197 research outputs found


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    The problem of surface quality and cutting stability in the machining processes is very important and is strictly connected with the final quality of the product. Therefore, this paper describes a new theoretical model for the dynamic cutting forces of orthogonal cutting in turning. A specific advantage for the presented model is the convenience for vibration prediction. The presented dynamic force model is used to predict variable cutting forces with dynamic cutting between cutting tool and workpiece.  This model is considered two degree of freedom complex dynamic model of turning with orthogonal cutting system. The complex dynamic system consists of dynamic cutting system force model which is based on the shear angle (φ) oscillations and the penetration forces which are caused by the tool flank contact with the wavy surface

    Relationship between food insecurity and geriatric syndromes in older adults: A multicenter study in Turkey

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    Aims: In this study, the aim was to determine the prevalence of geriatric syndromes such as frailty, sarcopenia risk and malnutrition in older adults and to investigate the relationship between food insecurity, and frailty, risk of sarcopenia and malnutrition. Methods: The study was cross-sectional. It was conducted between February 2022 and June 2022 with 707 older adults. The data were collected through the face-to-face interview method with a questionnaire including the Descriptive Information Form, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), Frail Scale, Sarcopenia Risk Screening Scale (SARC-F) and Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF). Numbers, percentages, mean, standard deviation, Pearson chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis were used in data analysis. Results: In the present sample, 30% of the participants experienced some degree of food insecurity. The prevalence of frailty, sarcopenia risk, and malnutrition in the participants was 15.3%, 19.5%, and 1.3%, respectively. We determined that food insecurity was not associated with pre-frailty/frailty and sarcopenia risk. After adjusment for potential counfounders moderate and severe food insecurity was associated with higher odds of malnutrition risk and malnutrition (AOR: 2.06, 95% CI: 1.21–3.51, p:0.007). Conclusion: While food insecurity is not associated with pre-frailty/frailty and sarcopenia risk, moderate and severe food insecurity is a modifiable risk factor for malnutrition risk and malnutrition. Thus, economic and social policies to eliminate food insecurity should be implemented, and efforts to prevent food insecurity should be planned through inter-sectoral cooperation

    Assessment of water and soil resources in Düzce area in terms of agricultural use

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    Düzce yöresindeki su ve toprak kaynakları tarımsal üretim yönünden büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, bu kaynakların bilinçli bir şekilde kullanımı ve yönetimi üzerine yapılan araştırmalar yöredeki üreticiler ve bu alandaki araştırmacılar için önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Düzce yöresi toprak ve su kaynaklarının korunması ve geliştirilmesine yönelik yapılan araştırmalar tarımsal yönden incelenmiş olup karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözümlere yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, Düzce yöresinin su ve toprak kaynakları bakımından zengin olduğu saptanmıştır. Ancak, buna alandaki araştırmaların yetersiz olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yörede, sulama suyundan ve toprak işlemeden kaynaklı sorunların olmadığı, ancak aşırı yağışlı dönemlerde deniz seviyesi düşük olan alanlarda tabansuyunun artığı gözlenmiştir. Ekonomik getirisi yüksek, fındık ve mısır (silajlık+ dane) bitkileri dışında, çok sayıda bitkilerin yetiştiriciliği yörede yer almadığı tespit edilmiştir. Buradan, su ve toprak kaynaklarının etkin yönetimine ilişkin çeşitli araştırmaların yapılmalıdır. Ayrıca, açık alanlarda, ekonomik getirisi yüksek, yöreye uygun, alternatif bitkilerin yetiştiriciliği için uyum çalışmalarının yapılması önerilebilir.The soil and water resources in Düzce area have a great importance in terms of agricultural production. In addition, the researches on the use and management of these resources consciously is important for producers in this area and researchers in this field. In this study, the researches done with respect to the conservation and development of soil and water resources in Düzce area were investigated in terms of agricultural; and the suggestions about the encountered problems and solutions of these problems were presented. As a result of this study, it was determined that the Düzce region is rich with regards to water and soil resources. However, it was found that the researches in this area have been insufficient. In this area, there were not problems due to the irrigation water and soil cultivation, but it was found that water table was increased in the low sea level places during extreme rainy seasons. Various numbers of plants with high economic returns, except hazelnut and corn (grain + silage), have not growth in the area. Due to these reasons, more studies should be done concerning efficient use of water and soil resources. In addition, making the integration studies for alternative plant growing, which has higher economic return and convenient for this area at the open fields, can be suggested

    Sastav eteričnih ulja u iglicama i kori turskoga crvenog bora (Pinus brutia Ten.) zaraženoga insektom Marchalina hellenica Genn.

