391 research outputs found


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    The paper is divided into two units. The first analyses the narrative sources and inscriptions carved on epigraphic monuments dated to the 1st century whose content, directly or indirectly, gives an insight into the issue of establishing the Roman province of Illyricum. Moreover, the paper discusses different scholarly regarding the problem of dating the origin of the province of Illyricum. The second part of the paper discusses the division of the province of Illyricum into two military units: Illyricum Superius and Illyricum Inferius, i.e., the Roman province of Dalmatia and Pannonia. There are four main hypotheses in scholarship regarding the time when Illyricum was divided into Pannonia and Dalmatia administratively. The oldest hypothesis is that Illyricum was divided during or immediately after the quelling of the Great Illyrian Uprising or Bellum Batonianum (AD 6–9). The second hypothesis is that Illyricum was divided into two provinces at the end of Tiberius’s reign (AD 14–37) at the latest, whereas some scholars believe that it was divided under Claudius (AD 41–54). The fourth hypothesis is that the final formation of the provinces took place under Vespasian (AD 69–79). All these hypotheses were analyzed in detail to what specific narrative sources and inscriptions were analyzed in the first unit? When exactly was Illyricum divided into Pannonia and Dalmatia? What evidence supports each of the four hypotheses regarding the division of Illyricum? provide an answer to this important administrative question regarding Roman provincial history and archaeology

    An annotated checklist of hawk-moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Croatia with their distribution and common names

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    The first checklist of hawk-moths (Sphingidae) of Croatia is presented. The checklist is based on the examination of museum collections and published records. So far, 22 species have been recorded in Croatia, of which two, Hippotion celerio (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sphingoneopsis gorgoniades (Hübner, 1819) have not been confirmed during recent studies, and their current occurrence in the country needs confirmation. For each species, a distribution map is provided comprising all the available published records as well as records from museum collections in Croatia. For all confirmed and two potential hawk moth species, suggested Croatian common names are provided

    Iskustva i prediktori stresa kod odgojitelja i nastavnika tijekom COVID-19 pandemije

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    The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of stress among among preschool and school teachers during teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to examine the predictive value of teachers’ individual characteristics, causes of stress, coping strategies and social support, for the way in which they experience stress, job burnout and for what they hope for regarding the future. The online questionnaire was applied on sample of 491 school teachers and 316 preschool teachers. The results showed that both school and preschool teachers experienced the highest level of stress during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the level of stress experienced during the pandemic was higher than before the pandemic. Preschool teachers perceived common causes of stress more intensly than some specific causes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, while the opposite was true for teachers. Individual characteristics of preschool and school teachers, causes of stress, coping strategies and social support prove to be related to the levels of stress, job burnout and hope for the future, but the predictive values (i.e., significant predictors), differ depending on the criterion and the group of respondents. The results indicate a positive contribution of self-efficacy, coping strategies and social support to the experience of stress among preschool teachers and teachers alike during the COVID-19 pandemic.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati iskustva stresa kod odgojitelja i nastavnika tijekom COVID-19 pandemije te ispitati prediktivnu vrijednost nekih osobnih obilježja odgojitelja/nastavnika, izvora stresa, strategija suočavanja i socijalne podrške u objašnjenju doživljaja stresa, sagorijevanja na poslu i nade u budućnost. Online upitnik primijenjen je na uzorcima od 491 nastavnika i 316 odgojitelja. Rezultati su pokazali da su odgojitelji i nastavnici najvišu razinu stresa doživljavali tijekom prvog vala pandemije korona virusa te da je razina doživljenog stresa tijekom pandemije veća nego prije pandemije. Odgojitelji uobičajene izvore stresa doživljavaju snažnijim nego specifične izvore stresa vezane za pandemiju korona virusa, dok je kod nastavnika obrnuto. Osobna obilježja odgojitelja/nastavnika, izvori stresa, strategije suočavanja i socijalna podrška povezani su s razinom stresa i sagorijevanjem na poslu te nadom u budućnost, ali se prediktivna vrijednost odnosno značajni prediktori razlikuju ovisno o kriteriju i skupini ispitanika. Rezultati ukazuju na pozitivan doprinos samoefikasnosti, strategija suočavanja i socijalne podrške u doživljaju stresa kod odgojitelja i nastavnika tijekom pandemije korona virusa

