380 research outputs found

    Color naming

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    Ankara : Bilkent University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Institute of Fine Arts, 1998.Thesis (Ph.D) -- Bilkent University, 1998Includes bibliographical refences.In this study, visual aspects of color and neurophysiological processes involved in the phenomenon, language of color and color models were explained in addition to the discussion of different ideas, orientations and previous works behind the subject of matter. Available color terms in Turkish language have been identified and the most frequently known or used non-basic color terms have been attained. An experimental research has been conducted to investigate the resemblance of the basic, and mostly used non-basic color terms, in the minds of the native speakers of Turkish language. Using Munsell Color System, color ranges, reflecting the color naming and color perception of Turkish Society, have been constructed for each color term investigated in the experimental research.Şahin, EbruPh.D

    Passive sound control in symphony concert hall design

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    Ankara : Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Institute of Fine Arts, Bilkent Univ., 1995.Thesis(Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references leaves 118-122.In this study, passive sound control in symphony concert hall was studied. Necessary criteria for concert halls were described and design of the enclosure for music is examined. An experimental study was done so as to make an evaluation of the present situation in one of the concert halls in Ankara.Şahin, EbruM.S

    Detecting motifs for computational classification of dockerin and cohesin sequences

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    Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in nature. It has several usage areas in industry. The initial hydrolysis of cellulose is the rate determining step in cellulose degradation. Cellulosomes are the complex structures composed of non-catalytic units and enzymes that take part in cellulose degradation. Cellulosomal units are attached via the interaction between cohesin and dockerin domains which are divided into three subclasses; type I, type II and type III. Development and rational design of novel cohesin and dockerin domains to enhance synergistic actions is very important research topic for biotechnological applications. In this aspect, accurate classification of the subunits and identification of key interaction sites are of great importance for design purposes. In this thesis, we propose a multiple sequence alignment and information theory based classification method that identifies potential key interaction sites. Based on the multiple sequence alignments, the residues that are conserved only in one subclass are determined as the motifs. Classification performance of these motifs is determined using a majority voting based normalized scoring scheme. In addition, reduced amino acid alphabets are introduced to capture the similarities that are invisible in 20-letter alphabet. In this work, we classify cohesin sequences with 99% accuracy, 96% sensitivity and 97% specificity, on average. For dockerin, the sequences are classified with up to 95% accuracy. 76% sensitivity and 92% specificity are observed on average. Potential interaction sites between cohesins and dockerins are determined from the correlated mutation analysi

    The relationship between secondary and high school education in reading and the reading strategy use of freshman students at Middle East Technical University (METU) while reading in English

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    Ankara : Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 1998.Thesis (Master's) -- -Bilkent University, 1998.Includes bibliographical references leaves 76-78The importance o f use o f strategies by the learners in the learning process has been recognized due to the developments in cognitive psychology and the relationship between cognition and language learning. Learning strategies are actions taken by the learners to facilitate learning and make it more effective. Among the strategies used by language learners, reading strategies are o f great significance. Especially in second/foreign language learning contexts for academic purposes, reading is very often required as university students have to read exhaustively in their studies. Their comprehension o f the texts they read depends on their effective approach to them. Therefore, researchers in the field o f second/foreign language reading have identified reading strategies used by good readers The acquisition o f certain learning strategies start in pre-university years. In particular, in secondary and high school education learners are required to read in many content areas and acquire quite a large amount o f knowledge. It can be argued that learners’ educational background plays an important role on their university education where they are confronted with complex reading and learning. This study investigated the relationship betweeen education in reading in secondary and high school and the reading strategy use of freshman students at METU while reading ir English. Data were collected from the students through a three-part questionnaire and thinkaloud protocols (TAPs). The first part of the questionnaire consisted o f questions related to reading practices in secondary and high school. The second part included questions directed towards reading strategies encouraged in pre-university education and reading strategies use by the students at university while reading in English. The last part o f the questionnaire was related to reading practices in English at university. TAPs were used in order to support the data obtained from the questionnaires. The findings o f the study revealed that the students in this study were ‘usually or always’ encouraged to use reading strategies in secondary and high school. With this particular group o f students this encouragement proved to have positive impact on their strategy use at university; they said that they use the same strategies ‘usually or always’ at university while reading in English, although they reported that practices related to reading were not satisfactory in their pre-university education.Şahin, Ebru BayolM.S

