137 research outputs found

    The partition of khorezm and the positions of Turkestanis on Razmezhevanie

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    Cold War historiography, in many instances, explained the delimitation of borders in Central Asia as a part of Moscow's divide and rule policy in Turkestan. However, the viability of this approach can be challenged by an examination of the archival documents of the time and the actual publications of the nationalities commissariat under Stalin. Among the Bolsheviks of Turkestan, Uzbeks were leading the drive towards the repartition of Turkestan, along with their Turkmen comrades who were trying to gain land from the former Khivan Khanate, at that time the People's Soviet Republic of Khorezm. The partition of Khorezm between three newly created administrative divisions, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia and Kirgizia, played a key role in the demarcation of borders in 1924. However, from the point of view of communists from the European parts of the former Tsarist Empire, as well as others from the region, delimitation was first a betrayal of internationalism; second it was an immature project both economically and theoretically; and third, it was believed that the liquidation of the traditional Muslim states of Turkestan, namely the Bukharan Emirate and the Khivan Khanate, would have a negative impact on the image of the Soviet revolution in the eyes of reformers in other Muslim countries in the Middle East

    National identity and regional integration in Central Asia : Turkestan reunion

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    Ankara : The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univesity, 2002.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2002.Includes bibliographical refences.The existing conceptual and terminological anarchy in the literature about the Central (Inner or Middle) Asian region was a starting point of this dissertation. Thus, the basic objective for this study was to review the literature as to which terms were used by whom, when and with what kinds of motives? With the final objective of trying to bring some clarifications to the field. This is a historical study with an eventual international relations repurcassions in mind. Historically, the term Turkestan has been used by many. It differs from most of its contemporary alternatives. It is not only a geographic and political term but also a politico-ethnic one, in Persian, Turkestan means “the country of Turks.” The term has also been used in the literature to cover four different names and areas: Western or Russian (then Soviet) Turkestan, Eastern or Chinese Turkestan, Southern or Afghan Turkestan as well as the Greater (Uluğ) Turkestan to encompass all. Extensive review of encyclopedical and primary sources and the researcher’s numerous interviews and long-time field observations on the subject reveal significant findings. First of all, the region was called with different names by different peoples throuought its history. However, from the 7th Century AD on, the name Turkestan has been the longest survived one. Furthermore, toward the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries, the rise of Turkestanism among the political elite of Turkestanis was witnessed. It is most likely that the liberal athmosphere of February 1917 Revolution resulted in the declaration of Turkestanist national statehoods in the region, namely Turkestan Autonomy, Bukharan and Khorezmian People’s Soviet Republics and Alaş Orda Government. The 1924 national-territorial demarcation (razmezhevanie) was not totally a product of central planning in Moscow but have had an important native initiative too. During the period between 1924 and 1991, Turkestani intelligentsia at home and abroad continued their Turkestanist stance at different levels while reaching its height when Nazi Germany decided to establish Turkestan Legions to “liberate” Turkestan from the Bolshevik tyranny. Even after 1991, when all five Union Repulics gained their independences, a search for regional integration and strengthening already existing common Central Asian-Turkestani solidarities continued with an increasing degree on the both ruling elite and opposition camps in the regional states. Although, historically, while there exists: no “Turkestani nation” in western meanings of the term, no single “Turkestanish language” in modern terms, no contemporary political entity called Turkestan, and no consensus over its geography; the concept of Turkestan has survived through the centuries and its heritage has been claimed by the modern political cadres of the region. It is hoped that, the study may provide new visions for those bewildered by the complexities of the daily politics of the region. This study explains that history and common Turkestani identity are key to understand inreasing integration efforts of Central Asian leaderships in the post-Soviet period. However, in this process the Soviet legacy and the very definitions of the ethnic identities during the Soviet period are still quite in affect despite the efforts to re-write Turkestani history by the regional administrations in the 1990s. It is also underlined that just like all three Turkestani movements at beginning of the 20th century, Basmacıs, Jadids of Turkestan Autonomy and Alaş Orda and National Communists were all Turkestanists in different levels, in the post-Soviet period, leaderships and oppositions of the independent Central Asian states use Turkestan idea and Turkestanism in different levels as well. Thus, ultimate purpose of this work is to outline the dynamics of the Turkestani regional identity and its reflections on the daily politics of Central Asian states.Karasar, Hasan AliPh.D

