93 research outputs found

    The 1874 Act on Primary Schools and Preparatory Schools in the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia: 140th anniversary of the Croatian compulsory education act

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    Druga polovina 19. stoljeća razdoblje je reforme i razvoja modernoga javnoga školskog sustava u Hrvatskoj. U skladu s liberalnim i demokratskim idejama građanskoga društva, glavna su načela prosvjetne politike jednakost svih u obrazovanju, opismenjivanje stanovništva, državna uprava i stručni nadzor nad školama, normiranje obrazovnih i odgojnih sadržaja, osposobljavanja učitelja, normiranje i zakonska regulativa školskoga sustava, crkvena nadležnost u vjerskim sadržajima. Zakon o pučkim školama i preparandijama iz 1874. prvi je hrvatski školski zakon o obveznom obrazovanju, hrvatski je postao nastavni jezik, normirani su nastavni predmeti u pučkim školama, prava i dužnosti učitelja, nadležnih upravnih tijela i Crkve. Zakon je imao zagovornike i protivnike, ali je razvoj državnoga i stručnoga školskog sustava bio nezaustavljiv, a Zakonom je postavljena osnova za razvoj modernoga nacionalnoga školskog sustava pučkih/osnovnih i učiteljskih škola u Hrvatskoj. U povodu 140. obljetnice objavljujemo cjeloviti tekst Zakona o pučkim školama i preparandijama iz 1874. godine.The second half of the 19th century was a period of reforms and development of a modern public school system in Croatia. According to the liberal and democratic ideas of civil society, the main principles of educational policy are equality of all persons in education, providing literacy to citizens, public administration and professional supervision of schools, standardizing educational materials, educating teachers, standardizing and regulating the school system, and clerical responsibility for religious materials. The 1874 Act on Primary Schools and Preparatory Schools was the first Croatian compulsory education act under which the Croatian language became the teaching language, and the courses in primary schools and the rights and duties of teachers and the relevant administrative authorities and the church were standardized. The Act had its advocates and opponents, but the process of developing a professional state-run school system was unstoppable. The 1874 Act on Primary Schools and Preparatory Schools set a basis for the development of a modern national school system of primary and teacher schools in Croatia. On the occasion of the 140th anniversary, we are publishing the full text of the 1874 Act on Primary Schools and Preparatory Schools

    Synthesis, photochemical reaction mechanisms of formation and biological activity of benzene, naphthalene and anthracene quinone methides

