267 research outputs found

    Numeričko optimiranje geometrije kolagena za 3D ispis

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    Razvoj moderne medicine sve više se oslanja na primjenu inženjerskih znanja i istraživanje u području biomehanike. Upotreba numeričkih metoda, poput metode konačnih elemenata i računalne dinamike fluida te korištenje računalnih simulacija uvelike doprinosi napretku u istraživanju i razumijevanju ponašanja bioloških sustava. Tehnologija aditivne proizvodnje, poznatija kao 3D ispis, osigurava brzu izradu prototipnih modela te eksperimentalno ispitivanje i provjeru numeričkih modela. Jedno od područja istraživanja biomehanike je krvožilni sustav te bolesti vezane uz njega. Sa stajališta mehaničkih svojstava, glavni konstituenti stijenke arterija su kolagenska vlakna i elastinska matrica. U ovom radu, njihova mehanička svojstva nastoje se oponašati upotrebom dva elastomerna materijala. U radu je dan pregled utjecaja različitih parametara na geometriju, a posljedično i mehanička svojstva elastomernih materijala. Prikazan je postupak njihova optimiranja za izradu epruvete putem 3D ispisa. Također prikazana je i usporedba ponašanja elastomernih materijala sa stvarnom stijenkom arterije na primjeru cilindrične geometrije. Za izradu CAD modela korišten je programski paket Catia V5R20 dok su numeričke analize provedene u programskom paketu Abaqus

    Application of nanotechnology in nucleic acid research

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    Danas je nanotehnologija jedna od grana znanosti koje najbrže napreduju budući da obuhvaća fiziku, kemiju, inženjering i biologiju. Zbog svojih izvanrednih osobina, nukleinske kiseline, DNA i RNA, postale su središtem zanimanja znanstvenika koji te osobine koriste u izgradnji novih materijala, nanostrojeva i drugih nanočestica, te onih koji razvijaju nove, jeftine, brze i efikasne laboratorijske metode radi daljnjeg proučavanja DNA i RNA. Cilj ovog rada je da pokaže kako se nanotehnologija primjenjuje u istraživanju nukleinskih kiselina, ali i obrnuto, odnosno, koju ulogu nukleinske kiseline imaju u razvoju nanotehnologije. DNA i RNA postale su nezamjenjive u bionanotehnologiji i sve se više koriste kao oruđe, a ne samo kao predmet istraživanja. Povrh toga, nove metode vizualizacije i nanomanipulacije doslovce su nam otvorile oči za nanosvijet te nam tako omogućile da oblikujemo tvari s velikom preciznošću. I na kraju, ova tehnologija može pomoći čovječanstvu na mnogo načina i u nizu različitih područja znanosti, kao što su medicina, ekologija, energetika, računalna znanost, itd.Nanotechnology is one of the fastest growing fields of science today as it encompasses physics, chemistry, engineering and biology. Due to their remarkable properties, nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, have been in the center of interest of scientists who employ those properties to construct novel materials, nanomachines and other nanoparticles, and who have been developing new, low cost - high speed and efficacy, laboratory methods to learn more about DNA and RNA. The objective of this paper is to show how nanotechnology applies to nucleic acid research and vice versa, i.e. to show how nucleic acids contribute in the development of nanotechnology. DNA and RNA have proven themselves irreplaceable in bionanotechnology and are being used more and more as engineering tools rather than as test subjects. Moreover, new visualization and nanomanipulation techniques have literally opened our eyes to the nanoworld enabling us to shape matter with great precision. Finally, this technology can help mankind in many ways and in many scientific areas, including medicine, ecology, energetics, computer technology, etc


