12 research outputs found

    Prenatal diagnosis of A fetus with distal trisomy 10q and the ımportance of genetic counseling

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    Hasta, yapılan “triple test“ sonrasında artmış trizomi 21 riski nedeniyle Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Genetik Anabilim Dalı'na amniosentez yapılmak ü- zere refere edildi. Birinci kuzen akraba evliliği olan çiftin reprodüktif öykülerinde, 3 kez ilk trimestır abortus öyküsü bulunmaktaydı. Hastanın amnion kültürü sonrasında, fetüste distal trizomi 10q saptandı; 46,XX,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25)mat. Aileye daha sağlıklı bir genetik danışma verilebilmesi için ebeveyn kromozom analizi sonucunda, annenin dengeli translokasyon taşıyıcısı [46,XX,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25)] olduğu saptandı. Bu olgu, kötü obstetrik öyküsü ya da tekrarlayan ilk trimestır düşük öyküsü olan gebelerde prenatal tanı uygulamalarının önem ve değerini göstermektedir.Amniocentesis procedure was performed to a patient, who was referred to Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Medical Genetics Department because of increased Trisomy 21 risk after "triple test". This was a first cousin marriage, and also there was a history of 3 abortions at the first trimester. The amniocentesis result revealed distal trisomy 10q [46,XX,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25)mat]. The cytogenetic evaluation of the mother and father was also performed in order to give a robust genetic counselling to the family and the mother was found to carry a balanced translocation; 46,XX, der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25). This case implies the importance and worth of prenatal diagnostic procedures for the pregnants with a history of bad obstetric history or recurrent first trimester abortuses

    A five month old girl with deletion in 5th chromosome: Cri du Chat syndrome

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    Beş aylık kız olgu yeterli tartı alamadığı için getirildi. Fizik muayenesinde boyu, kilosu, baş çevresi 3. persentilin altında olan olgunun açık renkli saçları, fasiyal dismorfizmi, yüksek damağı mevcuttu. Olgunun belirgin hipotonisi, motor retardasyonu saptanırken, tiz sesle ağlaması oldukça dikkat çekiciydi. Ekokardiyografide hemodinamik olarak önemsiz derecede olan sekundum tipi atrial septal defekt ve midtrabeküler ventriküler septal defekt saptandı. Kraniyal MRI’da 4. ventriküllerde genişleme ve bazal ganglionlarda miyelinizasyon gecikmesi bulunmaktaydı. Olgunun periferik kanından yapılan high resolution binding kromozom analizinde 5. kromozom kısa kolunda delesyon saptanınca, 5p delesyon (Cri du Chat) sendromu tanısı konuldu.This five month-old girl was admitted to our clinic due to failure to thrive. On physical examination, her weight, length and head circumference was below the 3rd percentile, she had blond hair, facial dysmorphism and high arched palate. Pronounced hypotonia and motor retardation was present and high-pitched crying was striking. In echocardiographic examination, secundum type ASD and midtrabecular VSD without any important hemodynamic effect was present. In cranial MRI exmination, dilated 4th ventricles and delayed myelinisation in basal ganglia was detected. By the help of high resolution binding teqhnique, deletion in the short arm of the 5th chromosome was detected and diagnosis of Cri du Chat Syndrome was made

    Prenatal diagnosis of A fetus with distal trisomy 10q and the ımportance of genetic counseling

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    Hasta, yapılan “triple test“ sonrasında artmış trizomi 21 riski nedeniyle Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tıbbi Genetik Anabilim Dalı'na amniosentez yapılmak ü- zere refere edildi. Birinci kuzen akraba evliliği olan çiftin reprodüktif öykülerinde, 3 kez ilk trimestır abortus öyküsü bulunmaktaydı. Hastanın amnion kültürü sonrasında, fetüste distal trizomi 10q saptandı; 46,XX,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25)mat. Aileye daha sağlıklı bir genetik danışma verilebilmesi için ebeveyn kromozom analizi sonucunda, annenin dengeli translokasyon taşıyıcısı [46,XX,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25)] olduğu saptandı. Bu olgu, kötü obstetrik öyküsü ya da tekrarlayan ilk trimestır düşük öyküsü olan gebelerde prenatal tanı uygulamalarının önem ve değerini göstermektedir.Amniocentesis procedure was performed to a patient, who was referred to Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Medical Genetics Department because of increased Trisomy 21 risk after "triple test". This was a first cousin marriage, and also there was a history of 3 abortions at the first trimester. The amniocentesis result revealed distal trisomy 10q [46,XX,der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25)mat]. The cytogenetic evaluation of the mother and father was also performed in order to give a robust genetic counselling to the family and the mother was found to carry a balanced translocation; 46,XX, der(9)t(9;10)(p24;q25). This case implies the importance and worth of prenatal diagnostic procedures for the pregnants with a history of bad obstetric history or recurrent first trimester abortuses

