7 research outputs found

    Experiences with education during corona crisis

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    Grant SVK1‐2020‐013 Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2020, Západočeská univerzita vPlzniThe article deals with author's teaching experiences during corona crisis. The purpose of the article is to describe methods, procedures and programs used in online education. Sub-objective is to describe students' opinions on this type of education. We decided to use slightly different methods of education and techniques we educated students on different subjects. Preparation of education for each subject went through development and after communication with students, we tried to find suitable form of education during corona crisis. We mainly used social network Facebook and video-conferencing system Meet (https://meet.ukf.sk) in education, wich primarily recommended University of Constantine Philosopher. During education was necessery to use other apps like for example email, MS Teams, Messenger, Moodle etc.. We used the following methods to achieve the goals: 1. Literary method, to find out the current state of the issue and the necessary software, hardware or personnel requirements needed for online education. 2. Observation and conversation, to find out students' opinions for education during corona crisis.Článok sa zaoberá skúsenosťami autora s vyučovaním počas koronakrízy. Cieľom článku je popísať metódy, postupy a technológie využívané pri online vzdelávaní. Čiastkovým cieľom je popísať názory študentov na tento spôsob vzdelávania

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Support for education of the Third Age at the University in Nitra

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    Príspevok sa zaoberá problematikou zefektívnenia vzdelávanie študentov Univerzity tretieho veku na Katedre techniky a informačných technológií PF UKF v Nitre. V rámci zefektívnenia výučby boli vytvorené moderné učebné texty obsahovo prispôsobené cieľovej skupine seniorov. Ďalším významným faktorom efektivizácie ich vzdelávania je uplatnenie sociálnej siete Facebook vo vzdelávaní.The article deals with streamlining the education of students of the University of the Third Age in the Department of engineering and information technology PF UKF in Nitra. As part of streamlining the course were created modern textbooks customized content target group of seniors. Another important factor efficiency their education is the application of social networking site Facebook in educatio

    Experiences with education during corona crisis

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    Grant SVK1‐2020‐013 Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2020, Západočeská univerzita vPlzniThe article deals with author's teaching experiences during corona crisis. The purpose of the article is to describe methods, procedures and programs used in online education. Sub-objective is to describe students' opinions on this type of education. We decided to use slightly different methods of education and techniques we educated students on different subjects. Preparation of education for each subject went through development and after communication with students, we tried to find suitable form of education during corona crisis. We mainly used social network Facebook and video-conferencing system Meet (https://meet.ukf.sk) in education, wich primarily recommended University of Constantine Philosopher. During education was necessery to use other apps like for example email, MS Teams, Messenger, Moodle etc.. We used the following methods to achieve the goals: 1. Literary method, to find out the current state of the issue and the necessary software, hardware or personnel requirements needed for online education. 2. Observation and conversation, to find out students' opinions for education during corona crisis.Článok sa zaoberá skúsenosťami autora s vyučovaním počas koronakrízy. Cieľom článku je popísať metódy, postupy a technológie využívané pri online vzdelávaní. Čiastkovým cieľom je popísať názory študentov na tento spôsob vzdelávania

    Support for non-technical education students through social networks

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    Sociálne siete sa stali našou bežnou súčasťou života. Slúžia na komunikáciu, zdieľanie informácií, obrazové, zvukové a textové spojenie dvoch alebo viacerých účastníkov. Vo veľkej miere sa sociálne siete môžu uplatniť aj vo vyučovacom procese pri vzdelávaní študentov netechnického zamerania.Social networks have become a normal part of our life. They are used for communication, information sharing video, audio and text links two or more participants. Largely to social networking can also be applied in the educational process train students in non-technical.participants. Largely to social networking can also be applied in the educational proces

    A look into the education of seniors of the Third Age University at KTIT

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    Celoživotné vzdelávanie je programom dnešnej doby a cieľom vzdelávacích inštitúcií je vytvárať a inovovať obsahy vzdelávania seniorom študujúcim na UTV. Príspevok približujemoderné formyvzdelávania seniorov s využitím e-learningu, VRE a sociálnych sietí. Študenti univerzity tretieho veku v programe IKT strácajú zábrany a aktívne využívajú prostriedky modernej doby k zlepšeniu svojej kvality života.Lifelong learning is a program of today and the aim of educational institutions is to create and upgrade the contents of education of seniors studying at the UTV. The report describes the modern forms of education of seniors using e-learning, RCE and social networks. Students of the Third Age University of the ICT Program lose their inhibitions and actively use the means of modern times to improve their quality of life

    Indicators welfare of senior citizens studying at University of Third Age

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    Na katedre techniky a informačných technológií UKF v Nitre sa dlhoročne venujeme vzdelávaniu seniorov. Katedra otvorila niekoľko vzdelávacích programov pre seniorov. Medzi najpopulárnejšie patrí program Digitálna fotografia a kamera, Informačné technológie a Ľudové remeslá. Všetky programy už viac ako 10 rokov vedú rovnakí lektori. Lektori pri vzdelávaní seniorov dlhodobo sledovali ich motiváciu, prečo sa prihlásili študovať na univerzitu tretieho veku (U3V) a čo ich viedlo k výberu vzdelávacieho odboru, ale najmä, čo im dáva a čo pre nich znamená vzdelávanie na univerzite tretieho veku. Na základe týchto pozorovaní a analýz rozhovorov sme sa rozhodli podrobnejšie spracovať niektoré indikátory a potreby seniorov študujúcich na U3V. K analýze indikátorov kvality života seniorov sme použili neštandardizovaný dotazník, ktorý obsahoval 45 položiek. Dotazník tvorila kombinácia otvorených a uzatvorených položiek.We have worked on the education of seniors for many years at the Department of Technology and Information Technology University in Nitra. The department launched several training pro-grams for seniors. Folk Crafts, Digital photo and video camera and Information technologies are included among the most popular. All subjects are led by the same teachers since their beginnings. Lecturers long observed during the training the motivation why seniors signed up to study at the University of the Third Age (U3A), what led them to choose the correct education program, what is it giving them and what does education mean for them at this University of the Third Age. Based on these observations and analyzes of conversations, we decided to further analyze some of the needs and preferences of seniors studying at U3A. The analysis of indicators of quality of life of the seniors, we used a non-standardized questionnaire containing 45 questions. The question-naire consisted of a combination of opened and closed questions