68 research outputs found

    Pairwise-stability and Nash equilibria in network formation

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    Suppose that individual payoffs depend on the network connecting them. Consider the following simultaneous move game of network formation: players announce independently the links they wish to form, and links are formed only under mutual consent. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the network link marginal payoffs such that the set of pairwise stable, pairwise-Nash and proper equilibrium networks coincide, where pairwise stable networks are robust to one-link deviations, while pairwise-Nash networks are robust to one-link creation but multilink severance. Under these conditions, proper equilibria in pure strategies are fully characterized by one-link deviation checks

    Allocation rules on networks

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    When allocating a resource, geographical and infrastructural constraints have to be taken into account. We study the problem of distributing a resource through a network from sources endowed with the resource to citizens with claims. A link between a source and a citizen depicts the possibility of a transfer from the source to the citizen. Given the endowments at each source, the claims of citizens, and the network, the question is how to allocate the available resources among the citizens. We consider a simple allocation problem that is free of network constraints, where the total amount can be freely distributed. The simple allocation problem is a claims problem where the total amount of claims is greater than what is available. We focus on resource monotonic and anonymous bilateral principles satisfying a regularity condition and extend these principles to allocation rules on networks. We require the extension to preserve the essence of the bilateral principle for each pair of citizens in the network. We call this condition pairwise robustness with respect to the bilateral principle. We provide an algorithm and show that each bilateral principle has a unique extension which is pairwise robust (Theorem 1). Next, we consider a Rawlsian criteria of distributive justice and show that there is a unique “Rawls fair” rule that equals the extension given by the algorithm (Theorem 2). Pairwise robustness and Rawlsian fairness are two sides of the same coin, the former being a pairwise and the latter a global requirement on the allocation given by a rule. We also show as a corollary that any parametric principle can be extended to an allocation rule (Corollary 1). Finally, we give applications of the algorithm for the egalitarian, the proportional, and the contested garment bilateral principles (Example 1). © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Hasta Mahremiyeti

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    Franz Kafka'nın Türkiye'de Alımlanması

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    Franz Kafka Almanca yazılan edebiyat içinde dünyada en çok okunan ve eserleri en çok yorumlanan yazarlardan biridir. Farklı dillere çevrilerek uluslararası büyük yankı bulan Kafka'nın eserlerinin Türkçe'ye çevrilmesi Türkiye'de 1950'li yıllarda başlar. Türkiye'deki Kafka alımlanmasının temelini oluşturan bu çevirilerin aynı zamanda Türk Edebiyatı ve entelektüel dünyanın gelişimini devamlı etkilediği görülür. Türkiye, kültürel ve toplumsal yapısı itibarıyla Franz Kafka'nın doğup büyüdüğü ve sosyalleştiği ortamdan birçok açıdan farklılık gösterir. Bu farklılığa bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan alımlanma şartları Kafka ve eserlerini anlama ve yorumlamada da farklılıkları beraberinde getirir. Bu kapsamda bu makalede amaç Franz Kafka ve eserlerinin Türkiye'deki alımlanmasını, alımlanma süreci ile birlikte Kafka'nın eserlerinin Türk okuyucusu ve Modern Türk Edebiyatı üzerine etkisi, ülkenin tarihsel, kültürel, toplumsal ve siyasi gelişimleri de dikkate alınarak incelemektir.Within the German literature Franz Kafka is one of the most read authors and his works are some of the most interpreted in the world. Kafka's works that found a big international attention with being translated into other languages, began to be translated into Turkish in the 1950s. The translations which build the groundwork of the Kafka reception in Turkey, simultaneously affect Turkish literature and the development of the intellectual world constantly. With its cultural and societal structure, Turkey shows differences in various points from the environment where Franz Kafka was grown up and was socialized. Associated with this difference, conditions of reception appear and lead to differences at understanding and interpreting Kafka and his works. To this extend this article aims at the reception of Franz Kafka and his works in Turkey. Taking the country's historical, cultural and socio-political developments into account, with the procedure of reception the effect of Kafka's works on Turkish readers and on the modern Turkish literature, will be analyzed

    Fıkıh ve Biyoetik

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    Cournot Competition on a Network of Markets and Firms ∗

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    Suppose markets and firms are connected in a bi-partite network, where firms can only supply to the markets they are connected to. Firms compete a la Cournot and decide how much to supply to each market they have a link with. We assume that markets have linear demand functions and firms have convex quadratic cost functions. We show there exists a unique equilibrium in any given network of firms and markets. We provide a formula which expresses the quantities at an equilibrium as a function of a network centrality measure

    Reshaping the Patient-Physician Relationship through Artificial Intelligence in Medicine? ‒Promises, Opportunities, and Ethical Challenges

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    With the rapid development of AI in medicine, it is to be expected that new asymmetries will arise in the doctor-patient relationship and normative terms such as patient autonomy, paternalism, trust, and confidentiality will acquire new meanings and functions. All of these developments will create new and complex ethical questions. Some of these questions will be analyzed and reflected in this article. It is argued that if AI improves healthcare and promotes the well-being of the patient–without violating the fundamental rights of others–it must be viewed as morally right and should not be fundamentally rejected. On the other hand, it should also be reflected what will be changed by the application of AI in healthcare and whether these changes are desirable, legally appropriate, and ethically justifiable. Therefore, we need investigations from the perspective of ethics and other humanities to go along with the establishment of AI applications in medicine simultaneously and not after the event

    Global Bioethics and Human Rights

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