    Genetic anomalies detected in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia and oligozoospermia

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    Genetik faktörler erkek infertilitesi nedenleri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Sayısal ve yapısal kromozomal düzensizliklere, sebebi bilinmeyen oligozoospermik ve azoospermik olgularda sık rastlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 1995-2005 yılları arasında infertilite kıliniğine başvuran 383 azoospermik ve 436 şiddetli oligozoospermik toplam 819 Türk erkek incelemeye alındı. Bir ay ara ile iki kez spermogram ve basal hormon profilleri (FSH-Testosterone) çalışıldı. Tüm olguların karyogram analizleri yapıldı. İncelenen 383 azoospermik olgunun 47(%12,3) tanesinde, 436 oligozoospermik olgunun 20(%4,6) tanesinde kromozomal düzensizlik tesbit edilmiştir. Azoospermik olgularda tesbit edilen kromozomal düzensizliklerin 9(%19,1) tanesi otosomal ve 38(%80,9) tanesi gonozomal kromozomlara ait bulunmuştur. Oligozoospermik olgularda ise tespit edilen kromozomal düzensizliklerin 8(%40) tanesi otozomal, 12(%60) tanesi gonozomal kromozomlara aittir. Erkekte infertiliteye neden olan genetik nedenlerin belirlenmesi ve yardımcı üreme teknikleri kullanılarak elde edilecek bu bireylere ait çocukların taşıyabilecekleri genetik riskin saptanması amacıyla infertilite kliniğine başvuran azoospermik, oligozoospermik infertil erkeklerde genetik danışma verilmesi ve sitogenetik inceleme yapılması doğru tanının konmasına yardımcı olacaktır.Genetic factors have major importance in male infertility etiology. Numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities seem to be frequent inoligospermia and azoospermia cases with unknown etiology. In this study 819 patients with azoospermia (383) and oligospermia (436) who attended to infertility depantinent between 1995-2005 were evaluated. Spermogram and basic hormone proties (FSHTestesterone) were studied two times with one month interval from each patient and all the cases were evaluated cytogenetically. The 47(12,3%) of 383 azoospermia patients and the 20(4,6%) of 436 oligospermia patients were found to have chromosomal abnormalities. The 9(19,1%) of the chromosomal abnormalities found in azoospermia patients were autosomal and the 38(80,9%) were gonosomal. In oligospermia cases the 8(40%) of the chromosomal abnormalities were autosomal and 12(60%) were gonosomal. Cytogenetic analysis and genetic counseling would be heepful in infertile males with azoospermia and oligospermia by determining the genetic factors causing infertility and by assesing the genetic risks of the offsprigs prowided by assisted reproductive techniques

    Complete atrioventricular block in Becker Muscular Dystrophy: A case report

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    Cardiac involvement in Becker Muscular Dystrophy, including dilated cardiomyopathy, mild to moderate degree mitral regurgitation, cardiac conduction system abnormalities and various arrhythymias, is one of the leading problems during the progression of the disease (1,2). But, complete atrioventricular block associated with Becker Muscular Dystrophy which necessitates permanent pacemaker implantation is a rare condition. We reported a patient with Becker Muscular Dystrophy which complicated complete atrioventricular block and dilated cardiomyopathy

    The importance of results of MEFV gene analysis in cases prediagnosed as "familial mediterranean fever"

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    Amaç: Sunulan çalışmada Ailesel Akdeniz Ateşi (AAA) ön tanısı almış hastalarda“familial Mediterranean fever locus”-MEFV gen mutasyonlarının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: AAA ön tanısı konan 83 olguda MEFV geninde en sık mutasyon tanımlandığı bildirilen M680I, M694V, V726A ve E148Q mutasyonları PCR amplifikasyon sonrası kit kullanılarak (PRONTOTM AAA Basic) incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Değerlendirilen 83 olgunun 29’ unda bu bölge için mutasyon tanımlanamazken 54 olguda mutasyon tanımlanmıştır (%65). Olguların 14’ ünde homozigot mutasyon bulunmuştur (%17). Homozigot mutasyon bulunan 14 olgunun dördünde M680I/M680I, onunda M694V/M694V saptanmıştır. Sonuçlar klinikte daha ağır tablo ile seyrettiği ileri sürülen M694V ve M680I mutasyonlarının bizim içinde bulunduğumuz toplumda çok sık gözlendiğini göstermektedir. 40 (%48) olguda heterozigot mutasyon tanımlanmıştır. Heterozigot mutasyon tanımlanan 40 olgunun yedisinde bu gene ait iki mutasyon gözlenmiştir-“compaund heterozygote” (M680I/M694V iki olguda, M694V/V726A üç olguda, E148Q/M694V bir olguda, M680I/V726A bir olguda). Sonuç: Bulgular toplumumuzda MEFV genine ait mutasyonların yüksek taşıyıcılık oranını göstermesi yönünden ilgi çekicidir. Günümüzde AAA tanısında MEFV gen mutasyonlarının bulunması önemli bir tanı kriteridir.Purpose:In this study we aimed to determine “familial mediterranean fever locus” MEFV gene mutation in cases with a prediagnosis of familial mediterranean fever (FMF). Material and methods: MEFV mutations reported as being frequently seen (M680I, M694V, V726A and E148Q) were analyzed with PCR amplification kit (PRONTOTM FMF Basic, Savyon Diagnostic Ltd.) in 83 cases who were suspected of having FMF. Results: In 29 out of 83 cases, no mutations were observed whereas in 54 (65%) out of 83 cases, mutations in MEFV locus were observed. In 14 cases (%17), homozygote mutation of one locus was found. M680I/M680I homozygote mutation was observed in four cases and M694V/M694V homozygote mutation in ten cases. These results demonstrate that M694V and M680I (these mutations are suggested to have more serious clinic patterns) mutations are seen frequently in our country. Forty cases (48%) had heterozygote mutations in MEFV gene. Seven out of 40 cases had compound heterozygote mutations (M680I/M694V mutations in 2 cases, M694V/V726A mutations in three cases, E148Q/M694V mutations in one case, and M680I/V726A mutations in one case). Conclusion: Our results represent a high carrier rate of mutations in MEFV gene in our country. In our era, genetic analysis of MEFV gene is an important diagnostic criteria for the FMF disease

