916 research outputs found

    Determination of possible effects of geotermal energy plants on yield and quality in fig

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    Bu çalışma ülkemizde ve bölgemizde sayıları son yıllarda giderek artan jeotermal enerji tesislerinin incirde verim ve kalite üzerine olası etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla 2013 ve 2014 yılı incir üretim sezonlarında Aydın İli Germencik İlçesi “Alangüllü” bölgesinde yer alan jeotermal tesise 600-650 m (yakın mesafe), 1100-1150 m (orta mesafe), 1500-1650 m (uzak mesafe) ve ≥5000 m (en uzak mesafe) uzaklıkta seçilen ve her mesafeyi temsil eden ikişer Sarılop incir çeşidi bahçesi belirlenmiştir. Denemenin yürütüldüğü her iki yılda, bahçelerden incir üretim sezonu boyunca, üç dönemde yaprak ve kuru meyve örnekleri alınmıştır. Tesisten farklı mesafelerde yer alan bahçelerden alınan yaprak ve kuru meyve örneklerinde, besin elementleri açısından; azot (N, %), fosfor (P, %), potasyum (K, %), kalsiyum (Ca, % ), magnezyum (Mg, % ), demir (Fe, ppm), bakır (Cu, ppm), çinko (Zn, ppm), mangan (Mn, ppm), kadmiyum (Cd, ppm), nikel (Ni, ppm), krom (Cr, ppm), kurşun (Pb, ppm), kobalt (Co), bor (B, ppm) ve kükürt (S, %) elementlerinin analizleri yapılmıştır. Denemede aynı zamanda kuru incir meyve örneklerinde, meyve kalitesi ile ilgili olarak; meyve kabuk rengi (L*, a*, b*, hue° ve chroma* değeri), suda çözünebilir kuru madde miktarı (%), titre edilebilir asit miktarı (%) ve pH değerleri saptanmıştır. İncir bahçelerinde, meyve verim komponentleri ile ilgili olarak ise, farklı mesafelerdeki bahçelerde yer alan ağaçların yıllık sürgünlerinde, sürgün uzunluğu (cm), sürgün çapı (cm) ve sürgündeki meyve sayısı (adet) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucu elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde; jeotermal tesise yakın mesafede (600-650 m) bulunan incir bahçelerinde, yaprak ve kuru incir meyve örneklerinin besin elementleri ve ağır metaller açısından genel olarak diğer mesafelere göre daha yüksek içeriklere sahip olduğu ve tesisten uzaklaştıkça özellikle meyve örneklerinin ağır metal içeriklerinin azaldığı saptanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, kuru incir verimi ve kalitesine ilişkin elde edilen sonuçların da değerlendirilmesi sonucu; benzer şekilde tesisten uzaklaştıkça kalite ve verim ile ilgili olumsuz etkinin azaldığı belirlenmiştir.This study is carried out to investigate the possible effects of the geothermal energy plants, whose number is increasing in the last years, on the yield and the quality in fig. In this respect, during 2013 and 2014 fig production seasons, at each of the distances 600-650 m (close distance), 1100-1150 m (medium distance), 1500-1650 m (long distance) and ≥5000 m (ultra long distance) from the geothermal energy resource in “Alangüllü” area in Germencik, Aydın, two fig orchards containing Sarılop variety were determined and selected. From these orchards, leaf and dried fruit samples were taken in three terms during the fig production season in each of the two years that the experiment was conducted. In the leaf and the dried fruit samples taken from the orchards at different distances, in terms of nutrient elements; the analyses for nitrogen (N, %), phosphorus (P, %), potassium (K, %), calcium (Ca, %), magnesium (Mg, %), iron (Fe, ppm), copper (Cu, ppm), zinc (Zn, ppm), manganese (Mn, ppm), cadmium (Cd, ppm), nickel (Ni, ppm), chrome (Cr, ppm), lead (Pb, ppm), cobalt (Co), boron (B, ppm) and sulphur (S, %) elements were carried out. At the same time in the dried fig samples, regarding the quality of the fruit, the color of the peel of the fruit (L*, a*, b*, hue° and the chroma value), the amount of the water soluble solids (%), the amount of titrable acid (%) and the pH values were determined. Related to the fig yield components, in the orchards at different distances, in the annual shoots of the trees, the length of the shoot (cm), the diameter of the shoot (cm) and the number of fruits on the shoot were determined. When the data obtained are considered according to the nutrient elements and the heavy metals, it was detected that the leaf and the dried fig samples from the fig orchards which are close to the geothermal energ plant (600-650 m), in general, have higher values and the heavy metals content of the fruit samples decreases as the distance to the plant increases. In addition, after considering the yield and the quality of the dried fig, it is determined that, similarly, the undesirable effect decreases as the distance to the plant increases

