicted anomalous Hall effect in altermagnets through symmetry analysis. This study expands our understanding of the Hall effect in antiferromagnetic materials and sheds light on the intricate interplay between crystal orientation and unconventional Hall phenomena

    Electric control of Dirac quasiparticles by spin-orbit torque in an antiferromagnet

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    Spin orbitronics and Dirac quasiparticles are two fields of condensed matter physics initiated independently about a decade ago. Here we predict that Dirac quasiparticles can be controlled by the spin-orbit torque reorientation of the Néel vector in an antiferromagnet. Using CuMnAs as an example, we formulate symmetry criteria allowing for the coexistence of topological Dirac quasiparticles and Néel spin-orbit torques. We identify the nonsymmorphic crystal symmetry protection of Dirac band crossings whose on and off switching is mediated by the Néel vector reorientation. We predict that this concept verified by minimal model and density functional calculations in the CuMnAs semimetal antiferromagnet can lead to a topological metal-insulator transition driven by the Néel vector and to the topological anisotropic magnetoresistance

    Symmetry and topology in antiferromagnetic spintronics

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    Antiferromagnetic spintronics focuses on investigating and using antiferromagnets as active elements in spintronics structures. Last decade advances in relativistic spintronics led to the discovery of the staggered, current-induced field in antiferromagnets. The corresponding N\'{e}el spin-orbit torque allowed for efficient electrical switching of antiferromagnetic moments and, in combination with electrical readout, for the demonstration of experimental antiferromagnetic memory devices. In parallel, the anomalous Hall effect was predicted and subsequently observed in antiferromagnets. A new field of spintronics based on antiferromagnets has emerged. We will focus here on the introduction into the most significant discoveries which shaped the field together with a more recent spin-off focusing on combining antiferromagnetic spintronics with topological effects, such as antiferromagnetic topological semimetals and insulators, and the interplay of antiferromagnetism, topology, and superconductivity in heterostructures.Comment: Book chapte

    Spontaneous anomalous Hall effect arising from an unconventional compensated magnetic phase in a semiconductor

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    The anomalous Hall effect, commonly observed in metallic magnets, has been established to originate from the time-reversal symmetry breaking by an internal macroscopic magnetization in ferromagnets or by a non-collinear magnetic order. Here we observe a spontaneous anomalous Hall signal in the absence of an external magnetic field in an epitaxial film of MnTe, which is a semiconductor with a collinear antiparallel magnetic ordering of Mn moments and a vanishing net magnetization. The anomalous Hall effect arises from an unconventional phase with strong time-reversal symmetry breaking and alternating spin polarization in real-space crystal structure and momentum-space electronic structure. The anisotropic crystal environment of magnetic Mn atoms due to the non-magnetic Te atoms is essential for establishing the unconventional phase and generating the anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Band structure of CuMnAs probed by optical and photoemission spectroscopy

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    The tetragonal phase of CuMnAs progressively appears as one of the key materials for antiferromagnetic spintronics due to efficient current-induced spin-torques whose existence can be directly inferred from crystal symmetry. Theoretical understanding of spintronic phenomena in this material, however, relies on the detailed knowledge of electronic structure (band structure and corresponding wave functions) which has so far been tested only to a limited extent. We show that AC permittivity (obtained from ellipsometry) and UV photoelectron spectra agree with density functional calculations. Together with the x-ray diffraction and precession electron diffraction tomography, our analysis confirms recent theoretical claim [Phys. Rev. B 96, 094406 (2017)] that copper atoms occupy lattice positions in the basal plane of the tetragonal unit cell

    Altermagnetic lifting of Kramers spin degeneracy

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    Lifted Kramers spin-degeneracy has been among the central topics of condensed-matter physics since the dawn of the band theory of solids. It underpins established practical applications as well as current frontier research, ranging from magnetic-memory technology to topological quantum matter. Traditionally, lifted Kramers spin-degeneracy has been considered to originate from two possible internal symmetry-breaking mechanisms. The first one refers to time-reversal symmetry breaking by magnetization of ferromagnets, and tends to be strong due to the non-relativistic exchange-coupling origin. The second mechanism applies to crystals with broken inversion symmetry, and tends to be comparatively weaker as it originates from the relativistic spin-orbit coupling. A recent theory work based on spin-symmetry classification has identified an unconventional magnetic phase, dubbed altermagnetic, that allows for lifting the Kramers spin degeneracy without net magnetization and inversion-symmetry breaking. Here we provide the confirmation using photoemission spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. We identify two distinct unconventional mechanisms of lifted Kramers spin degeneracy generated by the altermagnetic phase of centrosymmetric MnTe with vanishing net magnetization. Our observation of the altermagnetic lifting of the Kramers spin degeneracy can have broad consequences in magnetism. It motivates exploration and exploitation of the unconventional nature of this magnetic phase in an extended family of materials, ranging from insulators and semiconductors to metals and superconductors, that have been either identified recently or perceived for many decades as conventional antiferromagnets