18 research outputs found

    Sustainability assessment for corporate management of energy production and supply companies for Lithuania

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    Corporate responsibility has become an important issue for management to address. The responsibility of the organization for the public environment (ecological, social and economic aspects of the environment) has become a matter of management attention referring to the entire organization and all major stakeholders. Therefore safe, environmentally sound, and economically viable energy production and supply should be essential part of management issues. The anticipated closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant at 2009 will change the situation of electricity generation in Lithuania significantly. The costs of electricity generation and distribution are the most important criteria shaping decisions in the energy production and supply companies. Sound energy and environmental accounting must be the basis of any strategic decision making in order to keep up with the increasing complexity of energy and environmental problems. Efficiency, equity, ecological integrity, and technological change are introduced as fundamental aspects that need to be considered in a comprehensive sustainable energy production and supply framework. Since these issues cannot be suitably included within the frame of a single model, a combination of ecological, economic, technological and social measures for different aspects of Lithuanian energy system and sustainable development are analysed. Santruka Imoniu atsakomybe už aplinka (socialiniu, ekologiniu, ekonominiu aspektu) yra vienas svarbiausiu klausimu nustatant imoniu veiklos prioritetus ir priimant veiklos sprendimus. Svarbiausias šiandienos energetikos uždavinys ‐ patikima saugios, ekologiškai švarios, efektyvios ir ekonomiškai patrauklios energijos gavyba. Ši tiksla igyvendinti imanoma tinkamai formuojant energetikos ūkio valdymo politika, keičiant ir nustatant valdymo, naudojimo išlaidas, ivertinant energetikos infrastruktūros poveiki ekologijai. Svarbiausias veiksnys, lemiantis pasirenkamus sprendimus elektros energijos gamybos ir paskirstymo sektoriuje, yra energijos gamybos ir paskirstymo kaina. Gamybos ir paskirstymo kainu lygiui itaka daro turto struktūra, i kaina integruoti aplinkos taršos bei išoriniu taršo sanaudu mokesčiai. Tačiau po 2009 m., uždarius Ignalinos atomine elektrine, situacija Lietuvos elektros energetikos sektoriuje pasikeis iš esmes, nes pasikeis energijos gamybos šaltiniai. Siekiant sudaryti aplinkai visapusiškai saugia elektros energijos gamybos ir perdavimo struktūra, efektyvumas, ekologinis integruotumas, technologinis inovatyvumas yra tie pagrindiniai kriterijai, kuriuos būtina vertinti rengiant sprendimus. Elektros energetikos sektoriuje veiksmingas gali būti tik toks valdymo modelis, kuris suderins ekologinius, socialinius, technologinius aspektus su darnios aplinkos analize. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 201

    Multiple criteria decision support system for the assessment of energy generation technologies considering the dimension of values

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    Comprehension of the effect of energy generation technologies on the natural environment, human health and safety leads to a new and responsible approach to the choice and development of technologies. When it comes to preparing energy growth scenarios and handling issues related to the choice and assessment of technologies, environmental studies must be in a particular spotlight. One way to make quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effect of technologies on the environment is through a thorough integrated analysis, which, in addition to economic and technical solutions, also considers other aspects of concern to the public. A changed environment demands for systems of criteria which help consider its changes, the attitudes of the general public, public sentiments toward the effect of technologies, public values and community involvement in the process of important decision-making. The article examines how the dimension of values affects the analysis of the impact of environmental factors on the value of energy generation technologies. It presents a set of criteria for the assessment of energy generation technologies; the set, in addition to technological, economic and environmental criteria, includes criteria which reflect the values. The article also introduces the expert decision support system EGTAV-SPS, which helped assess the effect of environment on energy production technologies. First Publish Online: 19 Dec 201

    Facilitating the housing bargaining with the help of the bargaining decision support system

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    More than 90 percent home buyers today rely on the Internet as one of their primary research sources and real estate related searches continually grows. Internet helps buyers to find and select bigger number of right homes for sale in a shorter time, so provides more alternatives for bargaining. The bargaining is an inseparable part of the home buying and selling process. However, housing bargaining mostly is conducted face-to face, so there is a growing need for facilitating the housing bargaining and conducting such bargaining on the Web with the help of the systems. The article describes the developed Real-Time Housing Multiple Criteria Bargaining Decision Support System, based on multiple-criteria mathematical methods, which helps to improve the efficiency of bargaining through the following functions: search for housing alternatives; formulation of the initial comparative table of alternatives; multiple criteria analysis of housing alternatives and negotiation tactics; determination of the most useful home option for buying; presentation of recommendations and real-time determination of a home's market value; e-bargaining using templates of bargaining e-mails generated by the system

