727 research outputs found

    Mogućnosti primjene računala u nastavi stranog jezika

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    Uporaba računala u nastavi stranih jezika. u novije je doba našla svoje pravo mjesto prošavši put od početne euforije, koja prati svako novo tehničko pomagalo, do spoznaje da računala ne mogu zamijeniti nastavnika., ali mu mogu uvelike olakšati rad u nastavi. Nedostatak komunikacije nadomješten je glavnim prednostima računala, a to su: individualan izbor materijala, individualan tempo rada, individualna dijagnoza pogrešaka i njihova korektura, trenutna povratna informacija i točna procjena postignutih rezultata

    Evaluacija ljudske izloženosti neionizirajućem zračenju u blizini telekomunikacijskih uređaja u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    This paper gives an overview of the regulatory acts in non-ionising radiation in the world, with a special emphasis on basic guidelines issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). ICNIRP Guidelines are implemented in many countries worldwide. Croatia has also implemented them indirectly through the European Recommendation 1999/519/EC. The Croatian regulatory acts include the Non-Ionising Radiation Protection Act, Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Protection, and the Ordinance on Basic Requirements for Devices which produce Optical Radiation and Measures for Optical Radiation Protection. Dosimetry and densitometry are compliant with relevant international and European standards. The paper presents an example of densitometric human exposure assessment in complex indoor exposure conditions. In spite of a high number of indoor and outdoor sources and the “worst-case exposure assessment”, the results are within the limits defined by the Croatian EMF Ordinance.Članak daje pregled zakonodavnih akata u svijetu uz popratno objašnjenje ICNIRP naputaka. ICNIRP naputci primjenjuju se u mnogo zemalja diljem svijeta na izravan ili neizravan način. Republika Hrvatska također primjenjuje ove naputke, i to neizravno, prema Preporuci Vijeća Europe 1999/519/EC. U članku je nadalje objašnjeno hrvatsko zakonodavstvo u području neionizirajućeg zračenja. Osnove dozimetrije i denzitometrije su pojašnjene za specijalan slučaj telekomunikacijskih uređaja. Prikazan je jedan primjer mjerenja u unutrašnjosti zgrade s relativno kompleksnom izloženosti GSM osnovnih postaja, jer se radi o postavljenim vanjskim osnovnim postajama, kao i o postajama u unutrašnjosti zgrade. Na kraju su prikazani rezultati mjerenja i uspoređeni s relevantnim vrijednostima u postojećem hrvatskom Pravilniku

    Le role des expressions anaphoriques dans la mise en discours des evenements mediatico-scientifiques

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    U radu se analizira uloga jednog tipa referencijalnih izraza – anaforičkih izraza – u diskurzivnom oblikovanju odabranog medijsko-znanstvenog događaja (“uskrsnuće” bakterije Deinococcus radiodurans). Predlaže se transverzalna analiza anaforičkih izraza utemeljena na modularnom pristupu kompleksnosti organizacije diskursa i na dinamičnoj koncepciji anaforičke referencije, shvaćene kao segment šireg procesa konceptualnog strukturiranja svijeta diskursa i usuglašavanja mentalnih predodžbi sudionika u interakciji.Dans la mise en discours des evenements mediatico-scientifiques (et, en particulier, de ceux portant sur les decouvertes scientifiques et la creation de savoirs nouveaux), un role important est attribue aux moyens langagiers qui contribuent a la cohesion referentielle des productions discursives, dans lesquelles s’entremelent et se superposent les buts communicationnels des differents acteurs (scientifiques, journalistes, public) et leurs differentes representations mentales des activites, des etres et des objets qui constituent les univers dans lesquels le discours s’inscrit et dont il parle. Dans le present article, nous nous centrons sur l’emploi des expressions referentielles anaphoriques, en analysant leur role dans la co-construction de l’evenement mediatico-scientifique choisi (“la resurrection” de la bacterie Deinococcus radiodurans). Nous proposons une analyse transversale de ces expressions, fondee sur l’approche modulaire de la complexite de l’organisation du discours et sur une conception dynamique de la reference anaphorique

