39 research outputs found

    Analysis of Linguistic Phenomenons in French Songs

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    Název bakalářské práce: Analýza některých jazykových prostředků ve francouzských písních Klíčová slova: polovětné konstrukce, slovesné způsoby, slovesné časy Abstrakt: Cílem bakalářské práce "Analýza některých jazykových prostředků ve francouzských písních" je poukázat na výskyt gramatických jevů (le) gérondif, (le) participe présent, (le) participe passé, (l')infinitif, (l')impératif, (le) subjonctif, (le) conditionnel, (l')imparfait, (le) passé composé, (le) présent, (le) futur ve vybraných francouzských písních. Tyto gramatické jevy byly pozorovány na čtrnácti písních, které byly vybrány s ohledem na dobu vzniku i námět. Bakalářská práce si také klade za cíl zjistit, zda námět a doba vzniku ovlivňují výskyt jednotlivých jazykových prostředků v písních. Závěry této práce by měly poukázat na rozdíly užití jazykových prostředků u vybraných autorů.Title of the thesis: The Analysis of Linguistic Phenomenons in French Songs Keywords: non-finite clauses, grammatical moods, grammatical tenses Abstract: The purpose of the thesis is to point out the occurences of non-finite clauses, grammatical moods and grammatical tenses in french songs. These grammatical phenomenons were observed in fourteen french songs which were selected considering their time of creation and their subjects. Another aim of the thesis consist in finding out the influence of time of creation and the influence of subject on linguistic phenomenons in songs. In conclusion, the thesis should refer to the fact if and why the authors in different time periods used the different linguistic phenomenons.Katedra francouzského jazyka a literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    New information about the Miocene paleontological locality Taliánská skála near Kelčice (Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic)

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    The Taliánská skála locality is situated near Prostějov within the Vranovice-Kelčice cadastral area, about 1 km se. of Kelčice (Fig. 1). It is an old abandoned quarry in Miocene (Lower Badenian) sediments of the Carpathian Foredeep belonging to the formation with algal limestones. In 2014–2016, a new detailed study of this locality has been carried out as a part of a bachelor thesis at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Palacky University in Olomouc (Zapletal 2016). By macroscopic study of the rocks at the locality it has been ascertained that they are represented by sandy limestones to calcareous sandstones, also microscopic study of two thin-sections confirmed that these rocks can be classified more likely as calcareous sandstones than as typical algal limestones. The new research confirmed this locality to be relatively rich in fossils, namely with regard to both their amount and number of species. The following species were found: the worm Ditrupa cornea (Linnaeus), bivalves Aequipecten macrotis (Sowerby in Smith), Corbula cf. gibba (Olivi), Panopea (Panopea) menardi (Deshayes), Tellina sp. and ?Ervilia sp.; additionally, there were the gastropods Turritella cf. badensis Sacco and Turritella sp., one undeterminable bryozoan and the ichnofossil Ophiomorpha isp. In the thin-sections from the rocks collected at the locality there were ascertained foraminifers, ostracods, echinoderms (echinoids) and worms. The presence of red algae has not been proved either macroscopically or microscopically.The Taliánská skála locality is situated near Prostějov within the Vranovice-Kelčice cadastral area, about 1 km se. of Kelčice (Fig. 1). It is an old abandoned quarry in Miocene (Lower Badenian) sediments of the Carpathian Foredeep belonging to the formation with algal limestones. In 2014–2016, a new detailed study of this locality has been carried out as a part of a bachelor thesis at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Palacky University in Olomouc (Zapletal 2016). By macroscopic study of the rocks at the locality it has been ascertained that they are represented by sandy limestones to calcareous sandstones, also microscopic study of two thin-sections confirmed that these rocks can be classified more likely as calcareous sandstones than as typical algal limestones. The new research confirmed this locality to be relatively rich in fossils, namely with regard to both their amount and number of species. The following species were found: the worm Ditrupa cornea (Linnaeus), bivalves Aequipecten macrotis (Sowerby in Smith), Corbula cf. gibba (Olivi), Panopea (Panopea) menardi (Deshayes), Tellina sp. and ?Ervilia sp.; additionally, there were the gastropods Turritella cf. badensis Sacco and Turritella sp., one undeterminable bryozoan and the ichnofossil Ophiomorpha isp. In the thin-sections from the rocks collected at the locality there were ascertained foraminifers, ostracods, echinoderms (echinoids) and worms. The presence of red algae has not been proved either macroscopically or microscopically

