8 research outputs found

    Bromide ion removal from water solutions by Donnan dialysis

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    Zastosowano membranowy proces wymiany anionów do usuwania bromków z roztworów wodnych. Wykorzystano dwa rodzaje membran anionowymiennych: Selemion AMV i Neosepta ACS oraz różne stężenia roztworu odbierającego (NaCl). Układ ba-dawczy zasilano roztworem modelowym lub wodą naturalną o różnym składzie jonowym. Najlepszą skuteczność usuwania jonów bromkowych z roztworu modelowego uzyskano na membranie Selemion AMV - 78%, przy stężeniu NaCl w roztworze odbierającym równym 300 mol/m3. Za membranę o najlepszych właściwościach do usuwania jonów bromkowych z wody naturalnej uznano membranę Neosepta ACS - uzyskano 90% usunięcia bromków przy względnie małym stężeniu soli w koncentracie (100 mol/m3). W dalszej kolejności badano skuteczność odzyskiwania w procesie elektrodializy chlorku sodu z odpadowego koncentratu po dializie Donnana. Odzyskany w ten sposób koncentrat zastosowano do ponownego usuwania jonów bromkowych z wody naturalnej w procesie dializy Donnana z membraną Neosepta ACS. Otrzymana skuteczność usuwania bromków z wody naturalnej w procesie wymiany jonów z wykorzystaniem odzyskanego koncentratu była stosunkowo duża (78%).The primary objective of this experimental study was to remove bromide ions from water by an anion-exchange membrane process. The experiments involved Donnan dialysis, which was carried out with two types of anion-exchange membranes, Selemion AMV or Neosepta ACS, at various NaCl concentrations in the receiver. The experimental set-up was fed with a model solution or natural water varying in ionic composition. The highest efficiency of bromide removal from the model solution amounted to 78% and was achieved with Selemion AMV at an NaCl concentration in the receiver of 300 mol/m3. The most efficient bromide removal from natural water totaled 90% and was obtained with Neosepta ACS at a relatively low NaCl concentration in the receiver, which amounted to 100 mol/m3. Another major objective of the experiments was to assess the potential for recovering sodium chloride from the spent concentrate (after Donnan dialysis) by the electrodialysis process. The concentrate recovered via this route was reused for bromide ion removal from natural water in the Donnan dialysis process involving Neosepta ACS. The extent of bromide removal from natural water in the ion exchange process combined with the reuse of the concentrate recovered was comparatively high amounting to 78%

    Electrodialytical treatment of spent brines from regeneration of ion-exchange resins used for natural organic matter removal from water

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    Skutecznym procesem usuwania z wody naturalnych substancji organicznych o charakterze jonowym jest wymiana jonowa na żywicach anionowymiennych. W procesie tym powstają roztwory poregeneracyjne, których zagospodarowanie nie zostało jeszcze do końca rozwiązane. W omawianych badaniach określono skuteczność procesu elektrodializy w odzyskiwaniu chlorku sodu z solanek poregeneracyjnych zawierających substancje organiczne. Przebieg procesu przeanalizowano stosując dwa typy membran - Neosepta AMX/CMX i Neosepta ACS/CMS, przy różnym stosunku objętości roztworu zasilającego (diluatu) do roztworu odbierającego (koncentratu) - 5:5, 5:4 i 5:3. Przedmiotem badań były roztwory 12% NaCl o różnej zawartości kwasów humusowych (100 g/m3 i 1000g/m3). Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że zastosowanie procesu elektrodializy pozwoliło na skuteczne oczyszczenie solanki poregeneracyjnej do stanu umożliwiającego ponowne jej użycie. Ponad-to wykazano, że do uzyskania najmniejszej ilości substancji humusowych w koncentracie najkorzystniejsze było zastosowanie monoselektywnych membran Neosepta ACS/CMS, przy stosunku objętości diluatu do koncentratu równym 5:4.Ion exchange involving anion-exchange resins is an efficient process of natural organic matter removal from water. However, an inherent part of the process is the formation of spent regenerant salts, a by-product whose disposal still raises some environ-mental problems. The study reported on in this paper aimed at assessing the efficiency of the electrodialysis process when used for sodium chloride recovery from spent brines containing organic substances. The course of electrodialysis was examined using two types of membranes, Neosepta AMX/CMX and Neosepta ACS/CMS, as well as various ratios of the feed solution (diluate) volume to the receiver solution (concentrate) volume (5:5, 5:4 and 5:3). Experiments were carried out with 12% NaCl solutions differing in the content of humic substances (100 g/m3 and 1000 g/m3). The study has produced the following findings: (1) The efficiency of the electrodialytical treatment of the spent brine was sufficiently high to enable the reuse of the recovered NaCl solution, and (2) the quantity of humic substances in the concentrate was the lowest, when use was made of the monoselective membrane Neosepta ACS/CMS and the diluate to concentrate volume ratio of 5:4

