41 research outputs found

    Phenotypic plasticity of leaves Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) in different light conditions

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je analizirano osam osobina lista vrste Ranunculus acris uzgojene u Botaničkom vrtu u Zagrebu iz sjemenki sabranih s matičnih biljaka jedne populacije iz Gornje Stubice. Kroz 100 dana 60 biljaka je podvrgnuto različitim količinama sunčevog zračenja. Kvantitativni podaci mjerenih osobina dobiveni su prije i poslije izloženosti biljaka intenzivnom sunčevom zračenju / dubokoj zasjenjenosti i statistički obrađeni. Provjera normalne distribucije varijabli provedena je Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom a pojava fenotipske plastičnosti i razvojne varijabilnosti Mann-Whitney testom. Vrijednosti dobivenih izračuna prikazane su histogramima. Ustanovljena je očekivana visoka varijabilnost u dimenzijama i brojnosti mjerenih karakteristika lista, visoka povezanost broja lisnih vrhova sa lisnim vrhovima srednjeg isperka lista kao i visoka povezanost između širine i duljine lista. Najveće korelacije između nekih varijabli prikazane su scatter-dijagramima. Većina karakteristika je normalno distribuirana. Fenotipska plastičnost je ustanovljena za duljinu peteljke lista i brojnost razvijenih listova. Varijabilnost jedinke u vremenu utvrđena je za sve proučavane karakteristike lista.This thesis analyzes the characteristics of eight leaves of Ranunculus acris grown in the Botanical garden in Zagreb, from the seeds collected from parent plants of a population from Gornja Stubica. During 100 days 60 plants were subject to different amounts of solar radiation. Quantitative data of the measured traits was obtained before and after the intense exposure to the sunlight/deep opacity. Afterwards that same data was statistically analyzed. Normal distribution verification of variables was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test while the occurrence of phenotypic plasticity and developmental variability was discovered using the Mann-Whitney test. Values obtained from both calculations are shown in histograms. The following was discovered: there was the expected high variability in dimensions and abundance of measured characteristics of the leaves, the high correlation of number of leaf tops and the middle barb leaf tops, and the high correlation between the width and the length of the leaf. The highest correlations between some variables are shown in scatter-diagrams. Most characteristics are normally distributed. Phenotypic plasticity has been identified for the leaf stalk length and the abundance of developed leaves. Unit variability in time was found for all studied leaf characteristics

    Phenotypic plasticity of leaves Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) in different light conditions

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je analizirano osam osobina lista vrste Ranunculus acris uzgojene u Botaničkom vrtu u Zagrebu iz sjemenki sabranih s matičnih biljaka jedne populacije iz Gornje Stubice. Kroz 100 dana 60 biljaka je podvrgnuto različitim količinama sunčevog zračenja. Kvantitativni podaci mjerenih osobina dobiveni su prije i poslije izloženosti biljaka intenzivnom sunčevom zračenju / dubokoj zasjenjenosti i statistički obrađeni. Provjera normalne distribucije varijabli provedena je Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom a pojava fenotipske plastičnosti i razvojne varijabilnosti Mann-Whitney testom. Vrijednosti dobivenih izračuna prikazane su histogramima. Ustanovljena je očekivana visoka varijabilnost u dimenzijama i brojnosti mjerenih karakteristika lista, visoka povezanost broja lisnih vrhova sa lisnim vrhovima srednjeg isperka lista kao i visoka povezanost između širine i duljine lista. Najveće korelacije između nekih varijabli prikazane su scatter-dijagramima. Većina karakteristika je normalno distribuirana. Fenotipska plastičnost je ustanovljena za duljinu peteljke lista i brojnost razvijenih listova. Varijabilnost jedinke u vremenu utvrđena je za sve proučavane karakteristike lista.This thesis analyzes the characteristics of eight leaves of Ranunculus acris grown in the Botanical garden in Zagreb, from the seeds collected from parent plants of a population from Gornja Stubica. During 100 days 60 plants were subject to different amounts of solar radiation. Quantitative data of the measured traits was obtained before and after the intense exposure to the sunlight/deep opacity. Afterwards that same data was statistically analyzed. Normal distribution verification of variables was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test while the occurrence of phenotypic plasticity and developmental variability was discovered using the Mann-Whitney test. Values obtained from both calculations are shown in histograms. The following was discovered: there was the expected high variability in dimensions and abundance of measured characteristics of the leaves, the high correlation of number of leaf tops and the middle barb leaf tops, and the high correlation between the width and the length of the leaf. The highest correlations between some variables are shown in scatter-diagrams. Most characteristics are normally distributed. Phenotypic plasticity has been identified for the leaf stalk length and the abundance of developed leaves. Unit variability in time was found for all studied leaf characteristics

    Linearized solutions of kinematic problems of seismic body waves in inhomogeneous slightly anisotropic media

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    The linearization approach to the evaluation of travel-times of seismic body waves propagating in inhomogeneous, slightly anisotropic media is discussed. General linearization equations are specified both for quasi-compressional and quasi-shear waves. Various situations of seismological interest are investigated in detail. This applies, e.g., to the situation where the unperturbed medium is isotropic and to the case where the unperturbed ray is a plane curve. The numerical examples presented suggest that the linearization approach gives travel-times of seismic body waves with an accuracy sufficient to solve direct and inverse kinematic problems for inhomogeneous anisotropic models of the Earth's crust and the uppermost mantle.           ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y051821 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/175 &nbsp

