17 research outputs found

    The Legal and Ethical Framework Governing Body Donation in Europe - 2nd update on Current Practice.

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    BACKGROUND In 2008, members of the TEPARG provided first insights into the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. In 2012, a first update followed. This paper is now the second update on this topic and tries to extend the available information to many mor European contries. METHODS For this second update, we have asked authors from all European countries to contribute their national perspectives. By this inquiry, we got many contributions compiled in this paper. When we did not get a personal contribution, one of us (EB) searched the internet for relevant information. RESULTS Perspectives on the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. CONCLUSIONS We still see that a clear and rigorous legal framework is still unavailable in several countries. We found national regulations in 18 out of 39 countries; two others have at least federal laws. Several countries accept not only donated bodies but also utilise unclaimed bodies. These findings can guide policymakers in reviewing and updating existing laws and regulations related to body donation and anatomical studies

    The legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe – 2nd update on current practice

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    Background: In 2008, members of the TEPARG provided first insights into the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. In 2012, a first update followed. This paper is now the second update on this topic and tries to extend the available information to many more European countries. Methods: For this second update, we have asked authors from all European countries to contribute their national perspectives. By this enquiry, we got many contributions compiled in this paper. When we did not get a personal contribution, one of us (EB) searched the internet for relevant information. Results: Perspectives on the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. Conclusions: We still see that a clear and rigorous legal framework is still unavailable in several countries. We found national regulations in 18 out of 39 countries; two others have at least federal laws. Several countries accept not only donated bodies but also utilise unclaimed bodies. These findings can guide policymakers in reviewing and updating existing laws and regulations related to body donation and anatomical studies

    Sağ, sol-yarı veya tam medulla spinalis kesilerinin glandula suprarenolislerde tirozin hidroksilaz aktivitesi ve katekolamin düzeylerine etkisi

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    Bu çalışmada glandula suprarenalis'lerin postganglioner kromaffin hücrelerindeki simpatik aktivite ve bezlere gelen preganglioner simpatik sinir liflerinin dağıIımı araştırıldı.Deneylerde 73 dişi sıçan kullanıldı. Medulla spinalis'leri tam veya yarım kesilmiş sıçanlarda tuzlu su, insülin, alfa metil-p-tirozin ve alfa metil p-tirozin sonrası insülin injeksiyonları yapılarak glandulae suprarenales'te tirozin hidroksilaz aktivitesi ve katekolamin düzeyleri ölçüldü. Glandulae suprarenales innervasyonunu medulla spinalis tam kesilerinin ortadan kaldırdığı; ancak tirozin hidroksilaz aktivitesinde sağ ve sol bezler arasında farklılık olduğu gözlendi. Medulla spinalis'e yarı kesi uygulandığında ise sağlam tarafın, kontrol değerleriyle uyumlu olduğu ve kesili tarafla arasında açık bir asimetri varlığı saptandı. Bu asimetrinin katekolamin sentezi durdurulmuş sıçanlara insülin verildiğinde daha da belirginleştiği görüldü. Sağlam tarafta ilaç etkisine bağlı katekolamin boşalması gözlenirken, kesili tarafın ilaç etkisine yanıt vermediği saptandı


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    SENDEMIR, ERDOGAN/0000-0001-9699-4342WOS: 000335937700044C2 or second cervical vertebra of cervical spine is named as axis, vertebra dentata or epistropheus. It has a prominent odontoid process called dens and characteristic typical features. C2 vertebra injuries are most risky one of all spinal injuries and many surgical procedures are performed to decompress or to stabilize it. Our first aim was to analyse the morphometric features of C2 vertebra extensively. We used fifty-six measurements for thirty-seven parameters to evaluate C2 features in a total of seventy vertebrae of the late Byzantine era, which are preserved at the Department of Anatomy of Medical School of Uludag University. Vertebrae used in the study have been excavated in 1984 from the archaeological site of Nicea in Iznik, Turkey. All parameters have been measured digitally from photographs using Scion Image Software (ver. We methodically present our morphometric measurements in this manuscript. As Forensic anthropologists and bioarcheologists, we have increased attention on the estimation of measurable bony features from fragmented bones based on markers. We believe that our data are useful for applications on physical anthropology and forensic medicine

    The legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe – 2nd update on current practice

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    Background: In 2008, members of the TEPARG provided first insights into the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. In 2012, a first update followed. This paper is now the second update on this topic and tries to extend the available information to many more European countries. Methods: For this second update, we have asked authors from all European countries to contribute their national perspectives. By this enquiry, we got many contributions compiled in this paper. When we did not get a personal contribution, one of us (EB) searched the internet for relevant information. Results: Perspectives on the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. Conclusions: We still see that a clear and rigorous legal framework is still unavailable in several countries. We found national regulations in 18 out of 39 countries; two others have at least federal laws. Several countries accept not only donated bodies but also utilise unclaimed bodies. These findings can guide policymakers in reviewing and updating existing laws and regulations related to body donation and anatomical studies.</p

    The legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe – 2nd update on current practice

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    Background: In 2008, members of the TEPARG provided first insights into the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. In 2012, a first update followed. This paper is now the second update on this topic and tries to extend the available information to many more European countries. Methods: For this second update, we have asked authors from all European countries to contribute their national perspectives. By this enquiry, we got many contributions compiled in this paper. When we did not get a personal contribution, one of us (EB) searched the internet for relevant information. Results: Perspectives on the legal and ethical framework governing body donation in Europe. Conclusions: We still see that a clear and rigorous legal framework is still unavailable in several countries. We found national regulations in 18 out of 39 countries; two others have at least federal laws. Several countries accept not only donated bodies but also utilise unclaimed bodies. These findings can guide policymakers in reviewing and updating existing laws and regulations related to body donation and anatomical studies.</p