49 research outputs found

    HC Slavia Praha ice hockey benefits

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    Název: Užitky produktu hokejového utkání HC Slavia Praha Cíle: Identifikace a popis jednotlivých užitků produktu hokejového utkání HC Slavie Praha. Zjištění divácké spokojenosti s dílčími užitky, které plynou divákům z návštěvy domácího utkání HC Slavie Praha. Z nahromaděných údajů vytvořit doporučení, která napomohou ke zvýšení míry spokojenosti diváků a k nárůstu divácké návštěvnosti. Metody: Marketingový výzkum, kterým byla zjištěna spokojenost diváků s užitky produktu HC Slavia Praha, byl realizován kvantitativní metodou. Data byla získána pozorováním a dotazováním. Pomocí technik osobního, písemného a elektronického dotazování velkého vzorku respondentů, bylo získáno dostatečné množství dat, ze kterých byla zjištěna spokojenost diváků s dílčími užitky utkání. Výsledky: Z výsledku výzkumu vyplynulo, že návštěvníci domácích utkání HC Slavia Praha jsou s mnoha užitky převážně spokojeni. Bylo zjištěno, že pro diváky je nejdůležitějším aspektem sportovní výkon a atmosféra na stadionu, nejméně důležitý je pro diváky doprovodný program. Na základě zjištěných výsledků byly vytvořeny návrhy a doporučení ke zvýšení divácké spokojenosti a návštěvnosti. Doporučení se týkala hlavně oblasti občerstvení, diváckého komfortu a vybavení stadionu. Klíčová slova: HC Slavia Praha, sportovní marketing, marketingový...Title: HC Slavia Praha ice hockey benefits Objectives: The aim of this paper is to identify and describe individual benefits of product ice hockey match HC Slavia Praha. There is also the aim to find out viewers satisfaction with partial benefits that come out from observing the home match of HC Slavia Praha. The accumulated data is used to create recommendation which might help to increase satisfaction and viewers audience as well. Methods: Marketing research that was used to find out viewers satisfaction with partial benefits of HC Slavia product was realized via quantitative method. Data was collected by observing as well as questioning. Techniques of personal, written, and electronical questioning of a great deal of respondents were used to reach satisfying amount of data that showed viewers satisfaction with partial benefits of matches. Results: It was found out from collected data that HC Slavia Praha home match viewers are mostly satisfied. For viewers, the most important part of a match is sport performance as well as atmosphere on the stadium. Accompanying program is also the important part. Based on the data from the research, there were specific suggestions and recommendations for increasing viewers satisfaction made. The recommendations were mostly about food, viewers' comfort, and...ManagementFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    BDD-Based Algorithm for SCC Decomposition of Edge-Coloured Graphs

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    Edge-coloured directed graphs provide an essential structure for modelling and analysis of complex systems arising in many scientific disciplines (e.g. feature-oriented systems, gene regulatory networks, etc.). One of the fundamental problems for edge-coloured graphs is the detection of strongly connected components, or SCCs. The size of edge-coloured graphs appearing in practice can be enormous both in the number of vertices and colours. The large number of vertices prevents us from analysing such graphs using explicit SCC detection algorithms, such as Tarjan's, which motivates the use of a symbolic approach. However, the large number of colours also renders existing symbolic SCC detection algorithms impractical. This paper proposes a novel algorithm that symbolically computes all the monochromatic strongly connected components of an edge-coloured graph. In the worst case, the algorithm performs O(pnlog n)O(p \cdot n \cdot log~n) symbolic steps, where pp is the number of colours and nn is the number of vertices. We evaluate the algorithm using an experimental implementation based on binary decision diagrams (BDDs). Specifically, we use our implementation to explore the SCCs of a large collection of coloured graphs (up to 2482^{48}) obtained from Boolean networks -- a modelling framework commonly appearing in systems biology