    Gaussian beams and paraxial ray approximation in three-dimensional elastic inhomogeneous media

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    The elastodynamic Gaussian beams in 3D elastic inhomogeneous media are derived as asymptotic high-frequency one-way solutions of the elastodynamic equation concentrated close to rays of P and S waves. In this case, the elastodynamic equation is reduced to a parabolic (Schroedinger) equation which further leads to a matrix Riccati equation and the transport equation. Both these equations can be simply solved along the ray, the first numerically and the other analytically. The amplitude profile of the principal displacement component of the elastodynamic Gaussian beams is Gaussian in the plane perpendicular to the ray, with its maximum at the ray. The Gaussian beams are regular along the whole ray, even at caustics. As a limiting case of infinitely broad Gaussian beams, the paraxial ray approximation is obtained. The properties and possible applications of Gaussian beams and paraxial ray approximations in the numerical modelling of seismic wave fields in 3D inhomogeneous media are discussed.           ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y030593 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/142 &nbsp

    Ray theoretical seismograms for laterally inhomogeneous structures

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    Applications of the ray method to the construction of theoretical seismograms for laterally varying layered structures are discussed. Numerical examples are presented. It is shown that the refracted waves are very sensitive to the curvature of interfaces. Certain modifications and improvements of ray theoretical seismograms to increase their accuracy are suggested.           ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y076019 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/217 &nbsp

    Gaussian beam synthetic seismograms

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    Numerical modelling of high-frequency seismic wave fields in complex, 2-D and 3-D, laterally varying, layered structures by the summation of elastodynamic Gaussian beams is discussed. The main attention is devoted to the expansion of the wave field into Gaussian beams, to the choice of initial parameters of Gaussian beams in these expansions and to the construction of synthetic seismograms. The Gaussian beam synthetic seismograms are regular even in regions where the ray method fails, such as the caustic region, critical region, etc. Due to the smoothing effects involved in the Gaussian beam procedure, the method is not too sensitive to the approximation of the medium and to minor details of the model. Moreover, the method does not require two-point (source-to-receiver) ray tracing. The eyaluation of Gaussian beam synthetic seismograms requires approximately the same amount of computer time as the evaluation of ray synthetic seismograms. The memory requirements are also approximately the same. Numerical examples of Gaussian beam synthetic seismograms for 2-D and 3-D structures are presented. Various possible applications of Gaussian beams to seismological problem of practical importance are outlined.           ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y058811 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/144 &nbsp

    Phenotypic plasticity of leaves Ranunculus acris L. (Ranunculaceae) in different light conditions

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    U ovom diplomskom radu je analizirano osam osobina lista vrste Ranunculus acris uzgojene u Botaničkom vrtu u Zagrebu iz sjemenki sabranih s matičnih biljaka jedne populacije iz Gornje Stubice. Kroz 100 dana 60 biljaka je podvrgnuto različitim količinama sunčevog zračenja. Kvantitativni podaci mjerenih osobina dobiveni su prije i poslije izloženosti biljaka intenzivnom sunčevom zračenju / dubokoj zasjenjenosti i statistički obrađeni. Provjera normalne distribucije varijabli provedena je Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom a pojava fenotipske plastičnosti i razvojne varijabilnosti Mann-Whitney testom. Vrijednosti dobivenih izračuna prikazane su histogramima. Ustanovljena je očekivana visoka varijabilnost u dimenzijama i brojnosti mjerenih karakteristika lista, visoka povezanost broja lisnih vrhova sa lisnim vrhovima srednjeg isperka lista kao i visoka povezanost između širine i duljine lista. Najveće korelacije između nekih varijabli prikazane su scatter-dijagramima. Većina karakteristika je normalno distribuirana. Fenotipska plastičnost je ustanovljena za duljinu peteljke lista i brojnost razvijenih listova. Varijabilnost jedinke u vremenu utvrđena je za sve proučavane karakteristike lista.This thesis analyzes the characteristics of eight leaves of Ranunculus acris grown in the Botanical garden in Zagreb, from the seeds collected from parent plants of a population from Gornja Stubica. During 100 days 60 plants were subject to different amounts of solar radiation. Quantitative data of the measured traits was obtained before and after the intense exposure to the sunlight/deep opacity. Afterwards that same data was statistically analyzed. Normal distribution verification of variables was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test while the occurrence of phenotypic plasticity and developmental variability was discovered using the Mann-Whitney test. Values obtained from both calculations are shown in histograms. The following was discovered: there was the expected high variability in dimensions and abundance of measured characteristics of the leaves, the high correlation of number of leaf tops and the middle barb leaf tops, and the high correlation between the width and the length of the leaf. The highest correlations between some variables are shown in scatter-diagrams. Most characteristics are normally distributed. Phenotypic plasticity has been identified for the leaf stalk length and the abundance of developed leaves. Unit variability in time was found for all studied leaf characteristics