    Mollusc fauna (Gastropoda, Bivalvia) from locality Mušlov (Vienna Basin)

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    The Mušlov locality is situated 3.5 km ESE from the town of Mikulov and it is a part of the Vienna Basin. On the locality a profile rich in shallow-water middle Miocene (Badenian) fauna was uncovered. Its substantial part was deposited in fine-grained calcareous sand, to a lesser extent the fauna also occurred in pebbles and blocks of gray algal limestones. Mainly stone cores with calcareous and degrading shells were found in the limestones, while in the calcareous sands the fossils were well preserved. A rich set of small fauna from fine-grained sand was obtained by washing of samples. There have been determined 73 species of Gastropoda and 25 species of Bivalvia. The most abundant species of gastropods are Tricolia eichwaldi, Rissoina podolica, Bittium reticulatum, Gibbula aff . umbilicalis, Jujubinus striatus, Neritina picta and Turritella bicarinata. Among bivalves the most abundand species are Cardites partschi partschi and Linga columbella. Quantity and degree of conservation of fauna indicate minimal transport and slow sedimentation on the sea floor. Based on the found species, the fauna was mainly bound to a fine-grained substrate but there were also species that preferred the solid substrate. The abundant occurrence living on algal species is evidenced by their rich stands. The fauna lived in the shallow sea with a good oxygenation and a normal salinity. The occurrence of some species documents a warm sea between 20–28 °C.The Mušlov locality is situated 3.5 km ESE from the town of Mikulov and it is a part of the Vienna Basin. On the locality a profile rich in shallow-water middle Miocene (Badenian) fauna was uncovered. Its substantial part was deposited in fine-grained calcareous sand, to a lesser extent the fauna also occurred in pebbles and blocks of gray algal limestones. Mainly stone cores with calcareous and degrading shells were found in the limestones, while in the calcareous sands the fossils were well preserved. A rich set of small fauna from fine-grained sand was obtained by washing of samples. There have been determined 73 species of Gastropoda and 25 species of Bivalvia. The most abundant species of gastropods are Tricolia eichwaldi, Rissoina podolica, Bittium reticulatum, Gibbula aff . umbilicalis, Jujubinus striatus, Neritina picta and Turritella bicarinata. Among bivalves the most abundand species are Cardites partschi partschi and Linga columbella. Quantity and degree of conservation of fauna indicate minimal transport and slow sedimentation on the sea floor. Based on the found species, the fauna was mainly bound to a fine-grained substrate but there were also species that preferred the solid substrate. The abundant occurrence living on algal species is evidenced by their rich stands. The fauna lived in the shallow sea with a good oxygenation and a normal salinity. The occurrence of some species documents a warm sea between 20–28 °C

    Early Badenian transgression on the outer flank of Western Carpathian Foredeep, Hluchov area, Czech Republic

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    This multidisciplinary study, based on borehole cores from the Hluchov area in Czech Republic, docu- ments an early Badenian marine transgression on the outer flank of the Western Carpathian Foredeep . The shallow-marine deposits represent coastal transgression over a terrestrial topography of weathered pre-Cenozoic bedrock. The lower facies association (FA1) consists of siliciclastic sediment derived from local substrate erosion. Facies indicate a wave-dominated environment with unstable bottom, variable rate of sediment supply and an incremental rise of relative sea level. The upper facies association (FA2) consists of carbonates indicating a major landward shift of shoreline, decline in siliciclastic input and further sea-level rise. The succession represents a transgressive to highstand systems tract. The maximum flooding surface, ca . 1 m above the FA1/FA2 boundary, is signified by an anomalous decrease in K and Th, an increased Th/K ratio and highest U concentration. The heavy-mineral assemblages in FA1 confirm local sediment provenance, whereas those in FA2 indicate broader sediment derivation, including volcanic component from contemporaneous rhyolitic to rhyodacitic eruptions. The deposits contain a wide range of marine fauna, with the foraminifers and molluscs indicating an early Badenian age. Molluscs, bryozoans and echinoderms indicate a normal-salinity environment with a decreasing hydraulic energy. Foraminifers indicate salinity fluctua- tions in the lowest part of the succession. The isotopic composition of mollusc shells shows marked inter-species differences and a general negative shift in the d 13 C and d 18 O values, indicating diagenetic alteration. The impact of diagenetic processes appears to have been controlled by sedimentary facies. The highly negative d 13 C and d 18 O values correspond to sediment layers with the highest Th/K ratios and hence low clay content. Sediment permea- bility was thus probably crucial in controlling the differential circulation and impact of diagenetic fluids

