62 research outputs found

    A Bibliography on Polish Auchenorrhyncha fauna since Nast’s Catalogus faunae Poloniae (1976) with some addenda

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    Ein Verzeichnis der 137 Veröffentlichungen zu Zikaden Polens, die nach dem Katalog von Nast (1976) erschienen sind, und ein dazu gehöriger Schlagwort-Index werden präsentiert.A list of 137 papers on Polish Auchenorrhyncha published since Nast’s catalogue (1976) with subject index is provided

    A food plant study of the Auchenorrhyncha of the Częstochowa upland, southern Poland: (Insecta, Hemiptera)

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    Auchenorrhyncha were sampled on 31 species of forbs and grasses in the years 2004-2006 in the area of Częstochowa Upland in southern Poland. Altogether, the material includes 1970 adult individuals belonging to 44 species. Auchenorrhyncha guilds for 21 plants are described and discussed

    Two new genera of flatid planthoppers from Socotra island (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae)

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    Two new monotypic genera of flatid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) are described from Socotra island (Yemen): Dixamflata gen. nov. for D. petri sp. nov. and Kesaflata gen. nov. for K. lubosi sp. nov. Habitus, male and female external and internal genital structures of the new species are illustrated and compared to similar taxa. Both new genera share an “issid-like” habitus which evolved convergently in many unrelated planthopper groups distributed in arid and semi-arid zones of the world. They might be closely related to the western Palaearctic genera Cyphopterum Melichar, 1905 and Riodeorolix Lindberg, 1956. As both new species are sub-brachypterous and were collected in plant communities specifi c to Socotra, they may represent endemics of the island

    Zachowania suicydalne wśród osób starszych

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    In Polish society, the very word “suicide” evokes many extreme emotions in people, such as fear, uncertainty, but also hostility, and even reluctance and embarrassment. Sometimes it is sadness and regret. Most people prefer to avoid this topic and live under the illusion that this problem affects only a small part of the population. However, this phenomenon exists and affects all social and age groups to an increasing extent, including the elderly, who theoretically should enjoy life to the fullest. Suicidal behavior among seniors in recent years has become a growing problem, which systematically grows stronger every year, which is clearly confirmed by the increasing number of attempts and successful suicide attacks carried out by the elderly. The aim of this article is to present the scale of the suicide phenomenon among representatives of the age group over 65, with particular emphasis on the general outline of the issue, its etiology and symptomatology. The conclusion presents in detail the models of preventive interventions that take into account social, psychological, psychiatric, criminological and victimological factors that can effectively reduce the occurrence of the phenomenon in the discussed social group.W polskim społeczeństwie już samo słowo „samobójstwo” wywołuje wiele skrajnych emocji, takich jak strach, niepewność, ale również wrogość, a nawet niechęć i zażenowanie. Czasami są to smutek i żal. Większość ludzi woli unikać tego tematu i żyć w złudnym przekonaniu, że problem ten dotyczy tylko niewielkiej części populacji. Zjawisko to jednak istnieje i w coraz większym stopniu dotyka wszystkie grupy społeczne i wiekowe, w tym także osoby starsze, które teoretycznie powinny cieszyć się życiem i w pełni z niego korzystać. Zachowania suicydalne wśród seniorów na przestrzeni ostatnich lat stają się coraz większym problemem, który z roku na rok systematycznie przybiera na sile, co wyraźnie potwierdza zwiększająca się liczba przypadków prób i skutecznych zamachów samobójczych dokonywanych przez osoby starsze. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie skali zjawiska samobójstw wśród reprezentantów grupy wiekowej powyżej 65. roku życia, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ogólnego zarysu problematyki zjawiska, jego etiologii i symptomatologii. W zakończeniu szczegółowo zaprezentowano modele oddziaływań prewencyjnych, które uwzględniając czynniki społeczne, psychologiczne, psychiatryczne i kryminologiczno-wiktymologiczne, mogą skutecznie wpłynąć na wydatne ograniczenie występowania zjawiska w omawianej grupie społecznej

    Library for advanced functions in algorithms, data structures and AI implemented in C/C++ - Olib

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    Developers of one of most popular languages used for scientific computations which is C, have a lot of libraries at their disposal. Many of those allows usage of modern platforms equipped with advanced multicore processors. Among them is BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage). They contain mainly high performance procedures operating on matrix and vectors

    Hemiptera (Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera) of the „Góry Opawskie” Landscape Park (south-western Poland)

