577 research outputs found


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    GĂŒnĂŒmĂŒzde, insanların iƟ yaƟamında ĂŒstlendiği rol, daha da karmaĆŸÄ±klaƟan sĂŒreçler ile geniƟlemiƟ ve karmaĆŸÄ±k bir hale gelmiƟtir. Organizasyonlar açısından, zeki, iyi eğitim görmĂŒĆŸ, çok yönlĂŒ teknoloji bilgisine sahip, kĂŒresel dĂŒĆŸĂŒnen, zihinsel esnekliği yĂŒksek çalÄ±ĆŸanlara sahip olmak ve bu durumu sĂŒrdĂŒrĂŒlebilir hale getirmek önemli bir gerekliliktir

    Cold chain logistics for frozen food at tourism destinations

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    Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to explore possible distribution system models of cold chain logistics for frozen food producers serving to tourism enterprises. Methodology- The data were collected through multiple case study method. The firms interviewed were chosen from the most visited touristic destination in Turkey, Antalya. These firms differed in size and the types of products. Findings- We have observed significant differences in cold chains for tourism and 3PL-oriented retail sectors. The firms serving to tourism sector generally choose not to use 3PLs due to issues on food safety/quality despite the advantages in investment costs. Conclusion- We conclude that the reasons for the reluctance of the producers to work with 3PL providers was the very hot weather and frequent stops made at hospitality facilities which leave the cold chain prone to temperature changes and product damage as well as the high demand during peak seasons which lead to urgent order requests nonconforming to 3PL service schedules.No sponso

    Monitoring the formation chlorination by products with differeantial UV spectroscopy in drinking water reservoirs

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    Klorlama, içme suyu arıtımında kullanılan en yaygın dezenfeksiyon yöntemlerinden biridir. Doğal organik madde içeren suyun klorlanması sonucunda trihalometan, haloasetik asit gibi dezenfeksiyon yan ürünleri oluƟmaktadır. GeçmiƟ yıllarda olduğu gibi günümüzde de klorlama sonucu meydana gelen trihalometan gibi dezenfeksiyon yan ürünleri ölçümleri belirli bir zaman ve çaba gerektiren kullanımı kompleks ve pahalı analitik cihazlarla yapılmaktadır. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada 272 nm dalga boyundaki diferansiyel ultraviyole absorbans ile klorlanmÄ±ĆŸ ham ve koagüle edilmiƟ sularda meydana gelen toplam trihalometan ve trihalometan bileƟikleri arasındaki korelasyonlar incelenmiƟtir. Doğal organik madde içeren suların klorlanması ile meydana gelen trihalometan oluƟumu trihalometan - 272 nm dalga boyundaki diferansiyel ultraviyole absorbans arasındaki korelasyonlar farklı pH seviyelerinde (pH 5, 7 ve 9) lineer denklemler ile gösterilmiƟtir. Elde edilen deneysel sonuçlara göre pH değeri arttıkça (pH >7) baz- kataliz ve hidroliz reaksiyonları nedeniyle klorlama sonucu meydana gelen trihalometan konsantrasyonları da artmaktadır. Diğer yandan bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada, farklı pH değerlerinde klorlanmÄ±ĆŸ Büyükçekmece ve Terkos ham ve koagüle edilmiƟ su numunelerinde belirtilen klor bekletme sürelerinde toplam trihalometan ve trihalometan bileƟikleri ile 272 nm dalga boyundaki diferansiyel ultraviyole absorbans arasında R2 >0.97 olan lineer korelasyonların meydana geldiği tespit edilmiƟtir. Bu araƟtırmada elde edilen en önemli sonuçlardan biri de, doğal organik madde içeren su numunelerinin klorlanması sonucu meydana gelen toplam trihalometan oluƟumlarının diferansiyel spektroskopi yöntemi kullanılarak tespit edilen 272 nm dalga boyundaki diferansiyel ultraviyole absorbans ile trihalometan konsantrasyonları arasındaki istatiksel eƟitliklerden yararlanılarak yerinde, kısa bir zaman içerisinde ve sürekli olarak izlenebileceğinin ortaya konulmasıdır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: 272 nm dalga boyundaki ultraviyole diferansiyel absorbans, trihalometanlar, klorlama, Ä°stanbul içme suyu kaynakları.Chlorination has been widely used as a disinfection method in drinking water treatment. Disinfection of surface water supplies containing natural organic matter with chlorine leads to formation of disinfection by- products such as trihalomethane and haloasetic acids. These halogenic compounds have adverse health effects on human begin. Epidemiological studies indicated that there is a possible link between disinfection by- products and development of cancer. Concerns regarding the potential health effects of disinfection by- products prompted several industrialized countries to develop a number of regulations. These regulations should provide the safety of drinking water thrrough the elemination, or reduction to minimum concentration of the hazardous substances in water. Subsequently, USEPA promulgated a regulatory standard for trihalomethanes as 80 µg/L. Further, USEPA also introduced a haloasetic acid standard of 60 µg/L for the sum of five spices of haloasetic acids in drinking waters. On the other hand European Union regulated trihalomethane limit at a 100 µg/L. Moreover, Turkish Government recently regulated 150 µg/L trihalomethane limit in drinking water to comply with European Union regulations. The relationship among chlorination conditions, pH, temperature, reaction time, chlorine dosage, natural organic matter concentration and the formation of disinfection by-products are highly complex. Developing formal kinetic or statistical models for disinfection by-products formation require substantial cost and effort of analyzing for disinfection by-products as trihalomethanes. Several people have tried to relate water quality parameters to disinfection by-products formation in an effort to find a useful surrogate parameter to better understand the chemical nature of disinfection by-products formation process. Surrogate parameters that have been used to estimate the formation of disinfection by-products include ultraviole absorbance, spesific ultraviole absorbance which is ultraviole absorbance divided by dissolved organic carbon concentration. Some researches reported that simple and reliable relationships between change in ultraviole absorbance of NOM after chlorination and the formation of chlorinated by-products. Since the aromatic functional groups are thought to be both the dominant chromopheres in natural organic matter and the dominantsites of attack by chlorine on NOM molecule, the ultraviole absorbance at 254 nm has frequently proposed to predict disinfection by-products precursors. However, the use of ultraviole spectroscopy to estimate for formation disinfection by-products such as trihalomethanes is thougt to be problematic by many researches. Therefore, in this study, the potential use of differential ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm to monitor the formation of trihalomethanes in drinking water was investagated. This method is an excellent and practical technique for monitoring instantaneous and continuous the formation of trihalomethanes online. The magnitude of decrease in ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm is an excellent technique of disifection by-products formation from resulting chlorination. All of differential ultraviole spectra for different water sources including natural organic matter have a peak at 272 nm. The other important feature is related to the intensity of differential ultraviole spectra. The intensity of differential ultraviole spectra grows with increasing of chlorine dose and reaction time. The differential ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm technique is used not only detect chromophores destroyed by the chlorination reactions but also to monitor the amount of formation of chlorinated by-products like trihalomethane. During the study, three different raw waters of Terkos, Büyükçekmece and Ömerli were studied for this purpose. Raw water samples are chlorinated at variable pH levels, contact times and Cl2 / dissolved organic carbon ratios. The total trihalomethane versus differential ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm correlations are quantified by linear equations with R2. The results of study were showed that the relationships between THMs and differential ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm are very strong (R2 >0.97) in chlorinated raw water samples at variable reaction conditions. The trihalomethane and differential ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm correlations may have practical value since they provide an  alternative approach for monitoring the formation of trihalomethane online, and further, differential ultraviole absorbance at a wavelength of 272 nm can be determined in a short period of time, using a small volume of sample and does not require sophisticated sample pretreatment. Keywords: Differential ultraviole absorbance at 272 nm, trihalomethanes, chlorination, drinking water reservoirs, Ä°stanbul

