71 research outputs found

    İstanbul’un fiziksel çehresinin değişiminde rol oynayan Rum Mimarlar ve Kubbeli Rum Ortodoks Kiliseleri

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    The cosmopolitan characteristic of Istanbul, expresses itself clearly not only in the political, economic and social domains but also in that of architecture, the traces left by different cultures and creeds. With the Non-Muslim Regulation issued after the conquest of Istanbul, it is stated that Christian and Jewish communities can live their religious lives freely. While the architectural activities continue within the determined rules, the construction of the dome and the lead coating of the dome are prohibited within the framework of these rules. With the Tanzimat Edict of 1839, non-Muslim Ottomans were granted equal rights with Muslims, Concrete steps were taken with the 1856 Reform Edict . On this date, with the permission given for the construction of new churches and domes, domed churches began to be built in Istanbul.İstanbul, siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyal alanlarda ve farklı kültür ve inançların bıraktığı izler olan mimari eserleri ile kozmopolit bir kimliğe sahiptir. İstanbul’un fethi sonrasında düzenlenen Gayrimüslim Nizamnamesi ile Hıristiyan ve Yahudi toplulukların dini hayatlarını serbest şekilde yaşamaları bildirilmektedir. Mimari faaliyetleri ise belirlenen kurallar dâhilinde devam ederken yine bu kurallar dâhilinde kubbe inşası ve kubbenin kurşunla kaplanması yasaklanmıştır. 1839 Tanzimat Fermanı ile gayrimüslim Osmanlılara Müslümanlarla eşit haklar tanınmış, 1856 Islahat Fermanı ile de somut adımlar atılmıştır. Bu dönemde yeni kilise ve kubbe inşasına verilen izinle İstanbul’da kubbeli kiliseler yapılmaya başlamıştır.Publisher's Versio

    Politics in Turkey: condemned to corruption?

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    Bali, Besim Bülent (Dogus Author) -- Sixth Framework Programme of the European Comission, Research Project: Crime and CultureThe objective of this article is to question the functionality of the formulas developed for "international struggles against corruption paradigm," that has specifically been brought in after the 2001 economic crisis. This analysis is carried out through two main characteristics of the Turkish political structure and it is also targeted to construct a different perspective on the approaches that hold the public sector and essentially the politician, as the sole responsible for the corruption shaped around the this paradigm. The first characteristic of the two, which does not seem to be related directly to the corruption at first glance, is defined as the authoritarian state concept that has been effective since the founding of the republic and reached its peak with the September 12th military coup. The second one is presented as the legal-institutional infrastructure that is formed by the same mentality during the same period and that has defined the internal dynamics of the political setting. In the article, the societal reflexes that are shaped under the influences of these essential characteristics and the relationship patterns that are formed between the various layers of the society and the politician are analyzed in two ways. An answer is also sought to the question why many activities which are regarded as corruption by the main institutions of "international corruption paradigm", are still indispensable in the political scene of Turkey. At this point, the primary argument of this article is that any strategy w aging war against corruption in Turkey that fails to place emocratization at its centre will be doomed to failure in securing the desired success

    İlklerin ressamları:Neveser ve Nevbahar Aksoy

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 3-Nevbahar-Neveser Akso

    Post-Bizans döneminde İstanbul'da ikona üreten ressamlar ve üslup özellikleri

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    The Christian art of painting had started to evolve in Byzantine Empire, and out of this in accordance with a specific program had emerged the art of icon in which portable icons constitued an important place. Its evolution moved to some other places, rather than İstanbul. Being considered as houses of worship for the Greek Christian Community,Greek Orthodox churches had been rebuilt and restored under the Ottoman rule and without the presence of the portable icons one can hardly think its liturgy. After the dawnfall of the Byzantine Empire in some regions outside İstanbul, such as Crete, Aegean islands, Macedonia, Tessalia, Russia, Balkans many researches were made on portable icons but very little is known about techniques, styles and iconographs that had produced icons in Greek Churches of İstanbul. Aside from few superficial information given, icons found in the Greek Churches had never been analyzed in details. Therefore, in the Post-Byzantine era icons in the Greek Churches in İstanbul, have to be researched on and analyzed in detail.  Keywords: İcon, iconograph, Byzantine influence, Renaissance influence, Cretan and Russian influence, eclectic character tradition.Bizans İmparatorluğu döneminde gelişen Hıristiyan resim sanatında belirlenen bir program çerçevesinde uygulanmaya başlanan ikona sanatının en önemli üretim merkezi olan İstanbul, fetihten sonra ikona üretimine bir süre ara vermiştir. Fetihten sonra İstanbul’da bulunan Rum azınlıklarının dini vecibelerini yerine getirmeleri amacıyla dini yapıların varlığını sürdürmesi ve ondokuzuncu yüzyılda Tanzimat ile Islahat Fermanlarıyla İstanbul’da yoğun bir kilise inşaa girişimi ikonaların bu dinsel yapılarda devamlılıklarını sürdürdükleri gerçeğini kanıtlar. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, sanat tarihçileri tarafından irdelenmeyen fetih sonrası İstanbul’daki ikona sanatının durumu, özellikle ondokuzuncu ve yirminci yüzyıllarda başlayan kilise inşaatına paralel olarak ikona üretiminin yeniden canlanmaya başlaması ve ikona ressamlarının varlığının belirlenmesidir. İkonalar üzerinde yer alan imzalar ikonografların kimlik tespitini sağlamakla birlikte, önemli bir sayıda ikona üretimini gündeme getirmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: İkona, ikonograf, Bizans etkisi, Rönesans etkisi, Eklektik davranışlar, Girit ve Rus etkisi