    Grčki plavac Lycaena ottomanus (Lefèbvre, 1830) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) – nova vrsta danjeg leptira u fauni Hrvatske

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    This article presents the first data about the presence of the species Grecian Copper Lycaena ottomanus (Lefèbvre, 1830) (Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae) in Croatia. For the first time, the species was recorded on Sniježnica Mountain (south-eastern Croatia, southern Dalmatia), in Kuna Konavoska village (720 a.s.l.) on June 30, 2005. The first record of the species was reconfirmed on the next field trip on July 13, 2005. Including L. ottomanus the Croatian butterfly fauna has 188 species in total.U radu se navodi prvi nalaz vrste Lycaena ottomanus (Lefèbvre, 1830) (Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae) u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je pronađena 30. lipnja 2005. godine u mjestu Kuna Konavoska na 720 metara nadmorske visine na Sniježnici (jugoistočna Hrvatska, južna Dalmacija), a njezina prisutnost potvrđena je terenskim istraživanjem faune leptira istog područja i u srpnju iste godine. To je 188. vrsta na popisu danjih leptira u fauni Hrvatske

    Prilog poznavanju danjih leptira (Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea) Velebita, Hrvatska

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    During the years 2005 and 2006, 106 butterfly species were identified on Mt. Velebit. The estimated distribution, diversity and biogeographical characteristics of each species are presented in this paper as well as a comparison between recently estimated butterfly fauna and that identified in the past century. Current check-list of 137 butterflies from Mt. Velebit is contained in the Appendix.U dvogodišnjem razdoblju (2005. i 2006.) na prostoru Velebita zabilježeno je 106 vrsta danjih leptira. U radu se navodi njihovo rasprostranjenje, raznolikost kao i biogeografska karakteristika za svaku utvrđenu vrstu. Isto tako uspoređuje se fauna danjih leptira toga prostora utvrđena u prošlom stoljeću s recentnim podacima, te se na temelju toga daje popis 137 vrsta danjih leptira Velebita

    Colias caucasica balcanica Rebel, 1901 (Pieridae) u Hrvatskoj – najzapadnija točka rasprostranjenja

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    The first data on the occurence of the species Colias caucasica balcanica in Croatia are presented. Findings of this species from Mt Dinara (Croatia) in 2010 and 2011 represent the westernmost distribution point. Unlike in the south-eastern Balkans, where the distribution of C. caucasica balcanica is mainly subalpine, in the Dinaric Alps published altitudinal stratification is mostly restricted to the montane belt between altitudes from 1,000 to 1,600 m a.s.l. in grasslands and forest clearings of beech forests. During the investigations the flight period at localities on Mt Dinara was from mid-June till mid-July. A newly found member of the Croatian fauna, C. caucasica balcanica is listed as the 195th butterfly species. With some unpublished data from several museum collections, a review of historical data for the whole of the Dinaric Alps is presented.Objavljuju se prvi podaci o nalazima danjeg leptira Colias caucasica balcanica u Hrvatskoj. Nalazi na planini Dinara godine 2010. i 2011. su najzapadnije točke u rasprostranjenju vrste. Za razliku od jugoistočnog Balkana gdje je rasprostranjenost C. caucasica balcanica uglavnom u pretplaninskom pojasu, većina dosad objavljenih nalaza iz Dinarida je ograničena na gorski pojas, odnosno na travnjake i šumske čistine unutar pojasa bukovih šuma na nadmorskim visinama između 1.000 i 1.600 m n/m. Tijekom istraživanja leptiri su na planini Dinari opažani od sredine lipnja do sredine srpnja. Ovim nalazom broj poznatih danjih leptira u Republici Hrvatskoj je povećan na ukupno 195 vrsta. Prikazan je i pregled povijesnih podataka za čitavo područje Dinarida uz neke još neobjavljene podatke iz muzejskih zbirki

    Status vrste Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damon (Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775) (Papilionoidea: Lycaenidae, Polyommatini) u fauni danjih leptira Hrvatske