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    Sažetak U okviru ovog rada provedena je sinteza tri nove serije spojeva, prekursora kinon-metida (QM), koji su derivati benzena, naftalena i antracena. Istražena je fotoreaktivnost 2-hidroksimetilfenola (1) u cvrstom stanju pri 14 K, a za Mannichove derivate p-krezola, naftalenske i antracenske derivate u otopinama pri sobnoj temperaturi. Utvrđeno je da spoj 1 u čvrstom stanju pri 14 K fotodehidratacijom daje smjesu QM i benzokseta. Mehanizmi fotokemijskih reakcija kod ostalih spojeva studirani su preparativnim fotokemijskim reakcijama, praćenjem ovisnosti učinkovitosti reakcije fotometanolize o udjelu vode u metanolu, UV-vis i fluorescencijskom spektroskopijom te laserskom pulsnom fotolizom (LFP). Predložen je mehanizam fotodeaminacije u Mannichovim derivatima p-krezola, što do sad nije bilo opisano u literaturi. Rezultati dobiveni LFP mjerenjima pokazali su da se napadom nukleofila na bifunkcionalne QM generiraju novi QM, što je od osobitog značaja u biološkim sustavima zbog mogućnosti upotrebe spojeva za križno spajanje DNA. Struktura naftalenskih derivata osmišljena je tako da se ispita optimalan položaj supstitucije na naftalenskom kromoforu za najučinkovitiju reakciju fotodehidratacije. Utvrđeno je da do najučinkovitije reakcije dolazi kod 6-(2-hidroksi-2-adamantil)-2-(4-hidroksifenil)naftalena (12). Antracenski prekursori QM pripravljeni su višestupanjskom sintezom iz 2-aminoantrakinona. Fotogeneriranje QM iz antracenskih derivata zanimljivo je zbog potencijalne primjene u biološkim sustavima, s obzirom da kromofor apsorbira pri valnim duljinama >400 nm. Rezultati istraživanja s LFP su za 3-(difenilhidroksimetil)-2-antrol (16) pokazali da se fotogenerirani QM u prvom stupnju protonira dajući karbokation, koji potom reagira s nukleofilima. Antiproliferativno ispitivanje na humanim staničnim linijama karcinoma pokazalo je da 3-hidroksimetil-2-antrol (14) posjeduje znatno povećanu antiproliferativnu aktivnost uslijed ozracivanja, vjerojatno zbog generiranja reaktivnih QM.The thesis comprises synthesis and investigation of photochemical reactivity of three novel series of quinone methide (QM) precursors, which are derivatives of benzene, naphthalene and anthracene. The photoreactivity of compounds has been studied in solid state at 14 K for 2-hydroxymethylphenol (1), and in solution at room temperature for Mannich derivatives of p-cresol, naphthalene and anthracene derivatives. The photodehydratation of compound 1 in solid state at 14 K gives a mixture of o-QM and benzoxete. Mechanisms of photochemical reactions for other compounds were studied by preparative irradiations, studying the dependence of photomethanolysis efficiency on the water content in methanol, by UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy and laser flash photolysis (LFP). The mechanism of photodeamination in Mannich derivatives od p-cresol is proposed, which to date has not been reported. The LFP results have demonstrated that the attack of nucleophiles to bifunctional QM generates new QM species. This observation is of particular importance in the biological systems since it could lead to cross-linking of DNA. Naphthalene derivatives were designed to investigate the optimal substitution pattern on the naphthalene chromophore for the most efficient photodehydratation. It was found that 6-(2-hydroxy-2-adamantyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)naphthalene (12) underwent the most efficient photodehydration. Antracene derivatives were prepared by the multistep synthetic procedure starting from 2-aminoanthraquinone. Photogeneration of QMs from anthracene derivatives is important due to potential application in biological systems, given that the chromophore absorbs at wavelengths >400 nm. Investigation of 3-(diphenylhydroxymethyl)-2-anthrol (16) with LFP has shown that the photogenerated QM undergoes protonation to give the cation that subsequently reacts with nucleophiles. Antiproliferative investigation on human cancer cell lines showed that 3-hydroxymethyl-2-anthrol (14) had significantly higher antiproliferative activity on irradiation, probably due to the generation of reactive QMs

    Research and Development and Economic Growth: EU Port Regions

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    Ulaganje u istraživanje i razvoj stvara preduvjete za primjenu naprednije i bolje tehnologije. Omogućuje uvođenje novih proizvoda ili proizvodnih procesa koji mogu rezultirati većom zaradom i potencijalnim ekonomskim rastom. Istraživanje i razvoj katalizator su za generiranje agregatnih ekonomskih aktivnosti, no njihova važnost nije široko istražena na regionalnoj razini. Europska unija definirala je strategije u kojima se inovacije smatraju bitnim elementom za poticanje rasta i otvaranje novih radnih mjesta. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi i mjeriti utjecaj ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj na gospodarski rast lučkih regija. Podaci korišteni u ovom istraživanju su panel podaci lučkih regija Europske unije za klasifikaciju NUTS 2 u razdoblju od 2005. do 2015. Rezultati generalizirane metode momenata (GMM) i njenog procjenitelja u dva koraka pokazuju da ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj imaju značajan utjecaj na gospodarski rast lučkih regija u Europskoj uniji. Međutim, kako bi se inovacije usvojile i primijenile, također je potrebno da regije imaju određenu ekonomsku strukturu koja je dodatno analizirana u ovom radu. Regije s velikim inovacijskim kapacitetom stvaraju veće ekonomske koristi i smatra se da rastu brže od ostalih regija.Investment in research and development (R&D) creates preconditions for the implementation of more advanced and better technologies. It enables the introduction of new products or production processes which can result in higher earnings and potential economic growth. Even though research and development is a catalyst for the genesis of aggregate economic activity, its importance is not widely researched at regional levels. The European Union has defined strategies which view innovation as an essential element in stimulating growth and job creation. The aim of this paper is to establish and measure the impact of investment in R&D on economic growth of port regions. The data used in this research were panel data of the European Union’s port regions for NUTS 2 classification for the period from 2005 to 2015. The results of the two-step Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) indicate that investment in R&D has a significant impact on the economic growth of the port regions in European Union. However, in order for innovations to be accepted and implemented, it is also necessary for regions to have specific economic structure which was further analyzed in this paper. Regions with high innovation capacity create greater economic benefits and are considered to grow faster than other regions

