70 research outputs found

    Promotion of renewable energy in Morocco

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    The article analyses the problems of renewable and fossil based energy consumption. Particular emphasis is put on the promotion of renewable energy technologies. Morocco implements the energy efficiency programmes in the parallel with the Wind promotion plan and Morocco Solar Plan, which is one of the largest projects in the world. The authors of the article focus on the obstacles and barriers of implementing renewable energy promotion plan in Morocco. The investigation shows that Morocco faces with a lack of financing sources and risk implementing small projects, social-economic problems, a lack of transparency and lobbyism. Even public apathy or the acceptance of RE in the community might be a challenge

    Analytical network process based on BOCR analysis as an approach for designing a foreign direct investment policy

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    Foreign direct investment is significantly important for the emerging market countries or countries in transition. Scientific literature provides plenty of evidence that FDI may have both negative and positive influence on economic growth. However, research proves that just specific type of FDI may bring benefit to the host country. Thus, a targeted FDI policy is essential for directing foreign capital into problematic business areas or regions. The goal of the article is to propose a complex targeted FDI policy, the employment of which would give benefits to the host country and achieve its strategic goals. Benefit-opportunities-costs-risks analysis and analytic network process method are used for the empirical research. Final results reveal that Lithuania, attracting FDI into research and development area, gains great benefits and exploits opportunities. At the same time, the highest costs might be generated while implementing a FDI policy in this area. A FDI policy towards service sectors would cause the least amount of risks. These results are significant for academics as the basis for further research, and decisions-makers as guidance for the development of the national FDI policy

    The impact of sociodemographic factors and work-family conflict on the relationship between organizational support and women’s burnout

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    Women’s burnout affects not only the individuals suffering from this condition but also those around them and the organization they work for. This phenomenon spills over into their personal lives and increases the likelihood of work-family conflicts. Organizational, personal, and family circumstances can affect women’s burnout. This study aims to determine the influence of perceived organizational support on burnout at work while mediating work-family conflict and moderating sociodemographic factors such as age, romantic relationship status, and number of children. The quantitative study involved 404 employed women aged 18 to 64. A structured questionnaire was distributed via social media or e-mail targeting employed women in Lithuania’s public and private sectors. IBM SPSS and a special PROCESS macro were applied to perform a mediation-moderation analysis. The study showed that the direct effect of perceived organizational support is greater than the indirect effect in mediating work-family conflicts. This is true in the case of both general burnout and its separate components. The significant moderating effect of age revealed that younger women aged 18 to 34 experience more burnout than older women. The number of children demonstrated a significant moderating effect between perceived organizational support and burnout and its dimensions for women with two or more kids. No moderating effect of romantic relationship status on the interconnection between perceived organizational support and women’s overall burnout or its individual dimensions was found