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    This paper presents the first verified find of the species Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damon (Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775) (syn.: ausonia Verity, 1915) (Lycaenidae, Polyommatini) in the Croatian butterfly fauna. The real status and presence of this species in Croatia was uncertain until the recent discovery. The Damon Blue was found in south-eastern Croatia, at the locality Gornja Korita on Kamešnica Mountain (990 m a.s.l.) on September 1 and 2, 2005. The biology, ecology and protection measures of the P. damon are also discussed.U radu se navodi prvi precizan nalaz danjeg leptira Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) damon (Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775) (syn.: ausonia Verity, 1915) (Lycaenidae, Polyommatini) za faunu danjih leptira Hrvatske. Status ove vrste u fauni danjih leptira Hrvatske bio je do ovog nalaza nejasan. Vrsta P. damon zabilježena je terenskim istraživanjem faune danjih leptira na planini Kamešnici na 990 m nadmorske visine u mjestu Gornja Korita. U radu se raspravlja o biologiji, ekologiji i mogućim potrebnim mjerama za zaštitu ove vrste kao i ostalih montanih vrsta plavaca u fauni danjih leptira Hrvatske

    Natjecanje iz povijesti kao priprema za Nacionalne ispite i Državnu maturu iz povijesti

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    Testovi na Natjecanju iz povijesti, uz Nacionalne ispite i Državnu maturu, imaju važnu ulogu vanjskog vrednovanja učeničkih postignuća i nedvojbeno unose u nastavu povijesti novu kvalitetu. Oni doprinose standardizaciji, i to ne samo ishoda obrazovanja, već i metoda provjeravanja znanja i vještina tijekom školovanja. Zbog toga je izuzetno važno uskladiti metode kojima mjerimo postignute rezultate rada učenika na svim razinama, od onih na školskom satu do Državne mature. Prihvaćanje standarda u pripremi testova za natjecanje iz povijesti jedan je od koraka u tom smjeru. Dobro pripremljeni vanjski testovi pozitivno će utjecati na oblike provjeravanja u školi, ali i na poučavanje, jer da bismo mogli primjenjivati predložene oblike ispitivanja, moramo mu prilagoditi poučavanje

    Autoimmune encephalitides

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    Autoimuni encefalitisi skupina su poremećaja koji se prezentiraju različitim kliničkim slikama – epileptičnim napadajima, psihijatrijskim poremećajima i poremećajima ponašanja, pokreta i autonomnog živčanog sustava. Ovisno o protutijelima nađenim u bolesnikovu nalazu cerebrospinalnog likvora, autoimune encefalitise možemo podijeliti u 3 grupe: encefalitisi uzrokovani protutijelima na površinske antigene membrane, encefalitisi uzrokovani protutijelima na antigene sinapse i encefalitisi uzrokovani protutijelima na intracelularne antigene. Za ispravnu dijagnozu encefalitisa potrebno je provesti detaljnu dijagnostičku obradu uključujući testiranje na protutijela, MR mozga, EEG i lumbalnu punkciju. Veliki postotak autoimunih encefalitisa paraneoplastične je etiologije i iz tog razloga neophodno je sve pacijente dijagnostički obraditi u svrhu traženja moguće neoplazme. Što ranije uvođenje imunoterapije (kortikosteroidi, intravenski imunoglobulini, plazmafereza, rituksimab i ciklofosfamid) i liječenje maligne tvorbe, ukoliko ona postoji, povećavaju vjerojatnost boljeg ishoda pacijenta. Uspješnost liječenja različita je i ovisi o tipu autoimunog encefalitisa od kojeg pacijent boluje. Relapsi bolesti se pojavljuju u određenom broju bolesnika i tada se u liječenje uvode rituksimab i ciklofosfamid.Autoimmune encephalitides (AIE) are disorders characterized by various clinical manifestations – seizures, psychiatric and behavioral symptoms, movement disorders and autonomic disturbances. Depending on which type of antibodies are detected in the patient's cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), AEI are divided into three groups: those with antibodies to the cell surface proteins, those with antibodies to synaptic proteins and those with antibodies to intracellular antigens. Autoantibody testing, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , electroencephalography (EEG) and lumbar puncture are very important for the proper diagnosis of AIE. Many forms of AIE are paraneoplastic, therefore, all patients should be screened for tumors. Early immunotherapy (corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, rituximab and cyclophosphamide) improves patient outcome, as well as the treatment of the underlying malignancy. Rates of treatment success vary among different types of AEI. Some patients tend to relapse and then they are usually treated with second-line therapy