119 research outputs found

    Proposal of Assembly Line for the Screw Compressor

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem montážní linky v podniku Ingersoll-Rand CZ s.r.o. V úvodu je popsána problematika mapování hodnotového toku materiálu, produktivity výroby a ergonomie práce. V praktické části je vypracován popis současného stavu výrobní linky, stručné seznámení s jednotlivými pracovišti a kapacitní výpočty současného stavu. Po zhodnocení stávajícího stavu jsou navrženy dvě varianty montážních linek. V závěru bylo provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení nového návrhu a posouzení zlepšení ergonomie práce a finanční návratnosti.The master’s thesis introduces a design of the assembly line in the company Ingersoll-Rand CZ, s.r.o. First the issue of mapping the value stream of material, manufacturing productivity and work ergonomics are described. In the practical part of the thesis a description of current state of production line, brief introduction to each workplace and capacity calculations of the current state are elaborated. After evaluation of the current state, two versions of solution are designed considering the ballast balance of particular workplaces. In conclusion, the economic evaluation of the new design and the improvement of ergonomics and financial return was carried out.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievýborn

    The Proposal of Assembly Line for Air Blowers

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    Import 23/07/2015Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem montážní linky v podniku Ingersoll-Rand CZ s.r.o. Nejprve je popsána problematika mapování hodnotového toku materiálu, produktivity výroby a ergonomie práce. V praktické části je vypracován popis současného stavu výrobní linky, stručné seznámení s jednotlivými pracovišti a kapacitní výpočty současného stavu. Po zhodnocení současného stavu jsou navrženy tři varianty montážních linek. V závěru bylo provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení nového návrhu, zlepšení ergonomie práce a finanční návratnosti.The bachelor’s thesis introduces the design of the assembly line in the company Ingersoll-Rand CZ, s.r.o. First the issue of mapping the value stream of material, manufacturing productivity and work ergonomics are described. In the practical part of the thesis a description of current state of production line, brief introduction of each workplace and capacity calculations of the current state are elaborated. After evaluation of the current state, three versions of solution are designed considering the ballast balance of particular workplaces. In conclusion, the economic evaluation of the new design, the improvement of ergonomics and financial return was carried out.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievýborn

    Production single parts from thermoplastic "Magazine cover"

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá technologií vstřikování termoplastů. Teoretická část popisuje současné poznání v oblasti vstřikování termoplastů a shrnuje doporučení pro konstrukci vstřikovací formy. V praktické části je řešena konstrukce prototypové formy pro zadaný výlisek. Tato část zahrnuje i technologickou analýzu výlisku. Vlastní konstrukce formy je provedena v programu Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0. Výstupem je výkresová dokumentace. V samotném závěru práce je proveden ekonomický rozbor nákladů na výrobu nástroje.The Bachelor´s thesis is concerned about thermoplastic injection technology. In the theoretical part are described actual knowledge in branch of thermoplastic injection and there are summarized the recommendations for design of injection mould also. The practical part describes the prototype injection mould design for designated plastic part. One of chapters includes technology analysis of plastic part. The mould is projected in Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0 software including complete technical documentation . In the end of this thesis is performed economic analysis of production costs.

    Forestry cableway remote diagnostics

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    Práce se zaměřuje na popis elektroniky a ovladačů těžebních lanovek Larix. Důraz je kladen na řídicí systém mj. pracující s GSM modemem zajišťujícím komunikaci se vzdáleným monitorovacím střediskem. Rozbor potřeby lokální i vzdálené diagnostiky vede k definici požadavků na komunikační kanál, který je třeba zajistit. Jako nejvýhodnější řešení je navrženo využít GSM síť a komunikovat prostřednictvím standardizovaných průmyslových modemů připojených přes port RS232. Hlavní část práce obsahuje specifika a možnosti komunikace prostřednictvím GPRS služby. Je navržen a naprogramován kompletní komunikační kanál včetně serveru, který předává datové packety mezi jednotlivými klienty. Závěrečná část shrnuje dosažené výsledky a výstupy z testování sestaveného řešení včetně datové propustnosti a rychlosti odezvy. Zároveň jsou na základě získaných zkušeností doporučeny některé postupy pro finální implementaci při vývoji a výrobě nových typů lanovek.This bachelor's thesis focuses on description of electronics and controllers of forestry cableways Larix. The stress is laid on controlling system among others working with GSM modem securing the communication with remote monitoring centre. The analysis of the need of local as well as remote diagnostics leads to definition of requirements for communication channel that needs to be secured. Applying GSM net and communicate through standardised industrial modems connected through port RS232 is suggested as the most effective solution. The main part of the dissertation includes particularities and possibilities of communication through GPRS service. All-embracing communication channel including the server that transfers data packets among particular clients is designed and programmed. The final part summarizes achieved results and outputs of testing compiled solution including data throughput and response. Simultaneously based on acquired experience some procedures for final implementation in evolution and production of new types of cableways are recommended.