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    The 2014 reform of the European Union procurement directives represents a significant, resounding leap towards an upgraded public spending sector. After a decade of successful implementation, the previous directives were modernized in an attempt to enhance efficiency and transparency in procurement procedures. As all other EU member states, Croatia is obligated to implement the directives in the prescribed implementation deadline, which is approaching swiftly. However, despite such a deadline, Croatia is only just turning its attention to the necessary harmonization. Statistical data and case studies show numerous shortcomings in the current system of Croatian public spending, and indicate that there may not be enough time to rectify them. Historical tendencies demonstrate that Croatia nurtures a tradition of harmonization devoid of side activities to ensure successful implementation and harmonization often occurs solely on paper. With this in mind, this paper represents, other than an introduction of the latest changes in EU public procurement and the events which lead to them, it highlights the most signifi cant defects of the Croatian public procurement and strive to identify why it could prove diffi cult to correct solely by implementing the new directives to the Croatian law

    Dynamic programming-based optimization of electric vehicle fleet charging

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    Longitudinalno istraživanje društvene prirode konstrukta darovitosti u odrasloj dobi

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    The theoretical premises behind the three studies on giftedness in adulthood and its social nature, presented here, included the concepts of differential, ipsative and coherent stability of abilities and traits, their accessibility to valid consensual peer assessment, and their cumulative lifelong social consequences when abilities and traits are high. The studies included groups of participants attending teacher studies, students ending their studies and transitioning to work, and teachers with full range of work experience. The goal of Study 1, a longitudinal study conducted on three occasions every two years on 76 students of teacher studies transitioning to work, was to explore the predictive validity of the consensual social judgments of peer-assessed ability and creativity as the basic giftedness criteria for academic achievement, quality prospective work in education and initial career choices. The results of Study 2, with psychodiagnostic data available for 50 students of teacher studies, and Study 3, with 435 employed primary school teachers as participants, corroborated and questioned the findings of the longitudinal study. The discussion of the results followed the theoretical model of the development of giftedness across one\u27s lifespan.Teorijske su postavke u osnovi triju istraživanja o društvenoj prirodi konstrukta darovitosti u ovom radu sljedeće: pretpostavljena stabilnost sposobnosti i osobina i njihove strukture, njihove dostupnosti valjanoj vršnjačkoj procjeni te opažljivost kumulativnih životnih posljedica kada su sposobnosti i osobine visoke. Istraživanja su uključivala studente na sveučilišnom studiju i zaposlene osobe u rasponu od početka do kraja radnoga vijeka. Cilj je prvoga, longitudinalnoga istraživanja, provedenog u tri navrata svake dvije godine sa 76 sudionika, studenata sveučilišnoga učiteljskog studija, odnosno učitelja s početnim radnim iskustvima, bio istražiti prediktivnu valjanost konsenzusnih vršnjačkih procjena sposobnosti i kreativnosti kao temeljnih kriterija darovitosti za akademski uspjeh, prospektivnu kvalitetu obrazovnoga rada i početne radne izbore. Rezultati drugoga istraživanja, sa psihodijagnostičkim podatcima dostupnim za 50 studenata učiteljskoga studija, kao i rezultati trećega istraživanja sa 435 zaposlenih učitelja razredne nastave, potkrjepljuju, ali i dovode u pitanje, nalaze longitudinalnoga istraživanja. Rasprava je o rezultatima pratila teorijski model razvoja darovitosti kroz životni vijek

    Genome-wide microarray analysis of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) oocyte and embryo

