34 research outputs found

    Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Turkey Model

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     The shortcomings in the implementation of hazardous substances transport in the world and in our country lead to very serious hazards. These problems lead to life, property and very serious environmental disasters. This is not only a matter of transportation, but also of the chemistry, textile and fuel industries. This study provides information on the legislation on dangerous goods transport in Turkey. It also contains technical information on hazardous substances, following the search of the relevant literature for the province of hazardous goods.  

    Ga-67 Uptake in a Patient with Breast Cancer

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    Omurgasızlardan omurgalılara kadar evrimsel olarak oldukça korunan Wnt/β-katenin sinyal yolu hem erken embriyonik gelişimin düzenlenmesinde, hem de erişkin dokularda apoptozis, adipogenez, anjiogenez, sinaps oluşumu gibi olaylarda rol almaktadır. Bununla birlikte bu sinyal yolunda meydana gelen bozuklukların kanser başta olmak üzere birçok ciddi hastalığın etiyolojisinde rolü olduğunun düşünülmesi, son yıllarda bu sinyal yolu ile ilgili araştırmaları oldukça arttırmıştır. Wnt/β-katenin sinyal yolunun bu hastalıklardaki rolünü belirlemeye yönelik çalışmalarda çoğunlukla β-katenin, Axin, Adenomatöz polipozis koli (APC) gibi biyomoleküller araştırılmaktadır. Ayrıca, bu biyomoleküller sadece hastalıkların oluşum mekanizmalarının belirlenmesinde değil, bu hastalıkların tedavisinde hedef olarak da kullanılmaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla Wnt/β-katenin sinyal yolunun en önemli basamağı olan sitoplazmik reaksiyonların ve bu reaksiyonlarda görev alan biyomoleküllerin ortaya konulması sinyal yolunun bütünün tam olarak anlaşılması için oldukça önemlidir. Bu sebeple derlememizde hedef hücre sitoplazmasında görev yapan biyomoleküllerin tartışılması ve bu şekilde sinyal yolunun tam olarak aydınlatılması amaçlanmıştır. Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which is highly evolutionarily conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates, regulates apoptosis, adipogenesis, angiogenesis, synapse formation in adult tissues, and controls embryonic development in the embryo. Researches related to the signal pathway because of its probable role in the etiology of serious diseases such as cancer are quite increased. In the studies, for determining the role of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in these diseases, are mostly investigated biomolecules such as β-catenin, Axin, Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC). In addition, these biomolecules are not only used in determining the mechanisms of diseases, but also used as a target for treatment. Thus, determination of the cytoplasmic reactions, which are the most important step of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway, and biomolecules of these reactions are very important for understanding of fully signaling mechanism. Therefore, discussion of biomolecules in the cytoplasm of target cells and identification of the entire mechanism of the signaling pathway were aimed in our review

    Information and digital literacy for primary education: diagnosis of needs and challenges.

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    The aftermath of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic - and the dangerous infodemic that has emerged in parallel - has made the importance of fostering information literacy even more evident. Information literacy is fundamental in all ages to enable us to participate in contemporary society and is therefore specifically a key competence to be developed starting from early childhood (Baji, Bigdeli, Parsa and Haeusler, 2018; Batool and Webber, 2019; Chu, Tse and Chow, 2011; Gardner, Goldstein, Pavey and Secker, 2020). In some countries, for the primary education stage, the socio-educational need to promote information literacy has obtained an institutional response with the inclusion of information and digital competence in the school curriculum and in current legislation. But the reality is that there is no sound educational approach, no updated and transferable curricular design, no substantial support for the school library, and the results of both the PISA Programme (2018) and recent academic research (Martínez-Piñeiro, Gewerc and Rodríguez-Groba, 2019) regarding information literacy of primary school students show huge gaps that urgently need to be addressed. The aim of this panel is to describe the preliminary results of the research carried out within the European BRIDGE project ("Information and Digital Literacy at School: A Bridge to Support Critical Thinking and Equality Values for Primary Education Using Children's Literature and Transmedia"). In the panel, the main results obtained in the six countries of the project will be presented to identify and reflect the needs and challenges shared and those that are specific to each country

    BRIDGE project: information and digital literacy at primary school.

