37 research outputs found
Usporedba dugovječnosti i proizvodnih svojstava holstein i simentalskih krava različitog podrijetla
The aim of this research was to establish whether there are differences in the longevity and production characteristics within the studied breeds of cows of different origin. Holstein cows of Slovenian (461) and foreign (356) origin and Simmental cows of Slovenian (261) and foreign (43) origin were studied. Only culled animals that previously had between 1 and 9 lactations were included. The analyzed properties consisted of characteristics related to the longevity and lifetime productivity. Compared with Slovenian cows, imported Holstein cows had a significantly longer calving interval (1210±31 days, 1337±39 days, P=0.008), a longer dry period (172±6 days, 192±7 days, P=0.022), and a significantly lower daily milk yield (23.0±0.2 kg, 22.0±0.3 kg, P=0.002). Significant differences between Simmental cows of Slovenian and foreign origin were observed in functional productivity (1317±52 days, 1808±186 days, P=0.006), longevity (2175±53 days, 2701±145 days, P=0.004), and duration of lifetime lactation (990±38 days, 1265±137 days, P=0.037).Cilj rada bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike u dugovječnosti i proizvodnim karakteristikama između pasmina krava različitog podrijetla. Proučavane su holstein krave slovenskog (461) i stranog (356) podrijetla i simentalske krave slovenskog (261) i stranog (43) podrijetla. Samo krave koje su imale između 1 i 9 laktacija bile su uključene u istraživanje. Analizirana svojstva čine karakteristike vezane za dugovječnost i životnu proizvodnju. U usporedbi sa slovenskim kravama, uvezene holstein krave imale su značajno dulji interval između teljenja (1210±31 dana, 1337±39 dana, P=0,008), dulji suhostaj (172±6 dana, 192±7 dana, P=0,022), i značajno niži prinos mlijeka dnevno (23,0±0,2 kg, 22,0±0,3 kg, P=0,002). Statistički značajne razlike zabilježene su između krava slovenskoga i stranog podrijetla u promatranju funkcionalne produktivnosti (1317±52 dana, 1808±186 dana, P=0,006), dugovječnosti (2175±53 dana, 2701±145 dana, P=0,004) i u trajanju životne laktacije (990±38 dana, 1265±137 dana, P=0,037)
DigiPig: First Developments of an Automated Monitoring System for Body, Head and Tail Detection in Intensive Pig Farming
Rad obuhvaća iskustva i rezultate višegodišnjeg projekta prirodnog tova volova na manjim seoskim gospodarstvima u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Slovenije. U okviru očekivanih rezultata i ciljeva projekta analizirano je gospodarenje na travnjačkim površinama poljoprivrednih gospodarstava s osvrtom na analizu utjecaja tova goveda i opskrbe pašnjaka te florističke karakteristike i biološku raznolikost.
Rezultati prikazuju primjenu tehnologije tova volova simentalske pasmine na ispaši i usporedbu s intenzivnim tovom bikova iste pasmine, postignute parametre rasta, klaoničke vrijednosti, analizu ekonomičnosti i prodaje. Cilj istraživanja bila je analiza klaoničkih vrijednosti volova u ekstenzivnom držanju (VE) različite starosti u vrijeme kastracije (210 dana) te bikova u intenzivnom uzgoju (IB). Volovi iz ekstenzivnog uzgoja zaklani su u dobi od 23 mjeseca, bikovi u dobi od 17 mjeseci. Sve desne ohlađene polovice bile su rasječene između 7. i 8. rebra na prednju i zadnju četvrt, zatim su četvrti rasječene u pojedinačne tjelesne dijelove, koji su podijeljeni na meso, masno tkivo, tetive, kosti i na kraju je sve izvagano.
