101 research outputs found

    Perspektywa psychohistoryczna postaci i myśli politycznej Edwarda Abramowskiego.

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    The article is the proposal of the researches devoted the figure of Edward Abramowski in the psyho- and historical perspective. The issues which he was interested in an individual and its relation with the society, power, culture, cooperation, political culture they still lean towards reflections and they are research attractive. There are many articles and studies devoted to Abramowski life and activity which were published during one hundred years. From this reasons it is worth to look at this fascinating figure in the different perspectives of publications which inspire so many researchers. The historical explanation, especially according his life should be considered in the psychological aspects. In this article it was explained the problem of the relations between the history and the psychology what it admits that the history is needed in the psychology developing but also the psychology can be important in researches of historians

    Imágenes conceptuales de la mente alterada: el caso de loco y tonto

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    The aim of this paper is a cognitive analysis of the most important conceptual images of insanity and foolishness reflected in Spanish idiomatic expressions, which are based on image schemas. Furthermore, it is irrefutable that the head’s function is always the locus of the mind and the intellect; this allowed the identification of the first metaphorical-metonymical model: THE SPACIAL LOCATION, which is closely linked to the image schema of A CONTAINER (including its subordinate variants INSIDE– OUT, FULL–EMPTY, NEAR–FAR). The second model identified through the analysis is POSSESSION, an example of which is the schema of A (VALUABLE) OBJECT and A MACHINE. As a result, the state of being insane brings to mind, amongst others, metaphorical images of being outside of the container, its emptiness, damage or loss, whereas the quality of being foolish is primarily conceptualised as having an empty container and one’s short-sightedness

    Konferencja Naukowa „Funkcjonowanie współczesnej rodziny w wymiarze ekonomicznym i społecznym”, Warszawa 21 marca 2019 r.

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    Zawiera sprawozdanie z seminarium naukowego pt.: „Funkcjonowanie współczesnej rodziny w wymiarze ekonomicznym i społecznym”, zorganizowanego 21 marca 2019 r. przez Katedrę Pedagogiki Społecznej i Socjologii Edukacji Wydziału Pedagogicznego Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie

    Recepcja etyczno-społecznych idei Edwarda Abramowskiego w kulturze i świadomości społecznej II Rzeczpospolitej

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    The article presents the functioning of Edward Abramowski's idea in the intellectual, social and political life of the Second Polish Republic. The analysis shows that many people - writers, people of culture, and social activists referred to his works, which undoubtedly influenced the specific intellectual climate of the interwar periodW artykule przedstawiono funkcjonowanie idei Edwarda Abramowskiego w życiu intelektualnym, społecznym i politycznym II Rzeczpospolitej. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że wiele osób – pisarzy, ludzi kultury, działaczy społecznych odwoływało się do jego prac, które niewątpliwie wpłynęły na specyficzny klimat intelektualny dwudziestolecia międzywojenneg

    Humor gráfico como herramienta de crítica sociopolítica: aplicación de la TGHV al análisis de las viñetas de prensa

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    The present paper aims to comment on some of the cognitive mechanisms involved in the creation and interpretation of political cartoons and to explore the possibilities of their description using the General Theory of Verbal Humor (Attardo, Raskin, 1991; Attardo, 1997, 2008, 2017). Firstly, the characteristics of press cartoons as a multimodal and humorous discourse genre are exposed. Afterwards, taking into account the assumption that the GTVH provides a flexible theoretical perspective applicable to the study of graphic humor, attention is paid to the main analytical tools of the aforementioned theory. The paper also discusses a recent genre-specific model for the understanding of political cartoons, proposed as a new approach for the study of their humorous messages and critical stances (Agüero Guerra, 2016). Finally — the above mentioned method is illustrated by applying it to the multimodal analysis of the examples of two Spanish press cartoons, which have been extracted from digital newspapers and dedicated to current socio-political issues

    Metáforas visuales y multimodales en las viñetas de prensa: en torno a la imagen de la crisis del 1-o

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    El presente artículo versa sobre la representación metafórica que los principales diarios españoles dieron al referéndum por la independencia de Cataluña, celebrado el 1 de octubre de 2017, a través del texto multimodal de sus viñetas de opinión. Tras tipificarlas según los temas más comunes a los que van asociadas, se presta especial atención a una muestra de diez viñetas periodísticas cuyo sentido resulta de la interacción entre elementos lingüísticos e icónicos. Las imágenes metafóricas que emergen de ellas proporcionan una visión crítica del proceso soberanista catalán, así como corroboran la rotundidad con la que los humoristas gráficos expresaron sus juicios al respecto