    Molecular Characterization of Native Entomopathogenic Fungi from Ambrosia Beetles in Hazelnut Orchards of Turkey and Evaluation of Their In Vitro Efficacy

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    Ambrosia beetles, Anisandrus dispar Fabricius, Xylosandrus germanus Blandford, and Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are among the most significant hazelnut pests in Turkey. The control of these pests is difficult and expensive due to their biology. The present study aimed to isolate entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) from A. dispar, X. germanus, and X. saxesenii individuals that were obtained from the main hazelnut production areas of Turkey, characterize the EPF isolates using internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-DNA sequencing and iPBS profiling, and determine the efficacy of the isolates against A. dispar, X. germanus, and X. saxesenii under laboratory conditions. Phylogenetic analyses based on ITS revealed that the 47 native isolates were Beauveria bassiana (11), B. pseudobassiana (8), Cordyceps fumosorosea (6), Cordyceps farinosa (1), Akanthomyces lecanii (13), Purpureocillium lilacinum (3), Clonostachys rosea (2) and Metarhizium anisopliae (3). For the first time, the primer binding site (PBS) marker system, based on retrotransposons, was used to discriminate successfully among the EPF species. Some isolates of B. bassiana, B. pseudobassiana, C. fumosorosea, A. lecanii, and M. anisopliae caused 100% mortality of the beetle species within 7 to 9 days. The findings of this study indicated that some isolated entomopathogenic fungi provide an essential basis for the development of bioproducts, as well as a promising alternative method for controlling these ambrosia beetles

    Molecular Characterization of Native Entomopathogenic Fungi from Ambrosia Beetles in Hazelnut Orchards of Turkey and Evaluation of Their In Vitro Efficacy

