353 research outputs found

    Staropolska edukacja wojskowa w kontekście szlacheckiej aksjologii. Jan Ryś, Żołnierska paideia. Wychowanie i szkolenie wojskowe w Polsce XVI–XVII wieku, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie, Kraków 2019, ss. 752.

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    The monograph by Jan Ryś deserves recognition owing to a number of reasons. It is due to the references to numerous sources, interdisciplinary narration, and therefore, the wide-ranging discourse that includes previous findings, which are complemented by the authorial novum. Thanks to the undertaken measures, the reader is granted a complementary, comprehensive publication, inclusive towards a broad research perspective, at the same time based on a consistent argumentation, which ultimately resulted in a coherent, firmly established in the atmosphere of the epoch, work. Texts of this kind, as opposed to those of a narrow scope of interest, are particularly valuable as they inspire scientific discussions. In the case of Żołnierska paideia one should consider an opinion, popular, though controversial as it is presented in the literature on the subject, that for the benefit of self-interest and opportunism of nobles the soldier’s morale has undergone gradual devaluation. Meanwhile, as it is proven by the sources of the period, the viewpoint does not find its confirmation in the old-Polish standards. Not only in the relatively peaceful 16th century, but also in the scarred by the constant wars 17th century, it is difficult to find even a hint of acknowledgement towards the negligence of the current norms. The deviations did occur in the heat of battle, which caused massive losses and bankruptcies. They did not lead, however, to the depreciation of the then principles, which for a long time have set a course of the noble axiology.Monografia Jana Rysia z wielu względów zasługuje na uwagę. Przesądzają o tym odniesienia do licznych źródeł, interdyscyplinarna narracja, a co za tym idzie wielowątkowy dyskurs, uwzględniający dotychczasowe ustalenia, uzupełnione o autorskie novum. Dzięki tym zabiegom do rąk czytelników trafiła publikacja komplementarna, panoramiczna, uwzględniająca szeroką perspektywę badawczą, a przy tym oparta na logicznym wywodzie, co w ostatecznym rozrachunku przełożyło się na pracę spójną treściowo i mocno osadzoną w realiach epoki. Tego rodzaju prace, w przeciwieństwie do tych o wąskim spectrum badawczym, mają tę zaletę, że inspirują do naukowej dyskusji. W przypadku Żołnierskiej paidei za kontrowersyjną, acz dość popularną w literaturze przedmiotu, należy uznać opinię o stopniowej dewaluacji morale żołnierskiego, zwłaszcza w XVII w., na rzecz szlacheckiej prywaty i koniunkturalizmu. Tymczasem, jak zaświadczają źródła z epoki, taki pogląd nie znajduje potwierdzenia w staropolskich standardach. Nie tylko w stosunkowo spokojnym XVI stuleciu, ale także w naznaczonym licznymi wojnami XVII w., trudno szukać choćby cienia akceptacji dla lekceważenia obowiązujących norm. Nie oznacza to, że w nieustannym ogniu walk skutkującym masowymi stratami i bankructwami, takie odstępstwa się nie zdarzały. Nigdy jednak nie przekładały się na obniżenie rangi obowiązujących standardów, które na mocy długiego trwania długo jeszcze wyznaczały azymut szlacheckiej aksjologii

    Cercosporoid fungi of Poland

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    Perceived consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and childbearing intentions in Poland