    The Height Gain in Scoliotic Deformity Correction: Assessed by New Predictive Formula

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    Height gain after scoliosis correction is of a special interest for the patient and family. Ylikoski was the first to suggest a formula predicting height loss in untreated scoliotic patients. Stokes has recently suggested a new formula by using Cobb angle to determine height loss in idiopathic curves. We hypothesized that new additional variables to Cobb angle such as apical vertebral translation (AVT), number of instrumented segments (N), and disc heights may increase the accuracy of predicted height gain. According to our findings simple expression for height gain by simplified version of the formula is: SPΔH = 0.0059X1θ1 + 2.3(1 − (θ2/θ1))N, where θ1 is preoperative Cobb angle, X1 is preoperative AVT, θ2 is postoperative Cobb angle, and N is the number of instrumented vertebra. The purpose of this study is to analyze a new mathematical formula to predict height gain after scoliotic deformity correction

    Evaluation and follow-up of pain, fatigue, and quality of life in COVID-19 patients

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    Objectives We evaluated pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in patients hospitalized for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and observed them over a period of 3 months. We also investigated the relationship of these symptoms to age, sex, disease severity, and levels of anxiety and depression. Methods The study included 100 confirmed COVID-19 patients (i.e., positive on a polymerase chain reaction test) between the ages of 18 and 75 years. Pain (visual analog scale [VAS]), fatigue (fatigue severity scale), anxiety, and depression (hospital anxiety and depression scales) were evaluated on the first day of hospitalization and at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. The short form-12 questionnaire was used to measure quality of life at the 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Results No differences were found in pain, fatigue, anxiety levels, depression levels, and quality of life according to disease severity. High VAS scores at hospital admission were related to continued pain at the 3-month follow-up (odds ratio [OR], 1.067; p<0.001). High VAS (OR, 1.072; p=0.003) and anxiety levels (OR, 1.360; p=0.007) were related to severe fatigue at the 3-month evaluation. Conclusion Pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression appear to be long-term sequelae of COVID-19 and can affect quality of life. High VAS and anxiety levels were found to be associated with long-term fatigue

    Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis treated with posterior arthrodesis and segmental pedicle screw instrumentation before the age of 9 years: a 5-year follow-up

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Study design</p> <p>Retrospective study.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To evaluate the radiological results of fusion with segmental pedicle screw fixation in juvenile idiopathic scoliosis with a minimum 5-year follow-up.</p> <p>Summary of background data</p> <p>Progression of spinal deformity after posterior instrumentation and fusion in immature patients has been reported by several authors. Segmental pedicle screw fixation has been shown to be effective in controlling both coronal and sagittal plane deformities. However, there is no long term study of fusion with segmental pedicle screw fixation in these group of patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seven patients with juvenile idiopathic scoliosis treated by segmental pedicle screw fixation and fusion were analyzed. The average age of the patients was 7.4 years (range 5–9 years) at the time of the operation. All the patients were followed up 5 years or more (range 5–8 years) and were all Risser V at the most recent follow up. Three dimensional reconstruction of the radiographs was obtained and 3DStudio Max software was used for combining, evaluating and modifying the technical data derived from both 2d and 3d scan data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The preoperative thoracic curve of 56 ± 15° was corrected to 24 ± 17° (57% correction) at the latest follow-up. The lumbar curve of 43 ± 14° was corrected to 23 ± 6° (46% correction) at the latest follow-up. The preoperative thoracic kyphosis of 37 ± 13° and the lumbar lordosis of 33 ± 13° were changed to 27 ± 13° and 42 ± 21°, respectively at the latest follow-up. None of the patients showed coronal decompensation at the latest follow-up. Four patients had no evidence of crankshaft phenomenon. In two patients slight increase in Cobb angle at the instrumented segments with a significant increase in AVR suggesting crankshaft phenomenon was seen. One patient had a curve increase in both instrumented and non instrumented segments due to incorrect strategy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In juvenile idiopathic curves of Risser 0 patients with open triradiate cartilages, routine combined anterior fusion to prevent crankshaft may not be warranted by posterior segmental pedicle screw instrumentation.</p

