754 research outputs found

    Gender equality in Turkish higher education

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    The moulds of masculinity and femininity determined by society are not only determinants of the way in which individuals behave in society, but also determinants of the production and distribution of the resources. The steady development of societies can be achieved when men and women have the equal power with equal opportunities and resources to shape their own lives and to contribute to their families, societies and countries. The internationally recognized indicators of aforesaid gender mainstreaming are the areas of Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment. In Turkey, even though the legal basis of equality of women and men in these areas have been strengthened through legislative regulations enforced, the need to overcome the obstacles women face when participating to social life as complete and equal individuals and taking all precautions for this is still ongoing. In this study, gender equality in the Turkish higher education system was examined. For this purpose, the schooling rates in higher education, employment rates and participation rates in decision making mechanisms in management of women were examined in the light of gender equality indicators. In this study, which was conducted by document reviewing among qualitative research methods, official websites and documents of international organizations and Turkish official institutions were examined in order to access reliable documents related to Turkish Higher Education and gender equality variables. The survey concluded that while the schooling rates in the Turkish higher education and employment rates of women are high, the proportion of female academicians decreased as the academic degrees increased and that the horizontal disintegration patterns between the scientific areas are more visible on the basis of sub-branches. Furthermore, it has been found out that women are not adequately represented in decision-making mechanisms, even though they provide the necessary conditions. © 2018, Sciedu Press. All rights reserved

    The hip surgery in the patient with cerebral palsy and the effect on the gross motor function classification system

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, serebral palsiye bağlı kalça subluksasyonu veya çıkığı meydana gelen hastaların cerrahi sonuçlarını ve bu cerrahilerin hastaların kaba motor fonksiyon seviyelerine etkisinin olup olmadığını değerlendirmektir. Çalışma Mart 2003-Şubat 2008 tarihleri arasında Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalında, serebral palsiye bağlı kalça subluksasyonu veya çıkığı tanısı almış, 5-17 yaş arası 26 çocuk hasta üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Hastaların hastaneye başvuru yakınmalarını yürüme güçlüğü, oturma güçlüğü, perine bakım zorluğu ve ağrı oluşturmaktaydı. Ortalama yaş 8.69±3 (5-17)'tü ve ortalama takip süresi 30±14 (12-57) aydı. Cerrahi, 26 hastanın 39 kalçasına uygulandı. Kalçaların yedisinde çıkık ve 32'sinde subluksasyon mevcuttu. Sublukse kalçalar, migrasyon indekslerine göre hafif (%21-25), orta (%26-50) ve ileri (%51-99) şiddette olmak üzere üç grupta değerlendirildi. Çıkık kalça, femur başı ile asetabulum ilişkisinin olmaması veya migrasyon indeksinin %100 ve üzeri olması şeklinde tanımlandı. Fizik muayenede kalça eklem hareket açıklıkları, fleksiyon ve adduksiyon kontraktürü; radyolojik incelemede ise migasyon indeksi ve merkez kenar açısı, asetabuler indeks açısı ve asetabuler açı, femoral ve asetabuler anteversiyon değerlendirildi. Cerrahi işlem kalça patolojisinin şiddetine göre femoral varizasyon-derotasyon osteotomisini veya pelvik osteotomi ile birlikte femoral varizasyon-derotasyon ve kısaltma ostoeotomisini içermekteydi. Hastaların cerrahi girişimden sağladıkları fonksiyonel kazanımlarının değerlendirilmesi için ameliyat öncesinde ve ameliyat sonrası takipte kaba motor fonksiyon seviyeleri belirlendi. Cerrahi sonrasında hastaların yakınmalarında %81 oranda iyileşme elde edildi. Radyolojik değerlerde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzelme sağlandı. Kaba motor fonksiyon seviyelerindeki iyileşmenin serebral palsi şiddeti ile orantılı olduğu görüldü. Kaba motor fonksiyon seviyeleri %62 oranında değişmedi, %31 oranında arttı ve %7 oranında azaldı. Sonuç olarak, kaba motor fonksiyon sınıflama sisteminin hastaların yakınma durumunu göstermediğini, yakınmalarındaki iyileşmelerin kaba motor fonksiyon seviyeleriyle ilişkili olmadığını ancak serebral palsi tipi ile ilişkili olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.The aim of this study is to determine results of the surgery for the hip subluxation or dislocation in the patient with cerebral palsy and whether the surgical procedure effects on the Gross Motor Function Classification System. This study was performed at Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty Application and Research Hospital Orthopaedy and Traumatology Department between March 2003 and February 2008. It included 26 patients with cerebral palsy who had hip subluxation and dislocation The patients were between the age groups of 5-17 years. Gait imbalance, sitting imbalance, perinal care difficulty and pain were the major symptoms of the patients. The mean age at the time of surgery was 8.69±3 (5-17) and the mean follow-up time was 30±14 (12-57) months. Thirty-nine hips were operated. Seven hips were dislocated and thirty-two hips were subluxated. Subluxated hips were divided into three groups as mild (%21-25), moderate (%26-50), and severe (%51-99) according to migration index. Dislocation was defined as impairment of the relation between femoral head and asetabulum or %100 < migration index. We evaluated range of motion, flexion and adduction contracture of the hips in the physical examinaton and migration index, acetabular angle, acetabular index angle, center-edge angle, femoral and acetabular anteversion in the radiological assesment. According to hip pathology, we performed hip surgery as femoral varisation-derotation or femoral varisation-derotation shortening osteotomy with pelvic ostetomy. The gross motor function classification system was compared preoperatively and postoperatively to evaluate functional gain. After the surgery, radiological success was statistically significant. As a result of surgery we obtained improvement for the symptoms about %81 and the improvement of the gross motor function classification system was correlated with cerebral palsy type. Gross motor function classification system increased as %31, decreased as %7 and was the same with preoperative level of %62. We concluded that gross motor function classification system couldn't show the symptoms of patients and improvement of the symptoms was not correlated with the alteration of the gross motor function classification system. The improvement of the symptoms may be correlated with cerebral palsy type