    Procjena boje i visine feromonske klopke iznad zemlje za ulov Ips sexdentatus i Thanasimus formicarius

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    The six-toothed pine bark beetle Ips sexdentatus is one of the most devastating bark beetles of Eurasian pine forests. Pheromone traps are used to monitor and control Ips sexdentatus populations. In this study, the effect of trap color and trap height on the capture of Ips exdentatus and its predator the ant beetle Thanasimus formicarius was investigated. The research was conducted in Pinus sylvestris stands within Yayla Forest Enterprise Chief (Kastamonu-Daday) in Turkey. In the study area, 25 Scandinavian type three-funnel traps of 5 different colors (yellow, white, green, black, and red traps with five replications) were used. Traps were placed at the same height, 1.5 m above ground. For the second part of the study, a total of 20 traps (5 per height category) was placed 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m, and 2.5 m above ground. Traps were controlled at intervals of 7-10 days and captured Ips exdentatus and Thanasimus formicarius were counted. The results of the study were as follows: 1) Significant differences in the number of captures by trap color, and 2) No significant differences in the numbers of Ips sexdentatus and Thanasimus formicarius captured between the trap heights.Šesterozubi borov potkornjak Ips sexdentatus jedan je od najrazornijih potkornjaka u euroazijskim borovim šumama. Za praćenje populacija Ips sexdentatus koriste se feromonske klopke. U ovom radu istraživali smo utjecaj boje i visine klopki na ulov Ips sexdentatus i njegovog predatora Thanasimus formicarius. Istraživanje je provedeno u sastojinama Pinus sylvestris unutar Yayla Forest Enterprise Chief (Kastamonu-Daday) u Turskoj. U području istraživanja koristili smo 25 skandinavskih klopki s tri lijevka u pet različitih boja (žute, bijele, zelene, crne i crvene klopke). Klopke su postavljene na istu visinu, 1,5 m iznad zemlje. U drugom dijelu istraživanja postavljeno je ukupno 20 klopki (5 po visinskoj kategoriji) na visine od 1,0 m, 1,5 m, 2,0 m, i 2,5 m iznad zemlje. Klopke smo kontrolirali u intervalima od 7-10 dana i izbrojali smo jedinke Ips sexdentatus i T. formicarius. Dobiveni podaci su obrađeni Kruskal-Wallisovim testovima i testovima višestrukih usporedbi. Rezultati ispitivanja su sljedeći: 1) Značajne razlike u broju ulova u odnosu na boju klopki, 2) Postoji značajan i pozitivni odnos između štetnika i predatora, 3) Nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u broju uhvaćenih jedinki Ips sexdentatus i T. formicarius u odnosu na visine klopki

    The image of women in the life science textbooks : Hayat bilgisi ders kitaplarında kadın imgesi

