415 research outputs found

    Effect of ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block on post-surgical pain in patients undergoing nephrectomy: a single-center, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial

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    Objective Erector spinae plane (ESP) block is an alternative to neuraxial block for post-surgical pain in nephrectomy patients. However, no clinical trial has directly compared ESP block with a control group. Methods In a single-center, double-blind randomized comparative trial, patients undergoing nephrectomy with a subcostal flank incision under general anesthesia were divided into the following two groups: ESP block group (ESP block before anesthesia) and non-ESP (control) group (no intervention). The primary outcome measure was pain score (Numeric Rating Scale [NRS] 0 to 10). Secondary outcomes were postoperative opiate use, anesthetic and surgical complications, length of hospital stay, and patient-reported outcomes. Results Postoperatively (0 to 24 hours), the ESP block group experienced less pain and had lower NRS pain scores 0 to 24 hours postoperatively than the non-ESP group. Opioid consumption and the number of rescue analgesic doses decreased significantly in the ESP group compared with the non-ESP group. Patient-Reported Outcomes Information System (Quality of Recovery-15) scores significantly improved in the ESP group compared with the non-ESP block group. Conclusions Patients receiving an ESP block for intraoperative and postoperative analgesia during radical nephrectomies experienced less postoperative pain 0 to 24 hours compared with the non-ESP group


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    With the study, titled “Women’s Breast Cancer Consciousness and Sport Burdur Example” aimed at the awareness and practice of breast cancer in women at Burdur city center. In our study; descriptive screening and structured interview technique were applied. At the end of the research; Regardless of the education level of women, it is determined that awareness of breast cancer is high with the information and guidance received from both health institutions and the media and the people who have previously faced breast cancer, and it is determined that early diagnosis can save life and can beat breast cancer with the least damage. However, this training should be provided by Family Education Centers and Provincial Health Directorates to all women who are aware of the necessity of regular and good eating habits. When we compare the results of our study with other related researches, it was determined that early diagnosis in breast cancer saved lives.  Article visualizations

    Current pharmacological agents for the treatment of premature ejaculation

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    This study was aimed to review and assess the update studies regarding medical treatment for premature ejaculation (PE). It is the most common sexual problem affecting men. It can affect men at all ages and has a serious impact on the quality of life for men and their partners. A wide variety of therapeutic modalities have been tried for treatment of premature ejaculation. Psychological therapies may be helpful for patients with complaint PE. Several topical therapies have been used including lidocaine cream, lidocaine-prilocaine cream. There has been recent interest in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) for the treatment of PE, due to the fact that one of their common side effects is delayed ejaculation. Currently used SSRIs have several non-sexual side effects and long half lives, therefore there has been interest in developing a short acting, and efficacious SSRI that can be used on-demand for PE. Dapoxetine has been recently evaluated for the treatment of PE by several groups, and results so far appear promising