    Removal of Bromides and Bromates from Water in the Anion-Exchange Process with Ion-Exchange Membrane

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    Bromide ions are present both in surface and ground water and their concentration ranges from several to 800 µg/L. Bromides are not reported to be detrimental to human health but their presence in the water being disinfected is a contributing factor in the formation of harmful disinfection by-products (DBP). During water disinfection with chlorine, bromides are oxidized to hypobromous acid (HOBr), which reacts with natural organic matter (NOM) to form carcinogenic brominated trihalomethanes (BrTHM). When ozone is used in water disinfection, bromides are oxidized to hypobromite ions (OBr-/) and thereafter to bromates (BrO3-). Bromates are ions exerting a carcinogenic effect on human organisms. According to the data published by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the lifetime risk of cancer disease amounts to 10-4, for a man consuming daily 2 L of water containing 5 μg BrO3-/L. The above data prove that bromides or bromates should be removed from drinking water. Among the methods used for this purpose, coagulation (for bromide removal) and granular activated carbon adsorption or reverse osmosis (for bromate removal) provide the highest removal efficiency. We proposed Donnan dialysis with anion-exchange membrane for removal of bromides or bromates from water. In this process, an anion-exchange membrane separates two solutions: the feeding solution (with harmful anions) and the receiver (with a simple salt of a relatively high concentration). Transport of the driving anions (e.g. chlorides) from the receiver to the feeding solution induces an equivalent, oppositely directed anion flow to the receiver. In this way the harmful anions that occur in the solution being treated (bromides or bromates) are replaced with neutral ions from the receiver (i.e. chlorides). Donnan dialysis was performed in a laboratory dialytic set-up containing 20 cell pairs with anion-exchange membranes, Selemion AMV (Asahi Glass) or Neosepta ACS (Tokuyama Corp.). The working area of the membranes amounted to 0.140 m2. The feed was natural water enriched with bromide salt (500 µg Br-/L) or with bromate salt (50 µg BrO3-/L). The receiver was NaCl solution with concentration ranging from 50 to 300 mM. It was found that Donnan dialysis with the anion-exchange membrane Selemion AMV enables high removal efficiency of bromides from natural water containing 500 µg Br-/L. The efficiency of bromide removal amounts to 86% at a relatively low NaCl concentration in the receiver (100 mM). The exchange of bromide ions for chloride ions is paralleled by the exchange of associated anions: sulphates (with 76% efficiency) and bicarbonates (with 70% efficiency). Compared to the anion-exchange process with Selemion AMV, the process involving Neosepta ACS (an anion-exchange membrane of a compact surface structure) provides a higher efficiency of bromide removal that amounts to 90%. In this process, retention of the associated anions is relatively high: sulphates are exchanged for chlorides with the efficiency of 3% and bicarbonates – with the efficiency of 43%. The anion-exchange process with the membrane Selemion AMV offers complete removal of bromates from natural water (containing 50 µg BrO3-/L), when salt concentration in the receiver is low (100 mM NaCl). There is aconcomitant exchange of other anions for chloride ions: sulphates are exchanged for chlorides with the efficiency of 93% and bicarbonates – with the efficiency of 73%. The anion-exchange process also provides complete removal of bromates from natural water, when use is made of the Neosepta ACS membrane. However, the exchange of sulphate ions and bicarbonate ions for chloride ions is poor (3% efficiency and 47% efficiency, respectively). Such treatment approach may be recommended for implementation, when the concentration of anions (especially that of bicarbonates) in the water to be treated is low

    Biological activities of [1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines and analogs

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