24 research outputs found

    The utilize of gamma radiation on the examination of mechanical properties of polymeric materials

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    The article deals about the application area of radiation crosslinking of plastics, which follows after the injection moulding. The main objective of the presented article is the research of influence irradiation dosage on mechanical properties of materials: PP filled by 15 % of mineral filler – talc. Mechanical properties - tensile strength and impact strength by Charpy were examined in dependence on absorbed dose of the gamma rays on various conditions and were compared with non-irradiated samples. Radiation processing involves mainly the use of either electron beams from electron accelerators or gamma radiation from Cobalt-60 sources

    Measuring Low Frequency Noise with Emphasis on Auditory and Non-auditory Effects on Human

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    Nízkofrekvenčný hluk sa stáva významnou výskumnou témou už viac ako osemdesiat rokov. Ako typický hluk, má vplyv nielen na sluchový systém ale taktiež aj na mimosluchový systém človeka, napríklad na kardiovaskulárny systém, môže spôsobovať podráždenie a mať psychosociálne účinky. Tieto účinky môžu byť zdrojom rizika na pracovisku. Meranie a hodnotenie nízkofrekvenčného hluku na pracovisku nie je zahrnuté v platnej smernici Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2003/10/ES. Cieľom príspevku je porovnanie nameraných hodnôt nízkofrekvenčného hluku v pracovnom prostredí pri operáciách zvárania a brúsenia s rôznymi váhovými fi ltrami. V diskusii na konci tohto článku sú vyhodnotené namerané hodnoty.Low-frequency noise has been found in many systems and has become a hot research topic for more than eight decades. Like typical noise, it has also effects not only on auditory system (threshold shift) bud also on non-auditory system of human, for example cardiovascular system, annoyance and psychosocial effects. These effects can be the sources of risk at workplace. Measurement and evaluation of low frequency noise in workplace is not included in the valid directive of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/10/EC. The aim of the article is a comparison of measured values of low frequency noise in work environment in operations welding and abrasion with different frequency weightings fi lters. In discussion in the end of this article are values evaluated

    Uporaba gama zračenja u ispitivanju mehaničkih svojstava polimernih materijala

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    The article deals about the application area of radiation crosslinking of plastics, which follows after the injection moulding. The main objective of the presented article is the research of influence irradiation dosage on mechanical properties of materials: PP filled by 15 % of mineral filler – talc. Mechanical properties - tensile strength and impact strength by Charpy were examined in dependence on absorbed dose of the gamma rays on various conditions and were compared with non-irradiated samples. Radiation processing involves mainly the use of either electron beams from electron accelerators or gamma radiation from Cobalt-60 sources.U članku je riječ o području primjene zračenja u poprečnom povezivanju polimera, što slijedi nakon injekcijskog prešanja. Glavni je cilj prezentiranog članka istražiti utjecaj doze zračenja na mehanička svojstva materijala: PP ispunjen s 15 % mineralnog punjenja – milovke. Mehanička svojstva – otpornost na vlak i otpornost na udar po Charpyju bila su ispitivana u ovisnosti o apsorbiranoj dozi gama zraka u raznim uvjetima te su bila uspoređivana s uzorcima koji nisu bili izloženi zračenju. Radijacijska obrada uglavnom uključuje korištenje drugih elektronskih zraka iz akceleratora elektrona ili gama zračenja iz kobalta 60

    Socio-cultural Content of Modern Russian Language Textbooks for Secondary Schools and Universities in Slovakia

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    В статье представлен анализ учебников и учебных комплексов, используемых в обучении русскому языку в школах и вузах Словакии.The article describes the process and results of the study of the socio-cultural content of modern Russian language textbooks for secondary schools and universities in Slovakia

    Calibrator device for the extrusion of cable coatings

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    This paper presents selected results of theoretical and experimental research works on a new calibration device (calibrators) used to produce coatings of electric cables. The aim of this study is to present design solution calibration equipment and present a new calibration machine, which is an important element of the modernized technology extrusion lines for coating cables. As a result of the extrusion process of PVC modified with blowing agents, an extrudate in the form of an electrical cable was obtained. The conditions of the extrusion process were properly selected, which made it possible to obtain a product with solid external surface and cellular core

    Implementácia poznatkov CAD systémv pre návrh tvárniaceho pracoviska

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    Application of CA systems in enterprises, development of new materials and testing their properties is currently very actual topic. It does improvement of production, shortening the product development time. It reduces costs in the simulation and testing of new products.The aim of contribution is to make 3D model of automatic lines for production of sanitary techniques


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    The contribution deals with the evaluation of results of selected mechanical tests. Materials Crastin® PBT (with 30 % glass fibre) and Celanex® 2004-2 PBT (without filler) were used at tests with various percentage of added regrind into basic material. The mechanical properties were obtained by tensile test and Shore hardness test. Utilization of regrind at the production of new moulded parts is important from aspect of reduction plastics waste and pollution abatement of environment

    The Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Degraded Pet Bottles

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