    Methodus: An Autograph of Josip Herović Dating Back to 1797

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    Vrijedan povijesni izvor za povijest školstva u 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća u Hrvatskoj autograf je Josipa Herovića iz 1797. “Methodus”. Riječ je o prijevodu (ili prijepisu prijevoda) učiteljskoga priručnika “Kern des Methodenbuches, besonders für die Landschulmeister in den k. k. Staaten” na hrvatski kajkavski jezik. Od 1901. rukopis se čuva u Arhivskoj zbirci Hrvatskoga školskog muzeja. U hrvatskoj historiografiji poznati su djelomični sadržaj i značenje “Methodusa”, a njegov cjeloviti tekst prvi se put objavljuje kao povijesna građa. U radu se daje kontekst nastanka, opis i sažeti prikaz sadržaja autografa te pregled pedagoškoga djelovanja njegova autora, samoborskoga učitelja Josipa Herovića (1780. – 1871.).The 1797 autograph of Josip Herović titled “Methodus” is a valuable historical source of information about the history of schooling in the 18th and early 19th centuries. It is a translation (or rather a transcript of a translation) of the teacher manual “Kern des Methodenbuches, besonders für die Landschulmeister in den k. k. Staaten” into the Croatian kajkavian language. The manuscript has been kept in the Archival Collection of the Croatian School Museum. Some of the content and meaning of “Methodus” is partly known in Croatian historiography and its integral text was first published as historical material. The paper provides the context of the creation, a description and a summary of the autograph, as well as an overview of the teaching activities undertaken by its author Josip Herović, a teacher in Samobor (1780–1871)

    Treasury of Croatian schooling archives – the Archival Collection of the Croatian School Museum

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    Arhivska zbirka Hrvatskoga školskog muzeja specijalizirana je arhivska zbirka za povijest školstva i pedagogije osnovana 1901. godine. U radu je dan prikaz povijesnoga razvoja i ustroja Zbirke te stručnoga rada i promotivnih aktivnosti. U 120. godini djelovanja, 2021. godine, Zbirka ima ukupno 150 dužnih metara arhivskoga gradiva nastalog od 18. do 21. stoljeća djelovanjem pravnih osoba (ustanova, udruga, upravnih tijela) i pojedinaca, primarno iz područja školstva, prosvjetne i pedagoške djelatnosti. Većina gradiva nabavljena je darovanjima, a manjim dijelom otkupom. Sabrano izvorno arhivsko gradivo za povijest školstva, obrazovanja, pedagoških znanosti i prosvjete u Hrvatskoj ima svojstvo spomenika kulture nacionalnoga značenja i izvor je za interdisciplinarna stručno-znanstvena istraživanja povijesnih, pedagoških, kulturoloških i uopće društveno-humanističkih tema te za muzeološku prezentaciju i druge promotivne aktivnosti u komunikaciji s posjetiteljima i publikom u najširem smislu. Novim akvizicijama Arhivska zbirka kontinuirano se povećava i obogaćuje.The Archival Collection of the Croatian School Museum is a specialized archival collection concerning the history of schooling and education, established in 1901. The paper presents the historical development and organization of the Collection, as well as the associated professional efforts and promotional activities. In 2021, after 120 years of activity, the collection comprises a total of 220 linear meters of archival materials created between the 18th century and the 21st century by legal entities (institutions, associations, administrative authorities) and individuals, primarily in the area of schooling, educational and pedagogical activities. Most of the materials were donated, with only a small proportion purchased. These original collected archival materials concerning the history of schooling, education and pedagogical sciences in Croatia are treated as a cultural monument of national concern and are a source for interdisciplinary professional and scientific investigation of historical, pedagogical, cultural and general social and humanistic topics, for museological presentation and other promotional activities in communication with visitors and audiences in the broadest possible sense. New acquisitions are constantly enlarging and enriching the Archival Collection