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    BACKGROUND: Regulation of gene expression plays a central role in embryonic development. Early stages are controlled by gametic transcripts, which are subsequently substituted with transcripts from the genome of the zygote. Transcriptomic analyses provide an efficient approach to explore the temporal gene expression profiles in embryos and to search for the developmental regulators. We report a study of early Atlantic cod development that used a genome-wide oligonucleotide microarray to examine the composition and putative roles of polyadenylated transcripts. RESULTS: The analyses were carried out in unfertilized oocytes, newly fertilized oocytes and embryos at the stages of mid-blastula transition and segmentation. Numerous genes transcribed in oocytes are involved in multiple aspects of cell maintenance and protection, including metabolism, signal perception and transduction, RNA processing, cell cycle, defense against pathogens and DNA damage. Transcripts found in unfertilized oocytes also encoded a large number of proteins implicated in cell adherence, tight junction and focal adhesion, suggesting high complexity in terms of structure and cellular interactions in embryos prior to midblastula transition (MBT). Prezygotic transcripts included multiple regulators that are most likely involved in developmental processes that take place long after fertilization, such as components of ErbB, hedgehog, notch, retinoid, TGFb, VEGF and Wnt signaling pathways, as well as transcripts involved in the development of nervous system. The major event of MBT was the activation of a large group of histones and other genes that modify chromatin structure preceding massive gene expression changes. A hallmark of events observed during segmentation was the induction of multiple transcription factors, including a large group of homeobox proteins in pace with decay of a large fraction of maternal transcripts. Microarray analyses detected a suite of master developmental regulators that control differentiation and maintenance of diverse cell lineages. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptome profiling of the early stages in Atlantic cod revealed the presence of transcripts involved in patterning and development of tissues and organs long before activation of the zygotic genome. The switch from maternal to zygotic developmental programs is associated with large-scale modification of chromosomes. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-594) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Integracija električnih vozila u energetske i transportne sustave

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    There is a strong tendency of development and application of different types of electric vehicles (EV). This can clearly be beneficial for transport systems in terms of making it more efficient, cleaner, and quieter, as well as for energy systems due to the grid load leveling and renewable energy sources exploitation opportunities. The latter can be achieved only through application of smart EV charging technologies that strongly rely on application of optimization methods. For the development of both EV architectures and controls and charging optimization methods, it is important to gain the knowledge about driving cycle features of a particular EV fleet. To this end, the paper presents an overview of (i) electric vehicle architectures, modeling, and control system optimization and design; (ii) experimental characterization of vehicle fleet behaviors and synthesis of representative driving cycles; and (iii) aggregate-level modeling and charging optimization for EV fleets, with emphasis on freight transport.U novije vrijeme postoji izražena težnja za razvojem i korištenjem različitih tipova električnih vozila. Ovo može biti korisno sa stanovišta transportnih sustava u smislu omogućavanja efikasnijeg, čišćeg, i tišeg transporta, kao i iz perspektive energetskih sustava zbog dodatnih potencijala za poravnanje opterećenja mreže i iskorištenje obnovljivih izvora energije. Potonje može biti ostvareno samo kroz korištenje tehnologija naprednog punjenja električnih vozila, koje se često temelje na primjeni optimizacijskih postupaka. Za razvoj prikladnih konfiguracija, upravljačkih sustava te metoda pametnog punjenja električnih vozila, potrebno je steći uvid u značajke voznih ciklusa razmatrane flote električnih vozila. Imajući u vidu navedeno, članak predstavlja pregled (i) konfiguracija i modeliranja električnih vozila, te optimiranja i sinteze njihova upravljačkog sustava; (ii) eksperimentalne karakterizacije ponašanja flote vozila i sinteze reprezentativnih voznih ciklusa; te (iii) modeliranja i optimiranja punjenja flote električnih vozila na agregatnom nivou, s naglaskom na teretni transport

    Usporedna analiza poslovanja odabranih listanih poduzeća iz djelatnosti hotelijerstva : završni rad

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    Tema ovog rada je usporedna analiza poslovanja listanih poduzeća iz djelatnosti hotelijerstva. Promatrana poduzeća su lideri u djelatnosti hotelijerstva na hrvatskom tržištu. Svrha rada je prikupiti potrebne podatke na temelju kojih će se doći do informacija potrebnih za ocjenu uspješnosti poslovanja, te ocjenu financijskog položaja promatranih poduzeća. Na temelju provedene analize može se zaključiti da je poslovanje promatranih poduzeća zadovoljavajuće. Poduzeća u promatranom razdoblju od 2010. do 2013. godine bilježe blagi rast prihoda. Također vidljiva su i značajna investicijska ulaganja koja se odnose na proširenje portfelja, te unaprjeđenje ponude.The topic of this paper is a comparatice analysisi of the business of listing companies in the hospitality business in the Croatian market. The purpose of this paper is to gather the necessary data which will lead to the information necessary for the evaluation of perfomance, and to evaluate the financial position of the serveyed companies. Based on the analysisi it can be concluded that the business of the observed companies is satisfactory. Firms in the period from 2010. to 2013. recorded a slight increase in revenue. Also visible are the significant investments related to the expansion of the portfolio and impovement of offers