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    Es werden die Ergebnisse von faunistischen Untersuchungen der beiden Hemipteren-Gruppen der Wanzen (Heteroptera) und Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) präsentiert, die während des 23. Auchenorrhyncha-Tagung 2016 und an weiteren Terminen der Vegetationsperioden 2016 und 2017 an 22 Standorten im Landschaftspark “Góry Opawskie” (Zuckmanteler Bergland, Südwest Polen) durchgeführt wurden. Dabei wurden insgesamt 143 Hemipteren-Arten nachgewiesen, davon 116 Zikadenarten (17 Arten der Fulgoromorpha, 99 Arten der Cicadomorpha) und 27 Wanzenarten. 3 Fulgoromorpha-Arten und 54 Cicadomorpha-Arten sind Neunachweise für die Region der Östlichen Sudeten.Summary: The collecting results of hemipteran insects (Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera) are presented which was carried out during the 23th Central European Auchenorrhyncha meeting in 2016 and on further surveys during the growing seasons of 2016 and 2017 at 22 collecting sites within the area of the “Góry Opawskie” Landscape Park. The list contains altogether 143 species of Hemiptera including 116 species of Auchenorrhyncha (17 of planthoppers, 99 of leafhoppers), and 27 species of true bugs. Three species of planthoppers and 54 species of leafhoppers were recorded as knew for the region of Eastern Sudetes

    The influence of vitamin C and E use on concentration of endothelin-1 and lipid peroxides in the serum of pregnant women with arterial hypertension

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    Introduction: Hypertension occurs in 6 to 10 percent of pregnancies. It remains one of the most common disorders in pregnancy and the leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity. The changes in blood vessel endothelium have impact on the pathogenesis of hypertension and preeclampsia. Aim: The aim of this study was to establish endothelin-1 and lipids peroxides content in blood during hypertension and the influence of vitamin C and E supplementation on the concentration of both parameters. Materials and methods: Two study groups (pregnancy complicated with hypertension, pregnancy complicated with hypertension treated with vitamins C and E) and a control group with uncomplicated pregnancies were distinguished. Blood samples from maternal peripheral venous circulation were collected and ET-1 and lipids peroxides levels were determined from the blood samples. Results: Concentration of endothelin-1 in the group with hypertension and with vitamin supplementation was increased (66.18 ± 26.66 pg/ml) in comparison with normal pregnant (36.50 ± 13.25) and hypertension group (41.02 ± 15.98). The difference was significant. Lipid peroxides concentrations were significantly higher in the group with hypertension (1.18 ± 0.69) in comparison with both groups – controls (0.73 ± 0.35) and the group with hypertension and vitamin supplementation (0.77 ± 0.42). Conclusions: No significant differences in the endothelin-1 level between healthy pregnant and pregnant women with hypertension were found. Vitamin supplementation decreases the concentrations of lipid peroxides

    The Lesniowski-Crohn disease and pregnancy – case report

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    Abstract Lesniowski-Crohn disease is an inflammatory process, involving all layers of the intestine, mesentery and regional lymph nodes. During the development of the disease, a thickening of the intestine wall, stricture of its lumen and adhesions have been observed. The aim of the study was to present the case of a 27-year-old pregnant woman with Crohn’s disease, a very rare complication of gestation

    Expression of metalloproteinase MMP-9 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TIMP-2 in placenta of pregnant women with intrauterine growth restriction

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    Introduction: The development of pregnancy depends on many factors, among other the implantation and the development of the placenta and placental vascularity. The correct course of these processes depends on the proper activity of the enzymes degradating elements of extracellular matrix and basal membrane – metalloproteinases. Objectives: Assessment of the expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 in the placenta of women with intrauterine fetal growth restriction. Material and methods: Two study groups were distinguished - with untreated IUGR and with IUGR treated with the acetylsalicylic acid and L-arginine and the control group with correct fetal growth and course of pregnancy. Marked microscope preparations from placental samples were made with specific antibodies for MMP-9 and TIMP-2. Results: The greatest intensity of the reaction and the villous TIMP-2 expression was characteristic of the group with untreated IUGR. Strongest expression MMP-9 was observed in the control group. The smallest surface of the trophoblast with positive MMP-9 reaction appeared in the group with untreated IUGR. Conclusions: High MMP-9 activity in the placenta correlates with its correct structure and function. Application of IUGR treatment reduces the expression of TIMP-2 in the placental villi