69 research outputs found

    Examination of concentration of iron, zinc and copper and antioxidative status in human milk, serum of baby and mothers and infant formula

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    Mikroelementi, odnosno elementi u tragovima, su supstance koje čine manje od 0,01% ukupne tjelesne mase. Gvoţđe, cink i bakar spadaju u osnovne elemente koji su neophodni za rast i razvoj kako odojčadi tako i tokom cijelog Å£ivota, obzirom da ulaze u sastav velikog broja enzima. DosadaÅ”njim istraÅ£ivanjima je utvrđeno da neki elementi u tragovima, koji se ponaÅ”aju kao redoks katalizatori, mogu biti dio aktivnog mjesta ili kofaktori antioksidativnih enzima, te se mogu ponaÅ”ati i kao antioksidansi. Elementi u tragovima imaju vaÅ£nu ulogu u rastu i razvoju. Iako su potrebni samo u malim količinama, unos ne mora uvijek biti adekvatan. Nedostatak elemenata u tragovima moÅ£e se pojaviti u dojenčadi iz različitih razloga. Biodostupnost esencijalnih mikroelemenata kod odojčadi isključivo zavisi od kvaliteta majčinog mlijeka, tj. od sadrÅ£aja nutrijenata u majčinom mlijeku, duÅ£ine dojenja i fizioloÅ”kih faktora kao Å”to su apsorpcija nutrijenata i uzimanje suplemenata, kako u trudnoći tako i u procesu dojenja. Smanjen unos cinka utiče na zastoj u rastu oÅ”tećujući i imuni sistem. Nedostatak bakra utiče na povećavanje slobodnih radikala i smanjuje sposobnost odbrane organizma od oksidativnog stresa. Smanjenje Zn i Cu kod odojčadi povezano je sa nedostatkom gvoţđa Å”to moÅ£e dovesti do većeg broja komplikacija. Zahvaljujući različitim sastojcima, majčino mlijeko je najbolja hrana za odojče, koja pored nutritivnih i bioloÅ”kih vrijednosti neophodnih za rast, doprinosi jačanju odbrambenih mehanizama, stimuliÅ”ući imuni sistem, poboljÅ”avajući razvoj endogenih odbrambenih mehanizama, kao i rast zdrave mikroflore. Sastav mlijeka majki prijevremeno rođene djece se razlikuje od mlijeka majki terminske djece...Micro-elemements or trace elements, are substances that make less than 0.01% of total body weight. Iron, zinc and copper are among basic elements necessary for growth and development of infants and further throughout life, as they are part of a large number of enzymes. Previous researches has found that some trace elements, which act as redox catalysts, may be part of the active site or cofactors of antioxidant enzymes, and they can act aslo as antioxidants. Trace elements play an important role in growth and development of humans. Although they are needed only in small amounts, their intake do not have to be appropriate. The lack of trace elements may occur in infants, for various reasons. The bioavailability of essential microelements in infants depends exclusively on the quality of breast milk, ie. of nutrients content in breast milk, duration of breastfeefing and physiological factors such as the absorption of nutrients and supplements intake, both in pregnancy and in breastfeeding period. Decreased intake of zinc causes the growth arrest, damaging the immune system. Copper deficiency causes the increase of free radicals and reduces the ability of defenses against oxidative stress. Reduction of Zn and Cu in infants is associated with iron deficiency which can lead to greater number of complications..

    Integration of the energy efficiency into the local development strategies

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    Balanced Scorecards represent powerful management tool for describing, explaining, representing and implementing different business strategies. Being in use for more than two decades, this tool proved its applicability in public, private and non-profit enterprises, which makes it suitable for applying in local development plans. The municipality of Sayski Venac applied balanced scorecards as decision-making tools to structure its objectives and articulate them into the strategy. However, the energy efficiency, although perceived as a national priority, was not included in the developed municipality strategy map. This paper investigates the possibilities to integrate the energy efficiency objectives and the municipality strategic objectives, in order to identify and apply proper key performance indicators, targets and measures to improve energy efficiency in different sectors. The ultimate goal is to propose proper GHG mitigation measures to enhance energy efficiency that will fit within the local development strategy of the municipality of Sayski Venac, to align the energy efficiency measures with its energy policy, to improve the selection process of the energy efficiency measures and to adjust it to the municipality needs

    Energy efficiency of residential buildings in Serbia

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    In this paper, presented is the stale-of-the-art of energy Efficiency of residential buildings in Serbia. Special attention is paid to energy efficiency in already existing buildings. The average energy consumption in residential buildings in Serbia is over 150 kWhm(-2) per year, while in developed European countries it is about 50 kWm(-2) per year. In this paper examined is the contribution of ventilation losses, through the windows of low quality, regardless whether they are poorly made, or made from bad materials, or with no adeguate glass. Besides ventilation losses, which are of major importance in our buildings, special attention is paid to transmission losses, which are conseguence of the quality and energy efficiency of the facade. All of the above statements are proved by measurements obtained on a representative building of the Block 34 in New Belgrade, built in the eighties of the last century. In addition to measurements performed the calculation of energy consumption for heating during winter has been made. The results of two different methods of calculation of energy consumption for heating are compared with the values obtained by measuring