    Attachment-based psychosocial programme for under-privileged school children with adverse life experiences in Istanbul, Turkey

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-10-23, accepted 2022-09-27, registration 2022-09-30, pub-electronic 2022-10-08, online 2022-10-08, collection 2022-12Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements: The attachment-based psychosocial programme we implemented would not have been possible without the support we received from the Maltepe University and the local municipality where the school is located. We would like to thank professors and students from different faculties of the university, the primary school headmaster, teachers, school management, school support staff and local community and voluntary organisations for the pivotal roles they played during the formation and delivery of the psychosocial programme.Publication status: PublishedAbstract: Children experiencing educational neglect are likely to experience the harm associated with adverse life experiences and a range of emotional and psychological challenges. Using attachment theory and psychosocial frameworks, we devised and implemented an intervention designed to ameliorate the deleterious effects of challenging behaviours in an elementary school situated in a deprived neighbourhood of Istanbul, Turkey. For a period of eight months, 160 pupils received a psychosocial intervention once a week. Children’s patterns of behaviour, emotions, movements, interactivity, socialisation and interpersonal communications were observed during this period. Core activities of the intervention included library visits, reading, writing and listening games, maths games, drawing, animal animation, leaf making, ball games, parachuting games, colouring, hula-hoop and driver-car role plays. At the end of the intervention, one group of children made significant improvements in behavioural changes while no improvements were observed for another group. Although further research is required to generalize beyond the reference group, the findings suggest that a robust collaboration between inter-agency community partnership and universities can play a crucial role in responding to the needs of marginalized children with psychological and emotional problems

