68 research outputs found

    On the Estimation and Reduction of the Frequency of the Loss of Offsite Power Event

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    Loss of offsite power (LOOP) contributes significantly to the estimated core damage frequency (CDF) for the majority of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Based on experience from some near-miss events around the world and especially in Japan from Fukushima Daiichi accident and several other NPPs it was proven the how important power supply is for nuclear safety. Therefore comprehensive description of the LOOP initiating event is given in this paper. Specific experience of the NPP KrÅ”ko (NEK) related operation is also presented with comparison to the U.S. NPPsā€™ approaches and experience. Statistical data are given to explain main characteristics (frequency and duration) of the LOOP event. Important historical trends are also identified. LOOP event frequency is often calculated using generic data because of statistical data base. Thereat, many important factors that influence LOOP are neglected, such as the specific power network configuration, load profiles, climate conditions, and ageing of the equipment. Several different approaches that take these factors into consideration are therefore presented and discussed. Familiarity with the actual state of the NPP, power network and weather conditions helps in the proper planning process of the test and maintenance (T&M) activities and reducing of the risk. This is significant for better online risk estimate. Due to the Fukushima accident, it is necessary to review the safety of the NPPs from new different angles. This paper also shortly reviews planned modifications in NEK that will increase the electric power supply availability (i.e., reduce LOOP event frequency. Other, worldwide solutions that can help to avoid or mitigate LOOP effects are briefly presented

    On the Estimation and Reduction of the Frequency of the Loss of Offsite Power Event

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    Loss of offsite power (LOOP) contributes significantly to the estimated core damage frequency (CDF) for the majority of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Based on experience from some near-miss events around the world and especially in Japan from Fukushima Daiichi accident and several other NPPs it was proven the how important power supply is for nuclear safety. Therefore comprehensive description of the LOOP initiating event is given in this paper. Specific experience of the NPP KrÅ”ko (NEK) related operation is also presented with comparison to the U.S. NPPsā€™ approaches and experience. Statistical data are given to explain main characteristics (frequency and duration) of the LOOP event. Important historical trends are also identified. LOOP event frequency is often calculated using generic data because of statistical data base. Thereat, many important factors that influence LOOP are neglected, such as the specific power network configuration, load profiles, climate conditions, and ageing of the equipment. Several different approaches that take these factors into consideration are therefore presented and discussed. Familiarity with the actual state of the NPP, power network and weather conditions helps in the proper planning process of the test and maintenance (T&M) activities and reducing of the risk. This is significant for better online risk estimate. Due to the Fukushima accident, it is necessary to review the safety of the NPPs from new different angles. This paper also shortly reviews planned modifications in NEK that will increase the electric power supply availability (i.e., reduce LOOP event frequency. Other, worldwide solutions that can help to avoid or mitigate LOOP effects are briefly presented

    Comparison of Feudal Europe and Medieval Japan

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    Rad uspoređuje feudalnu Europu i srednjovjekovni Japan kroz dvije cjeline koje donose opći pregled stanja u feudalnoj Europi i stanje u srednjovjekovnom Japanu, a zatim uvid u druÅ”tvene odnose feudalne Europe i srednjovjekovnog Japana. Prve dvije cjeline govore o geografskim obilježjima Europe i Japana kako bi se bolje razumjelo određene aspekte rada i onodobnog života te o općem stanju u Europi i Japanu u razdoblju od 8. stoljeća kada u Europi započinje ono Å”to možemo gledati kao feudalni sustav, do 16. stoljeća, odnosno kada po mnogim povjesničarima zavrÅ”ava europski srednji vijek i feudalizam u klasičnom obliku. Europski aspekt poglavlja donosi kratki osvrt na razdoblje nakon konačnog pada Zapadnog Rimskog Carstva u 5. stoljeću i nastanak Franačke države, odnosno početak feudalnih odnosa u Europi. Japanski srednji vijek počinje u kasnom 12. stoljeću i zavrÅ”ava početkom 17. stoljeća, ali zbog komparativne metode obrađen je period od 12. do 16. stoljeća, odnosno Kamakura i Muromachi ere. Japanski aspekt cjeline bavi se općim pregledom situacije u tom periodu. Druge dvije cjeline donose pregled druÅ”tveno-političkih odnosa u spomenutim vremenskim razdobljima. U oba slučaja koriÅ”tena je piramidalna struktura druÅ”tva kako bi se dočarala hijerarhija i odnosi u druÅ”tvu. U slučaju Europe obrađen je i religijski aspekt, dok je u slučaju Japana religijski aspekt spomenut u kontekstu drugih dijelova piramide zbog drugačije druÅ”tvene strukture. Zaključak rada donosi konačnu misao o radu i sintezu sličnosti između dva sustava. Nakon zaključka slijedi popis literature i priloga