    New record of Middle Miocene (Badenian) brachiopods from Moravia, Czech Republic

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    This study presents the new record of brachiopods from the Middle Miocene deposits of the locality of Oslavany, Moravia, Czech Republic. The assemblage contains five species, i.e. Terebratula sp., Megathiris detruncata (Gmelin, 1791), Joania cordata (Risso, 1826), Argyrotheca cuneata (Risso, 1826), and Platidia sp. Apart from the species J. cordata, that dominates in the studied assemblage, the remaining species are reported for the first time from Oslavany. All species recognized here were already recorded from other localities in the Moravian part of the Carpathian Foredeep. V příspěvku jsou prezentovány nové nálezy brachiopodů ze sedimentů středního miocénu na lokalitě Oslavany, Morava, Česká republika. Soubor zahrnuje 5 druhů, a to Terebratula sp., Megathiris detruncata (Gmelin, 1791), Joania cordata (Risso, 1826), Argyrotheca cuneata (Risso, 1826), a Platidia sp. Kromě druhu J. cordata, který ve studovaném materiálu dominuje, byly zbývající druhy zjištěny v Oslavanech poprvé. Všechny nalezené druhy jsou již známy z jiných lokalit moravské části karpatské předhlubně.  This study presents the new record of brachiopods from the Middle Miocene deposits of the locality of Oslavany, Moravia, Czech Republic. The assemblage contains five species, i.e. Terebratula sp., Megathiris detruncata (Gmelin, 1791), Joania cordata (Risso, 1826), Argyrotheca cuneata (Risso, 1826), and Platidia sp. Apart from the species J. cordata, that dominates in the studied assemblage, the remaining species are reported for the first time from Oslavany. All species recognized here were already recorded from other localities in the Moravian part of the Carpathian Foredeep

    Post-Palaeozoic geological history saved in sedimentary record of Miocene remnants in Brno-Líšeň

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    Recent operation in the Kalcit Quarry near Brno-Líšeň exposed contact of Devonian limestones with overlying Miocene sediments. Calcareous silts with chert debris and non-calcareous clays fi lling the cleft s in the limestone are Middle Miocene in age (Lower Badenian). They contained association of translucent heavy minerals derived from Drahany Culmian formations and the Brno Massif. Fossil content comprised conodonts and foraminifers weathered off the Lower Carboniferous limestones, brackish gastropods reworked from the Rzehakia Beds (Ottnangian) and foraminifers reworked from Karpatian and Lower Badenian clays. Overlying grey gravelly sand contained varied association of heavy minerals reworked from post-Jurassic products of tropical weathering and block of Paleogene silcrete. Finally, the Lower Badenian Brno Sands capping the section contained rich pseudoassociation of foraminifers reworked from the Karpatian and Badenian sediments nearby as well as Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene foraminifers from more distant edge of the Carpathian Flysch Belt.Recent operation in the Kalcit Quarry near Brno-Líšeň exposed contact of Devonian limestones with overlying Miocene sediments. Calcareous silts with chert debris and non-calcareous clays fi lling the cleft s in the limestone are Middle Miocene in age (Lower Badenian). They contained association of translucent heavy minerals derived from Drahany Culmian formations and the Brno Massif. Fossil content comprised conodonts and foraminifers weathered off the Lower Carboniferous limestones, brackish gastropods reworked from the Rzehakia Beds (Ottnangian) and foraminifers reworked from Karpatian and Lower Badenian clays. Overlying grey gravelly sand contained varied association of heavy minerals reworked from post-Jurassic products of tropical weathering and block of Paleogene silcrete. Finally, the Lower Badenian Brno Sands capping the section contained rich pseudoassociation of foraminifers reworked from the Karpatian and Badenian sediments nearby as well as Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene foraminifers from more distant edge of the Carpathian Flysch Belt

