18 research outputs found

    Rationality, modernism and Turkish conservative engineers

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    This study aims to provide a background for interpretation of rational thinking and modernization in late Ottoman and Turkish Republic eras. In order to do this, the idea of rationality and rise of conservatism is reviewed by following the ideas of Weber, Habermas and Marcuse on rationality, bureaucratization and technology in the West. As a reactionary movement, main pillars of conservatism is discussed and the reflections of these ideas in late 19th, early 20th century in Ottoman Empire is given by examining the ideas of Egyptian modernist Muhammad Abduh and Mehmet Akif and in Turkish Republic era it is examined through the state ideology and conservative engineers as political figures. In this study, engineers are considered as one of the major representatives of modernization process as a profession and under the light of in-depth interviews made with conservative engineers, rational thinking and positioning of conservatism in Turkey is discussed. Keywords: Rationalism, Enlightenment, Modernity, Conservatism, Islam, EngineeringAbstract ................................................................................................................... v Öz ........................................................................................................................... vi Acknowledgments ................................................................................................ vii Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1 1.Historical Background ..................................................................................... 1 2. This Study ....................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 1. Rationalism and Bureaucracy ............................................................................. 7 1.1 Rationalism from the perspective of Weber ............................................... 7 1.2 Science and Modernity ............................................................................. 15 1.2.1 The Features of Modern Society ......................................................... 15 1.2.2 Marcuse’s “One Dimensional Man” ..................................................... 18 1.3 Conservatism ............................................................................................ 22 2. Ottoman Scholars’ Ideas on Islam and Adaptation to the Modern World ....... 30 2.1 Modernism against Tradition ...................................................................... 33 2.2 The Tradition of Islamic Jurisprudence and Methodologies ....................... 35 2.3 Mehmet Akif’s Opinions on Abduh’s Thoughts ......................................... 40 2.4 Mehmed Akif’s Opinion of Science and Western Civilization .................. 43 2.5 Creating Multiple Modernities .................................................................... 45 3. Turkish Political History and the Engineers ..................................................... 50 3.1 Construction of a New Identity ................................................................... 50 3.2 Westernization ............................................................................................. 52 3.3 Economy Politics and Etatism .................................................................... 55 3.4 The Era of the Democrat Party .................................................................... 57 3.5 The Era of the Justice Party ........................................................................ 62 3.6 Necmettin Erbakan ...................................................................................... 64 3.7 Turgut Özal ................................................................................................. 69 3.8 Interpretation of Conservatism in Turkey and Conservative Engineers ..... 71 4. Conservative Engineers of Turkey - Interviews ............................................... 73 4.1 Identities of the Republic of Turkey ........................................................... 74 4.2 The Borders of Engineering ........................................................................ 79 4.3 Method and Initiative .................................................................................. 83 4.4 The Privatization of Religion ...................................................................... 84 4.5 Political Leaders Associated With the Modernization of Turkey ............... 89 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 91 References ............................................................................................................ 9

    A Case of Familial Lichen Amyloidosis

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    Familial lichen amyloidosis which is also referred to familial primary cutaneous amyloidosis is a rare clinical variant of cutaneous amyloidosis. Lichen amyloidosis is characterized by persistent, pruritic, small brown papules often located on anterior surfaces of legs which show tendency to form plaques. Amyloid deposits would be identified in papillary dermis in histopathological examination. In our clinic, a 42 year old woman with a widespread involvement describing that similar skin findings were present in her both daughters, elder brother and her nephew was evaluated with suspicion of lichen amyloidosis. In histopathological examination of the involved skin, because of determining amyloid deposits in papillary dermis the case was cited as lichen amyloidosis. Our case was searched for the accompanying diseases such as atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria, lichen planus, multiple endocrine neoplasia and Kimura disease. The family history of our patient was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance. Familial lichen amyloidosis has been reported as cases with autosomal dominant inheritance from Russia, Germany, United Kingdom and South America. The genetic researches over familial lichen amylodiosis are limited to the cases with multiple endocrine neoplasia. In this rarely reported cases, further genetical researches are necessary in order to determine the responsible gen locus. (Turkderm 2008; 42: 137-9

    COVID-19 ile eş zamanlı gelişen uzamış postpartum katatonik psikoz olgusunun elektrokonvülzif terapi ile tedavisi: Bir olgu sunumu

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    GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Postpartum psikoz doğum sonrasında yaygın olarak görülebilen psikiyatrik fenomenlerden biridir. İnsidansı 1000 canlı doğumda 1-2 olarak raporlanmıştır. Bir çalışmada postpartum psikoz olgularının beşte birine katatoni tablosunun eşlik ettiği gösterilmiştir. Gerek postpartum psikoz gerekse katatoni olguları acil psikiyatrik müdahale gerektirmesi bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Biz de bu olguda COVID-19 enfeksiyonu ile eş zamanlı olarak postpartum katatonik psikoz gelişen vakamızı sunuyoruz. Bu olgu sunumu için hastamızdan onam alınmıştır

    Sting aracılı doğal bağışıklık uyarımlarının pataloji bağlamında karakterizasyonu.

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    Type I interferonopathies are a group of diseases characterized by excess type I interferon production. Here, we examined the intracellular signal transduction pathways of two interferonopathies, STING-associated vasculopathy with Onset in Infancy (SAVI) and Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) using in vitro cell line models. SAVI is characterized by constitutive STING activation. M155V and N154S gain-of-function mutations in STING can cause disease in humans. We expressed the M155V mutant STING in STING-knocked out B16 Blue interferon reporter cell line. The effect of STING in tumor progression was investigated in mice using wild type, STING-/- or STINGM155V expressing B16 melanoma cells, with no significant differences between these groups. Using the STINGM155V expressing cells, we investigated type I IFN secretion profile to delineate the mechanism behind the cold-induced exacerbation of inflammation observed in SAVI patients. Similarly, TREX1 KO THP cells were used as a model of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome. Exposure to cold upregulated both p-STING and total STING levels in B16 cells, which may account for cold-temperature associated increase in inflammation in patients. Next, we analyzed the type I IFN suppressing activity of various inhibitors in our cell-line disease models. Results indicated that TBK1/IKK inhibitors Amlexanox and BX-795 were more effective in controlling chronic type I IFN production than the JAK/STAT inhibitors ruxolitinib and tofacitinib. Finally, we also investigated whether or not cGAS/STING signaling is regulated by circadian rhythms. Preliminary data showed that cGAS/STING-dependent type I IFN production oscillated over time, suggesting that this signaling pathway might indeed be under circadian regulation.M.S. - Master of Scienc


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    Sulphasalazine Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome

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    Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) is one of the most dangerous drug reactions. Mortality and morbidity is increased by consequent systemic organ involvement. Maculopapular eruptions are the most common lesions accompanying DIHS, however, the morphology of skin lesions may vary. The most common cause of DIHS is the use of aromatic anticonvulsant drugs. However, one must not forget that other drugs may also cause DIHS. Early recognition of the condition is the most important step in the treatment. Herein, we present a case of DIHS triggered by sulphasalazine and associated with pustular eruption and maculopapular eruption