    Development of the heating system using geothermal energy

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    The paper presents the results achieved by the project financed by Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Serbia during the period 2003-2005. The purpose of the project was determination methodology for designing heating system using geothermal water. Achieved results were implemented in the demonstration installment in factory "Palanački kiseljak" in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, using geothermal water from the well near by factory

    Development of the heating system using geothermal energy

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    The paper presents the results achieved by the project financed by Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Serbia during the period 2003-2005. The purpose of the project was determination methodology for designing heating system using geothermal water. Achieved results were implemented in the demonstration installment in factory "Palanački kiseljak" in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, using geothermal water from the well near by factory

    Poređenje različitih metoda za uklanjanje rastvorenog kiseonika - primena pri elektrohemijskom određivanju imidakloprida

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    This study compares different methods for the removal of oxygen from the solution prior to the chronopotentiometric determination of the insecticide imidacloprid on glassy carbon electrode. The research included the application of the chemical method involving addition of sulfite ion, and the physical method of purging the sample with nitrogen stream, as well as their combination. By comparing analytical signals of imidacloprid, chemical method showed almost the same efficiency as conventional physical method, while the best reproducibility was achieved by applying chemical method with addition of the saturated sodium sulfite solution. The method is very simple and can be applied for deoxygenation of the solution prior to the chronopotentiometric analysis. The application of the chemical deoxygenation significantly shortened duration of the chronopotentiometric analysis of imidacloprid from approximately 15 min to 1 min.U ovoj studiji poređene su različite metode za uklanjanje rastvorenog kiseonika iz rastvora pre hronopotenciometrijskog određivanja insekticida imidakloprida na elektrodi od staklastog ugljenika. Istraživanje je obuhvatalo primenu hemijske metode dodatkom sulfitnog jona i fizičke metode provođenje struje azota kroz uzorak u trajanju od 5, 10 i 15 min, kao i njihovu kombinaciju. Poređenjem analitičkih signala imidakloprida, hemijska metoda pokazala je skoro istu efikasnost kao i konvencionalna fizička metoda, dok je najbolja reproduktivnost ostvarena primenom hemijske metode uz dodatak 0,8 cm3 zasićenog rastvora natrijum sulfita. Metoda je veoma jednostavna i može se primeniti za uklanjanje kiseonika iz rastvora pre izvođenja hronopotenciometrijske analize. Primenom hemijske deoksigenacije značajno se skraćuje trajanje hronopotenciometrijske analize imidakloprida sa 15 min na 1 min

    Incidence of micronuclei in lymphocytes depends of apoptotic potential of leucocytes

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    U ovom radu ispitivan je udeo interfazne ćelijske smrti u bioloÅ”kom odgovoru humanih leukocita na male doze jonizujućeg zračenja. Za ispitivanje odabrana je grupa radiologa. Pored hromozomskih aberacija i mikronukleusa flow-citometrijom je ispitivan apoptotski potencijal leukocita. Ispitivana je medjusobna zavisnost navedenih parametara u izloženoj i odgovarajućoj kontrolnoj grupi.Utvrdjeno je da hronična izloženost malim dozama jonizujućeg zračenja remeti ravnotežu signalnih molekula u ćeliji, značajno smanjuje mogućnost fizioloÅ”ke eliminacije ozledjenih leukocita i povećava učestalost mikronuklusa u limfocitimaThis study aimed to evaluate the portion of white blood cell dying via apoptosis in conditions of occupationa exposure to ionizing radiation. For this purpose the group of radiologysts were chosen. Besides chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei apoptosis was examined employing flow-cytometry. Relationship between those biological endpoints in exposed as well as in control group were evaluated. The results of this examination demonstrated significantly depressed apoptotic potential of leucocytes followed with significantly increasement of micronucleated lymphocytes.XXII Simpozijum Jugoslovenskog druÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja, Petrovac, Sep 29 - Okt 1, 2003

    Micronuclei frequency in medical workers occupationaly exposed to ionizing radiation