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    Poljoprivredni institut Osijek osnovan je 1875. godine na inicijativu tadaÅ”njeg ā€žHrvatskog gospodarskog druÅ”tva" u Osijeku, imenom "Agro-kulturno kemijski zavod". Pod nazivom Poljoprivredni institut Osijek radi neprekidno od 1961 . godine. U svom dugogodiÅ”njem radu je značajno utjecao na unapređenje proizvodnje kvalitetnog sjemena. Tako su izgrađeni centri na: PIK-u Belje, VUPIK-u Vukovar, IPK-Oranica Osijek, PP GareÅ”nica itd. U suradnji s poljo-privrednim kombinatima organizirao je proizvodnju i doradu sjemena te plasirao velike količine sjemena na domaćem i inozemnom tržiÅ”tu. Prve količine sjemena hibridnog kukuruza (dvostruki križanci) Institut je proizveo 1958. godine u količini od 5.384 kg. Značajna proizvodnja OS hibrida kukuruza pocinje 70-ih godina, a komercijalno povećanje sjetvenih povrÅ”ina od 1975. godine. Najveća proizvodnja sjemena OS hibrida kukuruza bila je 1978. godine (7.846 ha- 12.239 t) a najmanja 1998. godine (147 ha-250 t). Poljoprivrednom Institutu je do danas priznato 116 hibrida kukuruza, od kojih se u Å”irokoj proizvodnji nalazi svake godine 10-12 hibrida, FAO grupe 100-700. U strukturi sjetve merkantilnog kukuruza OS hibridi zauzimaju od 15 do 18% sjetvenih povrÅ”ina. Sjeme OS hibrida kukuruza danas se proizvodi u: Mađarskoj, Turskoj, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, Slovačkoj, Kazakstanu.Agricultural Institute Osijek is the oldest institution for breeding and seed production in Croatia. Agricultural Institute Osijek established in 1875, on initiative ā€žCroatian managing societyā€œ with the name ā€žAgro-cultur chemical Institutā€œ. With the name Agricultural Institute Osijek work since 1961 and thru many years it has significant influence on quality seed production improvement. In the purpose of seed production improvement, Agricultural Institute Osijek has started with establishing particulary processing centers in cooperation with other managing subject, like technicaly key for further development and improvement of seed production. Processing centers has build on PIK Belje, VUPIK Vukovar, IPK Oranica Osijek, PP GareÅ”nica etc. Agricultural Institut Osijek in cooperation with Agricultural combinat already organized production and processing of seed and also delivered a large amounts of seed on domestic and foreign market. The first hybrid maize seed (double - cross) Agricultural Institute Osijek produced in 1958 in amounts of 5 384 kg. Significant production of OS maize hybrids began in the early 70\u27s and commercial increasing of sowing surface f rom 1975. The largest production of OS maize hybrids was in 1978 with (7 .846 ha- 12.239 t ) and the smallest in 1998 (142 ha- 250 t). Today, Agricultural Institute Osijek has 116 registered maize hybrids FAO group 100-700. 10 to 12 of them are widespread in production every year. In total sowing structure in Croatia, OS maize hybrids occupied 15-18% of totaly sowing surface. Today, OS maize hybrid seed production established in some foreign countries like Hungary, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia and Kazahstan


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    Backround: Since the declaration of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak as pandemic, health workers have shown an incredible commitment to their patients, sometimes in apocalyptic conditions. We explored ways to deal with the coronavirus stressor and psychological outcomes among physicians and nurses. Subjects and methods: 124 healthcare workers in General Hospital Nasice (Croatia) were invited to participate in a study by performing within the period of March 26 to April 6 2020 questionnaire collected information on socio-demographic characteristics and living conditions that may be risk factors for covid-19 concern, Short form health survey 36, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) and Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOC; consisting of 8 subscales: Confrontive Coping, Distancing, Self-Controlling, Seeking Social Support, Accepting Responsibility, Escape-Avoidance, Planful Problem Solving, Positive Reappraisal). Results: 11% healthworkers reports moderate to very-severe depression, 17% moderate to extremely-severe anxiety and 10% for moderate to extremely-severe stress. 67% of medical staff are worried. No statistically significant differences in the scales of depression, anxiety, and stress were found between nurses and physicians, but differences were found on Escape-Avoidance and Positive Reappraisal subscales. Nurses use significantly more avoiding coping style and positive reappraisal than doctors. Seeking social support is more pronounced in those over 40 years old, while those under 40 use more avoidable stress management techniques. Conclusions: Monitoring and ensuring the mental health of coronavirus care staff is crucial for global health. The education of medical staff in the field of stress management is a conditio sine qua non of the issue of an adequate relationship with the COVID-19 pandemic

    Liječenje subglotične stenoze: iskustvo jednog centra

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    The aim of this article is to present experiences of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Zagreb University Hospital Center with the treatment of patients with subglottic stenosis. Subglottic stenosis is a rare congenital or acquired disorder of airway patency that is part of a wider complex of disorders known as laryngotracheal stenosis with the ultimate effect in the form of respiratory insufficiency that can be life-threatening. As an acquired condition, it is most often the result of iatrogenic damage to the larynx and trachea during invasive airway management, whether it is intubation or tracheotomy. In the case of intubation as the etiologic factor, cases of prolonged intubation were most common. Retrospective analysis of patient medical histories over a ten-year period was performed and 29 patients met the inclusion criteria. All patients were monitored for at least two years after completion of treatment. Out of a total of 29 treated patients, 20 were permanently decannulated, of which 4 have paresis of one or both vocal cords. In conclusion, there is no clear treatment protocol for patients with subglottic stenosis. The optimal modality of treatment is combined endoscopic and open surgical treatment.Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati iskustva Klinike za bolesti uha, nosa i grla i kirurgiju glave i vrata Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb u liječenju bolesnika sa subglotičnom stenozom. Subglotična stenoza je rijedak prirođen ili stečeni poremećaj prohodnosti diÅ”nog puta koji je dio Å”ireg kompleksa poremećaja poznatog kao laringotrahealna stenoza s krajnjm učinkom u vidu respiracijske insuficijencije koja može biti opasna za život. Kao stečeno stanje najčeŔće je posljedica jatrogenog oÅ”tećenja grkljana i traheje prilikom invazivnog osiguranja diÅ”nog puta, bilo da se radi o intubaciji ili traheotomiji. U slučaju intubacije kao etioloÅ”kog čimbenika najčeŔće se radi o slučajevima produljene intubacije. Učinjena je retrospektivna analiza povijesti bolesti bolesnika u desetogodiÅ”njem razdoblju te je 29 bolesnika ispunjavalo kriterije uključenja u studiju. Svi bolesnici praćeni su najmanje dvije godine nakon zavrÅ”enog liječenja. Svi bolesnici liječeni su kirurÅ”ki, endoskospki, otvorenom metodom ili kombinirano. Od ukupno 29 liječenih bolesnika 20 ih je trajno dekanilirano, od kojih 4 ima parezu jedne ili obje glasiljke. Zaključno, ne postoji jasan protokol liječenja bolesnika sa subglotičnom stenozom. Optimalan modalitet liječenja je kombinirano endoskopsko lasersko i otvoreno kirurÅ”ko liječenje

    Cellular expression and crystal structure of the murine cytomegalovirus MHC-Iv glycoprotein, m153

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    Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV), a Ī²-herpesvirus that establishes latent and persistent infections in mice, is a valuable model for studying complex virus-host interactions. MCMV encodes the m145 family of putative immunoevasins with predicted MHC-I structure. Functions attributed to some family members include downregulation of host MHC-I (m152) and NKG2D ligands (m145, m152, m155) and interaction with inhibitory or activating NK receptors (m157). We present the cellular, biochemical and structural characterization of m153, which is a heavily glycosylated homodimer, that does not require Ī²2m or peptide, and is expressed at the surface of MCMV-infected cells. Its 2.4 ƅ crystal structure confirms that this compact molecule preserves an MHC-I-like fold and reveals a novel mode of dimerization, confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis, and a distinctive disulfide-stabilized extended amino terminus. The structure provides a useful framework for comparative analysis of the divergent members of the m145 family

    Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of photosynthetic performance in seven maize inbred lines under water-limited conditions

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    Background and Purpose: Photosynthetic efficiency in crops can be associated with stress resistance and yield increase. In maize, photosynthetic efficiency is important in inbred lines during breeding process and in seed production, as well as in hybrids. Objective of this study is to determine differences in photosynthetic efficiency under the water-limited conditions between seven flint and dent maize inbred lines belonging to various heterotic groups. Moreover, this investigation will serve as a preliminary study for the QTL analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in order to understand the genetic and physiological background to drought stress tolerance in maize. Materials and Method: Photosynthetic efficiency was measured in maize field nursery in Osijek during silking by Hansatech Handy-PEA analyzer in the elite inbreds Os1767/99, Os1252/99, Os163_9, B73, Mo17, Os6_2 i B84. The data obtained were used to calculate two biophysical parameters that describe the photochemistry of PSII: maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and performance index on absorption basis (PIABS). Obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis applying least significant difference (LSD) and cluster analysis. Results and Conclusions: Differences in photosynthetic efficiency appeared to be higher within dent inbred lines than between dents and flints. Although investigated parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm and PIABS) revealed similar clustering of inbred lines, there was slight difference concerning the grouping of the line Os6_2. Therefore we recommend the combined use of these two main parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence when the investigation includes photosynthetic performance in stress challenged plants, such as water-limited conditions


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    Sjeme suncokreta specifičnih je svojstava s obzirom na proces dorade i skladiÅ”tenje. Tijekom skladiÅ”tenja često dolazi do opadanja kakvoće sjemena, a pri tomu značajnu ulogu imaju: genotip, duljina i uvjeti skladiÅ”tenja, tretman sjemena, vrsta ambalaže i dr. Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je opadanje energije klijanja i klijavosti sjemena suncokreta, a ispitivanje je obavljeno na netretiranom (kontrola) i tretiranom sjemenu (T1 : Geocid ST-35 i T2: Apron 35 DS). Analizirano je sjeme tri hibrida suncokreta Poljoprivrednog Instituta Osijek (Fakir, Orion i Olio) tijekom dvije godine skladiÅ”tenja u "jumbo" vrećama (1999., 2000., 2001). Utvrđeni pad energije klijanja i klijavosti tretiranog sjemena, u prosjeku za sva tri hibrida, kretao se od 3 do 13%, a pad klijavosti netretiranog sjemena bio je manje izražen i iznosio je 2-5%. Najveći pad klijavosti zabilježen je na sjemenu hibrida Olio (13%), a najmanji na sjemenu hibrida Fakir (3%).Sunflower seed have specific characteristic considering seed processing, storage and seed treatment. During the storage time of seed supply, seed quality is often reduced. Significant influence on reduction of seed quality have: hybrid, storage time and conditions, the way of packing seed and seed treatment. This research analyse decreasing of seed germination viability and germination on untreated (control) and wet treated seed T1 (Geocid ST-35) and T2 (Apron 35 DS) on three hybrids of sunflower created on Agricultural institute Osijek (Fakir, Orion, Olio) during the three year of storage in ā€žjumboā€œ bags (1999, 2000 and 2001). Treated seed of all three hybrids had reduced germination viability and germination of seed from 3-13%. Untreated seed had smaler reduction (2-5%). The bigest reduction of germination viability and germination of seed had hybrid Olio (13%) and the smallest hybrid Fakir (3%)
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