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    Objective: We aim to investigate how the perceived consequences of COVID-19 affect people's childbearing intentions in Poland. Background: With the pandemic having an impact on virtually all spheres of people's lives, some evidence already exists that it will lead to fertility postponement, as people are reluctant to make their reproductive choices in such uncertain times. Method: We analyse a nationally representative sample of 1000 respondents aged 18-49. In the sample, 234 respondents declared that they had intended to have a child before the outbreak of the pandemic and about 20% of them stated having postponed or foregone their intention because of COVID-19. We perform logistic regression analyses to verify which perceived consequences of the pandemic are most decisive for this choice. We supplement our analyses with insights from qualitative, open-ended question on the effects of the pandemic. Results: We find that people’s decision to postpone childbearing is related to respondents' perceived lower sense of financial security and worse mental well-being in the pandemic. In the model, where both factors are included, only mental well-being remains significant. Qualitative analyses point to several other factors important to fertility decisions in the pandemic, e.g., women's fear of lonely childbirth. Conclusion: People’s decision to postpone childbearing because of COVID-19 is mostly related to pandemic-induced financial insecurity and this effect seems to be mediated by the psychological reaction to the situation.Fragestellung: Diese Studie untersucht, wie die wahrgenommenen Konsequenzen von COVID-19 die Fortpflanzungsabsichten der Polen beeinflussen. Hintergrund: Die Pandemie betrifft praktisch alle Lebensbereiche der Menschen. Es gibt bereits einige Hinweise darauf, dass sie zu einer aufgeschobenen Fertilität führen wird, da die Menschen in solch unsicheren Zeiten zögern, reproduktive Entscheidungen zu treffen. Methode: Wir analysieren eine bundesweit repräsentative Stichprobe von 1000 Befragten im Alter von 18-49 Jahren. In der Stichprobe der Studie gaben 234 Befragte an, dass sie vor dem Ausbruch der Pandemie beabsichtigten, ein Kind zu bekommen, und etwa 20% gaben an, dass sie diese Absicht aufgrund von COVID-19 verschoben oder aufgegeben haben. Wir führen logistische Regressionsanalysen durch, um zu testen, welche wahrgenommenen Folgen der Pandemie für diese Wahl entscheidend sind. Wir ergänzen unsere Analysen mit Erkenntnissen aus qualitativen, offenen Fragen zu den Auswirkungen der Pandemie. Ergebnisse: Wir finden, dass die Entscheidung der Menschen, ihre Pläne für Kinder zu verschieben, mit dem wahrgenommenen geringeren Gefühl der finanziellen Sicherheit und dem schlechteren psychologischen Wohlbefinden der Befragten während einer Pandemie zusammenhängt. In einem Modell, in dem beide Faktoren enthalten sind, bleibt nur das psychische Wohlbefinden signifikant. Qualitative Analysen weisen auf mehrere andere Faktoren hin, die für Fertilitätsentscheidungen in der Pandemie relevant sind, z.B. die Angst der Frauen, allein zu gebären. Schlussfolgerung: Die Entscheidung, die Empfängnis aufgrund von COVID-19 zu verschieben, hängt hauptsächlich mit der pandemiebedingten finanziellen Unsicherheit zusammen und scheint durch die psychologische Reaktion auf die Situation vermittelt zu werden

    Einige Bemerkungen zu Theorie und Methode der literaturwissenschaftlichen Imagologie und der Fremdheitsforschung

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    Some remarks about the theory and method of comparativist imagology and of the study of strangeness in literary worksThe paper is an attempt to present my own complementary hermeneutic conceptions of the interpretation of strangeness in literary works comparativist imagology and the two concepts of strangeness, based on Paul Ricoeur's and Bernhard Waldenfels’s hermeneutic phenomenology, which I apply in three short interpretations of Heimito von Doderer’s story Das letzte Abenteuer. Ein Ritterroman (the third version of 1936)