    Nuoret aikuiset kuluttajina sosiaalisessa mediassa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia 21–30-vuotiaiden nuorten aikuisten kuluttajakäyttäytymistä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tavoitteena oli saada mahdollisimman laaja kuva siitä, miten nuoret aikuiset hyödyntävät eri yritysten sosiaalisen median kanavia ja mitä odotuksia heillä on koskien sosiaalisen median vuorovaikutusta yritysten kanssa. Toimeksiantajana opinnäytetyölle toimi digitaaliseen markkinointiin erikoistunut mediatoimisto Kurio Oy ja toimeksianto kuului “Kuluttajakäyttäytymisen digitaalisuus” hankkeeseen, jonka Kurio Oy toteutti yhdessä Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun Leppävaaran yksikön kanssa keväällä 2014. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tarkasteltiin aluksi asiakkuuksien hallintaa ja johtamista asiakkuuksien hallinnan teorian kautta. Sen jälkeen sitä sovellettiin sosiaalisen median asiakashallintaan. Tärkeimpinä asioina opinnäytetyöhön liittyen tarkasteltiin asiakkuuksien rakentamista ja niiden ylläpitämistä. Tarkasteluun otettiin myös asiakkuuksien menettäminen. Opinnäytetyön teoriaan kuuluivat myös asiakkaiden arvot ja motivaatioteoria. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin laadullista eli kvalitatiivista tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja havainnointia. Haastattelut toteutettiin yksilöhaastatteluina keväällä 2014. Tutkimustulokset analysoitiin teemoittain ja tuloksista eroteltiin yhtäläisyydet ja poikkeavuudet. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa oli paljon yhtäläisyyksiä ja tuloksista selvisi, että nuorille aikuisille arvot ovat todella tärkeitä ja ne vaikuttavat paljon nuoren aikuisen kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen. Nuoret aikuiset ovat myös kohtuullisen vaativa kuluttajaryhmä ja he suosivat sisältöä, joka koskettaa heitä jollain tavalla. Tuloksista kävi myös ilmi, että nuoret aikuiset eivät ole tällä hetkellä täysin tyytyväisiä suomalaisten yritysten sosiaalisen median viestintään ja siksi kansainvälisten yritysten tuottama sisältö kiinnostaa heitä enemmän. Tulevaisuudelta odotetaan paljon ja nuoret aikuiset haluavat olla aktiivisesti mukana kehittämässä suomalaisten yritysten sosiaalisen median viestintää kuluttajaystävällisemmäksi. Tämän opinnäytetyön tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää edelleen “Kuluttajakäyttäytymisen Digitaalisuus” hankkeen jatkotutkimuksissa. Kurio Oy saa tulosten pohjalta ajankohtaista tietoa nuorten aikuisten kuluttajakäyttäytymisestä ja asenteista suomalaisten yritysten sosiaalisen median käyttöä kohtaan.The main purpose of this thesis is to examine customer behavior in relation to social media in the case of young adults, aged 21-30 years. The goal is to obtain a clear picture of how young adults use the different channels of social media and the kind of interaction they expect from companies there. The thesis was commissioned by the media company Kurio LLC and the assignment was part of the “Customer Behaviour in Digital Environment” project. This project was a collaborative project of Kurio LLC and Laurea University of Applied Sciences Leppävaara unit in spring 2014. The theory of managing customer relationships is at the core of the theoretical framework of this thesis. Theories of customer relationship management are first presented and then applied to a discussion of social media. The most important themes of this thesis are building and maintaining customer relationships. This thesis also covers such subjects as losing customers and a theory of values and motivation. Qualitative methods were used in the research and research data was obtained through theme interviews and observation. Interviews were in the form one-to-one interviews and were held in spring 2014. The results were analyzed thematically. Resemblances and differences were pointed out. The results indicated several resemblances and they highlighted that values are important for young adults and do affect their customer behaviour. Young adults are also a demanding customer segment. They prefer content that has some kind of effect on them. From the results it was apparent that young adults are not entirely satisfied with the content of communication of the Finnish companies in social media. Therefore young adults are at the moment more interested in foreign companies in social media. Young adults have high expectations for the future. They are willing to be actively developing the communications of the Finnish companies in social media into a more customer friendly way. The results of this thesis can be used in the future for the “Customer Behaviour in Digital Environment” project. This thesis provides Kurio LLC with the current information concerning the customer behaviour of young adults in social media. It covers the present attitudes of young adults concerning Finnish companies in social media

    Television Channel Preferences Among University Students: A Study in Ankara University in Turkey

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    The motivation for this study came out of recent development in mass media, in particular, the privatization of the broadcast system in Turkey. The changes that started with the establishment of first private television channel in 1989 and continued in the following years led the researcher to conduct a survey in order to find out how university students perceived those private television channels. It was also investigate university students\u27 attitudes towards two broadcasting systems: Public and private. Knowing about these changes in Turkey, United States and learning about theory and theoretical framework to conduct a study, the researcher decided to work on this topic: Television Channel Preferences Among University Students in Turkey. The student survey, analysis of data and interpretation of the results were carried out within a theoretical framework. Social Learning Theory was a baseline for this research and findings supported the predictions of the study and arguments of the theory