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    Jedan od najpogodnijih testova za biodozimetriju u akcidentima, ispitivanje genotoksičnosti i radiosenzitivnosti je cytochalazin-B mikronucleus test zbog svoje jednostavnosti, osetljivosti i relativno niske cene. Cilj rada je da utvdi da li profesionalna izloženost jonizujućem zračenju indukuje povećanje broja mikronukleusa. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 77 medicinskih radnika, podeljenih na kontrolnu grupu (K) koju je činilo 33 ispitanika koji nisu izloženi JZ, I 44 ispitanika izloženih JZ (E), podeljene na dve podgrupe: eksponirane x-zračenju, (Ex) i eksponirane gama zračenju (En). Uzeti su podaci o načinu ishrane, navikama, zdravstvenom stanju. Grupe se nisu značajno razlikovale po polnoj distribuciji (p= 0.72), starosti (p= 0.76), navikama u ishrani, konzumiranju alkohola (p=0.16), puÅ”enju (p=0.73) i ekspozicionom radnom stažu (p=0.93). Ispitanici obe grupe pregledani su u skladu sa Odlukom o stručnoj spremi i zdravstvenim uslovima ljudi koja rade sa izvorima jonizujućih zračenja (Sl. list SRJ 45/97). U laboratoriji za citogenetiku INN Ā»VinčaĀ« uraƱen je mikronukleus test.po modifikovanoj metodi Fenech-a i Morley-a. Doza zračenja procenjena je na osnovu rezultata lične dozimetrije sprovedene kalibrisanim ličnim termoluminiscentnim dozimetrima (TLD) tipa CaF2:Mn. Arterijska hipertenzija i katarakta su oboljenja značajno veće učestalosti u eksponiranih. Spontana učestalost MN značajno je veća u profesionalno izloženih lica (31Ā±10/1000BN) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (17Ā±8/1000BN)(p= 0.000). Učestalost MN neÅ”to je veća u žena, ali je razlika značajna samo izmeƱu muÅ”karaca grupa K i E (p=0.0001), kao I žena (p=0.0002). PoviÅ”ena učestalost hromozomskih aberacija nije bila značajno povezana sa brojem mikronukleusa, iako je tvrƱena j značajnu zavisnost učestalosti mikronukleusa od doza (p=0.00022) i trajanjem ekspozicionog radnog staža (p=0.0000). Pretpostavili smo to može biti posledica razlika u DNK reparativnim procesima i/ili antioksidativnoj odbrani, kao i apoptoznoj aktivnosti.One of the most suitable tests for accidental biodosimetry, examining genotoxicity and radio sensitivity is cytochalazin-B micronucleus test because of its simplicity, sensitivity and low price comparing with other cytogenetic tests. The aim of this study is to investigate if occupational radiation exposures induce higher micronuclei score. Investigation comprised 77 medical workers on their routine yearly medical exam, 44 occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation (E), divided in two subgroupsexposed to x-rays (Ex) or gamma rays (En) and 33 controls (K). Informed consent and questionnaire containing dietary, habits, medical factors and exposure history were taken. Groups were matched in gender (p= 0.72538), age (p= 0.76839), habits - dietary, alcohol consumption (p=0.1653), smoking (p=0.738) and specific exposure time (p=0.9367). Radiation dose accumulated by occupationally exposed over years was calculated on the basis of individual TL-dose records and multiplied with exposure time. Micronuclei analysis was carried out on cultures of phytohaemaglutininstimulated blood lymphocytes (Wellcome, 2.4 Āµg/ml). Peripheral blood samples (0.5 ml) were cultured in 5ml RPMI-1640 medium suplemented with 15% calf serum at 37Ā°C. At t= 44 h Cytohalazin B was added at a final concentracion of 6 Āµg/ml to induce binuclear cell formation. At t=72 h, cells were spun down, the medium removed and the cells were washed using Henkā€² s basic salt solution. The cells were fixed in methanol: acetic acid (3:1) after 5min of mild hypotonic treatement ( 0.56% KCl + 0.9% NaCl in equal volumes). Slides were air-dried and stained in akaline Giemsa (2%). Slides for each donor were coded and duplicates of 1000 binucleated cells were examined for micronuclei by same experienced cytogenetics. Criteria set by Countyman and Heddle (LIT) and Fenech and Morley (LIT) were applied for micronuclei identification. The average frequency of micronuclei was significantly increased in occupationally exposed 31Ā±10/1000BN versus controls 17Ā±8/1000BN (p= 0.000). There was statistically significantly higher micronuclei incidence increased in men (p=0.0001) and women (p=0.0002) of exposed versus the same gender controls. Micronuclei score was not highly correlated with chromosomal aberration score, even it was highly correlated with doses (p=0.00022) and specific exposure time (p=0.0000). We supposed it could be the consequence of DNA-repair, antioxidative defense and apoptotic activity.XXII Simpozijum Jugoslovenskog druÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja, Petrovac, Sep 29 - Okt 1, 2003

    Cytogenetic findings in Serbian patients with Turner's syndrome stigmata

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    Cytogenetic findings are reported for 31 female patients with Turner's syndrome. Chromosome studies were made from lymphocyte cultures. Non-mosaicism 45, X was demonstrated in 15 of these patients, whereas only three were apparently mosaic. Eight patients showed non-mosaic and four patients showed mosaic structural aberrations of the X-chromosome. One non-mosaic case displayed a karyotype containing a small marker chromosome. Conventional cytogenetics was supplemented by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with an X-specific probe to identify the chromosomal origin of the ring and a 1q12-specific DNA probe to identify de novo balanced translocation (1;9) in one patient. To our knowledge, this is the first finding of karyotype 45,X,t(1;9) (cen;cen)/46,X,r(X),t(1;9)(cen;cen) in Turner's syndrome. The same X-specific probe was also used to identify a derivative chromosome in one patient
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