18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Company Efficiency

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá hodnotením výkonnosti podniku prostredníctvom metódy ekonomickej pridanej hodnoty. Pomocou ukazovateľa EVA a čiastkových ukazovateľov získaných jeho dekompozíciou je vykonaná analýza výkonnosti podniku, ktorej výsledky sú následne interpretované. Na ich základe sú navrhnuté opatrenia s cieľom zlepšiť súčasnú situáciu podniku.The thesis deals with evaluation of company efficiency by economic value added method. An analysis of company efficiency is carried out through the use of EVA and partial indicators, that were obtained via its decomposition. Consequently, the results of this analysis are interpreted. Based on these results, special arrangements to improve the current situation of the company are suggested.

    Evaluation of the Business Financial Situation of COOP Jednota Galanta in MS Excel and Proposals to its Improvement

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    Bakalárska práca je zameraná na získanie prehľadu o finančnej situácii podniku pomocou vybraných metód a ukazovateľov, v prostredí MS Excel. Na základe výsledkov sú definované nedostatky a hrozby pre finančné zdravie podniku a vyhodnotená realizácia finančnej analýzy prostredníctvom MS Excel. Na záver sú navrhnuté opatrenia na zlepšenie finančnej situácie podniku.Bachelor thesis is focused to illustrate financial situation of the company, using selected methods and indicators at MS Excel environment. Finally, based on the results of analysis created by these ones, the insufficiency and threats to the company financial health as far as the evaluation of assessment of this type of financial analysis at Excel environment are defined there. In conclusion, the special arrangements to improve the company financial situation are designed.

    Cryptography on an embedded platform

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá úpravou části veřejně dostupné kryptografické knihovny LibTomCrypt takovým způsobem, aby byla použitelná na embedded platformě Rabbit 3000. Na tuto platformu byly úspěšně přenesené hašovací funkce MD5, SHA-1 a RIPEMD-128, šifra Blowfish a operační mód šifer CBC. U uvedených algoritmů se za pomocí měření doby výpočtu analyzuje jejich výpočetní náročnost, hlavně v závislosti na délce vstupních dat. U jmenovaných šifer byla zjištena nelineární závislost doby výpočtu na délce vstupních dat, jejichž grafem je schodovitá funkce. Závislost na hodnotě vstupních dat se nepotvrdila. Měřením u šifry Blowfish použité v operačním módu CBC bylo zjištěno, že inicializace šifry je časově náročná (na použitém hardware trvala téměř jednu sekundu) a že je nezávislá na délce klíče a délce vstupních dat. Samotné šifrování a dešifrování vykazuje lineární závislost na délce vstupu. V rámci práce byla taktéž ověřena funkčnost SSL/TLS knihovny od výrobce procesoru Rabbit vytvořením HTTPS serveru a ověřením zabezpečeného spojení s prohlížečem. Knihovna fungovala podle návodu bez závažných nedostatků.This bachelor thesis deals with adjusting parts of the public domain cryptographic library LibTomCrypt so that it can be used on an embedded platform Rabbit 3000. The hash functions MD5, SHA-1 and RIPEMD-128, the Blowfish cipher and CBC block cipher mode have been successfully ported to this platform. These algorithms have been analysed by measuring of the exectution time for the computational power requirements, especially with regard to the length of the input data. The abovementioned hash functions showed non-linear relationship between the execution time and the length of input, the graph of which is like that of a step function. The non-existence of the relationship to the data values was confirmed. The measurements with Blowfish cipher in CBC block cipher mode showed that inicialization of cipher is time consuming (it lasted almost one second on the hardware used) and that it does not depend on the keysize or length of input. The encryption and decryption itself showed a linear relationship to input data length. In the scope of this thesis there was also verification of correct function of SSL/TLS library from the producer of Rabbit microprocessor by creating a HTTPS server and verifying that secure connection with the web browser has been established. The library worked correctly according to manual without any significant problems.

    Extension of PRISM by Synthesis of Optimal Timeouts in Fixed-Delay CTMC

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    We present a practically appealing extension of the probabilistic model checker PRISM rendering it to handle fixed-delay continuous-time Markov chains (fdCTMCs) with rewards, the equivalent formalism to the deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (DSPNs). fdCTMCs allow transitions with fixed-delays (or timeouts) on top of the traditional transitions with exponential rates. Our extension supports an evaluation of expected reward until reaching a given set of target states. The main contribution is that, considering the fixed-delays as parameters, we implemented a synthesis algorithm that computes the epsilon-optimal values of the fixed-delays minimizing the expected reward. We provide a performance evaluation of the synthesis on practical examples

    Optimizing Performance of Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems using Timeout Synthesis

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    We consider parametric version of fixed-delay continuous-time Markov chains (or equivalently deterministic and stochastic Petri nets, DSPN) where fixed-delay transitions are specified by parameters, rather than concrete values. Our goal is to synthesize values of these parameters that, for a given cost function, minimise expected total cost incurred before reaching a given set of target states. We show that under mild assumptions, optimal values of parameters can be effectively approximated using translation to a Markov decision process (MDP) whose actions correspond to discretized values of these parameters

    The Analysis of the Thermal and Dielectric Properties of High Voltage Insulating Materials with the Addition of Aluminium Oxide

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    This article describes the influence of thermal and dielectric properties of materials to properties of electrical insulating systems in high voltage electrical equipment. The aim of this experiment is to improve the thermal and dielectric properties of electrical insulating (composite) materials using micro fillers of aluminium oxide Al2O3 . Supplement of fillers of aluminium oxide with better thermal conductivity to the electrical insulating systems can be modified to increase their thermal conductivity. Improving the thermal conductivity of electric insulation by addition of micro- or nanofillers and in the same time not adversely affecting the dielectric properties is the objective of the study. Paper is presenting the results measured on prepared samples. Improved thermal conductivity is compared with other dielectric properties as: dissipation factor temperature dependences, resistivity and dielectric spectroscopy. To determine the dielectric insulating properties the following characteristics were measured: tanδ versus temperature from 110°C to 150°C, absorption and resorption currents, volume resistivity. Furthermore, this article describes analysis of moisture and conductivity the material by dielectric spectroscopy

    The Application of the Theory of Synthesis of a Delay Line with a Surface Acoustic Wave for a Single-Mode Oscillator of Electric Signals in Some Sensors of Non-Electrical Quantities

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    The paper deals with the issue of constructing delay lines on the basis of surface acoustic waves and their application to single-mode oscillators. As a result of a theoretical analysis concrete delay lines are proposed. In the contribution, there is presented a theory of designing a symmetrical mismatched and matched delay line for a single-mode oscillator of electrical signals on the basis of which there were designed and fabricated acoustic-electronic components for sensors of non-electrical quantities. From the experimental results it can be stated that all of six designed and fabricated delay lines can be effectively used in the construction of single-mode oscillators