    Classification of Quench Dynamical Behaviours in Spinor Condensates

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    Thermalization of isolated quantum systems is a long-standing fundamental problem where different mechanisms are proposed over time. We contribute to this discussion by classifying the diverse quench dynamical behaviours of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates, which includes well-defined quantum collapse and revivals, thermalization, and certain special cases. These special cases are either nonthermal equilibration with no revival but a collapse even though the system has finite degrees of freedom or no equilibration with no collapse and revival. Given that some integrable systems are already shown to demonstrate the weak form of eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH), we determine the regions where ETH holds and fails in this integrable isolated quantum system. The reason behind both thermalizing and nonthermalizing behaviours in the same model under different initial conditions is linked to the discussion of `rare' nonthermal states existing in the spectrum. We also propose a method to predict the collapse and revival time scales and how they scale with the number of particles in the condensate. We use a sudden quench to drive the system to non-equilibrium and hence the theoretical predictions given in this paper can be probed in experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Multiatom Quantum Coherences in Micromasers as Fuel for Thermal and Nonthermal Machines

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    In this paper we address the question: To what extent is the quantum state preparation of multiatom clusters (before they are injected into the microwave cavity) instrumental for determining not only the kind of machine we may operate but also the quantitative bounds of its performance? Figuratively speaking, if the multiatom cluster is the "crude oil", the question is: Which preparation of the cluster is the refining process that can deliver a "gasoline" with a "specific octane"? We classify coherences or quantum correlations among the atoms according to their ability to serve as (i) fuel for nonthermal machines corresponding to atomic states whose coherences displace or squeeze the cavity field, as well as cause its heating; and (ii) fuel which is purely "combustible", i.e., corresponds to atomic states that only allow for heat and entropy exchange with the field and can energize a proper heat engine. We identify highly promising multiatom states for each kind of fuel and propose viable experimental schemes for their implementation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Identity of cheese: A research on the cheeses of The Aegean Region in Turkey

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    Cheese, which has a deep-rooted history, is a food product that reflects the cultural memory and history of communities, besides being a method of preserving milk. Cheese varieties differ according to the cultural structure of the countries, climatic conditions, animal diversity, and production techniques. Different types of cheese are produced in different ways in different geographical regions of Turkey. The Aegean Region, one of the geographical regions in Turkey, stands out with its unique cheese varieties. The current study aims to identify cheeses produced in the Aegean Region and to discuss them in the context of gastronomy tourism and cultural heritage. For this purpose, a document analysis was carried out in order to provide information about the identification and production methods of cheeses specific to the Aegean Region. As a result of the review of the documents, cheeses peculiar to the region were put forward

    Work and Heat Value of Bound Entanglement

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    Entanglement has recently been recognized as an energy resource which can outperform classical resources if decoherence is relatively low. Multi-atom entangled states can mutate irreversibly to so called bound entangled (BE) states under noise. Resource value of BE states in information applications has been under critical study and a few cases where they can be useful have been identified. We explore the energetic value of typical BE states. Maximal work extraction is determined in terms of ergotropy. Since the BE states are non-thermal, extracting heat from them is less obvious. We compare single and repeated interaction schemes to operationally define and harvest heat from BE states. BE and free entangled (FE) states are compared in terms of their ergotropy and maximal heat values. Distinct roles of distillability in work and heat values of FE and BE states are pointed out. Decoherence effects in dynamics of ergotropy and mutation of FE states into BE states are examined to clarify significance of the work value of BE states. Thermometry of distillability of entanglement using micromaser cavity is proposed.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Comparison of Academic Achievement Levels of Students Beginning the Elementary School at Different Ages

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    This study aims to make a comparison of various lessons’ mean exam scores achieved at the first, second, third and fourth grade by students who started elementary school at 60-66 months and those who started at or above 69 months as these students started the elementary school at the same time after an amendment in elementary education law in 2012. Screening method was employed as the study analyzes an existing situation. Target population of the study is 483 elementary school students attending the fourth grade at 27 elementary schools in Sincik district center of Adıyaman province in academic year 2015-2016. 249 of the students are male and 234 are females. The number of students who started elementary school between 60-66 months and attending the fourth grade is 74 while the number of students who started elementary school over 69 months and attending the fourth grade is 409. In order to ensure the equality of students in numbers, a total of 148 students were selected as sample group consisting of 74 students from each category. The findings were obtained by calculating the mean exam scores achieved by the students in Turkish, mathematics and life sciences at the first, second and third classes and in Turkish, mathematics, social sciences, physical sciences and English lessons at the first semester of fourth class. The exam scores of the students were obtained from e-school system of the Ministry of Education. It was concluded that there is a significant difference between the mean exam scores in Turkish, mathematics and life sciences at the first, second and third classes and in mathematics, social sciences, physical sciences and English lessons at the fourth class achieved by the students who started the elementary school at or above 69 months and those achieved by the students who started the elementary school at 60-66 months. Keywords: Different age groups, level of academic achievement, starting the elementary school