    The impact of background category information on the creation of social cliques: the role of need for cognitive closure and decisiveness

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    This article focuses on the role of need for cognitive closure in the process of mental model creation about social relations (i.e. social cliques). We assumed that high (vs. low) need for closure participants tend to rely on background category information when forming social cliques. We predicted that this tendency to employ categorical information as a mental aid, used in order to form social cliques, would be efficient in simple task structures (where category information overlaps with the mental model structure) but would lead to increased error rates in complex task structures (where category information is inconsistent with the model structure). The results confirmed our predictions, showing especially strong effects for the decisiveness component of need for closure. The importance of individual differences in need for closure and decisiveness in social reasoning is discussed

    Application of optical dispersion techniques in phased array antenna beam steering, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 2

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    The paper presents an opto-electronic system for antenna beam control and results of model system measurements

    Czy leczenie inhibitorami DPP-4 ma wpływ na subpopulacje limfocytów u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2?

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    Introduction: Dipeptidil peptidase 4 inhibitors (DPP-4) are a group of antihyperglycemic agents. DPP-4 is an enzyme expressed on lymphocyte surface as co-stimulatory molecule in activation processes. The aim was to assess lymphocyte subpopulations initially and after 14 days of treatment with DPP-4 inhibitors sitagliptin, saxagliptin and vildagliptin.Material and methods: The study was conducted in three groups 10 subjects each, of type 2 diabetic patients. In subjects studied an initial tests followed by repeated ones after 14 days of treatment with sitagliptin, saxagliptin, and vildagliptin in therapeutic doses were performed. Baseline test as well as lymphocyte subpopulations (total T cells, and T-cell subsets CD4+, CD8+, CD26+, CD45RA+, CD45RO+, CD4+/CD25+) using 7-colour flow cytometry method were performed.Results: In patients receiving sitagliptin no significant increase in lymphocyte subpopulations were observed. In patients who received vildagliptin significant increase of total T-cells (p < 0.05); in patients treated with saxagliptin significant (p < 0.05) though mild increased percentage of total T-cells and CD4+, CD26+, CD45RO+ subsets were found.Conclusions: The study showed mild but significant increase of several T-cell subsets after treatment with saxagliptin and vildagliptin with non significant elevation after treatment with sitagliptin. It seems that changes are not expressed enough to have a clinical impact. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (2): 78–82)Wstęp: Inhibitory dipeptydylo peptydazy 4 (DPP-4) są nową grupą leków hipoglikemizujących. DPP-4 jest enzymem występującym między innymi na powierzchni limfocytów, molekułą ko-stymulującą w procesach aktywacji. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena subpopulacji limfocytów przed i po 14-dniowym leczeniu inhibitorami DPP-4 sitagliptyną, saxagliptyną i vildagliptyną.Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w trzech 10-osobowych grupach pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 2. U badanych wykonano badania wstępne, a następnie badania powtórzono po 14 dniach pobierania sita-, saxa- i vildagliptyny w dawkach terapeutycznych. U badanych wykonano badania podstawowe, a także oznaczono subpopulacje limfocytów (całkowite limfocyty T oraz subpopulacje limfocytów T CD4+, CD8+, CD26+, CD45RA+, CD45RO+, CD4+/CD25+; całkowite limfocyty B i subpopulacja CD26+) metodą 7-kolorowej cytometrii przepływowej.Wyniki: U badanych otrzymujących sitagliptynę nie obserwowano znamiennego wzrostu w zakresie badanych subpopulacji limfocytów. U chorych otrzymujących vildagliptynę obserwowano istotny (p < 0,05), choć niewielki wzrost całkowitej puli limfocytów. Pacjenci otrzymujący saxagliptynę wykazywali istotny (p < 0.05), choć niewielki wzrost odsetka limfocytów T całkowitych, TCD4, CD26+, CD45RO+.Wnioski: Badanie wskazuje na niewielki wzrost puli limfocytów T po zastosowaniu saxagliptyny i vildagliptyny, bez wpływu sitagliptyny. Wydaje się, ze stwierdzane zmiany, mimo że znamienne, są na tyle niewielkie, że nie powinny mieć znaczenia klinicznego. (Endokrynol Pol 2014; 65 (2): 78–82