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    Within organizations in which leadership is shared with staff, staffs tend to develop positive feelings against both themselves and their organizations. At this study it is aimed at analyzing the level of shared leadership of the schools in terms of the teachers’ perception; measurement of job satisfaction and organizational trust levels of the teachers; and settling the relationship among these variables. Additionally, it has been also tried to determine that whether shared leadership level at primary schools can predict job satisfaction and organizational trust of the teachers. The study is a research designed as relational survey method. Data of the research have been gathered from 476 teachers working at the primary schools during 2019-2020 Academic year in Central Malatya. Data have been gathered through Shared Leadership Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale and Organizational Trust Scale. For the analysis of the data, t-test, ANOVA test, correlation and regression analysis have been made. In compliance with the results of the research, levels of shared leadership, job satisfaction and organizational trust at primary schools are high. Shared leadership at primary school predicts job satisfaction and organizational trust of the teachers in a positive and significant manner.  Article visualizations

    The concept of satan in Turkish culture

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    Risk Factor for Pulmonary Embolism

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    Analysis of Goal Scored on Russia World Cup 2018

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    The aim of the research was to analyze the goals scored in Russia World Cup 2018.The sample of this research was composed of 64 games played and 169 goals scored in the 2018 Russia World Cup. No goals were scored only in one competition. Because of 12 goals scored were own goals, 157 goals scored were analyzed on eleven different ways. The research data were collected e-analysis soccer programme. Frequency, average, standard deviation which were descriptive statistics were used for analysis of the research data.Consequently it was observed that 61,14% of goals were scored in the 2nd half of the matches and most of goals in the last 15 minutes of the matches, 63,69% of goals were scored after organized attack (open play), 38,59% of goals were scored from penalty, 78,98% of goals were scored with foot shot, 72,61% of goals were scored with one touch, 84,71% of the goals were scored through the penalty zone and 60,50% of the goals were scored in 3rd zone which was determined in the penalty zone. Moreover, of the teams that scored first results showed that they won 71,42% of the matches. Scorer’s playing position was 32,48% striker. Asist player’s playing position was 44,03% midfielder. 11,92% of asist were passed from 9th zone which was determined outside the penalty zone.The work guided the coaches to design real competition-like trainings and tailor the game style to the match situation. Coaches can also use this information to set goals for players and teams that specifically refer to offense and defense games. It is advisable to coach to use the 3rd zone set in the penalty zone for more goals and to use the 3rd zone in the penalty zone for more effective defense for fewer goals