    Review of approaches towards FDI: driving forces and plausible consequences

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    The article analyzes the impact of FDI on economic growth and development of a host country in various conditions. Different sets of driving forces characteristic for certain stages of development of FDI receiving country are being considered. As the final aim of the critical analysis of contemporary theoretical and empiric findings the authors see the discovery of consistent patterns. Several FDI theories are reviewed in the article. The effects of FDI in developing countries are especially highlighted. The disparity between theoretical and empirical findings is taken into account: negative and positive aspects of FDI impact on countries that are on the path of development are revealed and interpreted. The authors conclude that the nature of the effects of FDI is mainly determined by specific characteristics of the developing countries, such as market structure, level of capital attainability and its absorptive capacity and others. Together with the development of the recipient country, FDI driving forces and outcomes transform.Daugelyje pereinamosios ekonomikos šalių tiesioginės užsienio investicijos, vertinamos kaip vienas iš ūkio plėtros veiksnių, buvo ir yra laikomos svarbia produktyvumą, ir ekonominį augimą skatinančia sąlyga. Toks palankus požiūris į tiesiogines užsienio investicijas (toliau – TUI) lėmė daugelio valstybių ekonominę užsienio kapitalo politiką: besivystančios šalys visokeriopai skatina tarptautinio kapitalo srautus, suteikdamos tiek mokestines lengvatas, tiek išskirtines strateginio investuotojo teises privatizuojant svarbius valstybės objektus. Tačiau tam tikri atvejai verčia abejoti, ar TUI visada užtikrina produktyvumo augimą, parduodamų prekių ir suteikiamų paslaugų kokybės bei kiekio didėjimą. Nepaisydami dominuojančio pozityvaus požiūrio kai kurie mokslininkai įrodinėja, jog užsienio kapitalo poveikis šį kapitalą įsileidžiančiai šaliai tam tikrais atvejais gali ne tik neduoti laukiamo efekto, bet, priešingai, stabdyti vietinio ūkio ekonominę plėtrą. Šiame straipsnyje kaip tik nagrinėjama, kokios varomosios jėgos lemia užsienio kapitalo srautų dydį ir kryptis bei kokios pasekmės yra tikėtinos užsienio kapitalui įsiliejus į konkurencinę, monopolinę arba oligopolinę ūkio šaką. Autorės kritiškai analizuoja pagrindines TUI judėjimo teorijas. Straipsnyje keliami vietinių bei užsienio investicijų suderinamumo klausimai, gvildenama finansinio sektoriaus išsivystymo lygio bei TUI poveikio ekonominiam augimui ryšio problemos. Pabrėžiama, jog atskirų užsienio kapitalo srautų poveikis kai kurioms šalies recipientės ūkio šakoms gali būti ne tik priešingas, bet ir laikui bėgant keisti savo kryptį arba poveikio stiprumą, t. y. kai kuriais atvejais TUI teigiamai veikia kapitalą priimančią šaką, o kai kuriais – neigiamai; laikui bėgant bei vykstant ūkio transformacijoms teigiamą TUI poveikį gali pakeisti neigiamas. Apibendrinant galima pasakyti, kad užsienio kapitalo atėjimas į besivystančią šalį neturėtų būti besąlygiškai skatinamas, kadangi tam tikrais atvejais vietinės šalies ekonomikos augimas gali būti stabdomas. Konkurencinių, technologinių bei kitų sąlygų, kuriomis užsienio kapitalas veikia rinkoje, specifika turi didelės įtakos bendram atskirų TUI srautų poveikiui vietinės ekonomikos plėtrai

    Factors driving turnover and retention of information technology professionals

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    Taking into consideration turnover phenomenon and retention issues, the purpose of the paper is to reveal the employee perceptions on organisational and job-related factors impacting decisions to leave and to stay with the current employer. Based on theoretical discussion related to voluntary turnover and retention of employees, the research instrument was developed. A total of 143 responses were collected from employees working in private IT companies of Lithuania. The results revealed that base pay and challenging work content were perceived as the most important employment characteristics. Turnover prediction models disclose turnover intentions of project managers, which can be explained by participation in strategy development, support of top managers and negative perception of the base pay. Meanwhile, turnover intensions of heads of departments/ high level managers can be explained by negative associations with performance incentives/ bonuses, career opportunities and working conditions. The findings of the paper let us to develop theoretical insights and provide manager recommendations leading to the retention of information technology professionals

