33 research outputs found

    Coaching emerytalny – w perspektywie osób na emeryturze

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    The article is empirical in nature. The purpose of the study was to expand knowledge about attitudes toward retirement and the desire to plan for it using coaching. People who are in retirement, but not longer than 7 years, were invited to participate in the study. A quantitative research procedure was adopted, and a diagnostic survey method was used including a questionnaire technique, which was conducted on 107 people. The general conclusion of the research is that the Polish pensioner has a positive attitude to retirement and wants to be active and enjoy it as long as possible. Not many retirees sufficiently prepare for this stage in their lives. However, most of those surveyed are not interested in using coaching for retirement planning. Only about 29-32% of respondents are those who might be interested in the support of a retirement coach.Artykuł ma charakter empiryczny. Celem badania było poszerzenie wiedzy na temat podejścia do emerytury i chęci jej planowania z wykorzystaniem coachingu. Do badania zaproszono osoby, które znajdują się na emeryturze, lecz nie dłużej niż 7 lat. Przyjęto ilościowy tok postępowania badawczego i zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, w tym technikę ankiety, która została przeprowadzona wśród 107 osób. Ogólny wniosek z przeprowadzonych badań jest taki, że polski emeryt ma pozytywny stosunek do emerytury; chce być na niej jak najdłużej aktywnym i cieszyć się z niej. Niewielu emerytów dostatecznie dobrze przygotowuje się do tego etapu w życiu. Większość badanych nie jest jednak zainteresowana wykorzystaniem coachingu przy planowaniu emerytury. Tylko około 29-32% badanych to osoby, które mogą być zainteresowane wsparciem coacha emerytalnego

    Metody pracy doradcy zawodowego – wybrane wyniki badań własnych

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    Two contexts play an extremely important role in the transformation of the entire counselling system, which evolves from vocational counselling to career counselling: economic and socio-cultural. The transformations resulting from these contexts transform not only the tasks and objectives of guidance activities, but also require the use of specific working methods that are able to respond to the needs and expectations of contemporary counsellors. Vocational guidance is a type of activity that evolves both in terms of content and the methods, techniques and tools used. The information contained in this publication concerns the analysis of the results of own research concerning the methods of work used by vocational advisor’s and an attempt to answer the question: do these methods open up space for the application of coaching in vocational counselling for adults?W przeobrażeniach całego poradnictwa, które ewoluuje od poradnictwa zawodowego ku poradnictwu kariery odgrywają niezwykle istotną rolę dwa konteksty: ekonomiczny i społeczno-kulturowy. Przemiany wynikające z tych kontekstów przekształcają nie tylko zadania i cele działań doradczych, ale wymuszają stosowanie określonych metod pracy, które są w stanie odpowiedzieć na potrzeby i oczekiwania współczesnych radzących się. Poradnictwo zawodowe stanowi rodzaj działalności, która ewoluuje zarówno w zakresie treści merytorycznej, jak i stosowanych metod, technik i narzędzi. Zawarte w niniejszej publikacji informacje dotyczą analizy wyników badań własnych odnoszących się do metod pracy, jakimi posługują się doradcy zawodowi, i próbie odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy metody te otwierają przestrzeń do zastosowania coachingu w poradnictwie zawodowym dla osób dorosłych

    Formy pracy doradcy zawodowego – wybrane wyniki badań własnych

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    Based on the literature of a career counselor and coach methodology, the author of this publication tries to present what connects and what divides both working models with a client and how counseling and coaching model process looks like according to literature. The author tries to answer the question: Can coaching be one of the forms of career counseling for adults? Career counseling is a type of activity that evolves both in terms of substantive content and the methods, techniques and tools used. The information contained in this publication refers to the analysis of the results of own research regarding the most frequently used form of work with a client in adult career guidance.Bazując na literaturze dotyczącej zagadnień metodyki pracy doradcy zawodowego i coacha, autor niniejszej publikacji stara się przedstawić co łączy, a co dzieli obie propozycje pracy z klientem, jak wygląda według literatury wzorcowy proces sytuacji poradniczej i coachingu. Autor stara się w ten sposób odpowiedzieć na pytanie: Czy coaching może być jedną z form poradnictwa zawodowego dla osób dorosłych? Poradnictwo zawodowe stanowi rodzaj działalności, która ewoluuje zarówno w zakresie treści merytorycznej, jak i stosowanych metod, technik i narzędzi. Zawarte w niniejszej publikacji informacje dotyczą analizy wyników badań własnych dotyczącej kwestii najczęściej stosowanej formy pracy z klientem w poradnictwie zawodowym osób dorosłych