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    This poster describes the BRIDGE project ("Information and Digital Literacy at School: A Bridge to Support Critical Thinking and Equality Values for Primary Education Using Children's Literature and Transmedia"), which aims to review current legislation, curricula and practices for promoting information and digital literacy in six countries: Spain, Turkey, Italy, Finland, Greece and the United Kingdom

    Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Turkey Model

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    The shortcomings in the implementation of hazardous substances transport in the world and in our country lead to very serious hazards. These problems lead to life, property and very serious environmental disasters. This is not only a matter of transportation, but also of the chemistry, textile and fuel industries. This study provides information on the legislation on dangerous goods transport in Turkey. It also contains technical information on hazardous substances, following the search of the relevant literature for the province of hazardous goods

    Removal of suspended solids and turbidity from marble processing wastewaters by electrocoagulation: Comparison of electrode materials and electrode connection systems

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    WOS: 000271346800047PubMed: 19651474In this study, removal of suspended solids (SS) and turbidity from marble processing wastewaters by electrocoagulation (EC) process were investigated by using aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) electrodes which were run in serial and parallel connection systems. To remove these pollutants from the marble processing wastewater, an EC reactor including monopolar electrodes (Al/Fe) in parallel and serial connection system, was utilized. Optimization of differential operation parameters such as pH, current density, and electrolysis time on SS and turbidity removal were determined in this way. EC process with monopolar AI electrodes in parallel and serial connections carried out at the optimum conditions where the pH value was 9, current density was approximately 15 A/m(2), and electrolysis time was 2 min resulted in 100% SS removal. Removal efficiencies of EC process for SS with monopolar Fe electrodes in parallel and serial connection were found to be 99.86% and 99.94%, respectively. Optimum parameters for monopolar Fe electrodes in both of the connection types were found to be for pH value as 8, for electrolysis time as 2 min. The optimum current density value for Fe electrodes used in serial and parallel connections was also obtained at 10 and 20 A/m(2), respectively. Based on the results obtained, it was found that EC process running with each type of the electrodes and the connections was highly effective for the removal of SS and turbidity from marble processing wastewaters, and that operating costs with monopolar Al electrodes in parallel connection were the cheapest than that of the serial connection and all the configurations for Fe electrode. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Commission of Scientific Research Projects of Suleyman Demirel University (SDUBAP)Suleyman Demirel UniversityThe author acknowledges the support by the Commission of Scientific Research Projects of Suleyman Demirel University (SDUBAP)

    Testis Scintigraphy in a Patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a pediatric malignancy associated with remissions and relapses. Common relapsing sitesare meninges, testis and ovary. Testicular scintigraphy is a highly specific modality used mainly in the differential diagnosis of testicular torsion and epidydimitis/epidydimo-orchitis. There is only one interesting image on leukemic infiltration with scrotal scintigraphy in the literature. The aim of this case presentation is to report that although the scintigraphic appearance of testicular torsion was observed in a patient with the diagnosis of ALL, testicular ALL infiltration was revealed in pathologic examination. Conflict of interest:None declared

    Villöz lenfositli splenik lenfoma: Olgu sunumu

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    Splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes (SLVL) is a recently described B cell chronic lymphoproiiferative disease. Differential diagnosis from other B cell lymphoproiiferative diseases is important. The authors presented a case with SLVL to discuss the diagnostic properties of the disease.Villöz lenfositti splenik lenfoma son yıllarda tanımlanmış, ender görülen B hücreli kronik lenfoproliferatif bir hastalıktır. Diğer B hücreli lenfoproliferatif hastalıklardan ayırıcı tanısı önemlidir. Hastalığın tanısal özelliklerini tartışmak amacıyla villöz lenfositti splenik lenfoma tanılı bir olgu sunulmuştur