    The influence of state‘s capital structure on econo-mic growth

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    The article analyses state‘s capital formation problems and its impact on economic growth. The purpose of this article is to determine the major economic growth indicators affected by foreign capital as well as to measure the intensity on economic growth. For this reason, the analysis of scientific literature as well as statistical analysis was carried out. According to some researches foreign capital significantly effects on GDP, export/import, average wages, and inflation. Further, the relationship between economic growth and foreign capital depends on business sector and region. Despite, mentioned founding, the influence of foreign capital differs in time. Article in Lithuanian. Valstybės kapitalo struktūros įtaka ekonominei plėtrai Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama valstybės kapitalo formavimosi problema, aiškinamasi, kaip vietinis ar užsienio kapitalas veikia šalies ūkį. Nustatyta BVP priklausomybė nuo užsienio skolos, tiesioginių užsienio investicijų bei finansinės paramos. Pagrindiniams veiksniams, apibrėžiantiems ekonomikos augimą, t. y. priklausantiems nuo kapitalo struktūros, priskiriama BVP, eksporto (importo) santykis, infliacija ir vidutinis darbo užmokesčio dydis. Pastarasis pasitelkiamas kaip vienetas darbo išlaidoms skaičiuoti. Galima pastebėti, jog skirtinguose verslo sektoriuose užsienio kapitalo prigimtis, intensyvumas bei poveikio stiprumas skiriasi. Darytina išvada, jog užsienio kapitalo poveikis, jo veiksniai priklauso nuo tik tai šaliai būdingų savybių. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kapitalo struktūra, užsienio kapitalas, valstybės užsienio skola, BVP, tiesioginės užsienio investicijos

    The Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment Intensification Policy

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    The article analyses the determinants of foreign direct investments, addresses the problem of attracting targeted FDI and highlights the incentives, which constitute the FDI policy. However, it can be observed that the governments in a number of countries seek to attract FDI at any price. The article seeks to define the aspects of successfully implemented FDI policy. Ireland, Canada and China have been chosen as the countries of good example of FDI policy. Ireland is the first country to implement FDI policy successfully. It employs a purely liberal FDI policy, which covers all business sectors; Canada implements a strictly regulated FDI policy while China adopts a liberal and aggressive FDI policy. The empirical analysis reveals that there is a strong positive relationship between inward FDI and investments in attracting foreign capital. In China’s case a strong positive relationship between FDI and other determinants gives evidence that the growth of economy is highly dependent on foreign capital. Meanwhile, Canada, which attracts tremendous FDI flows, stays least dependent on MNCs. A lower than average relationship between FDI flows and the openness of the country shows that Ireland attracts horizontal FDI. The analysis of three cases proves that the success to attract FDI is dependent on the government’s ability to employ FDI policy

    Ekonominių veiksnių poveikis gynybos naštai pasirinktose NATO šalyse

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    CC BYThe paper examines the links between economic indicators and the defence burden in selected NATO countries during the period between 1980 and 2020. Three of the largest NATO spenders in terms of defence, such as Greece, Turke, and the USA, have been chosen for the investigation. The question being posed by this research is whether economic factors have an impact on the defence burden. To answer this question, the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (further ARDL) modelling has been employed. The results reveal that, in the long-run, the defence burden responds negatively to output changes in the cases of Turkey and Greece. Inflation and the number of military personnel have positive effects on the defence burden in all three countries in the long-run. While in Greece the government gross debt affects the defence burden positively, in the United States and Turkey the government gross debt affects the defence burden negatively. Moreover, the investigation has shown that defence expenditure is less affected by economic determinants in the short term rather than in the long term. The outcomes of the study could be incorporated into the economic development policies of Greece, Turkey and the USA

    The characteristics of foreign direct investment intensification policy

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    The article analyses the determinants of foreign direct investments, addresses the problem of attracting targeted FDI and highlights the incentives, which constitute the FDI policy. However, it can be obs erved that the governments in a number of countries seek to attract FDI at any price. The article seeks to define the aspects of successfully implemented FDI policy. Ireland, Canada and China have been chosen as the countries of good example of FDI policy. Irel and is the first country to implement FDI policy successfully. It employs a purely liberal FDI policy, which covers all business sectors; Canada implements a strictly regulated FDI policy while China adopts a liberal and aggressive FDI policy. The empirical analysis reveals that there is a strong positive relationship between inward FDI and investments in attracting foreign capital. In China’s case a strong positive relationship between FDI and other determinants gives evidence that the growth of economy is highly dependent on foreign capital. Meanwhile, Canada, which attracts tremendous FDI flows, stays least dependent on MNCs. A lowe r than average relationship between FDI flows and the openness of the country shows that Ireland attracts horizontal FDI. The analysis of three cases proves that the success to attr act FDI is dependent on the government’s ability to employ FDI policy