    Eco-Labelling as a Tool of CSR: Opportunities and Threats

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    Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept which, although it is developing for many years, it is constantly improved in both terms – theoretical and practical. In theory area are creating new definitions and new areas for action shots and in practice area are sought new instruments that could be used in pro-social activities. In this way, more and more expanding a set of tools that are available for socially responsible companies. In this article will be discuss the eco-labeling, which is an instrument belonging to the traditional set of activities in the framework of CSR. Eco-labeling is relatively poorly described issue in literature. In practical area, we can also find deficiencies. Analyzing the areas of corporate social responsibility calculated by ISO 26000, eco-labeling can be included into the area of the environment, fair operating practices and consumer issues. This shows how multi-dimensional issue is the use of eco-labeling. This fact creates the possibility of assessing this practices of different points of view - companies , consumers and the environment. The purpose of this article is to identify opportunities and risks associated with the use of ecolabelling as a tool of CSR. In this article the authors will show that the activity in the area of eco-labeling not only builds the image of a socially responsible company, but also translates to specific business benefits. In addition, the authors will attempt to assess the proportion of customers for products marked with eco-labeling. Analysis of the problem will be based on the available literature in the field of corporate social responsibility, marketing, sustainable development and environmental protection.Urszula Gołaszewska- Kaczan: [email protected] Kruk: [email protected] Śleszyńska-Świderska: [email protected] hab. Urszula Gołaszewska- Kaczan, prof. UwB – Faculty of Economics and Management, University of BialystokMarek Kruk, Ph.D. – Faculty of Economics and Management, University of BialystokAnna Śleszyńska-Świderska, M.A. – Faculty of Economics and Management, University of BialystokAllaire Y., Firsirotu M. 2000 Myślenie strategiczne, PWN, Warszawa.Atănăsoaie G. S. 2013 Eco-Label and its Role in the Development of Organic Products Mar-ket, “Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition”, Vol. 16, Issue 1.Bostrom M., Klintman M. 2011 Eco-Standards, Product Labeling and Green Consumerism, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.Canadian Democracy and Corporate Accountability Commission, 2001, An Overview of Issues.Carnegie A. 1933 The Gospel of Wealth, Garden City.Carroll A. B. 1982 A Three-Dimensinal Conceptual Model of Corporate Perfomance, [in:] W. R. Allen, L. K. Bragaw, Social Forces and the Manager. Readings and Cases, John Wiley& Sons, New York (et al.).Cooper T., Ludlow M., Clift T. 2012 Examining the Role of Eco-Labels in Changing the Approach to Sustainability in the Commercial Fisheries, Greener Management Interna-tional, Issue 57.Dočekalová M., Straková J. 2011 The Influence of the Eco-Labelling on Consumer Behavior in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, “Economics and Management”, 16.Electronic document, access mode: [file:///C:/Users/Enigma/Downloads/COM_2013_196_PL_ACTE_f.pdf, retrieved: 14.10. 2014].Electronic document, access mode: [http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/flash/fl_367_sum_en.pdf, retrived: 11.10.2014].Electronic document, access mode: [http://ecodialog.pl/sites/default/files/discovering_iso_26000PL.pdf, retrieved: 15.10.2014].Electronic document, access mode: [http://www.26k-estimation.com/html/user_ guides_iso_26000.html#user-guides, retrieved: 15.10.2014].Electronic document, access mode: [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/docs_ autres_institutions/commission_europeenne/swd/2013/0112/COM_SWD(2013)0112_PL.pdf, retrieved; 10.10. 2014].Electronic document, access mode: [http://www.pkn.pl/iso-26000, retrieved: 15.10.2014].Electronic document, access mode: [https://www.iisd.org/business/markets/eco_label_ benefits.aspx, retrieved: 18.09.2104].Electronic document, access mode: [https://www.mos.gov.pl/g2/big/2012_11/037ac15934792054904ccafce588677c.pdf, retrieved: 16.10.2014].Gallastegui I. G. 2012 The Use of Eco-labels: A Review of the Literature, “European Environment”, No. 12.Hancock R., Korsten P., Pohle G. 2003 On Demand Business: the New AGENDA FOR Value Creation, An IBM Institute for Business Value Futures Series, [in:] P. Banaszyk, Zmienność zarządzania strategicznego przedsiębiorstwem, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, Poznań 2011.OECD 1997 Eco-Labelling: Actual Effects of Selected Programmes, Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development, Paris.Thogersen J. 2000 Psychological Determinants of Paying Attention to Eco-Labels in Purchase Decisions: Model Development and Multinational Validation, “Journal of Consumer Policy” 23.179-1925(77)17919

    Priests in the Eyes of Young People: Is This Issue in Mental Health Professionals’ Interest?

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    Baniak, J. (2013) The Image of the Priest in the Awareness of Polish Youth: A Sociological Study (Münster: LIT) 168 pp., 23,5 cm, ISBN 978-3-643-90380-

    Vielfalt oder Chaos? Einige Bemerkungen zur Terminologie der literaturwissenschaftlichen Imagologie

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    Imagology, a sub-discipline of comparative literary studies, has had a history of more than fifty years of research on the national and/or ethnic strangeness/otherness in literary texts. My paper will present some recent terminological concepts of imagology (as proposed by Hugo Dyserinck, Joep Leerssen and Manfred Beller, Daniel-Henri Pageaux, Jean-Marc Moura, Ernst Grabovszki), complemented by my own terminological approach

    Current methods for the synthesis of homogeneous antibody–drug conjugates

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    AbstractDevelopment of efficient and safe cancer therapy is one of the major challenges of the modern medicine. Over the last few years antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs) have become a powerful tool in cancer treatment with two of them, Adcetris® (brentuximab vedotin) and Kadcyla® (ado-trastuzumab emtansine), having recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Essentially, an ADC is a bioconjugate that comprises a monoclonal antibody that specifically binds tumor surface antigen and a highly potent drug, which is attached to the antibody via either cleavable or stable linker. This approach ensures specificity and efficacy in fighting cancer cells, while healthy tissues remain largely unaffected.Conventional ADCs, that employ cysteine or lysine residues as conjugation sites, are highly heterogeneous. This means that the species contain various populations of the ADCs with different drug-to-antibody ratios (DARs) and different drug load distributions. DAR and drug-load distribution are essential parameters of ADCs as they determine their stability and efficacy. Therefore, various drug-loaded forms of ADCs (usually from zero to eight conjugated molecules per antibody) may have distinct pharmacokinetics (PK) in vivo and may differ in clinical performance. Recently, a significant progress has been made in the field of site-specific conjugation which resulted in a number of strategies for synthesis of the homogeneous ADCs. This review describes newly-developed methods that ensure homogeneity of the ADCs including use of engineered reactive cysteine residues (THIOMAB), unnatural amino acids, aldehyde tags, enzymatic transglutaminase- and glycotransferase-based approaches and novel chemical methods. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the limitation of these methods emphasizing the need for further improvement in the ADC design and development