    Surgery for acute abdomen and MEFV mutations in patients with FMF

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    Objectives: Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by recurrent fever, peritonitis, arthritis, pleuritis, and secondary amyloidosis. In the current study, we sought to determine the frequency of acute surgical abdominal intervention and MEFV gene mutations in FMF patients. Patients and Methods: A total of 159 patients were referred to our department with a diagnosis of FME Twenty-six patients (16.4%) had a history of surgical intervention. Of these, 17 (10.7%) were operated on due to appendicitis, and 9 (5.7%) were operated on due to other acute abdomen reasons. Genomic DNA was isolated from the blood samples, and in the isolated DNA samples, 12 MEFV gene mutations were studied. Results: Mutation frequency was detected to be 80.8% in the patients with acute abdomen surgery intervention and 56.4% in the patients without acute abdomen surgical intervention. Upon mutational evaluation of these patients, we noted that the M694V (40.5%) and E148Q (21.4%) mutations occurred most frequently. Conclusions: The MEFV gene mutation frequency in FMF patients with acute abdomen surgical intervention was significantly higher than that in patients without such intervention. Increased mutation scanning in FMF patients will significantly decrease unnecessary surgical interventions in this patient group

    Fetal chromosomal analysis of pregnancies following ıntracytoplasmic sperm ınjection with amniotic tissue culture

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    Ocak 1996 - Aralık 2000 tarihleri arasında İntrastoplasmik Sperm Injeksiyonu (ICSI) ile gebelik elde edilmiş ardışık 98 olgu çalışıldı. Bu olgulara ait 142 fetus amniyotik hücre kültürü ile tarandı. 142 fetusun 6 tanesinde ( %4,2 ) kromozom anomalisi saptandı. Bu anomaliler 46, XX / 69, XXX / 92, XXXX, 46, XY / 69, XXY / 92, XXYY, 47, XY+21, 47,XY+7, 47,XXY, 45,X0 şeklinde gözlendi. Biri dışında tüm gebelikler çiftlerin onayı ile soıılandırıldı. Gebeliğin sonlandırılmasını takiben yapılan fetal cilt fibroblast kültürü ile 1 olgu dışında prenatal tanı doğrulandı. ICSI gebeliklerinde kromozomal düzensizlik oranının hafifçe artmış olduğu görülmektedir. Morfolojik anomalili spermlerin kullanılmasıyla paternal faktörler, ileri anne yaşı ile maternal faktörler ve sıklıkla de novo oluşan sex kromozomal düzensizlikler bu konuda sorumlu tutulabilir.From January 1996 to December 2000, 98 consecutive patients who had become pregnant after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) were studied. Hundred and forty-two fetuses of these patients were screened with fetal amniotic tissue culture. Chromosomal anomalies were detected from 6 out of 142 (4.2%) fetuses. Anomalies were as follows, ‘46,XX / 69,XXX / 92,XXXX’, ‘46,XY / 69, XXY / 92,XXYY’, ‘47,XY+21’, ‘47,XY+7’, ‘47,XXY’ and ‘45,X0’. All except one pregnancies were terminated with the consent of the couples. Fetal skin fibroblast cultures were also studied after termination of the pregnancy in order to confirm prenatal diagnosis. The ratio of chromosomal anomalies seems to be slightly increased in ICSI pregnancies, paternal factors due to morphology abnormal spermatozoa maternal factors due to increased mother age and more frequently, de novo occuring sex chromosome abnormalities may be responsable for this outcome