    Nekilnojamojo turto vertinimas

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    Leidinyje aiškinami turto vertinimo sistemos pagrindai ir svarbiausi nekilnojamojo turto vertinimo principai. Pirmieji leidinio skyriai supažindina su nekilnojamojo turto rinka, nekilnojamojo turto, kaip prekės, ypatumais, daugialype vertės sąvoka, apibūdina vertės sampratą, taikomą, vertinant nekilnojamąjį turtą, aiškina vertinimo procesą, apibūdinant kiekvieno etapo bruožus. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas maksimalaus ir geriausio turto panaudojimo tyrimui, kaip reikšmingiausiam vertinimo proceso etapui. Kituose skyriuose aprašomi pagrindiniai, dažniausiai praktikoje taikomi nekilnojamojo turto vertinimo metodai bei jų ypatybės. Leidinio pabaigoje aptariami įmonių verslo ir turto vertinimo ypatumai, turto valdymo procesuose taikomi vertinimo metodai. Leidinys skirtas Statybos fakulteto statybos ekonomikos ir nekilnoja-mojo turto vadybos specialybės I pakopos studentams bei visiems, studijuojantiems nekilnojamojo turto vertinimą. VGTU statybos ir nekilnojamojo turto sričių I pakopos studijų programų atnaujinimas diegiant inovatyvius mokymo(si) metodus. Projekto kodas Nr. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-032

    Conversion of industrial areas: experience of foreign countries

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama teritorijų konversijos samprata, tikslai, problemos, sėkmingos konversijos rezultatų nauda miesto plėtrai. Aptariama galimybė funkciškai nebenaudojamas teritorijas pritaikyti gyvenamajai paskirčiai, naujų modernios ekonomikos darbo vietų kūrimui, didinti miesto funkcinės ir fizinės struktūros integralumą tolygiau išdėstant gyvenamąsias teritorijas ir darbo vietas mieste, kurti palankią investicijoms aplinką, mažinti teritorijų taršą. Apžvelgiama užsienio šalių praktika, pateikiami Vokietijos Šiaurės Reino - Vestfalijos, Londono, Paryžiaus, Sidnėjaus industrinių teritorijų konversijos pavyzdžiai.Santrauka anglų kalba. The article analyzes the concept of conversion sites, reviews of foreign experiences, such as the German state of North Rhine - Westphalia, London, Paris, Sydney conversions of industrial areas. Analyzes the need for conversion of property, goals, problems, and benefit to the city. It discusses the need to use the new residential areas and functions as a modern economy, to help to increase the conversion of urban physical and functional integrity of the structure to allow for emission reductions, to create a favorable investment environment, to help evenly spaced residential areas and workplaces in the city

    Assessment of Lithuanian Energy Generation Companies’ Infrastructure Combined with Sustainable Environment Principles

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    The main task of the energy sector of today is reliable generation of safe, ecologically clean, effective and economically perspective energy. This objective may be implemented by forming the energy sector management policy, by changing and defining management and operational costs, and by assessing the impact of energy infrastructure on ecology. Therefore, the need emerges to estimate various aspects of electricity production, transmission and distribution activity by more exhaustive methods, applying environmental assessment, developing and establishing ways that may become helpful in the decision making process. At the moment the nuclear power plant still operating in Lithuania generates about 80% of the needed power output. After this power plant is closed down in 2009, the situation of energy generation will change markedly in Lithuania. The reliability of energy supply and environmental assessment serve as the ground while preparing to accept strategic decisions, which would reconcile the growing demand for energy, technological complexity and environmental problems. An extremely important factor that shows the ecological compatibility of the system is the establishment of the role of environmental protection and the consolidation of its priority role in the energy system. Therefore, ecological integration and technological innovation is presented as the main features that need assessment in order to assure fully environmentally safe energy production and transmission structure. Searching for methods of solving these issues, it is necessary to apply management and analysis methods that would combine ecological, social, technological aspects of the energy system with the sustainable environmental analysis

    Darnios aplinkos įvertinimas valdant Lietuvos energijos gamybos ir tiekimo įmones

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    Corporate responsibility has become an important issue for management to address. The responsibility of the organization for the public environment (ecological, social and economic aspects of the environment) has become a matter of management attention referring to the entire organization and all major stakeholders. Therefore safe, environmentally sound, and economically viable energy production and supply should be essential part of management issues. The anticipated closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant at 2009 will change the situation of electricity generation in Lithuania significantly. The costs of electricity generation and distribution are the most important criteria shaping decisions in the energy production and supply companies. Sound energy and environmental accounting must be the basis of any strategic decision making in order to keep up with the increasing complexity of energy and environmental problems. Efficiency, equity, ecological integrity, and technological change are introduced as fundamental aspects that need to be considered in a comprehensive sustainable energy production and supply framework. Since these issues cannot be suitably included within the frame of a single model, a combination of ecological, economic, technological and social measures for different aspects of Lithuanian energy system and sustainable development are analyse