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    The aim of this research is primary school 1, 2 and 3. the knowledge of life taught in classrooms is to examine the image of women in textbooks. Within the framework of this purpose, the problem sentence of the research is “How is the image of a woman given in the texts and images of elementary school life science textbooks?" is designed in the form of. Qualitative research method was used in the study. These textbooks have been examined with the document analysis technique and all of the images with “woman” in both their texts and images have been noted and marked by coloring. In the second reading, a meticulous coding was made and expressions with temporary theme names were classified according to their similarities, adhering to the essence. The statements in the themes were summarized by the researchers by reading them over and over again, adding and combining them. When the distribution of the professions included in the textbooks according to gender is examined, it is seen that men are more numerous than women both in working life and in choosing a profession. It is observed that the professions performed by women are professions that require less physical strength and endurance compared to the professions performed by men. However, textbooks, rather than limiting the possibilities, should try to contribute to the individual development of children by providing as wide a range of models and activities as possible. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı ilkokul 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarda okutulan hayat bilgisi ders kitaplarındaki kadın imgesini incelemektir. Bu amaç çerçevesinde araştırmanın problem cümlesi “İlkokul hayat bilgisi ders kitaplarının metinlerinde ve görsellerinde kadın imgesi nasıl verilmiştir?” şeklinde dizayn edilmiştir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Söz konusu ders kitapları doküman analizi tekniği ile incelenmiş ve gerek metinlerinde gerekse görsellerinde “kadın” ile imgelerin tamamı not edilmiş ve renklendirilerek işaretlenmiştir. İkinci okumada titiz bir kodlama yapılmış ve öze bağlı kalınarak geçici tema adlarına sahip ifadeler benzerliklerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Temalardaki ifadeler araştırmacılar tarafından tekrar tekrar okunarak, ekleme ve birleştirme şeklinde özetlenmiştir. Ders kitaplarında yer alan mesleklerin cinsiyetlere göre dağılımı incelendiğinde erkeklerin hem çalışma yaşamında hem de meslek seçiminde kadınlara oranla sayıca fazla oldukları görülmektedir. Kadınların yaptıkları mesleklerin, erkeklerin yaptıkları mesleklere orana daha az beden gücü ve dayanıklılık gerektiren meslekler olduğu görülmektedir. Oysa ders kitapları, olasılıkları sınırlandırmaktan çok, olabildiğince geniş bir modeller ve etkinlikler yelpazesi sunarak çocukların bireysel gelişimine katkı yapmaya çalışmalıdır

    Woman in “The Civics Book for Turkish Children”: “Türk Yavrularına Yurt Bilgisi” kitabında kadın

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the image of women in “The Civics Book for Turkish Children”, which was written for the fifth grade civics course of primary school and taught since the academic year 1931-1932. This study has a qualitative research model. The data were collected through document review and analyzed using content analysis. The book was examined with the document analysis technique and all the images related to “woman” were noted in both the texts and images and marked by coloring on the screen. In the second reading, meticulous encodings were made and expressions with temporary theme names were classified according to their similarities, adhering to their essence. The form of expression of each content was concluded with the decision of four researchers. At this stage, direct phrases appropriate to each of the themes were determined in order to further elaborate on or support the theme. In the texts and visuals of the textbook “The Civics Book for Turkish Children”, the image of women was shaped according to the social and political structure of the period, and an attempt was made to reflect the role of women in the atmosphere of that period. This situation has parallels with the evaluation results encountered in the research literature related to textbooks and children's books. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı ilkokul beşinci sınıf yurt bilgisi dersleri için yazılmış ve 1931-1932 öğretim yılından itibaren beşinci sınıflarda okutulmuş olan “Türk Yavrularına Yurt Bilgisi” kitabında kadın imgesini incelemektir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veriler doküman incelemesi yoluyla toplanmış ve içerik analizi kullanılarak çözümlenmiştir. Kitap doküman analizi tekniği ile incelenmiş ve “kadın” ile ilgili tüm görseller hem metinlerde hem de görsellerde not edilmiş ve ekranda renklendirilerek işaretlenmiştir. İkinci okumada titizlikle kodlamalar yapılmış ve özlerine bağlı kalarak benzerliklerine göre geçici tema adlarına sahip ifadeler sınıflandırılmıştır. Her bir içeriğin ifade biçimi dört araştırmacının kararı ile sonuçlandırılmıştır. Bu aşamada, temayı daha da detaylandırmak veya desteklemek için temaların her birine uygun doğrudan ifadeler belirlenmiştir.  “Türk Çocukları için Yurttaşlık Kitabı” ders kitabının metin ve görsellerinde kadın imajı dönemin sosyal ve politik yapısına göre şekillenmiş ve o dönemin atmosferinde kadının rolünü yansıtmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu durum ders kitapları ve çocuk kitapları ile ilgili araştırma literatüründe karşılaşılan değerlendirme sonuçlarıyla paraleldir