    Advanced processing of ophthalmologic videosequences of retinal images

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    Tato práce se zabývá registrací a analýzou snímků z experimentální nízkonákladové fundus kamery dosahující nízkého SNR (kolem 10 dB) a nízkého časového i prostorového rozlišení. Cílem diplomové práce je prozkoumání možností digitálních úprav vedoucích k vytvoření videosekvence mající reálný přínos pro lékařskou diagnostiku. K registraci je použit známý program elastix; předregistrační filtry i interpolace snímků jsou implementovány v Matlabu. Program poskytuje široké možnosti nastavení, z nichž bylo mnoho variant otestováno a vyhodnoceno. K posouzení dosažené přesnosti jsou vyhodnocovány prostorové odchylky v detekovaném pohybu cév. Nejlepších výsledků s přesností pod 0.3 px bylo dosaženo použitím pásmové propusti, vhodně velké masky a rigidní registrace s metrikou vzájemné informace. Testované sekvence se podařilo registrovat dostatečně přesně pro vizuální hodnocení i základní výpočetní analýzy. Hlavním přínosem této práce jsou zregistrované sekvence a vytvořená aplikace, které mohou být využity při dalším vývoji experimentální kamery.The diploma thesis deals with registration and analysis of images from the experimental low-cost fundus camera that reaches a low SNR (around 10 dB) and low temporal and spatial resolution. The aim of the diploma tesis is to explore the possibilities of digital processing leading to the creation of a videosequence that has real benefits for medical diagnostics. The well-known program elastix is used for registration. Preprocessing filters and interpolation are implemented in Matlab. The program provides a wide range of setting options, out of which many combinations were tested and evaluated. To assess the accuracy achieved, spatial variations in the detected motion of blood-vessels are evaluated. Best results with a precision below 0.3 px were achieved by using a band-pass filter, a~suitably sized mask, rigid registration and a metric of the mutual information. Test sequences were registered precisely enough both for visual assessment and basic computational analysis. Registered sequences and the developed application that both can be used in the further development of the experimental camera are the main contributions of the diploma thesis.

    Production of car wheel cover

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na technologii vstřikování termoplastů a zejména na tepelnou bilanci nástroje. V teoretické části, literární studii, je stručně popsáno současné poznání v těchto oblastech. V praktické části je řešena konstrukce nástroje pro výrobu konkrétního plastového výlisku. Důraz je kladen na návrh a výběr nejvhodnějšího temperačního systému nástroje a na optimalizaci technologických nastavení vstřikovacího procesu. Návrhy jsou hodnoceny s využitím simulačního softwaru Cadmould 3D-F. V závěru je zpracován ekonomický rozbor nákladů na výrobu plastového dílce.The Master’s thesis is concentrated on a thermoplastic injection technology and in particular on heat balance of tool. In the theoretical part, literary study, is shortly described actual knowledge in these branches. In the practical part is solved the design of tool for production of the specific plastic part. This thesis insists on the proposal and selection of applicable cooling system in the tool and on optimization of the technology parameters of injection proces. Those proposals are evaluated by simulation software Cadmould 3D-F. In the end of this thesis is performed the economic analysis of plastic part production costs.

    Phylogeny of Annelida (Lophotrochozoa): total-evidence analysis of morphology and six genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Annelida is one of the major protostome phyla, whose deep phylogeny is very poorly understood. Recent molecular phylogenies show that Annelida may include groups once considered separate phyla (Pogonophora, Echiurida, and Sipunculida) and that Clitellata are derived polychaetes. SThe "total-evidence" analyses combining morphological and molecular characters have been published for a few annelid taxa. No attempt has yet been made to analyse simultaneously morphological and molecular information concerning the Annelida as a whole.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phylogenetic relationships within Annelida were analysed on the basis of 93 morphological characters and sequences of six genes (<it>18S</it>, <it>28S</it>, and <it>16S rRNA</it>, <it>EF1α</it>, <it>H3</it>, <it>COI</it>), altogether, 87 terminals of all annelid "families" and 3,903 informative characters, by Bayesian and maximum-parsimony methods. The analysis of the combined dataset yields the following scheme of relationships: Phyllodocida and Eunicida are monophyletic groups, together probably forming monophyletic Aciculata (incl. Orbiniidae and Parergodrilidae that form a sister group of the Eunicida). The traditional "Scolecida" and "Canalipalpata" are both polyphyletic, forming instead two clades: one including Cirratuliformia and the "sabelloid-spionoid clade" (incl. <it>Sternaspis</it>, Sabellidae-Serpulidae, Sabellariidae, Spionida s.str.), the other ("terebelloid-capitelloid clade") including Terebelliformia, Arenicolidae-Maldanidae, and Capitellidae-Echiurida. The Clitellata and "clitellate-like polychaetes" (Aeolosomatidae, Potamodrilidae, <it>Hrabeiella</it>) form a monophyletic group. The position of the remaining annelid groups is uncertain – the most problematic taxa are the Opheliidae-Scalibregmatidae clade, the Amphinomida-<it>Aberranta </it>clade, <it>Apistobranchus</it>, Chaetopteridae, Myzostomida, the Sipunculida-Dinophilidae clade, and the "core Archiannelida" (= Protodrilidae, Nerillidae, Polygordiidae, Saccocirridae).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The combined ("total-evidence") phylogenetic analysis provides a modified view of annelid evolution, with several higher-level taxa, i.e. Phyllodocida, Eunicida, orbinioid-parergodrilid clade (OPC), Cirratuliformia, sabelloid-spionoid clade (SSC), terebelloid-capitelloid clade (TCC), and "Clitellatomorpha". Two unorthodox clades, the "core Archiannelida" and Sipunculida-Dinophilidae, are proposed. Although the deep-level evolutionary relationships of Annelida remain poorly understood, we propose the monophyly of the Aciculata, sister-group relationships between the Eunicida and OPC, between the Cirratuliformia and SSC, and possibly also between the "Clitellatomorpha" and Oweniidae-Pogonophora clades.</p

    Accelerated shape forming and recovering, induction, and release of adhesiveness of conductive carbon nanotube/epoxy composites by joule heating

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    The versatile properties of a nanopaper consisting of a porous network of multi-walled carbon nanotubes were applied to enhance the mechanical and electrical properties of a thermosetting epoxy polymer. The embedded nanopaper proved useful both in the monitoring of the curing process of the epoxy resin by the self-regulating Joule heating and in the supervising of tensile deformations of the composite by detecting changes in its electrical resistance. When heated by Joule heating above its glass transition temperature, the embedded carbon nanotube nanopaper accelerated not only the modelling of the composites into various shapes, but also the shape recovery process, wherein the stress in the nanopaper was released and the shape of the composite reverted to its original configuration. Lastly, in comparison with its respective epoxy adhesive, the internally heated electro-conductive carbon nanotube nanopaper/epoxy composite not only substantially shortened curing time while retaining comparable strength of the adhesive bonding of the steel surfaces, but also enabled a release of such bonds by repeated application of DC current. © 2020 by the authors.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic-Program NPU I [LO1504]; Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations - European Regional Development FundEuropean Union (EU); national budget of the Czech Republic [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409]; Fund of the Institute of Hydrodynamics [AV0Z20600510

    Ethylene-octene-copolymer with embedded carbon and organic conductive nanostructures for thermoelectric applications

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    Hybrid thermoelectric composites consisting of organic ethylene-octene-copolymer matrices (EOC) and embedded inorganic pristine and functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers or organic polyaniline and polypyrrole particles were used to form conductive nanostructures with thermoelectric properties, which at the same time had sufficient strength, elasticity, and stability. Oxygen doping of carbon nanotubes increased the concentration of carboxyl and C-O functional groups on the nanotube surfaces and enhanced the thermoelectric power of the respective composites by up to 150%. A thermocouple assembled from EOC composites generated electric current by heat supplied with a mere short touch of the finger. A practical application of this thermocouple was provided by a self-powered vapor sensor, for operation of which an electric current in the range of microvolts sufficed, and was readily induced by (waste) heat. The heat-induced energy ensured the functioning of this novel sensor device, which converted chemical signals elicited by the presence of heptane vapors to the electrical domain through the resistance changes of the comprising EOC composites. © 2020 by the authors.Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)European Union (EU); Operational Program Education for Competitiveness - European Social Fund (ESF); National Budget of the Czech Republic [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0111, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0104]; Fund of Institute of Hydrodynamics [AV0Z20600510

    Imaging plant germline differentiation within Arabidopsis flowers by light sheet microscopy

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    In higher plants, germline differentiation occurs during a relatively short period within developing flowers. Understanding of the mechanisms that govern germline differentiation lags behind other plant developmental processes. This is largely because the germline is restricted to relatively few cells buried deep within floral tissues, which makes them difficult to study. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a methodology for live imaging of the germ cell lineage within floral organs of Arabidopsis using light sheet fluorescence microscopy. We have established reporter lines, cultivation conditions, and imaging protocols for high-resolution microscopy of developing flowers continuously for up to several days. We used multiview imagining to reconstruct a three-dimensional model of a flower at subcellular resolution. We demonstrate the power of this approach by capturing male and female meiosis, asymmetric pollen division, movement of meiotic chromosomes, and unusual restitution mitosis in tapetum cells. This method will enable new avenues of research into plant sexual reproduction.Web of Science9art. no. e5254