28 research outputs found

    Infographics a new competency area for teacher candidates

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    Changes in technology have a growing influence on daily-life activities and the information-processing habits of individuals. As information and communication devices evolve to deliver richer content rapidly, regardless of time and place, new media presentation formats emerge. Infographics provide an example of such formats, and they have increased in popularity due mostly to their visual appeal and capacity to effectively present information. Infographics are also promising cognitive tools; however, their applications in educational practice are limited at best. Therefore, the aim of this study is to raise awareness about the opportunities that infographics provide for education and suggest ways to integrate infographics knowledge and skill development in teacher education. In line with that, first, a brief introduction to visual literacy is made. Then, infographics and their capacities for teaching and learning activities are discussed. Finally, as alternative ways for teacher education institutions and schools to offer infographics, training opportunities were proposed

    Complications of Robotic Surgery in Urology: Our Experience of 342 Procedures Including the Learning Curve

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    Objective:The aim of this study is to analyze the complications of all robot-assisted surgeries performed in our clinic and to investigate the effect of the learning curve on complications occurred.Materials and Methods:Data on a total of 342 robotic surgeries performed in our clinic between March 2015 and February 2018 was retrospectively analyzed. Two surgeons, who performed the surgery, were experienced in urological laparoscopic procedures. Intraoperative and postoperative complications were evaluated. According to the experience of robotic surgery, the complications were divided into two groups as those occurred in the first 18 months (March 2015-August 2016) and in the second 18 months (September 2016-February 2018). The complications were classified according to the Clavien-Dindo classification.Results:A total of 32 complications occurred in 31 of 342 patients undergoing robot-assisted surgery. The overall complication rate was 9.4%. The number of minor complications was 20 (62.5%), and the number of major complications was 12 (37.5%). Among all, 6.2% were intraoperative complications, 62.5% were postoperative complications, and 31.3% were medical complications. It was observed that the number of complications was plateaued after August 2016 and there was a statistically significant difference between the first and the second 18 months (p<0.05).Conclusion:Laparoscopic surgery experience alone is not enough to reduce complications in robot-assisted surgery and learning continues with every case. An experienced surgeon and robotic surgery team are needed for complex robotic surgeries

    A Content Analysis Of The Academic Work On The Fatih Project

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2011 yılından günümüze kadar Fırsatları Arttırma ve Teknolojiyi İyileştirme Hareketi (FATİH) Projesi ile ilgili olarak yapılan çalışmaları detaylı bir şekilde incelemek ve eğilimlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu amaçla 2011-2014 yılları arasında yapılan uluslararası ve ulusal FATİH projesi ile ilgili 120 makale, bildiri, lisansüstü tez ve rapor içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. FATİH Projesi Yayın Sınıflama Formu kullanılarak toplanan veriler betimleyici istatistikler ve grafiklerle sunulmuştur. Çoğunluğu BÖTE'de görev yapan akademisyenler tarafından gerçekleştirilen çalışmaların daha çok nicel yöntemlerle paydaş tutumlarının ele alındığı ve değerlendirme türünde çalışmalar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. SSCI kapsamındaki dergilerde diğerlerine göre çok daha az yayınladığı gözlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçların FATIH projesi ile ilgili çalışmaların eğilimini ortaya koyacağı gibi aynı zamanda var olan çalışmalardaki eksikliklerin saptanıp bundan sonraki çalışmalar için de yol gösterici olması düşünülmektedir.The &nbsp; purpose &nbsp; of &nbsp; this &nbsp; study &nbsp; was &nbsp; to &nbsp; examine &nbsp; the &nbsp; research &nbsp; on &nbsp; the &nbsp; Movement &nbsp; for &nbsp; Increasing &nbsp;Opportunities &nbsp; and &nbsp; Improving &nbsp; Technology &nbsp; Project &nbsp; (the &nbsp; FATIH &nbsp; Project) &nbsp; since &nbsp; 2011 &nbsp; in &nbsp; detail, &nbsp;and &nbsp;to &nbsp;identify &nbsp;research &nbsp;trends. &nbsp;To &nbsp;do &nbsp;so, &nbsp;120 &nbsp;national &nbsp;and &nbsp;international &nbsp;studies &nbsp;that &nbsp;have &nbsp;published &nbsp; between &nbsp; the &nbsp; years &nbsp; of &nbsp; 2011 &nbsp; and &nbsp; 2014 &nbsp; including &nbsp; journal &nbsp; articles, &nbsp; proceedings, &nbsp;graduate &nbsp; level &nbsp; theses, &nbsp; reports, &nbsp; and &nbsp; book &nbsp; chapters &nbsp; were &nbsp; analyzed &nbsp; via &nbsp; content &nbsp; analysis &nbsp;method. &nbsp; The &nbsp; data &nbsp; collected &nbsp; using &nbsp; the &nbsp; FATIH &nbsp; Project &nbsp; Publication &nbsp; Classification &nbsp; Form &nbsp; were &nbsp;presented &nbsp;through &nbsp;desciptive &nbsp;statistics &nbsp;and &nbsp;graphs. &nbsp;The &nbsp;findings &nbsp;indicated &nbsp;that &nbsp;researchers &nbsp;from &nbsp; Computer &nbsp; Education &nbsp; and &nbsp; Instructional &nbsp; Technology &nbsp; (CEIT) &nbsp; programs &nbsp; over &nbsp; the &nbsp; country &nbsp;have &nbsp; authored &nbsp; the &nbsp; majority &nbsp; of &nbsp; studies, &nbsp; and &nbsp; that &nbsp; great &nbsp; many &nbsp; of &nbsp; the &nbsp; studies &nbsp; focused &nbsp; on &nbsp;stakeholder &nbsp;attitudes &nbsp;and &nbsp;evaluated &nbsp;the &nbsp;project &nbsp;employing &nbsp;mostly &nbsp;quantiative &nbsp;methods. &nbsp;It &nbsp;was &nbsp; also &nbsp; observed &nbsp; that &nbsp; fewer &nbsp; articles &nbsp; published &nbsp; in &nbsp; the &nbsp; journals &nbsp; included &nbsp; in &nbsp; SSCI. &nbsp; These &nbsp;findings &nbsp; contribute &nbsp; to &nbsp; the &nbsp; literature &nbsp; by &nbsp; revealing &nbsp; research &nbsp; trends &nbsp; in &nbsp; the &nbsp; Fatih &nbsp; Project &nbsp;context, &nbsp;and &nbsp;identifying &nbsp;topics &nbsp;that &nbsp;need &nbsp;further &nbsp;attention

