13 research outputs found

    Lactobacillus bakterilerinin Candida’lar üzerine antifungal etkileri

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    Otuz adet Lactobacillus, 5-15 yaş grubu çocuk gaitasından MRS agar’da izole edilerek API 50CHL cihazı tanımlanmaları yapılmıştır. Ayrıca 50 adet kan kültürü kaynaklı Candida ise SD agar’da izole edilerek Vitek 2 cihazında YST kiti ile tanımlanmaları yapılmıştır. Lactobacillus’ların Candida’lar üzerindeki antifungal etkileri SD agar’da kuyu difüzyon yöntemi ile tespit edilmiştir. Lactobacillus’lar en fazla C. albicans (M29 ve M36), C. parapsilosis (M25, M26). C. famata (M28) ve C. guilliermondii (M38) mayaları üzerinde antifungal etki göstermiştir. Bu çalışma Lactobacillus’ların, kan kültürlerinden elde edilen Candida izolatları üzerine antifungal etkisinin varlığını göstermektedir.Thirty Lactobacillus were isolated from the stool of 5-15 year-old children using MRS agar and identified by API 50CHL. Also, 50 Candida were isolated from blood cultures using SD agar and identified by Vitek 2 instrument with YST kit. Antifungal effects of Lactobacillus bacteria on Candida were explored using well diffusion method in SD agar. Lactobacillus had the most prominent antifungal effect against on C. albicans (M29, M36), C. parapsilosis (M25, M26), C. famata (M28) and C. guilliermondii (M38) yeasts. This study shows the presence of antifungal effect of Lactobacillus on Candida isolated from blood cultures

    Probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus fermentum strains isolated from tulum cheese.

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus fermentum strains isolated from Tulum cheese. Seven L. fermentum strains were selected among the isolated and identified lactobacillus strains due to their abundance. When the gastric condition was considered, L. fermentum LP3 and LP4 were able to tolerate pH 2.5 and 1% bile salt. All L. fermentum strains had similar enzymatic activity and antibiotic resistance pattern but the highest antagonistic effect was detected within LP3, LP4 and LP6. Cholesterol assimilation amount of L. fermentum strains ranged between 12.1 and 45.3% in MRS and 20.7-71.1% in MRS with bile. The highest cholesterol assimilation in MRS and MRS with bile was occurred by LP3 and LP4, respectively. L. fermentum LP2 adhered to caco-2 cells more than Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG where LP3, LP4 and LP5 adhered at similar level. In conclusion, L. fermentum LP3 and LP4 fulfilled sufficient criteria to be probiotics for use as a starter culture in the production of tulum cheese or other dairy products. Also this study indicated that some food-associated Lactobacillus strains non-predominant for gut biota have significant probiotic potential

    Lactobacillus spp. isolated from prebiotic-derived raw goat milk: probiotic characteristics, cholesterol assimilation and folate production

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    Objectives: This work provides to evaluate cholesterol assimilation and folic acid production by determining the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus spp. from raw goat milk with prebiotic properties. Results: We isolated Lactobacilli from goat milk and identified API 50, CHL, and 16sRNA. Probiotic properties were determined according to bile salt and acidic tolerance, hydrophobicity, hemolytic activity, antibiotic sensitivity, antagonistic effect, and exopolysaccharide production. In addition, the cholesterol assimilation and folate production of cultures were determined. Conclusions: L. plantarum GM-12 and L. plantarum GM-15 showed the highest folate production and the highest cholesterol assimilation.These two strains are strong candidates for use as potential probiotics and starter cultures. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V


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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem affecting millions of people annually. Tuberculosis in children has unique features different from adults which makes the diagnosis to be more difficult. The spectrum of the symptoms of TB in children could vary from non-specific symptoms to severe clinical presentations.  In this study, we reviewed our experience at pediatric patients with active TB admitted in a tertiary hospital  and aimed to compare the epide­miological, clinical and microbiological features of  children with  the extra-pulmonary tuberculosis(EPTB) and pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB). Material and methods: Patients under 14 years of age diagnosed with active TB in our unit between December 2008 and September 2013 were included in the study. Data including demographic characteristics, clinical history, microbiology, imaging studies, medications and outcomes of the patients were collected from medical records. Results: A total of 129 cases of active TB were identified.  Ninety-two (78.6%) of the cases had Pulmonary Tuberculosis and 25 (21.4%) of the cases had Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. The most common signs and symptoms on admission were fever in 40 cases (34.2%) and cough in 81 cases (69.2%). The number of patients without symptoms including fever, cough, malaise and weight loss were significantly higher in EXPTB (72.0%) group when compared with patients in PTB group (13.0%) (p 0.05). The detection rate of source in PTB group (42.4%) was significantly higher than the rate in  EPTB group (20.0%)( p=0.04). In the drug-resistant group, no source of infection could be established in 5 of 9 patients (55.5%). Conclusions: Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis is more difficult than Pulmonary tuberculosis in children due to the various problems such as absence of associated pulmonary involvement,  lack of constitutional symptoms and negative tuberculosis exposure history compared to Pulmonary Tuberculosis. New strategies are required for improving the diagnosis of  Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in childre

    Differences between pediatric extra-pulmonary and pulmonary tuberculosis: A warning sign for the future

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. The childhood tuberculosis has some unique features different which makes the diagnosis more complicated. Here we described the epidemiologic, clinical and microbiologic features of children with extra pulmonary and pulmonary TB. Methods: The data of the patients 10 years. PTB was present in 75,0% of the cases, and EXPTB was present in 25% of cases. There was no significant difference between the EXPTB and PTB by means of distribution of age groups (p=0,201). The rate of patients free of constitutional symptoms were significantly higher in EXPTB compared to PTB(p=0,000). There was no significant difference between EXPTB and PTB by means of sources detection(p=0,069). Conclusion: TB is still a major public health problem. EXPTB has an insidious and silent onset without any constitutional symptoms, and both microbiological confirmation and the source by an adult are not frequently found. Moreover, detection of the adult source is mandatory for controlling the TB disease in children