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    The scale insect Marchalina hellenica Genn. plays a key role in pine honey production and is hosted mainly by Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). The needles of Turkish red pine are rich in essential oils. Moreover, essential oils can affect the host selection of insects. The essential oils in the needles and barks of Marchalina hellenica-infested and non-infested Turkish red pine were obtained via water distillation and their composition was determined by GC-MS analyses. The composition of the essential oils was found to differ in the needles of non-infested Turkish red pine and in those of pine infested by Marchalina hellenica. The Mann-Whitney U test results showed that the β-caryophyllene level was higher in the needles of Turkish red pine infested by Marchalina hellenica, whereas the junipen level was higher in the essential oil of non-infested Turkish red pine bark. Pimaral and α-guaiene were detected only in the needles of infested trees, but were absent in the needles of non-infested trees. These components may be markers that can act on their own or as part of the whole in the host tree selection of Marchalina hellenica. In addition, the cis-verbenone component found in Turkish red pine bark might play a role in attracting Marchalina hellenica. This phenomenon should be further investigated through additional studies.Ljuskavica Marchalina hellenica Genn. ima ključnu ulogu u proizvodnji meda od borovine, a uglavnom živi na turskome crvenom boru (Pinus brutia Ten.). Iglice tog bora bogate su eteričnim uljima. Štoviše, eterična ulja za insekte mogu biti presudna pri odabiru domaćina na kojemu će se nastaniti. Eterična ulja iz iglica turskoga crvenog bora zaraženoga i nezaraženoga ljuskavicom Marchalina hellenica dobivena su vodenom destilacijom, a njihov je sastav određen GC-MS analizama. Utvrđeno je da je sastav eteričnih ulja u iglicama ne-zaraženoga turskoga crvenog bora i u iglicama bora zaraženoga s Marchalina hellenica različit. Rezultati Mann-Whitneyjeva U-testa pokazali su da je razina β-kariofilena veća u iglicama crvenoga turskog bora zaraženoga s Marchalina hellenica, dok je razina kleke viša u eteričnom ulju nezaražene kore turskoga crvenog bora. Pimaral i α-guaiene otkriveni su samo u zaraženim iglicama stabala, ali ih nije bilo u iglicama nezaraženih borova. Te komponente mogu biti markeri koji pri selekciji stabla domaćina Marchaline hellenice mogu djelovati sami ili kao dio cjeline. Osim toga, komponenta cis-verbenon, pronađena u kori turskoga crvenog bora, mogla bi imati važnu ulogu u privlačenju Marchaline hellenice. Tu je pojavu potrebno detaljnije istražiti u dodatnim studijama


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    Yabancı sermaye yatırımları ülkelerin ekonomik gelişiminde önemi bir rol oynarken özellikle finans gücü, teknoloji gelişimi, dış pazarlara açılma vb. konularda büyük avantaj sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle yabancı sermayeli yatırımların varlığı ülke ekonomisinin gelişiminde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Son yıllarda ekonomik kalkınmaya ilişkin tartışmalarda kümelenme de artan bir önem kazanmıştır. Dünya çapında birçok hükümet, kümelenmeleri bölgesel kalkınmada kurumsal gelişme ve yeniliğin potansiyel itici güçleri olarak görmektedir. Kümelenme girişimleri, kaynakların ve finansmanın hedef bölgelerin ötesine yayılabilen yüksek büyüme ve gelişme potansiyeline sahip hedef alanlarda yoğunlaşmasına (yayılma ve çoğaltıcı etkiler) izin vermeleri açısından da etkili politika araçları olarak kabul edilmektedir (UNIDO, 2020). Bu nedenle kümelenme sürecinde yabancı sermayenin varlığı küme gücünü arttırırken, özellikle kümenin gelişiminde ve devamlılığının sağlanmasında önemli bir yer olan uluslararası network bağlantılarının oluşmasında da itici bir güç oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmanın amacı da; İzmir’deki yabancı sermayeli firmaların yer seçim tercihlerini, sektörel dağılımını ve kümelenme potansiyelini ortaya koyarak, yabancı sermayeli firmaların ve potansiyel kümelerin gelişimi için öneri stratejiler geliştirmektir. Yöntem olarak da, İzmir çalışma alanında yer alan yabancı sermayeli firmaların kümelenme potansiyelini tespit etmek amacı ile Üç Yıldız Modeli, rekabetçilik avantajını ortaya koymak için ise Porter Elmas Modeli kullanılmıştır. Böylelikle bu çalışmanın; ihracat potansiyelinin gelişiminde önemli bir araç olan yabancı sermayeli yatırımların sektörel tercihleri ve kümelenme potansiyeli ortaya konarak, İzmir’in sanayi gelişim politikalarının oluşturulmasında ve desteklenmesinde bir araç olarak kullanılan küme geliştirme çalışmalarında yol gösterici olması beklenmektedir.While foreign capital investments play an important role in the economic development of countries, especially financial power, technology development, opening to foreign markets, etc. provides great advantages. For this reason, the presence of foreign capital investments has an important place in the development of the country\u27s economy. In recent years, clustering has gained increasing importance in discussions on economic development. Many governments around the world see clusters as potential drivers of institutional development and innovation in regional development. Clustering initiatives are also recognized as effective policy tools in that they allow for the concentration of resources and finance in target areas with high growth and development potential (diffuse and multiplier effects) that can spread beyond the target regions (UNIDO; 2020). For this reason, while the presence of foreign capital in the clustering process increases the power of the cluster, it also creates a driving force in the formation of international network connections, which is an important place in the development and continuity of the cluster.In this context, the aim of this study is; It is to develop suggested strategies for the development of foreign capital companies and potential clusters by revealing the location selection preferences, sectoral distribution and clustering potential of foreign capital companies in İzmir. As a method, the Three Star Model was used to determine the clustering potential of the foreign capital companies in the Izmir study area, and the Porter Diamond Model was used to reveal the competitive advantage. Thus, this study; It is expected to guide the cluster development studies, which are used as a tool in the creation and support of industrial development policies of İzmir, by revealing the sectoral preferences and clustering potential of foreign capital investments, which are an important tool in the development of export potential