    The Theory Of Constraints And Its Application In A Manufacturing Firm

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Kısıtlar Teorisi (KT), kâr artırmaya odaklanan bir organizasyonel değişim metodudur. Kısıtlar teorisinin başlıca konsepti, her organizasyonun en az bir adet kısıta sahip olmasıdır. Kısıt, organizasyonun uğruna çabaladığı her ne ise – genellikle kârdır- bunu sınırlayan herhangi bir faktördür. Üretim ve servis organizasyonlarının çoğunluğu için amaç, şimdi ve gelecekte yani sürekli ve artarak daha fazla kâr sağlamaktır. Kısıtlar teorisi, organizasyonları bir bütün olarak ele alır, sadece üretim departmanını ya da sadece tek bir fabrikayı ya da fabrikanın bir departmanını değil. Lokal optimumlarla ilgilenilmez. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kısıtlar teorisi yaklaşımını kullanarak ürün karması ve sonuçlarının firma karlılığı üzerindeki etkileri ortaya koyacak bir model kurabilmek ve uygulayabilmektir. Bu çerçevede, pamuk ipliğinden ring iplik üretimi yapan bir firmada tanımlayıcı ve keşifsel olay çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, geleneksel maliyet muhasebesi sistemi ile Kısıtlar teorisinin katkı payı muhasebe sistemi karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu nedenle, optimum ürün karmaları ve bu ürün karmalarının firma kârlılıklarının sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda görülmüştür ki, Kısıtlar teorisinin katkı payı muhasebe sistemi maksimum kârı sağlayan sistemdir. Buradan yola çıkılarak, tekstil üretiminde ve benzer koşullardaki firmalar için, kısıtlar teorisinin katkı payı muhasebe sistemi kullanılarak daha kârlı ürün karması çözümlerine ulaşılabilir.The Theory of Constraints is an organizational change method that is focused on profit improvement. The essential concept of TOC is that every organization must have at least one constraint. A constraint is any factor that limits the organization from getting more of whatever it strives for, which is usually profit. For most manufacturing and service organizations the goal of the organization is to make a larger profit now and in the future. Theory of Constraints (TOC), accepts the organization as a whole, not the manufacturing department, or one plant, or one department within the plant. Local optimums are not concerned with. The purpose of the research is to provide and apply a model for product mix and the effect of the results to the profitability of the firm by using Theory of Constraint approach. In this frame, descriptive and exploratory case studies had been made in a ring spun cotton yarn manufacturing firm. In this research the traditional cost accounting system and the throughput accounting system of TOC were compared. For this reason, optimum product mixes determined and the results of the profitablities compared. It was seen that the maximum profit was of throughput accounting system. To sum up, the firms which are in textile manufacturing business and have similar conditions, could be achieve more profitable product mix solutions by throughput accounting of TOC.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in CTA Images Using Machine Learning

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    In this study, a novel computer-aided detection (CAD) method is introduced to detect pulmonary embolism (PE) in computed tomography angiography (CTA) images. This method consists of lung vessel segmentation, PE candidate detection, feature extraction, feature selection and classification of PE. PE candidates are determined in lung vessel tree. Then, feature extraction is carried out based on morphological properties of PEs. Stepwise feature selection method is used to find the best set of the features. Artificial neural network (ANN), k-nearest neighbours (KNN) and support vector machines (SVM) are used as classifiers. The CAD system is evaluated for 33 CTA datasets with 10 fold cross-validation. The sensitivities of these classifiers are obtained as 98.3 %, 57.3 % and 73 % at 10.2, 5.7 and 8.2 false positives per dataset respectively

    Ultrasound-guided serratus plane block combined with intercostal block for a high-risk patient with pericardial tamponade: A case report

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    Anesthetic management of patients with pericardial tamponade is challenging. A 65-year-old man diagnosed with small-cell lung carcinoma and bilateral malignant pleural effusion in the lungs and pericardial effusion was scheduled for pericardial-window-opening surgery. The severely compromised lung function of the patient led to an anesthetic plan of ultrasound-guided serratus anterior plane block combined with an intercostal block. Although serratus plane block was initially developed for postoperative analgesia, we have shown here that it can be used under deep sedation in combination with an intercostal block for anesthesia for surgeries involving the hemithorax; the block may be promising in high-risk cases

    Surface roughness and Streptococcus mutans adhesion on surface sealant agent coupled interim crown materials after dynamic loading.

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    BACKGROUND With the application of surface sealant agents, smooth surfaces can be achieved in a shorter time when compared with conventional polishing. However, studies on the performance of these agents against chewing forces are not many. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness and Streptococcus mutans adhesion on surface sealent coupled interim prosthetic materials after chewing simulation. METHODS One hundred and twelve specimens were fabricated from two poly(methyl methacrylate) (Tab 2000, Dentalon Plus) and two bis-acryl (Tempofit, Protemp 4) interim crown materials and divided into 4 groups (n = 7) according to applied surface treatment: conventional polishing (control) and 3 surface sealant (Palaseal, Optiglaze, Biscover) coupling methods. The surface roughness values (Ra) were measured with a profilometer before (Ra0) and after aging through dynamic loading in a multifunctional chewing simulator for 10,000 cycles at 50 N load combined with integral thermocycling (between 5 and 55 °C) (Ra1). Specimens were incubated with Streptococcus mutans suspension and the total number of adherent bacteria was calculated by multiplying the counted bacterial colonies with the dilution coefficient. RESULTS Surface sealant agent application significantly decreased the surface roughness compared with conventionally polished specimens, except for Optiglaze or BisCover LV applied Protemp 4 and Palaseal or Biscover LV applied Tempofit. Surface roughness after dynamic loading showed a statistically significant increase in all groups, except for the control groups of Tab 2000 and Protemp 4. A positive correlation was found between surface roughness values of interim prosthodontic materials and the quantitiy of Streptococcus Mutans. CONCLUSIONS Even though surface sealant agent application significantly decreased the surface roughness compared with conventionally polished specimens, dynamic loading significantly increased the surface roughness of all surface sealant coupled materials. The Ra values of all test groups were higher than the plaque accumulation threshold (0.20 µm). Streptococcus mutans adhered more on rougher surfaces