    Pre-service teachers' acceptance of mobile-technology-supported learning activities

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a mobile learning acceptance model for pre-service teachers and to examine the relationships among technology acceptance factors. The literature on mobile learning acceptance lacks studies on pre-service teachers and studies that include concrete mobile learning scenarios. To overcome these problems, we have developed and implemented a mobile-technology-enabled information technology course. The data collection and analysis were conducted in two separate studies. First, we developed a mobile learning acceptance scale and applied confirmatory factor analysis with 408 participants. The final instrument included 28 items measuring eight technology acceptance factors, namely behavioral intention, attitude towards use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, self-efficacy, and anxiety. After this, we collected a new set of data from 316 participants to examine the relationships among the factors using structural equation modeling. In both studies, we investigated the respective models' invariance across gender and discipline groups, and both models fulfilled invariance requirements. The results indicated that perceived ease of use and social influence have direct effects on behavioral intention, whereas self-efficacy has an indirect effect. Depending on the group, the explained variance of behavioral intention ranged between 18.1% and 60.6%

    A statistical research on feed forward neural networks for forecasting time series,

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    In recent years, artificial neural networks have being successfully used in time series analysis. Using linear methods such as ARIMA and exponential smoothing for non linear time series cannot produce satisfactory results. Although there are various non linear methods, these methods have an important drawback that all of them require a specific model assumption. On the other hand, artificial neural networks have no restrictions such as linearity or model assumptions. In many applications within the time series analysis, it has been seen that artificial neural networks produce more accurate results than those obtained from traditional methods. In spite of the fact that artificial neural networks provide some advantages, researchers keep working on the component selection problem of the method. The answer of the question that which components of the method should be used is a vital issue in terms of forecasting performance. In this study, the effects of number of hidden layer and length of test set on forecasting performance of artificial neural networks are examined. Eight real time series are used in the implementation. The obtained results are analyzed by using statistical analysis and are interpreted

    Distal yatak yokluğunda uygulanan iloprost sonrası klinik iyileşme

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    Purpose: In this study, we evaluated to effectiveness and clinical benefit of iloprost that alternative therapy in patients with chronic and critical lower limb ischemia who were not candidate for surgery because of poor distal arterial bed. Methods: Clinical response for iloprost administration evaluated in sixteen patients. Surgery was performed to bypass stenoses located proximal to crural arteries in 8 patients. Patients were grouped into combined treatment group in which patients who had a bypass procedure were included, and medical treatment group in which patients who had only iloprost administration were included. A comparative analysis of improvement in clinical findings was performed between two groups. Recession of rest pain, reduce of need for analgesic drug usage, healing of limb wound, ABI (ankle / brachial pressure index) and increasing of walk interval without pain evaluated in this cases. Results: After the therapy, pain severity and need for analgesic drug were reduced and walk interval increased in all patients. Patient's Fontaigne class was decreased after the therapy. Improvement in ABI of combined treatment group was better than that of medical therapy group. Conclusion: Iloprost usage may be useful in patient's with poor arterial distal bed and may also benefit in combining of the surgery in proximal arterial stenosis. We think that by determination of iloprost effectivity with prospective randomized studies with more cases, it can be a.valuable alternative for routine therapy.Amaç: Çalışmamızda kronik ciddi alt ekstremite iskemisi olan olgular ve distal yatağı cerrahi tedaviye uygun olmayan olgularda alternatif bir tedavi iloprost uygulamasının etkinliği ve klinik faydalarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır Yöntem: İloprost uyguladığımız 16 olgu klinik yanıtları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Krural arterlerin proksimalindeki darlıklara yönelik olarak 8 olguda bypass operasyonları uygulanmıştır. Bypass uygulanan olgular kombine tedavi, uygulanamayanlar medikal tedavi gruplarına ayrılarak tedaviye yanıtları karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Olgular değerlendirilirken; istirahat ağrısının gerilemesi, ağrı kesici ihtiyacının azalması, ekstremitedeki lezyonların iyileşmesi, ABI (ayak bileği / kol basınç indeksi) ve yürüme mesafesinin artması esas alınmıştır. Bulgular: Tedavi sonrasında tüm olguların ağrı şiddetinin azaldığı, ağrı kesici ihtiyacının düştüğü ve yürüme mesafelerinin arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Tedavi sonrasında Fontaine evrelemesine göre olguların evrelerinde gerileme sağlanmıştır. Kombine tedavi grubunda ABI değerindeki iyileşme medikal tedavi grubundan anlamlı derecede üstün olmuştur. Sonuç: Olgularımızda iloprost uygulamasının distal yatağı cerrahiye uygun olmayan olguların yanında proksimal darlıklara yönelik bypass cerrahisi ile kombine kullanımının klinik faydaları gözlemlenmiştir. Daha fazla sayıda olgu içeren prospektif çalışmalar ile iloprostun etkinliğinin belirlenip, rutin tedavide faydalı bir alternatif olabileceğini düşünüyoruz