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    Analiza financijskih izvještaja važan je dio poslovanja koji se koristi u cilju dobivanja informacija relevantnih za upravljanje. Korisnici analize financijskih izvještaja su u pravilu menadžment, zaposlenici, investitori, kreditori i dr. Poduzeće Turisthotel d.d., osnovano 1959. godine sa sjedištem u Zadru, obavlja djelatnosti pružanja turističko-ugostiteljskih usluga, usluga pranja rublja, kao i usluga cateringa. Turističko naselje (Holiday Resort) „Zaton“, u kojemu poduzeće obavlja svoju temeljnu djelatnost, jedan je od najkvalitetnijih kampova u Hrvatskoj te pripada klubu od 32 europska vrhunska kampa. Turishotel d.d. prema većini pokazatelja pokazuje iznad prosječne rezultate u usporedbi s ostalim poslovnim subjektima iz sektora turizma u Hrvatskoj te zadovoljava kriterije sigurnosti i efikasnosti poslovanja. Poduzeće nema problem sa likvidnošću i solventnošću te ne predstavlja rizik eventualnim investitorima. Turisthotel d.d., kroz različite investicije i odluke usmjerene prema korisnicima, nastoji dodatno unaprijediti kvalitetu svog poslovanja.The analysis of financial statements is an important part of the business used in order to obtain information relevant for management. The users of the financial statement analysis are mostly management, employees, investors, creditors and others. Turisthotel Plc., established in 1959 and based in Zadar, is engaged in the provision of tourist-catering services, as well as laundry services. Holiday Resort „Zaton“, in which the company carries out its basic activity, is one of the best camps in Croatia and belongs to the club of 32 European top camps. According to most indicators, Turisthotel Plc. shows above the average results compared to other business entities of the tourism sector in Croatia and meets the criteria of safety and efficiency of the business. The company has no problem with liquidity and solvency and does not pose a risk to potential investors. Turisthotel Plc., through various customer-oriented investments and decisions, seeks to further improve the quality of its business

    Usporedna analiza poslovanja odabranih listanih poduzeća iz djelatnosti hotelijerstva : završni rad

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    Tema ovog rada je usporedna analiza poslovanja listanih poduzeća iz djelatnosti hotelijerstva. Promatrana poduzeća su lideri u djelatnosti hotelijerstva na hrvatskom tržištu. Svrha rada je prikupiti potrebne podatke na temelju kojih će se doći do informacija potrebnih za ocjenu uspješnosti poslovanja, te ocjenu financijskog položaja promatranih poduzeća. Na temelju provedene analize može se zaključiti da je poslovanje promatranih poduzeća zadovoljavajuće. Poduzeća u promatranom razdoblju od 2010. do 2013. godine bilježe blagi rast prihoda. Također vidljiva su i značajna investicijska ulaganja koja se odnose na proširenje portfelja, te unaprjeđenje ponude.The topic of this paper is a comparatice analysisi of the business of listing companies in the hospitality business in the Croatian market. The purpose of this paper is to gather the necessary data which will lead to the information necessary for the evaluation of perfomance, and to evaluate the financial position of the serveyed companies. Based on the analysisi it can be concluded that the business of the observed companies is satisfactory. Firms in the period from 2010. to 2013. recorded a slight increase in revenue. Also visible are the significant investments related to the expansion of the portfolio and impovement of offers