    Analiza bibliometrică a literaturii privind poluarea fonică, raportată în perioada 2001–2020

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    Introduction. In the new globalized world, noise pollution has started to become a public health problem. Health issues from noise pollution include hearing problems, cardiovascular disorders, and sleep disturbances. Material and methods. We searched for publications about noise pollution in the Web of Science database. A total of 2722 papers were identified, published between 2001 and 2020, 1815 of them were analyzed. VOSviewer (version 1.6.11) tool was used for bibliometric web visualizations. Results. When a trend analysis was applied to the articles by year, a statistically significant increase was detected. The United States contributed to the most publications (15.3%). Scotland (6.62), Singapore (4.26), and Ireland (4.02), to the most frequent publications per million of inhabitants. Most articles on noise pollution were published in the journal Applied Acoustics (3.2%). The three keywords we used were “noise pollution”, “noise” and “traffic noise”. Conclusions. This study showed that there has been a trend of an increasing number of articles on noise pollution in the last 20 years, also it can be considered that this bibliometric study will help researchers as it provides summary for current research.Introducere. În noul context al unei lumi globalizate, poluarea fonică tinde să devină o amenințare pentru sănătatea publică. Problemele de sănătate, cauzate de poluarea fonică, includ probleme de auz, dereglări cardiovasculare și tulburări de somn. Material și metode. Am căutat publicații despre poluarea fonică în baza de date Web of Science. Au fost identificate în total 2722 de lucrări, publicate între 2001 și 2020, dintre care au fost analizate 1815. Instrumentul VOSviewer (versiunea 1.6.11) a fost folosit pentru vizualizările web bibliometrice. Rezultate. Analizându-se tendințele articolelor apărute anual, s-a constatat o creștere semnificativă statistic. Statele Unite au contribuit cu cele mai multe publicații (15,3%). Scoția (6,62), Singapore (4,26) și Irlanda (4,02), cu cele mai frecvente publicații la un milion de locuitori. Cele mai multe articole despre poluarea fonică au fost publicate în revista Applied Acoustics (3,2%). Cele trei cuvinte-cheie, pe care le-am folosit, au fost „poluare sonoră”, „zgomot” și „zgomot din trafic”. Concluzii. Studiul a demonstrat că există o tendință de creștere a numărului de articole despre poluarea fonică în ultimii 20 de ani. Putem considera acest studiu bibliometric un suport eficient pentru cercetătorii din domeniu, întrucât pune la dispoziție un rezumat care facilitează cercetările curente


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    Objective: The aim of this study is evaluate the consistency of certain measurable dentolabial criteria between the esthetic values accepted in the literature and the subjective opinions of physicians. Materials and Methods: Four associated professors and four research assistants in the field of Prosthodontics were selected as the examiners of the study. Smile photos taken from 200 volunteer participants with only the mouth region were examined. The results of measurement of the curvature of the incisal edge and lower lip parallelism, incisal edge and lower lip contact, laugh line, buccal corridor and interincisal line and midline variables and subjective assessments of the evaluators were compared with Cochran Q test. Results: Esthetic perception is subjective and there was a significant correlation between objective measurements and subjective perception in the incisal edge and lower lip parallelism, laugh line and buccal corridor variables. No statistically significant difference was found between male and female individuals, similarly between specialists and research assistants. Conclusion: There is no consensus between esthetically objective findings and subjective views