    Dirac sigma models from gauging the nonlinear sigma models and its BV action

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    We present the construction of the Dirac sigma models by gauging the 2-dimensional nonlinear sigma models, but also including the possibility of nonminimal coupling to the metric sector. We show that for a large variety of possible cases, the minimal coupling to the metric sector is the only nontrivial possibility. In addition, we present the construction of the classical Batalin-Vilkovisky action for the Dirac sigma models. We follow a direct approach in its construction, by requiring it to be a solution of the classical master equation.Comment: Written for Proceeding in Science, 18 page

    Protected species of molluscs in the Republic of Croatia

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    Mekušci su vrlo rasprostranjena skupina beskralješnjaka, ima ih dva puta više nego svih kralješnjaka zajedno. Poznato je oko 128 000 vrsta, od toga oko 40 000 fosilnih. U mekušce pripadaju: bezljušturaši (Aplacophora), jednoljušturaši (Monoplacophora), mnogoljušturaši (Polyplacophora), koponošci (Scaphopoda), školjkaši (Bivalvia), puževi (Gastropoda) i glavonošci (Cephalopoda). Iako se može pohvaliti iznimnom raznolikošću živoga svijeta, mnoge su vrste u Hrvatskoj na rubu izumiranja. Ukoliko se one na vrijeme prepoznaju, njihova se ugroženost procjenjuje prema kriterijima Međunarodne unije za očuvanje prirode (International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN) te im se pridodaje pripadajuća kategorija ugroženosti. Svojte kojima je procijenjen stupanj ugroženosti navedene su u crvenim popisima i crvenim knjigama ugroženih svojti Hrvatske. Prema Zakonu o zaštiti prirode (Narodne novine br. 70/05 i br. 139/08) zaštićene svojte dijele se na strogo zaštićene divlje svojte, zaštićene divlje svojte i zaštićene zavičajne udomaćene svojte. Neke od najpoznatijih zaštićenih vrsta u Hrvatskoj su: Pinna nobilis, Lithophaga lithopaga, Tonna galea, Mitra zonata, Unio crassus i Helix pomatia.Molluscs are very widespread group of invertebrates. It is known around 128 000 species, of which 40 000 are fossil. In molluscs belong: Aplacophora, Monoplacophora, chitons (Polyplacophora), Scaphopoda, bivalves (Bivalvia), snails (Gastropoda) and cephalopods (Cephalopoda). Although Croatia boasts with a remarkable diversity of the living world, many of the famous species in the country are on the brink of extinction. If they are recognized in time, their vulnerability can be measured according to the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Species which have estimated threat level are listed in the Red Lists and Red Books of endangered species. According to the Nature Protection Act protected species are divided into strictly protected species, protected wild species and protected indigenous domesticated taxa. Some of the most famous protected species in Croatia are: Pinna nobilis, Lithophaga lithopaga, Tonna galea, Mitra zonata, Unio crassus and Helix pomatia

    Ratio of the structure of hotel online booking channels and the monitoring of the quality of hotel websites in a multidimensional system: Identification and distribution of potentials

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the potentials that can positively impact the success of a hotel online business by: (1) exploring the specifics of the internal structure of online booking channels in the hotel business, (2) identifying the value and distribution of the potential to increase hotel bookings through the hotel website, (3) identifying the potential by exploring the space for improving hotel website excellence, and (4) developing an innovative multidimensional metric for monitoring hotel website quality. Methodology: This research was approached in a way that the issue is considered from two aspects. Firstly, the potential to improve the ratio value of the hotel online booking channel structure is observed. The survey in the Republic of Croatia was conducted by regions on a sample of 4* and 5* hotels. Secondly, the potential to improve a hotel business is considered as the possibility to improve the performance of a hotel website. Results: The research results show the value and distribution of the potential which can be used for a positive impact on the hotel business. Furthermore, the use of the presented multidimensional metric model allows a clear recognition of the potential for the hotel website quality improvement. Conclusion: It can be concluded that both aspects of the potential research (in addition to the research findings), open up numerous possibilities for conducting similar or more complex analytical procedures and a new empirical research