    Using of Network Motifs on Basketball Tactical Analysis

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    In the specific case of team sports there are a particular interest to recognize the cooperation tendencies between team-members. There are several ways to extend the investigation of pass motifs to reveal finergrained details of teams and players. The aim of this study was to solve the game strategies of basketball teams by using network science through motifs. The study sample consists of 6 matches of Turkish National Basketball Team in the EuroBasket2015 tournament. 6 matches were analyzed with e-analysis basketball program, the pass actions obtained from the analysis were transferred into Excel files. The Excel pass files were processed with the open-source program Gephi to obtain the network of the matches and the measurements of networks’ motifs. And then using R and R package igraph 3-nodes and 4-nodes pass motifs were found. As a result, for 3-nodes Type 9 has been seen as mode 2 times. With the help of network science approach and by using motifs the most influential players can be found, the most compatible squad for future games can be selected and the opponent's key players can be analyzed. If coaches want to disrupt the opponent's game format, they must first be aware of the pass motifs that the team often uses. Determining how to break these motifs will make an important contribution to the success of a team


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    The aim of the study is to analyse the link between the approaches of preschool teachers towards inclusion, inclusion competencies as well as classroom management skills. The study is characterized by a correlational model. It was conducted with preschool teachers working in public schools selected by a simple random method in Malatya Province. 453 teachers participated in the study. The data were collected with Attitude Towards Inclusion Scale made by Loreman, Earle, Sharma and Forlin and adapted to Turkish by Cansız and Cansız, Teachers' Inclusion Competencies Scale made by Umesh Sharma, Tim Loreman and Chris Forlin and adapted to Turkish by Bayer, and also Classroom Management Competency Scale made by Elçiçek, Kinay and Oral. The collected data were evaluated with arithmetic average, Correlation Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. At the end of the study, the approaches of preschool teachers towards inclusion, inclusion competencies and classroom management skills were found to be “Generally High”.&nbsp; The relationship between these variables were positive and medium. It was concluded the approaches of preschool teachers towards inclusion predicted their inclusion and classroom management competencies in a positive and significant way

    The Mihrimah Sultan Mosque in Edirnekapi and its Painting Decorations

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    İstanbul İli, Fatih İlçesi, Edirnekapı semtinde bulunan Mihrimah Sultan Camii, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ile Hürrem Sultan’ın kızları ve devrin büyük sadrazamı Rüstem Paşa’nın eşi Mihrimah Sultan tarafından Mimar Sinan’a yaptırılarak 1565 yılında inşaatı tamamlanmıştır. Restorasyon sırasında cami içerisinde bulunan kalemişleri hakkında araştırmalar yapılmış, önceki dönemlere ait veriler tespit edilmiş ve hazırlanan restorasyon projesi doğrultusunda kalemişleri tamamlanmıştır. Restorasyon sırasında elde edilen veriler neticesinde ana kubbenin çimento sıva olduğu, beden duvarlarında bulunan küfeki taşı yüzeylere zaman içerisinde çimento sıva yapılarak yeni kalemişleri yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Tüm çimento esaslı sıvalar yapıdan sökülerek uzaklaştırılmıştır. Restorasyon öncesinde mevcut olan son dönemde yapılmış yoğun kalemişleri kaldırılarak alt tabakalarda bulunan orjinal kalemişleri tekrar yapılmıştır. Kadınlar mahfili kubbelerinde Sinan dönemi kalemişlerine uygun tamamlamalar yapılmıştır

    Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sports: In the Context of Turkey Sample Determination of Risk Factors in Relationship of Coaches and Female Athletes

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    Today, sexual harassment is common in all areas of daily life. Numerous scientific researchers have been conducted since the rate of sexual harassment has increased day by day. Nowadays, the increase of sexual abuse and harassment in almost every area of organizational structure and field is creating a serious threat, and it has forced many managers and academics to come together. In addition to the many organizations that have experienced sexual harassment, since many years sexual harassment and abuse have increased in sport fields and in different sport branches. What is the characteristic that makes sports field an area open to sexual abuse and that differs from other social areas? The first answer that comes to mind is transparency. Sports is seen as a transparent area due to the fact that it is independent of other areas of life. That is, the sport field is not operating as a different area which emphasizes only physical performance or ability regarded as a different field. Sexual harassment and abuse are not events that happen on their own in the sport. While harassment and abuse events in many areas of society are difficult to reveal, harassment and abuse events in sports are very visible. However, this visibility is only within the community. When you ask almost every sector working in the sports field, it seems that there is a story of harassment that they have lived or heard about in the past. The aim of this study is to offer suggestions to the athletes, their families and coaches for the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse in sport in order to eliminate the negative impact on athletes who have experienced and encountered sexual harassment and abuse in Turkey