    Izložba "Iz arhiva ALU - rane godine

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    The Teachers’ Cooperative (1865 – 1891) The Oldest Teachers’ Association in Croatia

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    Humanost i solidarnost temeljna su načela na kojima je 1865. organizirana prva učiteljska udruga u Hrvatskoj – Učiteljska zadruga. Tijekom 25 godina djelovanja Zadruga je dobrotvornim radom pomagala školovanje djece preminulih učitelja te sudjelovala u izgradnji učiteljskih ustanova i inicirala osnutak drugih učiteljskih udruga. U radu su analizirani djelovanje i postignuća Učiteljske zadruge.The teachers of the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia began to act in an organised manner by establishing professional associations modelled after similar teachers’ associations abroad. The first and oldest teachers’ association was the Teachers’ Cooperative, established in 1865. Four years later, the Teachers’ Community (later National School) was founded, and an association that is still active today – the Croatian Pedagogical-Literary Assembly – was established in 1871. The Union of Croatian Teachers’ Associations, founded in 1885, brought together and coordinated the work of the regional and city teachers’ societies. Leading teachers’ associations established by the end of the 19th century included the Croatian Savings and Assistance Cooperative and the Croatian Savings, Death Grants, and Assistance Cooperative. According to their goals, manner of operation, and organisation, a part of these associations were professional associations dedicated to protecting teachers’ rights, their professional training, and their active participation in the creation of education policy, while others were humanitarian organisations organised on the principle of solidarity and as credit and savings cooperatives. Most of the archival material regarding the mentioned teachers’ associations is kept in the Archival Collection of the Croatian School Museum. The first Croatian teachers’ association, the Teachers’ Cooperative, was established at the founding assembly in Zagreb on 10 and 11 June 1865. Its basic purpose was to provide support for raising the orphans of teachers, and to assist their families. The Cooperative used the German Pestalozzi-Verein teacher support associations as a role model. The teachers Ivan Filipović and Vjenceslav Mařik initiated the Cooperative’s establishment. Funds for assisting the children and families of deceased members were raised, in addition to membership fees, through voluntary contributions and the organisation of various events – lotteries, raffles, charity events, etc. The largest donation during the first ten years of the Cooperative’s existence was made by Archbishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer. Half of the collected monetary contributions were used for the necessary disbursements, while the other half were added to the principal, with interest also being used for disbursements. In 1889, the Cooperative invested the principal in the construction of the Croatian Teachers’ Home. The chairmen of the Teachers’ Cooperative were: Ivan Filipović, Ivan Šah, Ferdo Vuksanović, Josip Posavec, Ljudevit Modec, Antun Irgolić, Tomislav Ivkanec, Stjepan Basariček, Đuro Kuten, and Mijo Vrbanec. After 25 years of its existence, in 1891, the decision was made to dissolve the Teachers’ Cooperative, while its funds were transferred to the newly established Teachers’ Association Foundation, aimed towards supporting orphaned teachers’ children and building the Teachers’ Boarding School. The Steering Committee of the Teachers’ Asso-ciation was active during the next two years, and turned its assets over to the Union of Croatian Teachers’ Associations. The Teachers’ Boarding School was built in Zagreb in 1899. The Teachers’ Cooperative was the first to show the power of organised teacher actions, and its members initiated the founding of other teachers’ associations in Croatia, earning it the nickname The Mother of Teachers’ Associations