
Evaluation of the Business Financial Situation of COOP Jednota Galanta in MS Excel and Proposals to its Improvement


Bakalárska práca je zameraná na získanie prehľadu o finančnej situácii podniku pomocou vybraných metód a ukazovateľov, v prostredí MS Excel. Na základe výsledkov sú definované nedostatky a hrozby pre finančné zdravie podniku a vyhodnotená realizácia finančnej analýzy prostredníctvom MS Excel. Na záver sú navrhnuté opatrenia na zlepšenie finančnej situácie podniku.Bachelor thesis is focused to illustrate financial situation of the company, using selected methods and indicators at MS Excel environment. Finally, based on the results of analysis created by these ones, the insufficiency and threats to the company financial health as far as the evaluation of assessment of this type of financial analysis at Excel environment are defined there. In conclusion, the special arrangements to improve the company financial situation are designed.

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