    Black hole entropy calculation from near horizon symmetries

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    U ovom radu pokazali smo jedan način za računanje entropije (2+1) stacionarne crne rupe. Pri tome smo koristili dimenzionalnu redukciju na dvije dimenzije što je rezultiralo dilatonskim modelom te simetrije na horizontu crne rupe. Za generatore tih simetrija je pokazano da zadovoljavaju Virasoro algebru što nam je omogućilo korištenje Cardyjeve formule za entropiju. Rezultat koji smo dobili slaže se s Bekenstein-Hawkingovom formulom za entropiju.In this paper we showed one way to compute the entropy of (2+1) stationary black hole. We did so by using dimensional reduction on two dimensions, which resulted in dilaton model, and symmetries on the black hole horizon. It has been shown that generators of those symmetries satisfy Virasoro algebra which allowed us to use Cardy formula for entropy. The result is consistent with Bekenstein-Hawking formula

    MSSI - Modular Structure of Stochastic Process Information for Power System Control

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    The usage of process information in a real-time and out of it is a very comlex but also an important segment of the electric power system automatic control. A model of the process information events of electric power stations is worked out, whereby process information is defined by points in the space. Generation of electric power system process information is a discrete statistical phenomenon. In the paper both the space of elementary events and the space of electric power system probabilites process information are presented on the level of components as well as on the level of the whole system. The process information group with n-dimensional random values is described, and then a method of transforming the n-dimensional random values into one dimensional space is presented by the function D. This procedure enables process information set to be modularly defined as random values, and the model is used for the computer calculation of process events restoring times

    Référence déictique et structuration générique du discours

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    U radu se analizira uloga deiktičkih obilježivača (markera) u generičkom strukturiranju diskursa. Najprije se podsjeća da u postojećim tipologijama žanrova diskursa prisutnost deiktičkih obilježivača i drugih tragova subjektivnosti predstavlja važan kriterij za razgraničenje žanrova koji koegzistiraju u određenom društveno-povijesnom okviru unutar određenog tipa diskursa i za deskripciju uvjeta njihove diversifikacije. Zatim se, na primjeru diskursa medijske informacije na čije generičko strukturiranje utječu različite strategije objektivizacije, nastoji pokazati da primjena tog kriterija dobiva svoj puni smisao tek u kombinaciji s kriterijima koji se odnose na tekstualna i situacijska obilježja relevantna za generičko strukturiranje diskursa, a to su, s jedne strane, komunikacijski ciljevi sudionika u interakciji i specifične diskurzivne aktivnosti koje oblikuju relacijski profil tekstualnih struktura i, s druge strane, složenost interakcijskog okvira i stupanj heterogenosti deiktičkih i polifonijskih struktura.Dans cet article, nous nous interrogeons sur le rôle des marqueurs déictiques dans la structuration générique du discours. Nous partons du constat que, dans les typologies des genres de discours, la présence des marqueurs déictiques et autres traces de subjectivité représente un critère important de délimitation des genres qui coexistent dans un cadre socio-historique au sein d’un meme type de discours et de description des conditions de leur diversification. En nous appuyant sur l’exemple du discours d’information médiatique dont la structuration générique fait l’objet de diverses stratégies d’objectivisation, nous essayons de montrer que ce critère linguistique n’acquiert son plein sens que complété par les criteres textuels et situationnels liés, d’une part, aux visées communicationnelles des interactants et à leurs activités discursives spécifiques qui déterminent le profil relationnel des structures textuelles et, d’autre part, à la complexité du cadre interactionnel et au degré d’hétérogénéité des structures déictiques et polyphoniques

    Primjena autorskih programa u nastavi stranog jezika uz pomoć kompjutora

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    U metodici učenja stranog jezika kompjutori pružaju mnogobrojne mogućnosti. Učenje uz pomoć kompjutora je novi trend koji dopunjava tradicionalne oblike učenja u nastavi stranog jezika. Pomoću kompjutora možemo rekonstruirati tekst, utvrditi vokabular i gramatiku, a istovremeno bilježiti pozitivne i negativne odgovore te tako dobiti povratnu informaciju - ocjenu našeg jezičnog znanja. Integracija kompjutora kao nastavnog medija u nastavni proces (uz već postojeće medije kao što su knjiga, ploča, grafofolija, dijalfilmovi, audio i video-kazete) pruža mnogobrojne mogućnosti. Njegov potencijal možemo iskoristiti za stvaranje tzv. autorskih programa, koji se mogu koristiti kao programi za uvježbavanje vokabulara i gramatike, kao pomoć kod čitanja s razumijevanjem i za rekonstrukciju tekstova