    It Could Have Been Protected but Wasn't

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    INTRODUCTION[|]Introduction: Percutaneous injuries create shared occupational risk for all health workers. These injuries can lead to a loss of workforce and a decrease in the quality of health services by causing physical and psychiatric disorders. Our study aimed to identify the epidemiology of incised wounds that have occurred within the past four years effectiveness of preventive measures at the Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Medicine Hospital.[¤]METHODS[|]Method This research was carried out with the retrospective study of incised wound cases that occurred at the KSU Faculty of Medicine Hospital between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2016. Health personnel were examined in terms of gender, professional group, form of injury, locations of injury, compliance with protective barriers used, and precautions taken. The acquired data were evaluated in Microsoft Excel using numerical and percentage calculations.[¤]RESULTS[|]Findings: Of the injured health personnel, 61% were women and 39% were men. Of the group of injured personnel comprises nurses with 39% (94), followed by intern nurses 27% (65), sanitation personnel with 24% (56), doctors with 8% (18), three laboratory technicians, and two data-entry personnel. The most frequently injured bodily region was the left hand with 51.2% (122), followed by the right hand with 43.6% (104). The most frequent injury took place while covering the tip of a needle with 36%. No type of protective equipment was used for 71% of the health personnel who were included in the study.[¤]DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION[|]Results: The fact that the most injuries occurred in nursing and sanitation personnel in the study produced the result of the provision of the education necessary to minimize contact with hands of cutting and perforating tools and for the propagation of the use of medical waste containers that provide for distancing the waste materials used, because the most frequent form of injury was recapping needle points. That there was high noncompliance with the use of protective equipment revealed that health workers needed to be subjected to certain, periodic training. In addition to this, the care for injuries and the provision of training in which the infection control committee needed to be referred to in situations of injury was brought to the forefront.[¤

    Increased mean platelet volume in patients with infective endocarditis and embolic events

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    Background: Platelet activation appears to play an important role in thromboembolic com­plications of infective endocarditis (IE). Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a potentially useful marker of platelet activity and a quick and easy determinant of thrombotic risk. Hence the aim of this study was to investigate the baseline platelet volume indices (MPV and platelet distribution width [PDW]) in IE patients who developed embolic events in the follow-up period and who did not. Methods: The study group consisted of 76 consecutive patients (female: 55, male: 21, mean age: 26 years old, ranged: 8–64 years) with definite IE according to Duke Criteria. Thirty four healthy subjects, who were age and gender adjusted, served as the control group. The mean duration of hospital stay was 44 days. Results: Among the IE patients, 13 (13/76, 17.1%) had major embolic events. Significantly larger vegetations were observed in patients with embolic events as compared to non-embolic group (1.4 vs. 1.0 cm, p = 0.03). MPV at hospital admission was higher in patients who had embolic events in the follow-up period compared to both those who did not and the control subjects (10.62 ± 1.13 vs. 9.25 ± 0.97 and 8.93 ± 0.82 fL, p < 0.001, respectively). Similarly, the patients with embolic events had increased PDW compared to the non-embolic ones and the control group (16.31 ± 2.42 vs. 14.35 ± 1.97 and 14.04 ± 1.82%, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that IE patients with embolic events had in­creased MPV and PDW values, compared to non-embolics. Future prospective studies with standardized measurements may clarify the clinical role of platelet volume indices in thrombo­embolic complications of IE