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    Ambrosia beetles, Anisandrus dispar Fabricius, Xylosandrus germanus Blandford, and Xyleborinus saxesenii Ratzeburg (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are among the most significant hazelnut pests in Turkey. The control of these pests is difficult and expensive due to their biology. The present study aimed to isolate entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) from A. dispar, X. germanus, and X. saxesenii individuals that were obtained from the main hazelnut production areas of Turkey, characterize the EPF isolates using internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-DNA sequencing and iPBS profiling, and determine the efficacy of the isolates against A. dispar, X. germanus, and X. saxesenii under laboratory conditions. Phylogenetic analyses based on ITS revealed that the 47 native isolates were Beauveria bassiana (11), B. pseudobassiana (8), Cordyceps fumosorosea (6), Cordyceps farinosa (1), Akanthomyces lecanii (13), Purpureocillium lilacinum (3), Clonostachys rosea (2) and Metarhizium anisopliae (3). For the first time, the primer binding site (PBS) marker system, based on retrotransposons, was used to discriminate successfully among the EPF species. Some isolates of B. bassiana, B. pseudobassiana, C. fumosorosea, A. lecanii, and M. anisopliae caused 100% mortality of the beetle species within 7 to 9 days. The findings of this study indicated that some isolated entomopathogenic fungi provide an essential basis for the development of bioproducts, as well as a promising alternative method for controlling these ambrosia beetles

    1-(2-Phenyl­benz­yl)-3-(2,4,6-trimethyl­benz­yl)imidazolidinium bromide

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    In the title salt, C26H29N2 +·Br−, which may serve as a precursor for N-heterocyclic carbenes, the imidazolidine ring adopts a twist conformation with a pseudo-twofold axis passing through the N—C—N carbon and the opposite C—C bond. The N—C—N bond angle [113.0 (4)°] and C—N bond lengths [1.313 (6) and 1.305 (6) Å] confirm the existence of strong resonance in this part of the mol­ecule. In the crystal, a C—H⋯Br inter­action is present. The dihedral angle between the biphenyl rings is 64.3 (2)° and the phenyl rings make angles of 76.6 (3) and 18.5 (3)° with the plane of the imidazolidine ring

    1,3-Bis(thio­phen-2-ylmeth­yl)-3,4,5,6-tetra­hydro­pyrimidinium trichlorido(η6-p-cymene)ruthenate(II)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, (C14H17N2S2)[Ru(C10H14)Cl3], contains a 1,3-bis­(thio­phen-2-ylmeth­yl)-3,4,5,6-tetra­hydro­pyrimidinium cation and a trichlorido(η6-p-cymene)ruthenate(II) anion. The Ru atom exhibits a distorted octa­hedral coordination with the benzene ring of the p-cymene ligand formally occupying three sites and three chloride atoms occupying the other three sites. The N—C bond lengths of the N—C—N unit of the pyrimidinium cation are shorter than the average single C—N bond length of 1.48 Å, thus showing double-bond character, indicating a partial electron delocalization within the N—C—N fragment. The pyrimidine ring has an envelope conformation. Four inter­molecular C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds generate a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded framework


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    Hangi Alandan Hakem Atanmalı: Sinema Televizyon, Tiyatro GÜNCEL TEKNOLOJÄ°K GELİƞMELERLE BÄ°RLÄ°KTE TÄ°YATRO Ä°LE SÄ°NEMA SANATLARI ARASINDAKÄ° Ä°LİƞKÄ°NÄ°N TARÄ°HSEL GELİƞİMÄ° VE DÖNÜƞÜMÜ Orkun ÖNGEN Ordu Üniversitesi, TĂŒrkiye [email protected] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3211-4972 Ä°smail ÖzgĂŒr ÖZDEMÄ°R Ordu Üniversitesi, TĂŒrkiye [email protected] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8561-1630 Ordu Üniversitesi, TĂŒrkiye ÖZ Sinema ile tiyatro sanatları arasındaki iliƟki sinema sanatının ortaya çıktığı 1895 yılından gĂŒnĂŒmĂŒze kadar çeƟitli kuramcı ve dĂŒĆŸĂŒnĂŒrler tarafından incelenmiƟ bir konudur. Her ne kadar sinema sanatı tiyatroya nazaran yeni bir anlatı aracı olsa da öykĂŒ, karakter, anlatı dili, tema, Ä±ĆŸÄ±k, dekor, mĂŒzik vb. tiyatronun sahip olduğu diğer Ă¶ÄŸeleri içinde barındırır. Tiyatro sanatından farklı olarak sinema sanatı bu Ă¶ÄŸeleri kayıt altına alarak tamamlanmÄ±ĆŸ nihai bir film metası haline dönĂŒĆŸtĂŒrĂŒr. Sinema ile tiyatro sanatı özleri itibariyle belirli bir temsil formu yaratsa da film metası haline gelen bir temsil biçimiyle canlı performans halini taĆŸÄ±yan teatral temsil biçimi esas itibariyle birbirinden farklı olgulardır. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada, sinema sanatının toplumsal konumu ve gĂŒnĂŒmĂŒz kapitalist sistemiyle olan iliƟkisinden hareketle sinema ile tiyatro arasındaki iliƟki incelenecektir. Kalitatif eksenli yapılan incelemeler doğrultusunda sinema ile tiyatro arasındaki iliƟki gĂŒnĂŒmĂŒz koƟulları ekseninde farklı bağlamlar içinde yeniden değerlendirilecektir. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmanın önemi, konu hakkında disiplinler arası çalÄ±ĆŸma yapmak isteyen araƟtırmacılara gĂŒncel bir kuramsal art alan sunmanın yanı sıra yapılacak nicel çalÄ±ĆŸmalara kuramsal katkı sağlamaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sinema, Tiyatro, Kapitalizm, Mecra