    Miocene brachiopods from the Židlochovice locality, Czech Republic

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    Miocenní brachiopodi z lokality Židlochovice, Česká republikaV příspěvku jsou prezentovány první nálezy miocenních brachiopodů z lokality Židlochovice (karpatská předhlubeň, Morava, Česká republika), a to ze dvou nových vrtů, ŽIDL1 a ŽIDL2, které byly na této lokalitě provedeny v roce 2010. Byly zjištěny celkem 4 druhy brachiopodů, a to Argyrotheca cuneata (Risso, 1826), Argyrotheca sp., Joania sp. a Megathiris detruncata (Gmelin, 1790). Vyskytují se poměrně velmi vzácně a v malém počtu jedinců, byli nalezeni zejména ve vrtu ŽIDL2, pouze druh A. cuneata se objevil i ve vrtu ŽIDL1. Všechny zjištěné druhy jsou běžné v miocénu Centrální Paratethydy Miocene brachiopods are reported for the first time from two boreholes, designated as ŽIDL1 and ŽIDL2, drilled in 2010 at the Židlochovice locality (Carpathian Foredeep, Moravia, Czech Republic). Four species, namely Argyrotheca cuneata (Risso, 1826), Argyrotheca sp., Joania sp. and Megathiris detruncata (Gmelin, 1790), have been identifi ed. They are very rare in the studied material and occur mainly in the ŽIDL2 borehole, only A. cuneata has been found in the ŽIDL1 borehole. All the discussed species are common in the Miocene of the Central Paratethys


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    The sedimentological, paleontological and isotopic studies of the boreholes HJ 1 Chrlice, HJ 2 Otmarov and HJ 103 Opatovice confirmed that the Lower Badenian sedimentation in the studied area differs from the typical Lower Badenian developments (the uncommon absence of basal clastic sediments and of greater thicknesses of calcareous clays - „tegels“, rhytmical interlaminatings of sandy and clayey layers). It was probably primarily influenced by the existence of the Nesvačilka trough. The sedimentation took place in the marine environment with normal salinity, in a relatively shallow water with a relatively high or fluctuating dynamics (globally growing uprwards). The sea shore was rather wet up to swampy, the climate warm but probably not extremely

    Borings of the ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites as a living space of bivalves from the locality Borač-Podolí (Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic)

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    In 2015 the locality Borač-Podolí was newly examined. The locality is situated 8 km NW from the town of Tišnov. A large amount of shallow-water fossils of middle Miocene (Badenian) age was collected. The state of preservation of the material enabled us bivalve borings of ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites which were bored into colonies of hermatype corals and other calcareous hard substrates. In some of these borings, bivalves were found in situ. The borings were determined as Gastrochaenolites isp., Gastrochaenolites orbicularis, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites dijugus and Gastrochaenolites torpedo. The in situ bivalves were determined as Gastrochaena cf. intermedia, Rocellaria cf. dubia, Hiatella arctica and Cardita calyculata. The first three species probably represent primary borers while Cardita calyculata is probably a secondary user (squatter). Based on an analysis of fossil material, we can assume that borings were created aft er the death of corals during the repeated transport of these bioclasts. It led to colonizing of the whole surface of coral bioclasts. The bioclasts were then moved to deeper water. Transport to water with clay sedimentation enabled the preservation of the bivalves in situ in borings.In 2015 the locality Borač-Podolí was newly examined. The locality is situated 8 km NW from the town of Tišnov. A large amount of shallow-water fossils of middle Miocene (Badenian) age was collected. The state of preservation of the material enabled us bivalve borings of ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites which were bored into colonies of hermatype corals and other calcareous hard substrates. In some of these borings, bivalves were found in situ. The borings were determined as Gastrochaenolites isp., Gastrochaenolites orbicularis, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites dijugus and Gastrochaenolites torpedo. The in situ bivalves were determined as Gastrochaena cf. intermedia, Rocellaria cf. dubia, Hiatella arctica and Cardita calyculata. The first three species probably represent primary borers while Cardita calyculata is probably a secondary user (squatter). Based on an analysis of fossil material, we can assume that borings were created aft er the death of corals during the repeated transport of these bioclasts. It led to colonizing of the whole surface of coral bioclasts. The bioclasts were then moved to deeper water. Transport to water with clay sedimentation enabled the preservation of the bivalves in situ in borings