    Robotic process automation in logistics : a case study of a production company

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is an analysis of the implementation of robotic process automation in the logistics processes of a selected production company (case study).DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The following research methods were used: desk research and case study. The results of the research can be used in terms of recommendations for entrepreneurs in the approach to implementing the RPA concept, and thus improving the functioning of the organization.FINDINGS: The results of the research can be used in terms of recommendations for entrepreneurs in the approach to implementing the RPA concept, and thus improving the functioning of the organization. The term Robotic Process Automation (RPA) appeared relatively recently, but the phenomenon itself has been around for a long time.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Logistics processes, and in particular the costs related to their implementation, are an important element of the economic process. Automation of logistics processes related to logistics processes, and even entire production lines, is becoming a global trend. At the same time, the implementation of this type of improvements and innovations can be carried out in virtually any organization, regardless of the industry and scale of activity. Based on the case study, it was shown that the robotic automation of processes in the logistics of the tested production company contributed to the reduction of the total costs of the entity by about 10%.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The added value of the article is related to tracing the effects of RPA application in the field of logistics processes of a production company - thanks to which it is possible to indicate benefits in the case of a relatively small scale of activity (entity from the SME sector).This article is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development 2014-2020 within the realization of “The Integrated Programme of Poznan School of Logistics” (no. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z089/17).peer-reviewe

    Zarządzanie talentami w organizacji

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    The purpose of this article is to present the issues related to talent management in organizations operating in today’s economic and social conditions. The article suggests the hypothesis, that talent management is an important element of administration of modern organizations, leading to their success.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie tematyki związanej z zarządzaniem talentami w organizacjach. W pracy przyjęto tezę, iż zarządzanie talentami to istotny element wchodzący w strukturę administrowania nowoczesnymi organizacjami, przyczyniający się do ich sukcesu

    The progress of digitalization of logistics management in the enterprise caused by the Covid-19 pandemic

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the research is to analyse the progress of logistics management digitization as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in enterprises (based on survey research).DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: As part of the research, the following research methods were used in this paper, desk research, elements of descriptive statistics and a survey research.FINDINGS: When analysing the results of the study, it is possible to indicate an increase in the level of logistics management digitization as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was most often pointed out that the top management of organizations is currently performing coordinated duties in terms of setting goals, developing strategic visions and plans for the digitization of all logistics processes.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of the research may constitute a recommendation for entrepreneurs in the matter of the approach to logistics management digitization, as well as creating a strategy and a plan for digitization - in the context of benchmarking the progress in this area against other organizations.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Digitization is nowadays an indispensable feature of the functioning of a company's logistics. Today, digitization is perceived as a key driver in the transformation of logistics management, and the main benefit of digitization is the reduction of logistics costs.This article is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development 2014-2020 within the realization of “The Integrated Programme of Poznan School of Logistics” (no. POWR.03.05.00-00-Z089/17).peer-reviewe

    ProTheRaMon : a GATE simulation framework for proton therapy range monitoring using PET imaging

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    Objective. This paper reports on the implementation and shows examples of the use of the ProTheRaMon framework for simulating the delivery of proton therapy treatment plans and range monitoring using positron emission tomography (PET). ProTheRaMon offers complete processing of proton therapy treatment plans, patient CT geometries, and intra-treatment PET imaging, taking into account therapy and imaging coordinate systems and activity decay during the PET imaging protocol specific to a given proton therapy facility. We present the ProTheRaMon framework and illustrate its potential use case and data processing steps for a patient treated at the Cyclotron Centre Bronowice (CCB) proton therapy center in Krakow, Poland. Approach. The ProTheRaMon framework is based on GATE Monte Carlo software, the CASToR reconstruction package and in-house developed Python and bash scripts. The framework consists of five separated simulation and data processing steps, that can be further optimized according to the user’s needs and specific settings of a given proton therapy facility and PET scanner design. Main results. ProTheRaMon is presented using example data from a patient treated at CCB and the J-PET scanner to demonstrate the application of the framework for proton therapy range monitoring. The output of each simulation and data processing stage is described and visualized. Significance. We demonstrate that the ProTheRaMon simulation platform is a high-performance tool, capable of running on a computational cluster and suitable for multi-parameter studies, with databases consisting of large number of patients, as well as different PET scanner geometries and settings for range monitoring in a clinical environment. Due to its modular structure, the ProTheRaMon framework can be adjusted for different proton therapy centers and/or different PET detector geometries. It is available to the community via github (Borys et al 2022)