    Ketterä Prosessimalli Kiinteähintaisen Saas-projektin Toimittamisessa

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    During the recent decades, agile software process models have gained wide popularity. Emphasis has been placed on the tight customer collaboration, customer-lead requirements prioritization and on delivering the working software often, in small increments. Typically, agile models have been researched and applied in a project context where open-agreement contracts have been in use minimizing the supplier risk in the software implementation process. This thesis is a case study that examines the recommended practices of Scrum when it is used in a more untypical context of fixed-price SaaS projects in one case company. In these projects, the profit is acquired more from the use of the system rather than from the system implementation itself. First, the current challenges in the used process model are collected from the previous projects. Then, recommended practices in literature about fixed-price Scrum and organizational change management are examined in relation to the found challenges. The last part combines the challenges and practices by applying the suggestions to the case company’s process model. The improved process model is validated in the case company’s context. Four challenge factors were identified from the case company’s projects: unclear which functionalities bring customer benefits, iteration plan missing, project personnel on customer side and organizational change management difficulties on customer side. Examined literature recommends focusing on the roles and responsibilities and to requirements prioritization at the start of the project. In addition, system implementation should be based on the customer organization’s capabilities. In the case company’s context, these practices mean that in the project process model, project manager role is scaled into a business and an operative role, all requirements are managed via a centralized list and requirements prioritization is based on what the customer can achieve in its organization. This study shows that Scrum practices are applicable in a fixed-price context to manage the project scope. However, practices provide a limited guidance for supplier to affect the actions of a customer. Therefore, Scrum practices alone are not enough for managing a project where taking the system into use is an essential part of the project. A connection to organizational change theories is required.Viimeisimpien vuosikymmenien aikana ketterät ohjelmistokehitysmenetelmät ovat keränneet laajasti suosiota. Menetelmät painottavat asiakaskommunikaatiota, asiakasvetoista vaatimusten priorisointia sekä toimivan koodin toimittamista usein, pienissä osissa. Tyypillisesti ketterien menetelmien yhteydessä käytetään avoimia sopimuksia, mikä minimoi toimittajan riskin. Tämä työ on tapaustutkimus, joka käsittelee Scrum-viitekehyksen suositeltuja käytäntöjä, kun mallia sovelletaan epätyypillisessä kontekstissa kiinteähintaisissa SaaS-projekteissa yhdessä tutkimusyrityksessä. Näissä projekteissa projektin tuotot muodostuvat enemmän järjestelmän käytöstä kuin sen implementoinnista. Aluksi, nykyisen prosessimallin haasteet kerätään aikaisempien projektien perusteella. Tämän jälkeen tutkitaan kirjallisuudesta kiinteähintaisen Scrum-mallin sekä yritysten muutosjohtamisen käytäntöjä suhteessa tunnistettuihin haasteisiin. Lopuksi haasteet ja kirjallisuuden suosittelemat käytännöt yhdistetään soveltamalla niitä tutkimusyrityksen nykyisessä prosessimallissa. Tutkimusyrityksen projekteista tunnistettiin neljä haastetta: epäselvyys toiminnallisuuksista, jotka tuottavat asiakkaalle hyötyjä, puuttuva iteraatiosuunnitelma, projektihenkilöstö asiakkaan puolella sekä yrityksen muutosjohtamisen haasteet asiakkaan puolella. Tarkasteltu kirjallisuus suosittelee keskittymistä rooleihin ja vastuisiin sekä vaatimusten priorisointia projektin alussa. Tämän lisäksi järjestelmän implementoinnin tulisi pohjautua asiakasyrityksen valmiuksiin. Tutkimusyrityksen kontekstissa nämä käytännöt tarkoittavat, että tehostetussa prosessimallissa projektipäällikön rooli jaetaan kahteen erilliseen osaan liiketoiminnalliseksi ja operatiiviseksi rooliksi, vaatimuksia hallitaan keskitetyn listan kautta ja vaatimusten priorisointi pohjautuu siihen, mitä asiakas kykenee saavuttamaan omassa organisaatiossaan järjestelmän avulla. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että Scrum-mallin käytäntöjä voidaan soveltaa kiinteähintaisessa projektikontekstissa hallitsemaan projektin laajuutta. Siitä huolimatta käytännöt tarjoavat rajoitetusti ohjeita siihen, kuinka toimittaja voi vaikuttaa asiakaspuolen tekemiseen. Tästä johtuen Scrum-mallin käytännöt eivät ole yksin kattavia ohjaamaan projektia, jossa järjestelmän käyttö asiakkaan puolella on olennainen osa projektia. Scrum-mallin toimintatapojen tueksi tarvitaan käytäntöjä yrityksen muutosjohtamisen teorioista