    On Expressing and Monitoring Oscillatory Dynamics

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    To express temporal properties of dense-time real-valued signals, the Signal Temporal Logic (STL) has been defined by Maler et al. The work presented a monitoring algorithm deciding the satisfiability of STL formulae on finite discrete samples of continuous signals. The logic has been used to express and analyse biological systems, but it is not expressive enough to sufficiently distinguish oscillatory properties important in biology. In this paper we define the extended logic STL* in which STL is augmented with a signal-value freezing operator allowing us to express (and distinguish) detailed properties of biological oscillations. The logic is supported by a monitoring algorithm prototyped in Matlab. The monitoring procedure of STL* is evaluated on a biologically-relevant case study.Comment: In Proceedings HSB 2012, arXiv:1208.315

    BioDiVinE: A Framework for Parallel Analysis of Biological Models

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    In this paper a novel tool BioDiVinEfor parallel analysis of biological models is presented. The tool allows analysis of biological models specified in terms of a set of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are transformed into a system of multi-affine differential equations. BioDiVinE employs techniques for finite discrete abstraction of the continuous state space. At that level, parallel analysis algorithms based on model checking are provided. In the paper, the key tool features are described and their application is demonstrated by means of a case study

    The need for standardisation in life science research - an approach to excellence and trust

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    Today, academic researchers benefit from the changes driven by digital technologies and the enormous growth of knowledge and data, on globalisation, enlargement of the scientific community, and the linkage between different scientific communities and the society. To fully benefit from this development, however, information needs to be shared openly and transparently. Digitalisation plays a major role here because it permeates all areas of business, science and society and is one of the key drivers for innovation and international cooperation. To address the resulting opportunities, the EU promotes the development and use of collaborative ways to produce and share knowledge and data as early as possible in the research process, but also to appropriately secure results with the European strategy for Open Science (OS). It is now widely recognised that making research results more accessible to all societal actors contributes to more effective and efficient science; it also serves as a boost for innovation in the public and private sectors. However for research data to be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable the use of standards is essential. At the metadata level, considerable efforts in standardisation have already been made (e.g. Data Management Plan and FAIR Principle etc.), whereas in context with the raw data these fundamental efforts are still fragmented and in some cases completely missing. The CHARME consortium, funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Agency, has identified needs and gaps in the field of standardisation in the life sciences and also discussed potential hurdles for implementation of standards in current practice. Here, the authors suggest four measures in response to current challenges to ensure a high quality of life science research data and their re-usability for research and innovation

    Competition of selected sports centers in the region

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    Title: Competition of selected sports centers in the region Objective: Analysis and comparison of the marketing activities of selected sports centers operating in Kolin. Information obtained from the marketing research was used for the analysis of the competitive surrounding in the region and also to create and propose measures that will lead to the improvement of marketing activities and improve the competitiveness of selected sports centers. Methods: For the analysis of the competitive surrounding in Kolin was used PEST analysis and SWOT analysis. Marketing research was conducted using qualitative techniques in- depth interview with the managers of selected sports centers. Results: Results of the analysis of the competitive surrounding Kolin show the necessity of using marketing tools to operate the fitness center. It was found that competition between selected fitness centers is very intense. Marketing activities help to differentiate themselves from the competition and increase client base. The results of the analysis confirmed that examined fitness center are insufficiently used marketing tools and in this direction have large reserves. Key words: competition, marketing, marketing mix, marketing of services, sports cente

    HC Slavia Praha ice hockey benefits

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    Title: HC Slavia Praha ice hockey benefits Objectives: The aim of this paper is to identify and describe individual benefits of product ice hockey match HC Slavia Praha. There is also the aim to find out viewers satisfaction with partial benefits that come out from observing the home match of HC Slavia Praha. The accumulated data is used to create recommendation which might help to increase satisfaction and viewers audience as well. Methods: Marketing research that was used to find out viewers satisfaction with partial benefits of HC Slavia product was realized via quantitative method. Data was collected by observing as well as questioning. Techniques of personal, written, and electronical questioning of a great deal of respondents were used to reach satisfying amount of data that showed viewers satisfaction with partial benefits of matches. Results: It was found out from collected data that HC Slavia Praha home match viewers are mostly satisfied. For viewers, the most important part of a match is sport performance as well as atmosphere on the stadium. Accompanying program is also the important part. Based on the data from the research, there were specific suggestions and recommendations for increasing viewers satisfaction made. The recommendations were mostly about food, viewers' comfort, and..