Volovi IB imali su statistički signifikantno veću tjelesnu masu za vrijeme klanja u usporedbi VE (664 ± 41 kg; 562 ± 46 kg; P 0,05) različit između promatranih skupina životinja. Volovi skupine EV210 imali su manju masu prednjih i zadnjih četvrti u usporedbi s IB. U prednjoj četvrti nije bilo statistički značajnih razlika (P > 0,05) u postotku mesa između promatranih skupina životinja. IB imali su u zadnjoj četvrti statistički značajno (P 210. Po klasifikaciji
EUROP 78,5 % volova svrstano je u klasu R.The research contains experience and results of several years project of sustainable fattening of steers on smalle farms in northeastern regions of Slovenia. In the scope of expected results and aims of the project management of grassland belonging to farmers was analysed with regard to the effect of cattle fattening and grassland maintenance and floral characteristics and biotic diversity. The results show the technology of fattening of steers of the Simental breed on pasture and the comparison with the intensive feeding of bulls of the same breed. Compared are the atained growth parameters, slaughter value, the economic analisys and sale. The aim of the research was to analise the slaughter value of steers in extensive breeding (VE) of different age in the time of castration (210 days) and of bulls in intensive breeding (IB). The steers from the extensive breeding were slaughtered at the age of 23 months and bulls at the age of 17 months. All right cold halves were chopped between the 7th and 8th rib into the front and the hind quarter, then the quarters were chopped into individual body parts, which were divided into meat, fat tisue, sinew, bones and in the end everything was weighed. IB had statistically significantly greater body mass at the time of slaughtering in comparison to VE (664 ± 41 kg; 562 ± 46, P 0,05) differ between researched groups of animals. The steers in group EV210 had a lower body mass and in the front and hind quarters no statistically significant differences were found (P 210. After EUROP classification 78,5 % of steers were in class R
Carcass Classification Measurements in Pigs as Affected by the Operator and Abattoir
The aim of the present study was to test a possible way of statistical checking of the measurement uncertainty in pig carcass classification; i.e. to monitor deviations between operators when measuring fat and muscle thickness used for meat percentage calculation. For that purpose, data were obtained from the official classification body Bureau Veritas for the year 2009, which comprised eight operators working in five abattoirs. An analysis of covariance was performed using a model with the effects of the operator, carcass weight as a covariate and their interaction. The equality of the regression lines (regression coefficients and intercepts) was tested for various operators. Regression lines differed significantly between the operators, however all pairwise comparisons were not conclusive since the operators work only in one or two abattoirs, the abattoirs have different suppliers i.e. different origin of pigs. In order to differentiate between the operator and the abattoir effect we further compared i) different operators working in the same abattoir and ii) same operator working in different abattoirs. The deviations in measurements of muscle and fat (often reflected also in meat percentage) were more important in the case of the same operator working in different abattoirs, than in the case of different operators working in the same abattoir
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of two different acidificants on the growth pattern of piglets during the period from weaning until the attainment of 30 kg body weight. A total of 336 pigs were included in the study, divided in two equal groups (Fra Acid, n=168; Acidad Dry®, n=168). On the basis of weaning weight, piglets were divided into “light” (L = 6 kg) and “heavy” (H = 8 kg) groups. Two acidificants, which varied in organic acid content, were used in the piglet diets. Feed was supplemented with Fra Acid at a concentration of 0.65, 0.60 and 0.40 %. The second supplement, Acidad Dry®, was added at concentrations of 0.35, 0.30 and 0.20 %. Piglets were individually weighed at weaning, on the 23rd day of age and again each time the feed was changed (at days 35, 49 and 82 of age). The experimental groups did not differ significantly in body mass during the experimental period. Piglets with Acidad Dry® achieved higher daily gains than piglets fed with Fra Acid, but again, the relationship was not statistically significant. “Heavy” piglets in the Acidad Dry® supplemented treatment had significantly higher daily gains in the period from 49 to 82 days of age in comparison to those in the Fra Acid treatment (567 ± 80g; 507 ± 140 g, p=0.044).Cilj rada bio je odrediti djelovanje dvaju različitih acidifikanata na rast praščića u razdoblju od odbica do postizanja tjelesne mase od 30 kg. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 336 svinja podijeljenih u dvije jednake skupine (Fra Acid, n = 168, Acidad Dry K n = 163). Na temelju tjelesne mase pri odbiću praščići su podijeljeni u "laku" (L = 6 kg) i "tešku" (H = 8 kg) skupinu. U obrocima praščića upotrijebljena su dva acidifikanta različitog sadržaja organske kiseline. U hranu je dodavan Fra Acid u koncentraciji od 0,65, 0,60 i 0,40%. Drugi dodatak, Acidad Dry K, dodavan je u koncentracijama od 0,35, 0,30 i 0,20%. Praščići su pojedinačno vagani pri odbiću, zatim 23. dana starosti i opet svaki puta kad je promijenjena hrana (35., 49. i 82. dan starosti). Pokusne skupine nisu se značajno razlikovale u tjelesnoj masi za vrijeme pokusa. Praščići s Acidad Dry K postigli su veće dnevne priraste od praščića hranjenih s Fra Acidom, ali povezanost nije bila statistički značajna. "Teški" praščići u tretmanu s Acidad Dry K imali su značajno više dnevne priraste u razdoblju od 49. do 82. dana starosti u odnosu na one u Fra Acid tretmanu (567± 80 g, 507± 140 g, p = 0.04)
Effect of Linseed Supplementation on Carcass, Meat Quality and Fatty Acid Composition in Pigs
The effect of linseed supplementation on carcass, meat quality and fatty acid profile of fat tissue was studied. No differences in carcass and meat quality traits were observed, the exception being drip loss that was lower in pigs supplemented with linseed. As regards fatty acids, linseed supplementation led to the increased content of unsaturated, polyunsaturated and n-3 fatty acids and decreased content of saturated fatty acids and n-6/n-3 ratio in the subcutaneous and intramuscular fat of pigs
Growth of Domestic Animals
Učbenik zajema vsebine vezane na razumevanje kompleksnega procesa rasti domačih živali. Zaradi specifičnosti ločeno obravnavamo rast farmskih živali seslacev in perutnine. Biološke lastnosti rasti domačih živali so predstavljene v prenatalnem in postnatalnem obdobju ter jih poskušamo opredeliti, opisati in oceniti z različnimi matematičnimi funkcijami. Razumevanje postnatalne rasti do dosega klavne zrelosti je pomembno za živinorejce, ki se ukvarjajo s pitanjem domačih živali. Na intenzivnost rasti vpliva tudi učinkovitost izkoriščanja hranljivih snovi, zato so le-te posebej pojasnjene. Na potek rasti vplivajo številni dejavniki, ki jih v učbeniku delimo na genetske in ne genetske. Z razumevanjem in poznavanjem le-teh lahko do neke mere reguliramo in predvidimo rast ter njeno intenzivnost, sestavo klavnega trupa in sestavo dnevnega prirasta. Poseben poudarek je na pojavu kompenzacijske rasti, njenega razumevanja ter pojasnitvi, ali lahko v resnici z nadomestno rastjo nadomestimo zaostanek rasti v optimalnem obdobju rasti posameznih živalskih tkiv? Ob tem so predstavljeni določeni omejitveni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na zmožnost živali za kompenzacijsko rast.This university textbook provides content for understanding the complex growth process in domestic animals. Because of their special nature, the growth of farm animals, mammals and poultry, is described separately. The biological characteristics of domestic animal growth in the prenatal and postnatal periods are presented and an attempt is made to define, describe and evaluate them using various mathematical functions. Understanding postnatal growth to slaughter maturity is important for livestock producers involved in fattening domestic animals. Growth intensity is also influenced by the efficiency of nutrient utilization, so this will be specifically explained. Growth pattern is influenced by many factors which are divided into genetic and non-genetic. By understanding and knowing these, we can regulate and predict growth and its intensity, carcass composition and daily gain composition to some extent. Special emphasis is placed on the phenomenon of compensatory growth, its understanding and the explanation of whether we can really compensate for growth retardation in the optimal growth period of individual animal tissues by alternative growth? In addition, certain limiting factors affecting the ability of animals to undergo compensatory growth will be presented