1,207 research outputs found

    Contribution to the diagnosis of power oil transformers

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    Multifunctional House

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    Úkolem této bakalářské práce je zpracovat částečnou dokumentaci pro provádění stavby dle vyhlášky č. 499/2006 Sb. (ve znění pozdějších předpisů) o dokumentaci staveb. Tato dokumentace je zpracovaná pro multifunkční dům, který navazuje na projekt zpracovávaný v předmětech Ateliérová tvorba III. (urbanistická studie), Ateliérovou tvorbu IV (architektonická studie) a Ateliérovou tvorbu Va (dokumentace pro stavební povolení). Hlavním cílem bylo navrhnout multifunkční objekt, který bude vstupní dominantou při vjezdu do Městského Obvodu Nová Ves – Statutárního města Ostravy.The task of this bachelor's thesis is the elaboration of partial documentation for the execution of the project according to regulation n. 499/2006 Coll. (as amended) on building documentation. This documentation is processed for a multifunctional house, which follows the project elaborated in the Studio work III. (urban studies), Studio work IV. (architectural study) and Studio work Va (building permit documentation). The main objective was to design a multifunctional building, which dominates the entrance at the entrance to the city District Nová Ves - Statutory city of Ostrava.226 - Katedra architekturyvelmi dobř

    Filtration efficiency of nonofiber cloth

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    V této bakalářské práci se zabývám filtrační účinností tkaniny z nanovlákna, která se stanoví pomocí počtu částic aerosolu naměřených před a za filtrem pomocí přístroje APS. Aerosol je generován přístrojem CMAG. Dále se v této práci zabývám rešeršní studií na téma filtrace částic mikrometrových rozměrů.In this bachelor thesis I deal with filtration efficiency of nanofiber cloth, which are determined by number of aerosol particles measured in front of the filter and behind the filter using APS. Aerosol particles are generated by CMAG. The next topic of this thesis is a search of particle filtration of micrometer size.

    Psychology and its Application in Tourism

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to describe the importance of application of psychological and sociologic know-how in tourism practice. Primarily, it is the understanding of clientś motivation to visit particular destination, use available services, clientś needs and satisfaction. The paper describes relations between individual levels of human needs (using Maslow's hierarchy of needs). At the end of the paper the author notes that despite of the all benefits of psychology to tourism, in practice it is used primarily by large companies, or by regional institutions. Entrepreneurs, who make majority of business subjects in tourism, prefer practical information and instructions

    The Women in Science in the Countries of European Union

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    We live in a time, when few people concern of that, why is so few women in the science; although nowadays is coequality between men and women. We would not to forget the reality; that women could have to study on the universities only from the 19th century. That could be one of the reasons, why nowadays is so few women in science. Certainly, the other reason is the fact; that women in history didn´t signify more in the society. Their maximal success in their life was to perform the position of the mother and wife. Their role was the nascence children, so that the parentage would be well-preserved and would not threaten the decrease of population; and not last one reason was the care about the household. The resource to employ was the utopian soon. The man was the bread-winner. In 19th century were the women too, those attended the educational institutions, the private or the public too. They were the women; those had to perform the wife-position of some officer, higher positioned man, in the future. The thinkers of enlightenment performed the opinion, that women can´t study and to develop the science, because they are very emotional. This description belongs to antipoles in the science, those the scientists’ couldn´t have to know. The most important in the science is the rationality and the objectivity; and especially these descriptions have men better developed

    The Determinants of Motivation Regarding Top Competitive Basketball of Juniors

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    The motivation plays an essential role in carrying out any activity in people´s lives. It is a critical aspect between individual stages of career transitions and its goals. The purpose is to describe the determinants of the motivation and adherence of junior basketball players. The research interviews 40 players who wish to continue at the professional stage. The Career Transition theory (Alfermann & Stambulova, 2007) is a scope for the research. The research is qualitative, using The Grounded Theory by Strauss and Corbin (1990). The chosen research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The sample consists of twenty girls and twenty boys between ages 15-18. The results illustrate eight determinants of motivation and adherence. 1.lifestyle, 2.the perception of competencies, 3.specifics of basketball, 4.biopsychosocial health. 5.enjoyment, 6.team spirit, 7.society, 8.time management. Time management is the most occurring reason for termination of the basketball career

    Safety analysis of the method of implementation of crash cushions

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    The topic of the article are vehicle restraint systems. Specifically, the paper focuses on the safety analysis of the way of implementation of crash cushions. Within the safety analysis carried out on the territory of the Ústí Region of the Czech Republic, the most frequently occurring deficiencies in crash cushions and their possible impacts on road safety were identified. The output is the creation of catalogue sheets of crash cushions, which contain the most frequently installed crash cushions on the road network and a summary of methodological requirements for their adequate implementation. The work is intended to serve as an effective tool and a quality source of information for road managers and road safety auditors during their subsequent inspection

    The Quality of Service in the Public Transport and Shipping Industry

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    This paper deals with the quality system in public transport and the shipping industry. The quality in transport is a significant determinant of the demand. It is an important tool for customer retention and it also has effects on the performance and economic results of the organization in the competitive environment. The increasing level of satisfaction must be one of the main objectives of each organization. The purpose of quality standards in public transport and the shipping industry implementation, as well as the example of measuring customer satisfaction in public transport,will be shown in this article. The questionnaire will be used and those results will be compared with the real value (the measurement of quality criteria in real conditions)

    Crowd security management

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je řízení bezpečnosti davu. Teoretická část práce se věnuje popisu davu z psychologického hlediska. Taktéž jsou zde uvedeny donucovací prostředky, které mohou dle zákona použít policisté České republiky. Následně jsou na začátku praktické části uvedeny a rozebrány demonstrace proti koronavirovým opatřením, které v České republice proběhly. Závěr praktické části je věnován modelové situaci, kde je popsán scénář zásahu při demonstraci, do kterého byl zapracován návrh na zlepšení.The topic of this bachelor thesis is crowd security management. The theoretical part is devoted to the description of the crowd from a psychological point of view. There are also coercive means that can be used by the police of the Czech Republic according to the law. At the beginning of the practical part are presented and analyzed demonstrations against coronavirus measures that took place in the Czech Republic. The conclusion of the practical part is devoted to the model situation, which describes the scenario of demonstration and in which a proposal for improvement was incorporated intervention of police.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř