94 research outputs found

    An Ecologically Sustainable Society: Future or Utopia

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    Nakon izlaganja osnovnih principa ekoloÅ”ki održivog druÅ”tva pokuÅ”ava se dati odgovor je li ovakva suvremena težnja ekoloÅ”ke civitas dei moguća. Posebno se na nekim konkretnim primjerima u svijetu naglaÅ”ava mogućnost ostvarivanja održivog razvoja bez ekoloÅ”ki održivog druÅ”tva. Pri tome se ističu i neki psihologijski i medicinski aspekti u razmatranju ove problematike. Zalaže se za realizaciju ekoloÅ”ki održivog druÅ”tva (sustainable society) kao jednog od mogućih ekoloÅ”kih i sociokulturnih aspekata budućnosti.After elucidating the main principles of the ecologically sustainable society, an attempt is made to answer whether this contemporary aspiration of an ecological civitas dei is possible. Some examples around the world especially indicate the impossibility to effectuate sustainable development without an ecologically sustainable society. Whereby, some psychological and medical aspects in dealing with this issue are particularly pointed out. The authors write in favour of actualizing an ecologically sustainable society as one of the possible ecological and sociocultural aspects of the future


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    S ciljem da se utvrde relacije između kvalitete samopoÅ”tovanja adolescenata na početku ovog razvojnog doba te kvalitete roditeljskih stavova i obiteljskih odnosa u kojima adolescenti odrastaju, odabran je uzorak od 120 parova roditelja i adolescenata, učenika sedmih razreda. Istraživanje je provedeno u Å”est zagrebačkih osnovnih Å”kola, pri čemu su koriÅ”tene skcde samoprocjene pod nazivom: indeks samopoÅ”tovanja, indeks obiteljskih odnosa te indeks roditeljskiih stavova. Kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom dobivena su dva značajna para kanoničkih faktora, koji upućuju na visoku korelaciju između prostora ispitanikova samopoÅ”tovanja i prostora obiteljskih odnosa. ViÅ”a razina razina samopoÅ”tovanja vezana je uz kvalitetnije obiteljske odnose.In order to examine the statistical significnce offamily relations quality andparental attitude toward child and how does it refer to a child self-esteem, and its self-image in general, there was made a sample of 120 pairs seventh grade pupils and their parents: In the research there were included six primary schools in the area of Zagreb. The author has used three types of measuring Instruments, formed as measuring selfperception scales (ā€œIndexofself-esteemā€ , ā€œIndexoffamily relationsā€ and ā€œIndexofparentā€™sattitude toward child"). Ali administered scales were submitted to canonical corelation analysis. The outcomming results have supportedpresumed hypotheses: In thefamily where the general atmosphere provides possibilities for basic psihological needs to be met, and where child has expirienced security, satisfaction, joy, beeing significant and accepted, he will develop a self-concept of a person content with himself and with his significant others. Also, in thefamily where the interpersonal communication is deficient, with the lack of contacts and intensiv emotions (ā€œeveningā€ or ā€œweekend" contacts), child develops a poor self-concept and lower self-esteem, tending to compensate needs of ā€œbeeing emportantā€ . and ā€œbeeing acceptedā€ elsewhere. There is, as well, statisticaly significant corelation between parentā€™s attitude and childā€™s self-esteem: where parents have percepted their child as a source offrustration, iritation, and are generally discontent with him, child develops ā€œlooserā€™s" selfconcept, feeling defeated, hopeless and not worthy. According to the presented results, author emphasizes the emportance of supportive, stimulating andemotionalywarmfamily atmosphere for adolescentā€™ s quality of selfconcept and the level ofhis self-esteem

    Satelitske altimetrijske misije

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    U radu je prikazan značaj i primjena satelitske altimetrije. Opisan je i princip rada metode satelitske altimetrije koja je izuzetno korisna za dobivanje fizikalnih parametara u područjima mora i oceana, Å”to je pak od presudnog značaja za uspjeÅ”no rjeÅ”avanje različitih znanstvenih i praktičnih zadataka u području geodezije. Svoju je primjenu metoda pronaÅ”la u mnogobrojnim znanostima koje su uglavnom vezane za proučavanje planeta Zemlje, tzv. geoznanosti. Razvoj altimetrije započeo je 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća te su se do danaÅ”njeg dana razvile brojne satelitske altimetrijske misije gdje je svaka misija sa sobom nosila različiti skup instrumenata i time otkrivala nove činjenice i dotad nepoznate pojave. S obzirom na to da je većina misija polučila dobre rezultate i ostvarila zadane ciljeve, pristupilo se razvoju budućih misija uz daljnje ulaganje financijskih sredstava. U radu su prikazani i rezultati proteklih satelitskih altimetrijskih misija kao i zahtjevi koji se stavljaju pred buduće misije. Posebna je pozornost posvećena aktualnim satelitskim altimetrijskim misijama, njihovim karakteristikama, mogućnostima i podatcima koje su nam sposobne pružiti


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    Razmatra se razvoj i stanje zbrinjavanja ukupne otpadne tvari na seoskom području Republike Hrvatske. Stanje se aktualizira ratnim zbivanjima i razaranjima, koja su u Domovinskome ratu bila posebice jaka u seoskim područjima. Pojačana previranja u gospodarstvu i druÅ”tvenoj strukturi sela, demografske promjene, primjena novih agrotehnologijskih mjera itd. stvaraju nove vrste otpadne tvari za adekvatno zbrinjavanje koje ne postoje ni elementarni uvjeti. Daje se prijedlog za unapređenje postojećeg stanja u nas.The development and the present state of the total waste material management in the rural area of the Republic of Croatia are being considered. The paper also reviews some of the consequences of the war activities and destruction, that were especially intensive in rural area during the Liberation war. The intensified changes in the economy and social structure of rural area, and population trends in this country, along with the use of modern technologies in agriculture, produce new sorts of waste materials. On the other hand, even elementary conditions for the appropriate management of this waste do not exist. A proposal for the improvement of the present situation has been given.Hier wird die Entwicklung und die Situation in der totalen Abfallmaterialentsorgung im dƶrfichen Bereich in Betracht genommen. Die Situation wird vom Krieg und von den Kompfzerstƶrungen aktualisiert, die sehr intensiv im Bereich der Dƶrfer wƶrfer wƤhrend des Heimatskriegs waren. Die intensiven Ƅnderungen in der Wirtschaft und in der Sozilogie des Dorfs und die neuen Abfallsorten wurden von den intensiven demographischen Ƅnderungen in Kroatien zusammen mit der Anwendung der neuen agrotechnologischen Massnahmen geschaffen. FĆ¼r die Entsorgung von diesen neuen Sorten bestehen sogar keine Grundbedingunden. Da wird einen Vorschlag fĆ¼r die Befƶrderung der gegenwƤrtigen Situation in Kroatien gegeben

    Ženska seksualnost u romanima Zuzane Brabcove i Ive PekĆ”rkove

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    U ovom ću radu analizirati romane Zuzane Brabcove i Ive PekĆ”rkove te ih smjestiti u kontekst suvremenih feminističkih rasprava o rodu, tijelu i identitetu. Jedna od temeljnih tema feminističke kritike je pitanje identiteta ženskog subjekta. S razvojem feminističke kritike ženski se subjekt oslobodio od spona muÅ”ke dominacije, te je prestao postojati isključivo u binarnoj opoziciji s muÅ”kim subjektom. Nakon toga, žena je dobila mogućnost samostalno stvarati vlastiti identitet. U književnosti, subjekti svoj identitet često izražavaju kroz tijelo, budući da tijelo služi kao sredstvo izražavanja unutarnjih stanja i osjećaja subjekta. Potraga za identitetom subjekta veoma je čest motiv mnogih ženskih autorica. Zuzana BrabcovĆ” i Iva PekĆ”rkovĆ” nisu iznimke

    Terapijski problemi kod pacijenata Ljekarne Ludbreg

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    Cilj istraživanja: Ovim istraživanjem želi se utvrditi vrsta, učestalost i uzroci pojedinih terapijskih problema na uzorku pacijenata u javnoj ljekarni. Istraživanje uključuje utvrđivanje prisutnosti potencijalnih interakcija i nuspojava lijekova, prikladnosti odabira lijeka, ispravnosti doziranja, duljine trajanja terapije, načina uzimanja lijeka te adherencije. Ispitanici i metode: Ovo presječno opservacijsko istraživanje provedeno je u Ljekarni Varaždinske županije, Ljekarni Ludbreg, Gundulićeva 1. U istraživanje je uključeno sto nasumično odabranih pacijenata, koji su zadovoljili kriterije za uključivanje i pristali sudjelovati u istraživanju. Kriteriji za uključivanje pacijenata bili su da je pacijent stariji od 18 godina, da prilikom posjeta ljekarni ima najmanje dva lijeka propisana na recept i da lijekove podiže osobno. Način i izvor prikupljanja podataka bio je strukturirani razgovor s pacijentom prema upitniku za uzimanje medikacijske povijesti, pregled e-recepata, zapisa o podignutim lijekovima iz baze ljekarne, te dostupnih laboratorijskih nalaza i povijesti bolesti u suradnji s liječnikom obiteljske medicine. Pomoću svih prikupljenih podataka utvrđeni su postojeći i potencijalni terapijski problemi te njihovi uzroci, a kao osnova za klasifikaciju terapijskih problema koriÅ”tena je PCNE DRP V7.0 klasifikacija. Prikupljeni su podatci i o demografskoj, obrazovnoj i socijalnoj strukturi pacijenata, životnim navikama, potroÅ”nji lijekova, učestalosti koriÅ”tenja bezreceptnih lijekova i dodataka prehrani. Svi prikupljeni podaci statistički su obrađeni na odgovarajući način koristeći metode standardne deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 100 ispitanika, 29 muÅ”karaca i 71 žena, prosječne dobi 63,00Ā±10,48 godina, iskazano kao srednja vrijednost (Ā±sd). Raspon 34-87. Prosječni broj dijagnoza prema MKB klasifikaciji bolesti na propisanim receptima po ispitaniku iznosi 3,74Ā±2,00, iskazano kao srednja vrijednost (Ā±sd). Raspon 1-11. Prosječni broj lijekova propisanih na recept po ispitaniku iznosi 6,05Ā±3,17, iskazano kao srednja vrijednost (Ā±sd). Raspon 2- 15. Po ispitaniku je prosječno identificirano 6,66Ā±2,41 terapijskih problema, iskazano kao srednja vrijednost (Ā±sd). Raspon 2-12. Ukupno najčeŔći terapijski problem su interakcije lijekova koje su prisutne kod 99% ispitanika, a zabilježeno je čak 891 interakcija različitog stupnja kliničkog značaja. U skupini problema u odabiru lijeka, zabilježen je najveći broj terapijskih problema, njih 225, te drugi najčeŔći terapijski problem, koriÅ”tenje neprikladnog lijeka, prisutno kod 71% ispitanika. Zaključak: U proces promicanja sigurne, racionalne i učinkovite farmakoterapije, za Å”to je ključno prepoznavanje i rjeÅ”avanje terapijskih problema, ljekarnici bi trebali biti viÅ”e uključeni te u suradnji s drugim zdravstvenim djelatnicima doprinositi uspjeÅ”nijem, racionalnijem i sigurnijem liječenju bolesnika.Objectives: This study aims to determine the type, frequency and causes of certain drug related problems in a sample of patients in public pharmacy. The research includes determining the presence of potential interactions and adverse drug reactions, suitability of the drug selection, dosing accuracy, duration od therapy, ways of taking medication and adherence. Patients and methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in Ljekarna Varaždinske županije, Ljekarna Ludbreg, Gundulićeva 1. Study included one hundred randomly selected patients who met the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate in the study. Inclusion criteria were that the patient is at least 18 years old, has at least two prescription drugs prescribed and he picks up medicines by himself. The method and source of data collection was a structured interview with patients using medication history questionnaire, review of e-prescriptions, records of dispensed drugs from the pharmacy base and the laboratory results and history of illness in collaboration with a physician. Using the collected data, existing and potential drug related problems and their causes were defined and as a basis for the classification of drug related problems PCNE DRP V7.0 classification was used. The demographic, educational and social structure of patients, lifestyle, drug consumption data, non-prescription drugs and dietary supplements usage data were also collected. All collected data were statistically analyzed appropriately using methods of standard descriptive statistics. Results: The study included 100 patients, 29 men and 71 women, of average age 63,00 Ā± 10,48 years, expressed as the mean (Ā± SD). The range was 34-87. The average number of diagnoses according to ICD classification of diseases per subject was 3,74 Ā± 2,00, expressed as the mean (Ā± SD). The range was 1-11. The average number of prescription drugs prescribed per subject was 6,05 Ā± 3,17, expressed as the mean (Ā± SD). The range was 2- 15. An average of 6,66 Ā± 2,41 drug related problems, expressed as mean (Ā±SD) was identified. The range was 2-12. The most common drug related problem are drug interactions that are present in 99% of patients, and there were even 891 interactions of varying degrees of clinical importance. In the group of problems in the selection of the drug, there is the largest number of drug related problems, 225 of them, and the second most common drug related problem, inappropriate use of the drug, present in 71% of subjects. Conclusion: Pharmacists should be more involved in the process of promoting the safe, rational and effective pharmacotherapy, for which is crucial recognition and solving drug related problems, and in collaboration with other health care professionals they should contribute to more successful, rational and safer treatment of patients


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    S ciljem da se utvrde relacije između kvalitete samopoÅ”tovanja adolescenata na početku ovog razvojnog doba te kvalitete roditeljskih stavova i obiteljskih odnosa u kojima adolescenti odrastaju, odabran je uzorak od 120 parova roditelja i adolescenata, učenika sedmih razreda. Istraživanje je provedeno u Å”est zagrebačkih osnovnih Å”kola, pri čemu su koriÅ”tene skcde samoprocjene pod nazivom: indeks samopoÅ”tovanja, indeks obiteljskih odnosa te indeks roditeljskiih stavova. Kanoničkom korelacijskom analizom dobivena su dva značajna para kanoničkih faktora, koji upućuju na visoku korelaciju između prostora ispitanikova samopoÅ”tovanja i prostora obiteljskih odnosa. ViÅ”a razina razina samopoÅ”tovanja vezana je uz kvalitetnije obiteljske odnose.In order to examine the statistical significnce offamily relations quality andparental attitude toward child and how does it refer to a child self-esteem, and its self-image in general, there was made a sample of 120 pairs seventh grade pupils and their parents: In the research there were included six primary schools in the area of Zagreb. The author has used three types of measuring Instruments, formed as measuring selfperception scales (ā€œIndexofself-esteemā€ , ā€œIndexoffamily relationsā€ and ā€œIndexofparentā€™sattitude toward child"). Ali administered scales were submitted to canonical corelation analysis. The outcomming results have supportedpresumed hypotheses: In thefamily where the general atmosphere provides possibilities for basic psihological needs to be met, and where child has expirienced security, satisfaction, joy, beeing significant and accepted, he will develop a self-concept of a person content with himself and with his significant others. Also, in thefamily where the interpersonal communication is deficient, with the lack of contacts and intensiv emotions (ā€œeveningā€ or ā€œweekend" contacts), child develops a poor self-concept and lower self-esteem, tending to compensate needs of ā€œbeeing emportantā€ . and ā€œbeeing acceptedā€ elsewhere. There is, as well, statisticaly significant corelation between parentā€™s attitude and childā€™s self-esteem: where parents have percepted their child as a source offrustration, iritation, and are generally discontent with him, child develops ā€œlooserā€™s" selfconcept, feeling defeated, hopeless and not worthy. According to the presented results, author emphasizes the emportance of supportive, stimulating andemotionalywarmfamily atmosphere for adolescentā€™ s quality of selfconcept and the level ofhis self-esteem

    Ekologija bolničkih ustanova

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    A review of hospital ecology during the history of mankind is presented. It is noted that hospitals in ancient times and sanatoriums in subsequent historical periods were not accidentally located in natural ambient to take advantage of the most favorable factors of natural environment. Ancient medicine lacked the knowledge of the etiology of many diseases, thus tending to ensure optimal ambient and environmental conditions in the then hospitals. This tendency continued up to the discovery of infectious disease agents. Owing to the significant amount of knowledge and huge technological progress in current clinical medicine, modern hospitals are characterized by immense interpenetration and interaction of numerous factors, producing a major problem of preserving and maintaining the premises as free as possible from the potential adverse effects on both service users and providers. The use of novel materials and technologies entails new problems such as the sick building syndrome. The most important elements of hospital ecology are presented in detail, along with proposals for improvement of the condition in this segment of health care.Razmatra se ekologija bolničkih ustanova tijekom povijesti ljudskog roda. NaglaÅ”ava se činjenica kako nije slučajno da su u antičkim vremenima bolnice, a kasnije i sanatoriji bili smjeÅ”teni u prirodnim ambijentima koji su trebali koristiti najpovoljnije činitelje prirodne okoline. Pramedicina je bila bez saznanja o etiologiji brojnih bolesti, stoga je u prabolnicama nastojala osigurati optimalne ambijentalne i okoliÅ”ne uvjete. Taj se trend nastavio do otkrića uzročnika zaraznih bolesti U modernim bolničkim ustanovama zahvaljujući značajnim saznanjima i velikom tehnoloÅ”kom napretku u suvremenoj kliničkoj medicini postoji tijesna isprepletenost i interakcija brojnih činitelja, tako da se javlja značajan problem očuvanja i održavanja tih prostora sa Å”to manje možebitnih Å”tetnih učinaka za korisnike i pružatelje usluga. Uporabom pak novih materijala i tehnologija pojavljuju se novi problemi poput "sindroma bolesne zgrade". U radu se podrobno razmatraju bitni elementi ekologije bolnica i daju prijedlozi za unaprjeđenje stanja u tom području

    Language learning anxiety - causes and consequences

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    Most of the previous studies on language learning anxiety have focused on foreign language anxiety in older learners, and very few focused on the role of language learning anxiety among young learners. It is commonly believed that young learners are similar to one another, and that there is no need to research their individual differences. However, recent studies among young learners proved otherwise. The purpose of this research study was to find whether foreign language learning anxiety is present from the beginning of language learning process. If young learners, who just started learning a foreign language, experienced anxiety at any level, what were the most common sources of language learning anxiety? This research was conducted on three groups of young learners, from two different elementary schools. There was a total of 56 fourth grade young learners, age 10 and 11, 32 females and 24 males. The first group of 16 young learners who had just started learning English as a foreign language, was the focus group which was questioned orally. Their answers about foreign language anxiety served as a basis for the questionnaire which was administered to the second and the third group. The second group consisted of 17 learners who also just began studying English. The third group studied English from the first grade, and were in their fourth year of learning English. We found that students experienced a low or a very low level of anxiety, which confirms the general standpoint that young learners experience very little anxiety in their language learning process.The significant differences in anxiety level between the male and female learners were established only for two items. The female learners experienced higher anxiety level when their peers mocked their mistakes and when they had to read new words. Our research also showed that there was a negative correlation between language anxiety and motivation. The negative, although moderate correlation was found between language learning anxiety and language achievement. Regarding the language anxiety level in the two subject groups, the participants who had been learning English for four years showed a higher level of language anxiety than the participants who had just started learning English

    Ecological aspects of rural development in Croatia

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    The article presents the short historical development of the village in Croatia from the ecological aspect and the consequences this development has on health and social security and on the quality of life. To increase the congruence between rural development and ecological characteristics in the Republic of Croatia, the author suggests possible activities geared towards improved future development
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