
Black hole entropy calculation from near horizon symmetries


U ovom radu pokazali smo jedan način za računanje entropije (2+1) stacionarne crne rupe. Pri tome smo koristili dimenzionalnu redukciju na dvije dimenzije što je rezultiralo dilatonskim modelom te simetrije na horizontu crne rupe. Za generatore tih simetrija je pokazano da zadovoljavaju Virasoro algebru što nam je omogućilo korištenje Cardyjeve formule za entropiju. Rezultat koji smo dobili slaže se s Bekenstein-Hawkingovom formulom za entropiju.In this paper we showed one way to compute the entropy of (2+1) stationary black hole. We did so by using dimensional reduction on two dimensions, which resulted in dilaton model, and symmetries on the black hole horizon. It has been shown that generators of those symmetries satisfy Virasoro algebra which allowed us to use Cardy formula for entropy. The result is consistent with Bekenstein-Hawking formula

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