    Rehber öğretmenlerin rehberlik hizmetleri program hazırlama sürecine yönelik görüşlerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmada rehber öğretmenlerin rehberlik hizmetleri program hazırlama sürecine yönelik görüşlerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Nicel ve nitel araştırma yöntemlerinin bir arada kullanıldığı karma yönteme uygun olarak düzenlenen araştırmada "rehber öğretmenlerin rehberlik hizmetleri program hazırlama sürecine yönelik görüşleri nasıldır?” sorusuna cevap aranmıştır.Araştırmanın evreni ülkemizdeki ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim kademesinde yer alan okullarda görev yapan rehber öğretmenlerden oluşmakta iken, çalışma grubu nicel boyut için Türkiye’nin farklı yerlerinde görev yapan 261 rehber öğretmene ulaşılarak, nitel boyut için ise bu rehber öğretmenler arasından maksimum çeşitlilik ilkesi doğrultusunda 5 kişi seçilerek oluşturulmuştur. Açımlayıcı sıralı desen mantığıyla ilerletilen araştırmada: nicel boyut kapsamında anket, nitel boyut kapsamında da ise görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Her iki veri toplama aracı da literatür incelemesi, uzman görüşleri ve pilot uygulama doğrultusunda araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanmıştır.Araştırmanın genel amacı çerçevesinde cevapları aranan alt problemlere yönelik olarak nicel boyutta, internet üzerinden anket yardımıyla toplanan veriler bilgisayara kaydedilmiş ve istatistiki çözümlemeler için SPSS 15.0 programından yararlanılarak yüzde, frekans tabloları, çapraz tablolar ve ki kare hesaplamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nitel boyutta ise, gönüllük dahilinde seçilen rehber öğretmenlerle yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar gerçekleştirilerek konuya dair görüşleri ortaya konmuştur. Araştırmanın nicel boyutunda, rehber öğretmenlerin anket maddelerine verdikleri yanıtlar neticesinde rehberlik hizmetleri program hazırlama sürecini orta düzeyde başarılı bulduğu sonucuna ulaşılırken bu görüşleri ile kişisel bilgi formunda yer alan değişkenler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Araştırmanın nitel boyutunda ise görüşme ifadelerinin genelinde, nicel boyut sonuçlarına benzer nitelikte, orta düzeyde bir memnuniyet gözlenmiştir.--------------------In this research it was aimed to examination of the opinions of guidance teachers on the preparation of guidance services program. This research, which was organized in accordance with the mixed method, where quantitative and qualitative research methods were used together, the question was "how are the opinions of guidance teachers on the preparation of guidance services program?”.While the population of the research is guidance teachers who work in primary and secondary stages in our country, the study group is consists of guidance teachers working in schools in Turkey for workgroup quantitative dimension working in different places 261 guidance teacher, reaching for the qualitative dimension in the direction of maximum diversity principle among the teachers of this guide is been chosen 5 people. In the research, which is developed with exploratory sequential design, questionnaire is used for quantitative dimension and interview formsa are used for qualitative dimension. Both of these data collection tools are prepared by the researcher in line with the literature review, expert opinions and pilot application.Within the scope of the general purpose of the research, data collected in the quantitative scale with the help of questionnaires were recorded to the computer and the SPSS 15.0 program was used for statistical analysis and percentage, frequency tables, cross tables and chi-square calculations were performed. In the qualitative dimension, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the guidance counselors selected within the volunteerism and their views on the subject were revealed. In the quantitative dimension of the study, it was concluded that guidance services found the guidance services program preparation process moderately successful as a result of the responses of the guidance teachers to the questionnaire items, and no statistically significant difference was found between these opinions and the variables in the personal information form. In the qualitative dimension of the research, a moderate level of satisfaction was observed from the overall interview expressions, similar to the quantitative dimension results

    Pravda Gazetesi'ne göre Balkan Savaşları.

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    This thesis has examined the Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda, which began its broadcasting life in April 1912, for the period of the Balkan Wars from October 1912 to October 1913. The objectives of this study are to present and examine the position towards the Balkan Wars of a political group, which viewed the world and the Ottoman Empire from a different angle than the traditional Russian political position of the time, and would seize the power only five years later in Russia.M.S. - Master of Scienc