    Atypical Metastasis to the Head and Neck Region: An Analysis of 11 Patients

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    Objective:We present 11 patients with distant metastases to the head and neck from an infraclavicularly located primary tumor and discuss the management strategies including the clinical presentation, treatment modalities, and prognosis.Methods:The retrospective data of the pathology reports and operation notes of 1239 patients who had undergone any kind of oncological surgical intervention between 2005 and 2017 were analyzed. All of the 11 patients included in the study were evaluated in our department’s tumor board, and all patients with an operable lesion had undergone surgery. Inoperable patients were treated with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.Results:The average age of the patients was 64.3 (48– 88) years. Primary tumors were located in the lung (2), breast (2), ovary (2), prostate (2), kidney (1), and colon (1) and the primary lesion could not be determined in one patient. The most common symptom was newly occurred painless swelling (9/11, 81.8%) at the metastatic site. Four patients without any other distant metastases were operated. Of these four patients, two died during follow-up due to systemic disease, and the other two are alive and disease-free. Three of the seven inoperable patients were treated with chemotherapy and the other four with radiotherapy. The prognosis of this group was worse.Conclusion:Although metastasis to the head and neck is not common, it is vital to keep in mind while approaching a patient with a lesion at the head and neck region especially if there is a history of lung, breast, and genitourinary cancers. Despite the poor prognosis, diminishing the tumor burden would increase the treatment success

    Evaluation of Pediatric Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Cases and Risk Factors for Chronic ITP - Single Center Experience

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    Aim: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is the most common acquired bleeding disorder in childhood. The study aimed to assess the demographic and clinical characteristics, and treatment responses and to evaluate their effects on chronicity in pediatric ITP cases. Material and Methods: Primary ITP patients aged 1 month to 18 years, who were diagnosed and followed up in the Pediatrics Clinic of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Hospital between January 2010 and December 2018, were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Thirty-eight patients with a diagnosis of primary ITP were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 94.3±53.4 (14-199) months. The female/male ratio was 1. Twenty (57.1%) patients had acute ITP, and 15 (42.9%) patients had chronic ITP. There was no significant difference between the acute ITP group and the chronic ITP group in demographic, clinical features, laboratory findings, and treatment responses. In the first 12 months, the number of admissions with a platelet count o

    The presence of upper extremity problems and the effect on quality of life in breast cancer patients who undergone breast surgery and axillary dissection

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of upper extremity problems in patients who had undergone breast cancer surgery, to compare the risk factors associated with these problems and to investigate their effects on quality of life. Materials and Methods: One hundred thirty-two patients who had undergone either modified radical mastectomy or breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy) were enrolled to the study. Lymphedema, shoulder pain and restriction of shoulder motion were considered as upper extremity problems. Type of surgery, body mass index (BMI), radiotherapy, chemotherapy, disease stage and dominant hand involvement were recorded. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Quality of Life-BREF-Turkish Version (WHOQOLBREF- TR) was used for the assessment of quality of life. Results: Shoulder pain was the most common symptom (45.5%), followed by lymphedema (34.8%) and shoulder motion restriction (22%). No significant relation was found between lymphedema and age, type of surgery, restriction of shoulder motion, pain and dominant hand involvement. Increased BMI, treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, advanced-disease stage and lymph node involvement were associated with lymphedema (p< 0.05). It was seen that doing regular exercise had positive effect on lymphedema, pain and shoulder motion restriction reduction (p<0.05). Lymphedema, pain and shoulder motion restriction were related with physical and psychological subgroups of WHOQOL-BREF TR, whereas shoulder motion restriction was also associated with the environmental subgroup (p<0.05). When lymphedema, pain and shoulder motion restriction was searched for to determine which one was more effective on quality of life shoulder pain had negative effect in the physical and psychological subgroups; motion restriction had negative effect in the physical subgroup, whereas lymphedema did not affect the quality of life subgroups. Exercise also had positive contribution to environmental and psychological subgroups of quality of life (p<0.05). Conclusion: Arm problems are frequently encountered following breast surgery and affect the daily living of patients by decreasing their quality of life. The major aim in these patients must be taking preventive precautions and preserving the quality of life by minimizing complications with regular follow-up. Turk J Phys Med Re hab 2011;57:186-92. © Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Published by Galenos Publishing