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    Küresel bir sorun olan infertilite, fertil çağdaki eşlerin %8 ve %12’lik kısmını etkilemekte ve kişisel, toplumsal ilişkilerde sorunlar meydana getirmektedir. Bireylere hastalığın nedenleri incelenerek çeşitli tedavi yöntemleri uygulanmaktadır. Yardımcı üreme teknolojisi son zamanlarda birçok infertil çiftin çocuk sahibi olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Son yıllarda çoğu gelişmiş ülkedeki doğumların %1-2’sini oluşturmak için yardımcı üreme teknolojisi doğum sıklığı hızla artmakta ve buna bağlı bireylerde komplikasyonlar ve psikolojik sorunlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Hemşireler, infertil çiftlerin tedavi sürecinde büyük sorunların krize dönüşmemesi ve çözümlenmesi adına uygulamalara katkıda bulunmaktadırlar. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri etkili tedavi ve bakımın sağlanması adına kalite ve etkinliği optimize etmek için hemşirelerin mesleki gelişimlerine ihtiyaç duymaktadır

    Predictors of eHealth literacy in pregnant women: A structural equation model analysis

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    Objective To develop and evaluate a theoretical model to explain the relationships between eHealth literacy and perception of health, and perception of pregnancy risk in pregnant women. Method This cross-sectional study was carried out with 238 pregnant women in one of the hospitals in Turkey between March 15, 2021 and May 15, 2021. Data were collected using an Information Form, eHealth Literacy Scale, Perception of Health Scale, and Perception of Pregnancy Risk Questionnaire. Results The mean scores of the pregnant women participating in the study on eHealth literacy and perception of health were 30.45 +/- 6.56 and 51.42 +/- 6.91, respectively and their mean score on perception of pregnancy risk was 42.6 +/- 29.38. The direct effect of the eHealth Literacy Scale on the "Risk for Baby" subscale of the Perception of Pregnancy Risk Questionnaire was insignificant whereas the scale's effect became significant with the Perception of Health Scale (beta = -0.006; 0.057). Conclusion To reduce the perception of risk in pregnant women, it is important to improve not only their eHealth literacy but also their knowledge and attitudes about being healthy

    The importance of perfusion index monitoring in evaluating the efficacy of stellate ganglion blockage treatment in Raynaud’s disease

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    Stellate ganglion blockage (SGB) is a method used for treating Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP). This study primarily aimed to determine whether the perfusion index (PI) can be used an alternative to Horner’s signs in evaluating the efficacy of SGB in patients diagnosed with RP. In a total of 40 patients, aged 18–65 years and diagnosed with primary RP, SGB was applied for 5 days on the same side with the 2-finger method, using 6 mL of 5% levobupivacaine at the 7th cervical vertebra level. The PI values were recorded from the distal end of the 2nd finger of the upper extremity on the side applied with the block at baseline and at 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min. The onset time of Horner findings was recorded. The PI values and visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores were recorded pre-treatment and after 2 weeks.When the PI values of the 40 patients were examined, a 62.7% increase was observed from baseline to the first session at 5 min (p < 0.05). When all sessions were evaluated, a statistically significant increase was determined in the PI values measured at 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min compared with the baseline PI values. There was a statistically significant decrease in the post-treatment VAS pain scores and a statistically significant increase in the post-treatment PI values (p < 0.05). By eliminating peripheral vasospasm with the application of SGB in patients with RP, the distal artery blood flow and PI are increased. PI measurement is a more objective method and therefore could be used as an alternative to Horner findings in evaluating the success of SGB. PI is a non-invasive and simple measurement and also an earlier indicator in evaluating the success of SGB than Horner’s signs.Keywords: Raynaud’s phenomenon; perfusion index; stellate ganglion blockage; pain; Horner's sig